
Defines functions fourier.numeric fourier.tbl_ts fourier season.numeric season.tbl_ts season trend.numeric trend.tbl_ts trend no_xreg model_xreg

globalVariables(c("self", "origin"))

#' @importFrom stats model.frame
model_xreg <- function(...) {
  model_formula <- new_formula(
    lhs = NULL,
    rhs = reduce(enexprs(...), function(.x, .y) call2("+", .x, .y))
  env <- map(enquos(...), get_env)
  env[map_lgl(env, compose(is_empty, env_parents))] <- NULL
  env <- if (!is_empty(env)) get_env(env[[1]]) else base_env()
  out <- model.frame(model_formula, data = env, na.action = stats::na.pass)

no_xreg <- function(...) {
  abort("Exogenous regressors are not supported for this model type.")

trend <- function(x, knots = NULL, origin = NULL) {

trend.tbl_ts <- function(x, knots = NULL, origin = NULL) {
  idx_num <- as.double(x[[index_var(x)]])
  knots_num <- if (is.null(knots)) {
  } else {
  index_interval <- default_time_units(interval(x))
  idx_num <- idx_num / index_interval
  knots_num <- knots_num / index_interval
  if (!is.null(origin)) {
    origin <- as.double(origin) / index_interval

  trend(idx_num, knots_num, origin)

trend.numeric <- function(x, knots = NULL, origin = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(origin)) {
    origin <- origin - 1 # trend should count from 1
    x <- x - origin
    knots <- knots - origin
  knots_exprs <- map(knots, function(.x) pmax(0, x - .x))
  knots_exprs <- set_names(
    map_chr(knots, function(.x) paste0("trend_", format(.x)))
    trend = x,

season <- function(x, period) {

season.tbl_ts <- function(x, period) {
  idx_num <- as.double(x[[index_var(x)]])
  index_interval <- default_time_units(interval(x))
  idx_num <- idx_num / index_interval
  period <- get_frequencies(period, x, .auto = "smallest")

  season(idx_num, period)

season.numeric <- function(x, period) {
  season_exprs <- map(period, function(.x) expr(factor(floor((x %% (!!.x)) + 1), levels = seq_len(!!.x))))
  season_exprs <- set_names(season_exprs, names(period) %||% paste0("season_", period))

fourier <- function(x, period, K, origin = NULL) {

fourier.tbl_ts <- function(x, period, K, origin = NULL) {
  idx_num <- as.double(x[[index_var(x)]])
  index_interval <- default_time_units(interval(x))
  idx_num <- idx_num / index_interval
  if (!is.null(origin)) {
    origin <- as.double(origin) / index_interval
  period <- get_frequencies(period, x, .auto = "smallest")

  fourier(idx_num, period, K, origin)

fourier.numeric <- function(x, period, K, origin = NULL) {
  if (length(period) != length(K)) {
    abort("Number of periods does not match number of orders")
  if (any(2 * K > period)) {
    abort("K must be not be greater than period/2")

  fourier_exprs <- map2(
    as.numeric(period), K,
    function(period, K) {
      set_names(seq_len(K) / period, paste0(seq_len(K), "_", round(period)))
  ) %>%
    invoke(c, .) %>%
    .[!duplicated(.)] %>%
    map2(., names(.), function(p, name) {
      out <- exprs(C = cospi(2 * !!p * x))
      if (abs(2 * p - round(2 * p)) > .Machine$double.eps) {
        out <- c(out, exprs(S = sinpi(2 * !!p * x)))
      names(out) <- paste0(names(out), name)
    }) %>%
    set_names(NULL) %>%
    unlist(recursive = FALSE)


#' Common exogenous regressors
#' These special functions provide interfaces to more complicated functions within
#' the model formulae interface.
#' @section Specials:
#' \subsection{trend}{
#' The `trend` special includes common linear trend regressors in the model. It also supports piecewise linear trend via the `knots` argument.
#' \preformatted{
#' trend(knots = NULL, origin = NULL)
#' }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `knots`    \tab A vector of times (same class as the data's time index) identifying the position of knots for a piecewise linear trend.\cr
#'   `origin`   \tab An optional time value to act as the starting time for the trend.
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{season}{
#' The `season` special includes seasonal dummy variables in the model.
#' \preformatted{
#' season(period = NULL)
#' }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `period`   \tab The periodic nature of the seasonality. This can be either a number indicating the number of observations in each seasonal period, or text to indicate the duration of the seasonal window (for example, annual seasonality would be "1 year").
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{fourier}{
#' The `fourier` special includes seasonal fourier terms in the model. The maximum order of the fourier terms must be specified using `K`.
#' \preformatted{
#' fourier(period = NULL, K, origin = NULL)
#' }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `period`   \tab The periodic nature of the seasonality. This can be either a number indicating the number of observations in each seasonal period, or text to indicate the duration of the seasonal window (for example, annual seasonality would be "1 year"). \cr
#'   `K`        \tab The maximum order of the fourier terms.\cr
#'   `origin`   \tab An optional time value to act as the starting time for the fourier series.
#' }
#' }
#' @format NULL
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname common_xregs
common_xregs <- list(
  trend = function(knots = NULL, origin = NULL) {
    if (is.null(origin)) {
      if (is.null(self$origin)) {
        self$origin <- self$data[[index_var(self$data)]][[1]]
      origin <- self$origin
    as.matrix(fable:::trend(self$data, knots, origin))
  season = function(period = NULL) {
    as_model_matrix(fable:::season(self$data, period))
  fourier = function(period = NULL, K, origin = NULL) {
    if (is.null(origin)) {
      if (is.null(self$origin)) {
        self$origin <- self$data[[index_var(self$data)]][[1]]
      origin <- self$origin
    as.matrix(fable:::fourier(self$data, period, K, origin))

as_model_matrix <- function(tbl) {
  stats::model.matrix(~., data = tbl)[, -1, drop = FALSE]

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fable documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:25 a.m.