#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R
# set_data_set_names -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Name datasets for plotting and export
#' @description Tabular exports and figures created from a familiarCollection
#' object can be customised by setting data labels.
#' @details Labels convert internal naming of data sets to the requested label
#' at export or when plotting. Currently assigned labels can be found using
#' the \code{get_data_set_names} method.
#' @param x A familiarCollection object.
#' @param old (optional) Set of old labels to replace.
#' @param new Set of replacement labels. The number of replacement labels should
#' be equal to the number of provided old labels or the full number of labels.
#' If a subset of labels is to be replaced, both \code{old} and \code{new}
#' should be provided.
#' @param order (optional) Ordered set of replacement labels. This is used to
#' provide the order in which the labels should be placed, which affects e.g.
#' levels in a plot. If the ordering is not explicitly provided, the old
#' ordering is used.
#' @return A familiarCollection object with custom names for the data sets.
#' @export
#' @aliases set_data_set_names
#' @seealso * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the
#' familiarCollection class. * \code{\link{get_data_set_names}} for obtaining
#' currently assigned labels.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
old = NULL,
new = NULL,
order = NULL) {
x <- .set_labels(
x = x,
old_label = old,
new_label = new,
new_order = order,
upd_slot = "data_set_labels")
# set_learner_names ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Rename learners for plotting and export
#' @description Tabular exports and figures created from a familiarCollection
#' object can be customised by providing names for the learners.
#' @details Labels convert the internal naming for learners to the requested
#' label at export or when plotting. This enables the use of more specific
#' naming, e.g. changing \code{random_forest_rfsrc} to \code{Random Forest}.
#' Currently assigned labels can be found using the \code{get_learner_names}
#' method.
#' @inheritParams set_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return A familiarCollection object with custom labels for the learners.
#' @export
#' @aliases set_learner_names
#' @seealso * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the
#' familiarCollection class. * \code{\link{get_learner_names}} for obtaining
#' currently assigned labels.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
old = NULL,
new = NULL,
order = NULL) {
x <- .set_labels(
x = x,
old_label = old,
new_label = new,
new_order = order,
upd_slot = "learner_labels")
# set_fs_method_names ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Rename feature selection methods for plotting and export
#' @description Tabular exports and figures created from a familiarCollection
#' object can be customised by providing names for the feature selection
#' methods.
#' @details Labels convert the internal naming for feature selection methods to
#' the requested label at export or when plotting. This enables the use of
#' more specific naming, e.g. changing \code{mim} to \code{Mutual Information
#' Maximisation}. Currently assigned labels can be found using the
#' \code{get_fs_method_names} method.
#' @inheritParams set_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return A familiarCollection object with updated labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases set_fs_method_names
#' @seealso * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the
#' familiarCollection class. * \code{\link{get_fs_method_names}} for obtaining
#' currently assigned labels.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
old = NULL,
new = NULL,
order = NULL) {
x <- .set_labels(
x = x,
old_label = old,
new_label = new,
new_order = order,
upd_slot = "fs_method_labels")
# set_feature_names ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Rename features for plotting and export
#' @description Tabular exports and figures created from a familiarCollection
#' object can be customised by providing names for features.
#' @details Labels convert the internal naming for features to the requested
#' label at export or when plotting. This enables customisation without
#' redoing the analysis with renamed input data. Currently assigned labels can
#' be found using the \code{get_feature_names} method.
#' @inheritParams set_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return A familiarCollection object with updated labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases set_feature_names
#' @seealso * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the
#' familiarCollection class. * \code{\link{get_feature_names}} for obtaining
#' currently assigned feature names.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
old = NULL,
new = NULL,
order = NULL) {
x <- .set_labels(
x = x,
old_label = old,
new_label = new,
new_order = order,
upd_slot = "feature_labels")
# set_risk_group_names ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Rename risk groups for plotting and export
#' @description Tabular exports and figures created from a familiarCollection
#' object can be customised by providing names for risk groups in survival
#' analysis.
#' @details Labels convert the internal naming for risk groups to the requested
#' label at export or when plotting. This enables customisation of risk group
#' names. Currently assigned labels can be found using the
#' \code{get_risk_group_names} method.
#' @inheritParams set_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return A familiarCollection object with updated labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases set_risk_group_names
#' @seealso * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the
#' familiarCollection class. * \code{\link{get_risk_group_names}} for obtaining
#' currently assigned risk group labels.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
old = NULL,
new = NULL,
order = NULL) {
x <- .set_labels(
x = x,
old_label = old,
new_label = new,
new_order = order,
upd_slot = "km_group_labels")
# set_class_names --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Rename outcome classes for plotting and export
#' @description Tabular exports and figures created from a familiarCollection
#' object can be customised by providing names for outcome classes.
#' @details Labels convert the internal naming for class levels to the requested
#' label at export or when plotting. This enables customisation of class
#' names. Currently assigned labels can be found using the
#' \code{get_class_names} method.
#' @inheritParams set_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return A familiarCollection object with updated labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases set_class_names
#' @seealso * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the
#' familiarCollection class. * \code{\link{get_class_names}} for obtaining
#' currently assigned class names.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
old = NULL,
new = NULL,
order = NULL) {
x <- .set_labels(
x = x,
old_label = old,
new_label = new,
new_order = order,
upd_slot = "class_labels")
# get_data_set_names -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Get current name of datasets
#' @description Datasets in familiarCollection objects can have custom names for
#' export and plotting. This function retrieves the currently assigned names.
#' @details Labels convert internal naming of data sets to the requested label
#' at export or when plotting. Labels can be changed using the
#' \code{set_data_set_names} method.
#' @param x A familiarCollection object.
#' @return An ordered array of dataset name labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases get_data_set_names
#' @seealso
#' * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the familiarCollection class.
#' * \code{\link{set_data_set_names}} for updating the name of datasets and their ordering.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "data_set_labels",
get_levels = FALSE))
# get_learner_names ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Get current learner name labels
#' @description Learners in familiarCollection objects can have custom names for
#' export and plotting. This function retrieves the currently assigned names.
#' @details Labels convert internal naming of learners to the requested label at
#' export or when plotting. Labels can be changed using the
#' \code{set_learner_names} method.
#' @inheritParams get_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return An ordered array of learner name labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases get_learner_names
#' @seealso
#' * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the familiarCollection class.
#' * \code{\link{set_learner_names}} for updating the name of learners and their ordering.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "learner_labels",
get_levels = FALSE))
# get_fs_method_names ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Get current feature selection method name labels
#' @description Feature selection methods in familiarCollection objects can have
#' custom names for export and plotting. This function retrieves the currently
#' assigned names.
#' @details Labels convert internal naming of feature selection methods to the
#' requested label at export or when plotting. Labels can be changed using the
#' \code{set_fs_method_names} method.
#' @inheritParams get_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return An ordered array of feature selection method name labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases get_fs_method_names
#' @seealso
#' * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the familiarCollection class.
#' * \code{\link{set_fs_method_names}} for updating the name of feature selection methods and their ordering.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "fs_method_labels",
get_levels = FALSE))
# get_feature_names ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Get current feature labels
#' @description Features in familiarCollection objects can have custom names for
#' export and plotting. This function retrieves the currently assigned names.
#' @details Labels convert internal naming of features to the requested label at
#' export or when plotting. Labels can be changed using the
#' \code{set_feature_names} method.
#' @inheritParams get_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return An ordered array of feature labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases get_feature_names
#' @seealso
#' * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the familiarCollection class.
#' * \code{\link{set_feature_names}} for updating the name and ordering of features.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "feature_labels",
get_levels = FALSE))
# get_risk_group_names ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Get current risk group labels
#' @description Risk groups in familiarCollection objects can have custom names
#' for export and plotting. This function retrieves the currently assigned
#' names.
#' @details Labels convert internal naming of risk groups to the requested label
#' at export or when plotting. Labels can be changed using the
#' \code{set_risk_group_names} method.
#' @inheritParams get_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return An ordered array of risk group labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases get_risk_group_names
#' @seealso
#' * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the familiarCollection class.
#' * \code{\link{set_risk_group_names}} for updating the name and ordering of risk groups.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "km_group_labels",
get_levels = FALSE))
# get_class_names --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Get outcome class labels
#' @description Outcome classes in familiarCollection objects can have custom
#' names for export and plotting. This function retrieves the currently
#' assigned names.
#' @details Labels convert internal class names to the requested label at export
#' or when plotting. Labels can be changed using the \code{set_class_names}
#' method.
#' @inheritParams get_data_set_names,familiarCollection-method
#' @return An ordered array of class labels.
#' @export
#' @aliases get_class_names
#' @seealso
#' * \linkS4class{familiarCollection} for information concerning the familiarCollection class.
#' * \code{\link{set_class_names}} for updating the name and ordering of classes.
#' @md
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "class_labels",
get_levels = FALSE))
# get_data_set_name_levels -----------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "data_set_labels",
get_levels = TRUE))
# get_learner_name_levels ------------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "learner_labels",
get_levels = TRUE))
# get_fs_method_name_levels ----------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "fs_method_labels",
get_levels = TRUE))
# get_feature_name_levels ------------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "feature_labels",
get_levels = TRUE))
# get_risk_group_name_levels ---------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "km_group_labels",
get_levels = TRUE))
# get_class_name_levels --------------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x) {
x = x,
upd_slot = "class_labels",
get_levels = TRUE))
# add_package_version (collection) ---------------------------------------------
signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
function(object) {
# Set version of familiar
return(.add_package_version(object = object))
# save (collection) ------------------------------------------------------------
list = "familiarCollection",
file = "character"),
function(list, file) {
.save(object = list, dir_path = file)
# get_object_name (collection) -------------------------------------------------
signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
abbreviated = FALSE) {
# Get the full name of the object
object_name <- object@name
# show (collection) ------------------------------------------------------------
signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
function(object) {
# Make sure the collection object is updated.
object <- update_object(object = object)
# Create an initial descriptor.
"A collection of datasets (", object@name, "; ",
.familiar_version_string(object), "):\n"))
function(x) cat(paste0(" ", x, "\n")))
# Outcome details
cat("\nThe collection contains data for the following outcome:\n")
# .set_labels ------------------------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
upd_slot) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
label <- NULL
# Make sure the collection object is updated.
x <- update_object(object = x)
# Read the slot
label_table <- slot(x, upd_slot)
# Generate the slot
if (is.null(label_table)) {
x <- .construct_label_table(x = x, upd_slot = upd_slot)
# Read the label table
label_table <- slot(x, upd_slot)
## Label update ------------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(new_label)) {
# Check that the length of new_label is not 0
if (length(new_label) == 0) {
stop("The number of \"new\" labels should be larger than 0.")
# Check for duplicates in new_label
if (anyDuplicated(new_label)) {
warning("The \"new\" labels contain duplicate values.")
# Get old labels, if they were not provided.
if (is.null(old_label)) {
# Check if we can safely assume that the new labels are matching
if (length(new_label) != nrow(label_table)) {
"If \"old\" is not provided explicitly, \"new\" should have the ",
"same length as the currently existing labels."))
# Assume that old is the currently known label
old_label <- label_table$label
# Check for duplicates in old_label
if (anyDuplicated(old_label)) {
stop("The provided \"old\" labels contain duplicate values.")
# Check that length of new_label and old_label are the same
if (length(new_label) != length(old_label)) {
stop("The same number of \"old\" and \"new\" labels should be provided.")
# Check if all old_label entries are actually existing labels.
unrecognised_labels <- old_label[!old_label %in% label_table$label]
if (length(unrecognised_labels) > 0) {
"The following old labels were not found: ",
# Generate a data.table using old_label and new_label
replacement_table <- data.table::data.table(
"label" = old_label,
"new_label" = new_label)
# Merge both tables
label_table <- merge(
x = label_table,
y = replacement_table,
by = "label",
all.x = TRUE)
# Copy old labels to the new_label column for labels that were not
# provided previously
label_table[, "new_label" := label]
# Rename colums
x = label_table,
old = c("label", "new_label"),
new = c("old_label", "label"))
# Drop the "old_label" column as it is no longer required
label_table[, "old_label" := NULL]
## Label order update ------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(new_order)) {
# Update label order based on new_order
# Check that new_order has the same length as the label_table
if (length(new_order) != length(unique(label_table$label))) {
stop("\"order\" should match the number of labels.")
# Check that there are no duplicates in new_order.
if (anyDuplicated(new_order)) {
warning("\"order\" contains duplicate entries.")
# Check that new_order has the same class the label.
if (!is_any(new_order, class(label_table$label))) {
"\"order should have the same class as the label, i.e. ",
paste(class(label_table$label), collapse = " or "), "."))
# Check that there are no elements of new_order that do not appear as a label
unrecognised_labels <- new_order[!new_order %in% label_table$label]
if (length(unrecognised_labels) > 0) {
"The following labels were not found for ordering: ",
# Find the order by matching the label column in the label table with the
# provided labels in new_order
new_label_order <- match(
# Update the label order
label_table[, "label_order" := new_label_order]
# Insert the updated label table into its slot
slot(x, upd_slot) <- label_table
# Return the input object
# .construct_label_table -------------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
function(x, upd_slot) {
# Constructs a new label table if required.
# Do not generate a new table with labels if it already exists
if (!is.null(slot(x, upd_slot))) return(x)
if (upd_slot == "data_set_labels") {
data <- slot(x, "data_sets")
} else if (upd_slot == "learner_labels") {
data <- slot(x, "learner")
} else if (upd_slot == "fs_method_labels") {
data <- slot(x, "fs_method")
} else if (upd_slot == "feature_labels") {
data <- unique(c(
slot(x, "required_features"),
} else if (upd_slot == "km_group_labels") {
data <- unique(c(
"low", "moderate", "high",
unlist(lapply(x@km_data, function(x) (levels(x@data$risk_group))))))
} else if (upd_slot == "class_labels") {
data <- get_outcome_class_levels(x)
} else {
stop("Slot is not available for familiarCollection objects.")
# Add the new label table to the slot
slot(x, upd_slot) <- data.table::data.table(
"internal" = data,
"label" = data,
"label_order" = seq_len(length(data)))
# .get_labels ------------------------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "familiarCollection"),
get_levels = FALSE) {
# Get ordered levels (i.e. internal column from the label table) from the
# specific slot
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
label_order <- NULL
# Make sure the collection object is updated.
x <- update_object(object = x)
# Determine if the slot has been set.
if (is.null(slot(x, upd_slot))) {
x <- .construct_label_table(x = x, upd_slot = upd_slot)
# Read the label table
label_table <- slot(x, upd_slot)
# Order table by label order
label_table <- label_table[order(label_order)]
if (get_levels) {
# Return ordered levels if get_levels is TRUE
} else {
# Return ordered labels
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