
Defines functions ..compute_risk_stratification_hazard_ratio_test .compute_risk_stratification_hazard_ratio_test ..compute_risk_stratification_logrank_test .compute_risk_stratification_logrank_test .compute_risk_stratification_tests ..compute_risk_stratification_curves .compute_risk_stratification_curves ..extract_risk_stratification_data .extract_risk_stratification_data

#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R
#' @include FamiliarDataComputationPredictionData.R

# familiarDataElementRiskStratification (object) -------------------------------
  contains = "familiarDataElementPredictionTable",
  slots = list("time" = "ANY"),
  prototype = methods::prototype(
    bootstrap_ci_method = "percentile",
    ensemble_method = "median",
    estimation_type = "point",
    type = "risk_stratification",
    time = NULL))

# familiarDataElementRiskStrata (object) ---------------------------------------
  contains = "familiarDataElement")

# familiarDataElementRiskHazardRatio (object) ----------------------------------
  contains = "familiarDataElement")

# familiarDataElementRiskLogrank (object) --------------------------------------
  contains = "familiarDataElement")

# extract_risk_stratification_data (generic) -----------------------------------

#'@title Internal function to extract stratification data.
#'@description Computes and extracts stratification data from a
#'  `familiarEnsemble` object. This includes the data required to draw
#'  Kaplan-Meier plots, as well as logrank and hazard-ratio tests between the
#'  respective risk groups.
#'@inheritParams extract_data
#'@return A list with data.tables containing information concerning risk group
#'  stratification.
#'@keywords internal
    cl = NULL,
    is_pre_processed = FALSE,
    ensemble_method = waiver(),
    detail_level = waiver(),
    confidence_level = waiver(),
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE, 
    ...) {

# extract_risk_stratification_data (familiarEnsemble) --------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarEnsemble"),
    cl = NULL,
    is_pre_processed = FALSE,
    ensemble_method = waiver(),
    detail_level = waiver(),
    confidence_level = waiver(),
    stratification_method = waiver(),
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # This mostly follows the same routines as extract_prediction_data. In
    # addition, tests are created during export.
    # Only assess stratification for survival outcomes.
    if (!object@outcome_type %in% c("survival")) return(NULL)
    # Message extraction start
      paste0("Assessing stratification into risk groups."),
      indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)
    # Load confidence alpha from object settings attribute if not provided
    # externally.
    if (is.waive(confidence_level)) {
      confidence_level <- object@settings$confidence_level
    # Check confidence_level input argument
      x = confidence_level, 
      var_name = "confidence_level",
      range = c(0.0, 1.0),
      closed = c(FALSE, FALSE))
    # Obtain ensemble method from stored settings, if required.
    if (is.waive(ensemble_method)) {
      ensemble_method <- object@settings$ensemble_method
    # Check ensemble_method argument
      x = ensemble_method, 
      var_name = "ensemble_method",
      values = .get_available_ensemble_prediction_methods())
    # Check the level detail.
    detail_level <- .parse_detail_level(
      x = detail_level,
      object = object,
      default = "ensemble",
      data_element = "risk_stratification_data")
    # Test if models are properly loaded
    if (!is_model_loaded(object = object)) ..error_ensemble_models_not_loaded()
    # Load models.
    model_list <- ..get_model(object = object)
    if (is_empty(model_list)) return(NULL)
    # Check available stratification methods.
    available_stratification_method <- unique(unlist(lapply(
      function(fam_model) (fam_model@km_info$stratification_method))))
    # Check that any are available.
    if (is.null(available_stratification_method)) return(NULL)
    # Prepare the stratification_method variable for comparison. The default is
    # to use all methods present in the dataset.
    if (is.waive(stratification_method)) {
      stratification_method <- available_stratification_method
    # Check that the stratification method is valid.
      x = stratification_method,
      var_name = "stratification_method",
      values = available_stratification_method)

    # Aggregate data. It does not make sense to keep duplicate rows here.
    data <- aggregate_data(data = data)
    # Generate a prototype data element.
    proto_data_element <- new(
      detail_level = detail_level,
      confidence_level = confidence_level)
    # Generate elements to send to dispatch.
    performance_data <- extract_dispatcher(
      FUN = .extract_risk_stratification_data,
      has_internal_bootstrap = FALSE,
      cl = cl,
      object = object,
      data = data,
      aggregate_results = TRUE,
      stratification_method = stratification_method,
      proto_data_element = proto_data_element,
      is_pre_processed = is_pre_processed,
      ensemble_method = ensemble_method,
      time = object@settings$time_max,
      message_indent = message_indent + 1L,
      verbose = verbose)

.extract_risk_stratification_data <- function(
    cl = NULL,
    ...) {
  # Add model name.
  proto_data_element <- add_model_name(proto_data_element, object = object)
  # Add stratification methods.
  data_elements <- add_data_element_identifier(
    x = proto_data_element,
    stratification_method = stratification_method)
  # Iterate over data elements.
  data_elements <- lapply(
    object = object,
    cl = cl,

..extract_risk_stratification_data <- function(
    cl = NULL,
    ...) {
  # Ensure that the object is loaded
  object <- load_familiar_object(object)
  # Compute performance data.
  prediction_data <- .predict(
    object = object,
    data = data,
    ensemble_method = ensemble_method,
    time = time,
    type = "risk_stratification",
    stratification_method = data_element@identifiers$stratification_method,
    is_pre_processed = is_pre_processed,
    aggregate_results = FALSE)
  # Store the type and ensemble method.
  data_element@type <- "risk_stratification"
  data_element@ensemble_method <- ensemble_method
  # Set outcome type.
  data_element@outcome_type <- object@outcome_type
  # Store the prediction data in the data table.
  data_element@data <- prediction_data
  # Set grouping columns
  data_element@grouping_column <- get_non_feature_columns(object)
  # Set value columns
  data_element@value_column <- setdiff(
  # Set time attribute
  data_element@time <- time

.compute_risk_stratification_curves <- function(x, time_range = NULL) {
  if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
  if (!all_predictions_valid(x@data, outcome_type = "survival")) return(NULL)
  if (!x@is_aggregated) {
      ".compute_risk_stratification_curves: expecting aggregated data.")
  # Copy the data element.
  data <- data.table::copy(x@data)
  # Remove data with missing predictions.
  data <- remove_nonvalid_predictions(
    outcome_type = "survival")
  # Remove data with missing outcomes.
  data <- remove_missing_outcomes(
    data = data,
    outcome_type = "survival")
  # Check that any prediction data remain.
  if (is_empty(data)) return(NULL)
  # Create new element with strata based on x.
  data_element <- methods::new(
    grouping_column = c(
      setdiff(x@grouping_column, c(get_non_feature_columns(x = "survival"))),
    value_column = "survival")
  # Collect strata
  strata <- data[, ..compute_risk_stratification_curves(
    confidence_level = data_element@confidence_level,
    time_range = time_range),
    by = c(data_element@grouping_column),
    .SDcols = c("outcome_time", "outcome_event")]
  # Check that strata are not empty.
  if (is_empty(strata)) return(NULL)
  # Store strata data.
  data_element@data <- strata

..compute_risk_stratification_curves <- function(x, confidence_level, time_range) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  survival <- ci_low <- ci_up <- time <- NULL
  if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
  # Obtain Kaplan-Meier survival curves.
  km_fit <- tryCatch(
      Surv(outcome_time, outcome_event) ~ 1,
      data = x,
      conf.int = confidence_level),
    error = identity)
  # Check if the survival curve could be generated at all. Causes could be lack
  # of events, no events beyond the first time point, etc.
  if (inherits(km_fit, "error")) return(NULL)
  # Extract plotting information
  km_data <- data.table::data.table(
    "time" = km_fit$time,
    "group_size" = km_fit$n.risk,
    "n_event" = km_fit$n.event,
    "n_censor" = km_fit$n.censor,
    "survival" = km_fit$surv,
    "ci_low" = km_fit$lower,
    "ci_up" = km_fit$upper)
  # Add in data at time = 0 if necessary.
  if (min(km_data$time) > 0) {
    km_data <- rbind(data.table::data.table(
      "time" = 0.0,
      "group_size" = km_fit$n,
      "n_event" = 0,
      "n_censor" = 0,
      "survival" = 1.00,
      "ci_low" = km_fit$lower[1],
      "ci_up" = 1.0),
  # Update absent censoring (notably when survival is 0).
  km_data[survival == 0 & is.na(ci_low), "ci_low" := 0.0]
  km_data[survival == 0 & is.na(ci_up), "ci_up" := 0.0]
  # In rare circumstances (i.e. single-sample risk groups), ci_low may be
  # missing at the initial time point.
  km_data[time == 0 & is.na(ci_low), "ci_low" := 0.0]
  if (!is.null(time_range)) {
    # Add an entry at the proximal and distal range edges. This prevents the
    # curve from being cut off prematurely, or starting too late.
    if (is_empty(km_data[time == time_range[1]]) &&
        time_range[1] > min(km_data$time) &&
        time_range[1] < max(km_data$time)) {
      # Select the closest entry prior to the proximal edge, make changes and
      # introduce it back into the data.
      proximal_data <- tail(km_data[time < time_range[1]][order(time)], n = 1L)
      proximal_data[, ":="(
        "time" = time_range[1],
        "n_event" = 0,
        "n_censor" = 0)]
      km_data <- rbind(km_data, proximal_data)[order(time)]
    if (is_empty(km_data[time == time_range[2]]) &&
        time_range[2] > min(km_data$time) &&
        time_range[2] < max(km_data$time)) {
      # Do the same for the distal edge.
      distal_data <- tail(km_data[time < time_range[2]][order(time)], n = 1)
      distal_data[, ":="(
        "time" = time_range[2],
        "n_event" = 0,
        "n_censor" = 0)]
      km_data <- rbind(km_data, distal_data)[order(time)]
    # Limit strata to the time range.
    km_data <- km_data[time >= time_range[1] & time <= time_range[2]]

.compute_risk_stratification_tests <- function(x, time_range) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  outcome_time <- NULL
  if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
  if (!all_predictions_valid(x@data, outcome_type = "survival")) return(NULL)
  if (!x@is_aggregated) {
      ".compute_risk_stratification_test: expecting aggregated data.")
  # Copy the data element.
  data <- data.table::copy(x@data)
  # Remove data without known outcome time, or failed risk-group predictions.
  data <- remove_nonvalid_predictions(
    outcome_type = "survival")
  data <- remove_missing_outcomes(
    data = data,
    outcome_type = "survival")
  if (is_empty(data)) return(NULL)
  # Right-censor the data to the desired time window.
  if (!is.null(time_range)) {
    # Right censor data past the time range.
    data[outcome_time > time_range[2], "outcome_event" := 0]
  # Determine the number of groups.
  n_groups <- data.table::uniqueN(x@data$risk_group)
  # Check that 2 (or more risk groups) are present.
  if (n_groups < 2) return(NULL)
  # Get data from logrank tests.
  logrank_data <- .compute_risk_stratification_logrank_test(
    x = x,
    time_range = time_range)
  # Get data from hazard ratio tests.
  hr_data <- .compute_risk_stratification_hazard_ratio_test(
    x = x,
    confidence_level = x@confidence_level)
  # Return test results
    "logrank" = logrank_data,
    "hazard_ratio" = hr_data))

.compute_risk_stratification_logrank_test <- function(x, time_range) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  p_value <- NULL
  # Create new element with strata based on x.
  data_element <- methods::new(
    grouping_column = c(setdiff(
      c(get_non_feature_columns(x = "survival")))),
    value_column = c("p_value", "p_value_adjusted"))
  # Compute logrank test over all risk groups.
  overall_results <- x@data[, ..compute_risk_stratification_logrank_test(
    x = .SD),
    by = c(data_element@grouping_column),
    .SDcols = c("outcome_time", "outcome_event", "risk_group")]
  # Get all pairs
  pairs <- utils::combn(
    x = unique(x@data$risk_group),
    m = 2L,
    simplify = FALSE)
  # Compute logrank test results over all risk groups.
  pairwise_results <- x@data[, dmapply(
    selected_groups = pairs,
    MoreArgs = list("x" = .SD)),
    by = c(data_element@grouping_column),
    .SDcols = c("outcome_time", "outcome_event", "risk_group")]
  # Compute multiple-testing corrected p-value.
  pairwise_results[, "p_value_adjusted" := stats::p.adjust(p_value, method = "holm"),
                   by = c(data_element@grouping_column)]
  # Combine to single table and return.
  data_element@data <- data.table::rbindlist(
    list(overall_results, pairwise_results),
    use.names = TRUE,
    fill = TRUE)

..compute_risk_stratification_logrank_test <- function(x, selected_groups = NULL) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  risk_group <- NULL
  # Select indicated risk groups and make sure they are both present.
  if (!is.null(selected_groups)) x <- x[risk_group %in% selected_groups]
  # Determine the number of groups.
  n_groups <- data.table::uniqueN(x$risk_group)
  # Check that 2 (or more risk groups) are present.
  if (n_groups < 2) return(NULL)
  # Determine chi-square of log-rank test
  chi_sq <- tryCatch(
      survival::Surv(time = outcome_time, event = outcome_event) ~ risk_group,
      data = x,
      subset = NULL,
      na.action = "na.omit")$chisq,
    error = identity)
  # Check if the test statistic could be computed. Causes could be lack of
  # events, no events beyond the first time point, etc.
  if (inherits(chi_sq, "error")) return(NULL)
  # Derive  p-value
  p_value  <- stats::pchisq(
    q = chi_sq,
    df = n_groups - 1,
    lower.tail = FALSE)
  # In case all groups should be compared, add a place-holder name.
  if (is.null(selected_groups)) {
    risk_group_1 <- risk_group_2 <- "all"
  } else {
    risk_group_1 <- selected_groups[1]
    risk_group_2 <- selected_groups[2]
  # Set data.
  test_data <- data.table::data.table(
    "risk_group_1" = risk_group_1,
    "risk_group_2" = risk_group_2,
    "p_value" = p_value)

.compute_risk_stratification_hazard_ratio_test <- function(x, confidence_level) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  p_value <- NULL
  # Create new element with strata based on x.
  data_element <- methods::new(
    grouping_column = c(setdiff(
      get_non_feature_columns(x = "survival"))),
    value_column = c("p_value", "p_value_adjusted"))
  # Isolate data.
  data <- x@data
  data$risk_group <- droplevels(data$risk_group)
  # Use the first group as reference for ordinal variables.
  reference_groups <- levels(data$risk_group)[1]
  # Compute hazard test results over all risk groups.
  hr_results <- data[, dmapply(
    reference_group = reference_groups,
    MoreArgs = list(
      "x" = .SD,
      "confidence_level" = confidence_level)),
    by = c(data_element@grouping_column),
    .SDcols = c("outcome_time", "outcome_event", "risk_group")]
  # Compute multiple-testing corrected p-value.
  hr_results[, "p_value_adjusted" := stats::p.adjust(p_value, method = "holm"),
             by = c(data_element@grouping_column)]
  # Store to data element.
  data_element@data <- hr_results

..compute_risk_stratification_hazard_ratio_test <- function(
    confidence_level) {
  # Determine the number of groups.
  n_groups <- data.table::uniqueN(x$risk_group)
  # Check that 2 (or more risk groups) are present.
  if (n_groups < 2) return(NULL)
  # Check if the reference group is present.
  if (!any(x$risk_group == reference_group)) return(NULL)
  # Make local copy of x.
  x <- data.table::copy(x)
  # Force the risk_group column to be categorical.
  if (is.factor(x$risk_group)) {
    x$risk_group <- droplevels(x$risk_group)
  } else {
    x$risk_group <- as.factor(x = x$risk_group)
  # Reset the reference risk group
  if (!is.ordered(x$risk_group)) {
    x$risk_group <- stats::relevel(
      ref = reference_group)
  # Create Cox proportional hazards model.
  model <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(
      survival::Surv(time = outcome_time, event = outcome_event) ~ risk_group,
      data = x),
    error = identity))
  # Check if the Cox PH model could not be computed. Causes could be lack of
  # events, no events beyond the first time point, etc.
  if (inherits(model, "error")) return(NULL)
  # Extract summary information concerning hazard ratios
  summary_info <- summary(model, confint = confidence_level)
  # Fill test data.
  test_data <- data.table::data.table(
    "reference_group" = reference_group,
    "risk_group" = levels(x$risk_group)[-1],
    "hazard_ratio" = summary_info$conf.int[, 1],
    "ci_low" = summary_info$conf.int[, 3],
    "ci_up" = summary_info$conf.int[, 4],
    "p_value" = summary_info$coefficients[, 5])
  # Return test results

# export_risk_stratification_data (generic) ------------------------------------

#'@title Extract and export sample risk group stratification and associated
#'  tests.
#'@description Extract and export sample risk group stratification and
#'  associated tests for data in a familiarCollection.
#'@param export_strata Flag that determines whether the raw data or strata are
#'  exported.
#'@param time_range Time range for which strata should be created. If `NULL`,
#'  the full time range is used.
#'@inheritParams export_all
#'@inheritParams export_univariate_analysis_data
#'@inheritDotParams extract_risk_stratification_data
#'@inheritDotParams as_familiar_collection
#'@details Data is usually collected from a `familiarCollection` object.
#'  However, you can also provide one or more `familiarData` objects, that will
#'  be internally converted to a `familiarCollection` object. It is also
#'  possible to provide a `familiarEnsemble` or one or more `familiarModel`
#'  objects together with the data from which data is computed prior to export.
#'  Paths to the previous files can also be provided.
#'  All parameters aside from `object` and `dir_path` are only used if `object`
#'  is not a `familiarCollection` object, or a path to one.
#'  Three tables are exported in a list:
#'  * `data`: Contains the assigned risk group for a given sample, along with
#'  its reported survival time and censoring status.
#'  * `hr_ratio`: Contains the hazard ratio between different risk groups.
#'  * `logrank`: Contains the results from the logrank test between different
#'  risk groups.
#'@return A list of data.tables (if `dir_path` is not provided), or nothing, as
#'  all data is exported to `csv` files.
#'@exportMethod export_risk_stratification_data
#'@rdname export_risk_stratification_data-methods
    dir_path = NULL,
    export_strata = TRUE,
    time_range = NULL,
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {

# export_risk_stratification_data (collection) ---------------------------------

#'@rdname export_risk_stratification_data-methods
  signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
    dir_path = NULL,
    export_strata = TRUE,
    time_range = NULL,
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Make sure the collection object is updated.
    object <- update_object(object = object)
    if (!is.null(time_range)) {
      # Check that time_range is valid.
        var_name = "time_range",
        min = 2,
        max = 2)
        var_name = "time_range",
        range = c(0, Inf))
    if (export_strata) {
      # Compute kaplan-meier curves.
      strata_data <- lapply(
        time_range = time_range)
      # Determine hazard ratio and logrank tests. We do this here because the
      # data needs to be aggregated.
      test_data <- lapply(
        time_range = time_range)
      # Export raw data.
      raw_data <- .export(
        x = object,
        data_slot = "km_data",
        dir_path = dir_path,
        aggregate_results = TRUE,
        type = "stratification",
        subtype = "data")
      # Export strata.
      strata_data <- .export(
        x = object,
        data_elements = strata_data,
        dir_path = dir_path,
        aggregate_results = TRUE,
        type = "stratification",
        subtype = "strata")
      # Export logrank data.
      logrank_data <- .export(
        x = object,
        data_elements = test_data,
        dir_path = dir_path,
        aggregate_results = TRUE,
        object_class = "familiarDataElementRiskLogrank",
        type = "stratification",
        subtype = "logrank")
      # Export hazard ratio data.
      hazard_ratio_data <- .export(
        x = object,
        data_elements = test_data,
        dir_path = dir_path,
        aggregate_results = TRUE,
        object_class = "familiarDataElementRiskHazardRatio",
        type = "stratification",
        subtype = "hazard_ratio")
      data_list <- list(
        "data" = raw_data,
        "strata" = strata_data,
        "logrank" = logrank_data,
        "hazard_ratio_data" = hazard_ratio_data)
      if (export_collection) {
        data_list <- c(
          list("collection" = object))
    } else {
        x = object,
        data_slot = "km_data",
        dir_path = dir_path,
        aggregate_results = TRUE,
        type = "stratification",
        subtype = "data",
        export_collection = export_collection))

# export_risk_stratification_data (general) ------------------------------------

#'@rdname export_risk_stratification_data-methods
  signature(object = "ANY"),
    dir_path = NULL,
    export_strata = TRUE,
    time_range = NULL,
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Attempt conversion to familiarCollection object.
    object <- do.call(
      args = c(
          "object" = object,
          "data_element" = "risk_stratification_data"),
      args = c(
          "object" = object,
          "dir_path" = dir_path,
          "export_strata" = export_strata,
          "export_collection" = export_collection),

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