#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R
#' @include Normalisation.R
# Parametric ComBat object -----------------------------------------------------
contains = "featureInfoParametersNormalisationShiftScale",
slots = list("method" = "character"),
prototype = list("method" = NA_character_))
# Non-parametric ComBat object -------------------------------------------------
contains = "featureInfoParametersNormalisationShiftScale",
slots = list("method" = "character"),
prototype = list("method" = NA_character_))
# Only included in .get_available_batch_normalisation_methods
.get_available_combat_parametric_normalisation_methods <- function() {
return(c("combat", "combat_p", "combat_parametric"))
# Only included in .get_available_batch_normalisation_methods
.get_available_combat_non_parametric_normalisation_methods <- function() {
return(c("combat_np", "combat_non_parametric"))
# add_feature_info_parameters (parametric ComBat, data.table) ------------------
object = "featureInfoParametersNormalisationParametricCombat",
data = "data.table"),
...) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
feature <- batch_id <- NULL
# Check if all required parameters have been set.
if (feature_info_complete(object)) return(object)
# Generate a replacement object that uses univariate
# standardisation.
replacement_object <- ..create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = object@name,
method = "standardisation",
batch = object@batch)
# Select the current feature and batch from batch_parameter_data.
batch_parameter_data <- batch_parameter_data[feature == object@name & batch_id == object@batch, ]
# If the batch parameter data are empty, attempt to use univariate
# standardisation.
if (is_empty(batch_parameter_data)) {
object = replacement_object,
data = data))
# If shift and scale parameters are not finite, attempt to use univariate
# standardisation.
if (!is.finite(batch_parameter_data$norm_shift) || !is.finite(batch_parameter_data$norm_scale)) {
object = replacement_object,
data = data))
# Set shift and scale parameters.
object@shift <- batch_parameter_data$norm_shift
object@scale <- batch_parameter_data$norm_scale
# Check for scales which are close to 0
if (object@scale < 2.0 * .Machine$double.eps) object@scale <- 1.0
# Mark complete.
object@complete <- TRUE
# add_feature_info_parameters (non-parametric ComBat, data.table) --------------
object = "featureInfoParametersNormalisationNonParametricCombat",
data = "data.table"),
...) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
feature <- batch_id <- NULL
# Check if all required parameters have been set.
if (feature_info_complete(object)) return(object)
# Generate a replacement object that uses univariate
# standardisation.
replacement_object <- ..create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = object@name,
method = "standardisation",
batch = object@batch)
# Select the current feature and batch from batch_parameter_data.
batch_parameter_data <- batch_parameter_data[feature == object@name & batch_id == object@batch, ]
# If the batch parameter data are empty, attempt to use univariate
# standardisation.
if (is_empty(batch_parameter_data)) {
object = replacement_object,
data = data))
# If shift and scale parameters are not finite, attempt to use
# univariate standardisation.
if (!is.finite(batch_parameter_data$norm_shift) || !is.finite(batch_parameter_data$norm_scale)) {
object = replacement_object,
data = data))
# Set shift and scale parameters.
object@shift <- batch_parameter_data$norm_shift
object@scale <- batch_parameter_data$norm_scale
# Check for scales which are close to 0
if (object@scale < 2.0 * .Machine$double.eps) object@scale <- 1.0
# Mark complete.
object@complete <- TRUE
.compute_combat_batch_normalisation_z_matrix <- function(data, feature_names) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
value <- n <- is_valid <- invariant <- n_features <- NULL
gamma_hat <- .NATURAL <- NULL
# Get the batch identifier column.
batch_id_column <- get_id_columns(single_column = "batch")
# Set a minimum threshold for valid sample sizes
min_valid_samples <- 10
min_valid_features <- 3
# Convert the table from wide to long format
x <- data.table::melt(
data[, mget(c(batch_id_column, feature_names))],
id.vars = batch_id_column, = "feature", = "value")
# Sum the number of instances with a valid value, and determine whether all
# values are singular.
aggregate_table <- x[, list(
"n" = sum(is.finite(value)),
"invariant" = is_singular_data(value)),
by = c(batch_id_column, "feature")]
# A feature/batch combination is valid if it is not invariant and has
# sufficient instances with a finite value.
aggregate_table[, "is_valid" := invariant == FALSE & n >= min_valid_samples]
# Determine the number of features available in each batch.
aggregate_table[, "n_features" := sum(is_valid), by = c(batch_id_column)]
# If a batch does not have sufficient features (3 or more), mark as invalid.
aggregate_table[n_features < min_valid_features, "is_valid" := FALSE]
# Drop invariant and n_features columns, as these are no longer required.
aggregate_table[, ":="("n_features" = NULL, "invariant" = NULL)]
# First select for which combat can be used. This table is called z,
# after the name for standardized data in Johnson et al. Note that overall
# standardisation is conducted prior to batch-normalisation in familiar, and
# is external to this function.
z <- x[aggregate_table[is_valid == TRUE], on = .NATURAL]
if (!is_empty(z)) {
# Remove NA or infinite values.
z <- z[is.finite(value)]
# Determine the mean (gamma_hat) of each feature in each batch.
z[, "gamma_hat" := mean(value), by = c(batch_id_column, "feature")]
# Determine the variance (delta_hat_squared) of each feature in each batch.
z[, "delta_hat_squared" := 1 / n * sum((value - gamma_hat)^2.0), by = c(batch_id_column, "feature")]
} else {
z <- NULL
.combat_iterative_parametric_bayes_solver <- function(
tolerance = 0.0001,
max_iterations = 20,
cl = NULL,
progress_bar = FALSE) {
# In the empirical Bayes approach with parametric priors, the posterior
# estimations of gamma and delta_squared are iteratively optimised.
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
gamma_hat <- delta_hat_squared <- NULL
# Check that z is not empty.
if (is_empty(z)) return(NULL)
# Get the batch identifier column.
batch_id_column <- get_id_columns(single_column = "batch")
# Create new table by removing value and taking only unique rows.
z_short <- unique(data.table::copy(z)[, "value" := NULL])
# Determine gamma_bar, which is the average value of gamma_hat across
# features within each batch. 1 value per batch.
z_short[, "gamma_bar" := mean(gamma_hat), by = batch_id_column]
# Determine tau_bar_squared, which is the prior for variance in the normal
# distribution of gamma_hat. 1 value per batch.
z_short[, "tau_bar_squared" := stats::var(gamma_hat), by = batch_id_column]
# Determine lambda_bar (also called alpha) priors for the inverse gamma
# distribution according to Johnson et al, supplement A3.1. 1 value per batch
z_short[, "lambda_bar" := ..combat_lambda_prior(delta_hat_squared), by = batch_id_column]
# Determine theta_bar (also called beta) priors according to Johnson et al.
# supplement A3.1. 1 value per batch
z_short[, "theta_bar" := ..combat_theta_prior(delta_hat_squared), by = batch_id_column]
# Split by batch.
batch_parameters <- fam_lapply_lb(
cl = cl,
assign = NULL,
X = split(z, by = batch_id_column),
FUN = ..combat_iterative_parametric_bayes_solver,
progress_bar = progress_bar,
z_short = z_short,
tolerance = tolerance,
max_iterations = max_iterations)
# Concatenate to single table.
batch_parameters <- data.table::rbindlist(batch_parameters)
..combat_iterative_parametric_bayes_solver <- function(
max_iterations) {
# Perform the actual parametric estimations within each batch. Called from the
# .combat_iterative_parametric_bayes_solver function
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
batch_id <- NULL
value <- n <- gamma_hat <- tau_bar_squared <- gamma_bar <- gamma_star_new <- sum_squared_error <- NULL
delta_star_squared_old <- delta_star_squared_new <- delta_hat_squared <- theta_bar <- lambda_bar <- NULL
# Get the batch identifier column.
batch_id_column <- get_id_columns(single_column = "batch")
# Limit z_short to the current batch.
current_batch_id <- z[[batch_id_column]][1]
z_short <- data.table::copy(z_short[batch_id == current_batch_id])
# Initialise conditional posteriors. 1 value per feature per batch.
z_short[, ":="(
"gamma_star_old" = gamma_hat,
"delta_star_squared_old" = delta_hat_squared)]
# Convergence update value.
convergence_update <- 1.0
iteration_count <- 0
while (convergence_update > tolerance && iteration_count < max_iterations) {
# Update the conditional gamma star posterior.
z_short[, "gamma_star_new" := ..combat_gamma_posterior(
n = n,
tau_bar_squared = tau_bar_squared,
gamma_hat = gamma_hat,
delta_star_squared = delta_star_squared_old,
gamma_bar = gamma_bar)]
# Merge z_short back into z prior to computing the sum squared error.
z_new <- merge(
x = z[, mget(c(batch_id_column, "feature", "value"))],
y = z_short[, mget(c(batch_id_column, "feature", "gamma_star_new"))],
by = c(batch_id_column, "feature"),
all = TRUE)
# Compute sum squared error in equation 3.1 for the delta_star_squared posterior.
z_new <- z_new[, list(
"sum_squared_error" = sum((value - gamma_star_new)^2)),
by = c(batch_id_column, "feature")]
z_short <- merge(
x = z_short,
y = z_new,
by = c(batch_id_column, "feature"),
all = TRUE)
# Update the conditional delta_star_squared posterior.
z_short[, "delta_star_squared_new" := ..combat_delta_squared_posterior(
theta_bar = theta_bar,
sum_squared_error = sum_squared_error,
n = n,
lambda_bar = lambda_bar)]
# Update convergence
convergence_update <- max(
abs((z_short$gamma_star_new - z_short$gamma_star_old) / z_short$gamma_star_old),
abs((z_short$delta_star_squared_new - z_short$delta_star_squared_old) / z_short$delta_star_squared_old))
# Replace old posterior values
z_short[, ":="(
"gamma_star_old" = gamma_star_new,
"delta_star_squared_old" = delta_star_squared_new,
"sum_squared_error" = NULL)]
iteration_count <- iteration_count + 1
# Store delta_star
z_short[, "delta_star" := sqrt(delta_star_squared_new)]
# Rename gamma_star_new and delta_star_squared_new
x = z_short,
old = c("gamma_star_new", "delta_star"),
new = c("norm_shift", "norm_scale"))
return(z_short[, mget(c(batch_id_column, "feature", "norm_shift", "norm_scale", "n"))])
.combat_non_parametric_bayes_solver <- function(
n_sample_features = 50,
cl = NULL,
progress_bar = TRUE) {
# Computes batch parameters using non-parametric priors. Sadly, this seems to
# be an O(2) problem because it compares each feature with every other
# feature. Johnson et al. We may be able to cheat a bit by subsampling the
# feature space, so that we have O(n_features * n_sample_features) instead of
# O(n_features * (n_features-1)).
# One of the datasets of Johnson et al. had 54000 features, which led to
# 2.916E9 computations times 3 batches that took about an hour to complete.
# Using n_sample_features=50, this would have been 3 * 2.7E6 computations,
# which is more tractable, and scales way better.
# Check if z is not empty.
if (is_empty(z)) return(NULL)
# Create a shortened table containing gamma_hat and delta_hat_squared
# parameters for each feature and batch. If we make this function parallel at
# one point, I prefer not to distribute z (in its entirety) to clusters, due
# to memory issues.
z_short <- unique(data.table::copy(z)[, "value" := NULL])
# Iterate over batches and features to obtain batch parameters.
batch_parameters <- fam_lapply(
cl = cl,
assign = NULL,
X = split(
by = c(get_id_columns(single_column = "batch"), "feature"),
drop = TRUE),
FUN = ..combat_non_parametric_bayes_solver,
progress_bar = progress_bar,
z_short = z_short,
n_sample_features = n_sample_features,
chopchop = TRUE)
# Concatenate to single table.
batch_parameters <- data.table::rbindlist(batch_parameters)
..combat_non_parametric_bayes_solver <- function(
n_sample_features) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
batch_id <- feature <- NULL
# Get the batch identifier column.
batch_id_column <- get_id_columns(single_column = "batch")
# Limit z_short to the current batch.
current_batch_id <- z[[batch_id_column]][1]
# Select the current cohort from z_short. Note that like in sva and other
# codes, we interpret the g"=1...G in the supplement of Johnson et al. to
# indicate that the current feature is not directly considered.
z_short <- data.table::copy(z_short[batch_id == current_batch_id & feature != z$feature[1]])
# Find the number of features that are used to compute w_ig".
features <- z_short$feature
# Adapt the number of sample features.
n_sample_features <- ifelse(n_sample_features > length(features), length(features), n_sample_features)
# Find the selected features
selected_features <- fam_sample(
size = n_sample_features,
replace = FALSE)
# Make selection
z_short <- droplevels(z_short[feature %in% selected_features])
# Compute data for the weights w_ig that are used to reconstruct gamma_star
# and delta_star_squared for the selected feature in the calling function.
# (the selected_features variable contains the set difference of all
# difference and the feature in the calling features.)
weight_data <- lapply(
split(z_short, by = "feature", sorted = FALSE),
function(prior_pair, x) {
# Compute sum((x-gamma_hat)^2) term in the product of the probability
# density functions of the normal distribution over x.
sum_squared_error <- sum((x - prior_pair$gamma_hat[1])^2)
# Compute w_ig" = L(Z_ig | gamma_hat_ig", delta_hat_squared_ig")
# for the current feature in g".
w_ig <- 1.0 / (2.0 * pi * prior_pair$delta_hat_squared[1])^(length(x) / 2) *
exp(-sum_squared_error / (2 * prior_pair$delta_hat_squared[1]))
# Replace NaNs and other problematic values.
if (!is.finite(w_ig)) w_ig <- 0.0
"feature" = prior_pair$feature[1],
"w" = w_ig,
"gamma_hat" = prior_pair$gamma_hat[1],
"delta_hat_squared" = prior_pair$delta_hat_squared[1]))
x = z$value)
# Combine to data.table
weight_data <- data.table::rbindlist(weight_data)
# Compute gamma_star and delta_star_squared according to Johnson et al.
gamma_star <- sum(weight_data$w * weight_data$gamma_hat) / sum(weight_data$w)
delta_star_squared <- sum(weight_data$w * weight_data$delta_hat_squared) / sum(weight_data$w)
"batch_id" = z[[batch_id_column]][1],
"feature" = z$feature[1],
"norm_shift" = gamma_star,
"norm_scale" = sqrt(delta_star_squared),
"n" = nrow(z)))
..combat_lambda_prior <- function(delta_hat_squared) {
# Computes the lambda prior from Johnson et al. See suppl. A3.1 for more
# details. It seems that the supplement contains an error, where the prior is
# created using V instead of V^2. Since V^2 appears in other code
# implementations of combat (e.g. sva) and is actually found in other
# publications, e.g. ( Manual
# derivation confirms that V^2 should be used.
v <- mean(delta_hat_squared)
s_squared <- stats::var(x = delta_hat_squared)
return((v^2 / s_squared) + 2.0)
..combat_theta_prior <- function(delta_hat_squared) {
# Computes the theta prior from Johnson et al. See suppl. A3.1 for more
# details.
v <- mean(delta_hat_squared)
s_squared <- stats::var(x = delta_hat_squared)
return(v * (1 + (v^2 / s_squared)))
..combat_gamma_posterior <- function(
gamma_bar) {
# Computes conditional posterior for gamma, see equation 3.1 in Johnson et al.
gamma_star <- (n * tau_bar_squared * gamma_hat + delta_star_squared * gamma_bar) /
(n * tau_bar_squared + delta_star_squared)
..combat_delta_squared_posterior <- function(
lambda_bar) {
# Computes conditional posterior for delta_star_squared, see equation 3.1 in Johnson et al.
delta_star_squared <- (theta_bar + 0.5 * sum_squared_error) / (0.5 * n + lambda_bar - 1.0)
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