# Recalculates the NMF basis matrix difference between each pair of splits
#' @importFrom NMF nmf
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @import doRNG
refit_splits = function(orig.splits, curr.subj, T, x, n.rep, n.rank, alg.type){
# orig.splits = splitting times for subjects, contains the ranks for left and right used as well
# curr.subj = data for current subject
# x = time series of time
# T = number of time points in the data set
# n.rep = number of times to run the NMF algorithm for statistical inference
# n.rank = value of rank to use in the NMF function
# alg.type = algorithm type -> check ?nmf for details, under "method"
# Output will be saved as refit.results
refit.results = list()
# Find the splits where the loss metric is reduced
reduced.splits = orig.splits[orig.splits$chg.loss < 0, ]
# Order the vector from smallest to largest, add 0 to beggining and T to end
split.times = c(0,sort(reduced.splits$T.split),T)
for (ij in 1:(length(split.times)-2)){
# Print the current split being evaluated
print(paste("Refitting split at", split.times[ij+1]))
# Define the lower and upper parts of the split, as well as the ind.interval of time points
lower1 = split.times[ij]
T.split = split.times[ij+1]
upper1 = split.times[ij+2]
# Loop through to find the sum of the left and right sides for each run
curr.results = foreach(i = 1:n.rep, .combine = "c", .export = "nmf") %dorng% {
# Fit NMF to the left and right sides
l.NMF = nmf(curr.subj[which(x<=T.split & x>lower1),], rank=n.rank, method=alg.type)
r.NMF = nmf(curr.subj[which(x<=upper1 & x>T.split),], rank=n.rank, method=alg.type)
return(sum(l.NMF@residuals + r.NMF@residuals))
# Compile results into refit.results matrix
refit.results[[ij]] = curr.results
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