#' Create a fake base of tickets
#' A fake base of customer support tickets
#' @param n the number of clients
#' @param local the local of the base. Currently supported : "fr_FR" and "en_US".
#' @param seed the random seed, default is 2811
#' @importFrom withr with_seed
#' @importFrom charlatan ch_name ch_credit_card_provider ch_job
#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_not
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select rename as_tibble left_join tibble sample_n tibble
#' @importFrom stats runif rnorm rlnorm rbeta
#' @examples
#' fake_base_clients(n = 10)
#' fake_base_clients(n = 10, local = "fr_FR")
#' @return A dataframe of fake clients.
#' @export
fake_base_clients <- function(
local = c("en_US", "fr_FR"),
seed = 2811
) {
stop_if_not(n, is.numeric, "Please provide a numeric value for `n`")
priority_levels <- c("Bronze", "Silver", "Gold", "Platinium")
local <- match.arg(local)
# Sample region/dpt with frequency according to region
# Comment: Best random number is when vector is size of data
# Hence, runif on unique(.$region)
reg_dpt <- fakir::fra_sf %>%
select(region, departement, id_dpt) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
region = unique(.$region),
freq = runif(length(unique(.$region)), 0, 100)
by = "region"
) %>%
sample_n(n, weight = freq, replace = TRUE) %>%
select(-freq) %>%
region = with_random_na(region),
departement = with_random_na(departement)
seed = seed,
res <- suppressWarnings(
name = ch_name(n = n, locale = local),
job = with_random_na(ch_job(n = n, locale = local)),
# age = sample(18:75, n, replace = TRUE),
region = reg_dpt$region,
id_dpt = reg_dpt$id_dpt,
departement = reg_dpt$departement,
entry_date = Sys.time() - abs(rnorm(n, 0, sd = 2) * 365 * 24 * 3600),
cb_provider = with_random_na(ch_credit_card_provider(n = n))
) %>%
# separate(col = name, into = c("first", "last"), sep = " ", extra = "merge", fill = "right") %>%
first = gsub("([^ ]*).*", "\\1", name),
last = gsub("[^ ]* ([^ ]*)", "\\1", name)
) %>%
arrange(entry_date) %>%
# Client info
num_client = as.character(1:n),
fidelity_points = round(
# rlnorm(n, log(as.numeric(Sys.Date() - as.Date(entry_date))), sdlog = 0.5)
as.numeric(Sys.Date() - as.Date(entry_date)),
sd = 0.5 * max(as.numeric(Sys.Date() - as.Date(.$entry_date)))
) %>%
# Age depending on point_fidelite with beta noise
age = round(18 + (85 - 18) * rbeta(
(5 * fidelity_points / max(.$fidelity_points)) /
(1 - fidelity_points / max(.$fidelity_points)),
)) %>% with_random_na(),
# priorite = sample(c("Gold","Silver","Bronze", "Platinium"), vol, replace = TRUE),
# priorite_encoded = recode(priorite, Bronze = 1L, Silver = 2L, Gold = 3L, Platinium = 4L),
# priorite depending on fidelite
priority_encoded = pmax(
as.numeric(cut(.$fidelity_points, breaks = 4)) +
round(rnorm(n, 0, 0.5)),
priority = factor(
levels = priority_levels
) %>%
select(num_client, first, last, job, age, region, id_dpt, departement, cb_provider, everything())
if (local == "fr_FR") {
res <- res %>%
prenom = first,
nom = last,
nom_complet = name,
gestionnaire_cb = cb_provider,
priorite = priority,
priorite_encodee = priority_encoded,
points_fidelite = fidelity_points
structure(res, class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
#' Base ticket client
#' Une fausse base client de ticket Telecom
#' @param vol le nombre de tickets a retourner
#' @param x Optionnal. fake client data base
#' @param n Number of clients in the client database if x not provided
#' @param split la base doit elle ĂȘtre separee en deux ?
#' @param seed fixe la graine aleatoire
#' @param local the local of the base. Currently supported : "fr_FR" and "en_US".
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom withr with_seed
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr select recode arrange everything sample_n
#' @importFrom purrr map rerun as_vector
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom lubridate year month day
#' @importFrom stats runif rnorm rlnorm
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item Same client can have multiple tickets
#' \item Some clients are more sampled than others
#' \item Some types are more sampled than others
#' \item Some etat are more sampled than others
#' }
#' @examples
#' x <- fake_ticket_client(1000, split = TRUE)
#' plot(x$clients$entry_date, x$clients$fidelity_points)
#' barplot(table(x$tickets$type))
#' barplot(table(x$tickets$state))
#' @export
#' @return A dataframe of fake tickets.
fake_ticket_client <- function(
n = 200,
split = FALSE,
seed = 2811,
local = c("en_US", "fr_FR")
) {
local <- match.arg(local)
state_level <- c("En cours", "Attente confirmation client", "Attente validation", "Intervention technicien", "Termine")
source_level <- c("Local", "France", "Europe", "International")
if (missing(x)) {
x <- fake_base_clients(n = n, seed = seed, local = local)
seed = seed,
res <- suppressWarnings(
# client
x %>%
sample_n(vol, weight = runif(nrow(.), 0.5, 1), replace = TRUE) %>%
# Ticket info
ref = paste0("DOSS-", as_vector(rerun(vol, sample(LETTERS, 4)) %>% map(paste0, collapse = "")), "-", formatC(1:vol, width = nchar(vol) + 1, flag = "0")),
timestamp = as.Date(entry_date) + round(runif(nrow(.), 0, Sys.Date() - as.Date(entry_date))),
year = year(timestamp),
month = month(timestamp),
day = day(timestamp),
# an = sample((as.numeric(format(min(entry_date), "%Y")) + 1):
# (as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")) - 1),
# vol, replace = TRUE),
# mois = sample(1:12, vol, replace = TRUE),
# jour = sample(1:28, vol, replace = TRUE),
# point_fidelite = sample(1:10000, vol, replace = TRUE),
# fidelity depending on date
# timestamp = paste(an, mois, jour, sep = "-"),
supported = sample(c("Oui", "Non"), vol, TRUE),
supported_encoded = recode(supported, Oui = 1L, Non = 0L),
type = with_random_na(sample(c("Installation", "Box", "Ligne"), vol, prob = runif(3, 0.25, 1), replace = TRUE)),
type_encoded = recode(type, Installation = 1L, Box = 2L, Ligne = 3L),
state = factor(
sample(state_level, vol, prob = runif(5, 0.25, 1), replace = TRUE),
levels = state_level
source_call = factor(
sample(source_level, vol, replace = TRUE),
) %>%
arrange(year, month, day) %>%
select(ref, everything())
if (local == "fr_FR") {
res <- res %>%
pris_en_charge = supported,
pris_en_charge_code = supported_encoded,
etat = state,
source_appel = source_call,
annee = year,
mois = month,
jour = day
if (!split) {
} else if (local == "fr_FR") {
clients = x,
tickets = res %>% select(ref, num_client, annee, mois, jour, timestamp, pris_en_charge, type, etat, source_appel)
} else {
clients = x,
tickets = res %>% select(ref, num_client, year, month, day, timestamp, supported, type, state, source_call)
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