
Defines functions ..export_vimp_data_elements .extract_model_vimp

#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R

# familiarDataElementVimpData object -------------------------------------------
  contains = "familiarDataElement",
  slots = list(
    "rank_threshold" = "numeric",
    "rank_aggregation_method" = "character"),
  prototype = methods::prototype(
    detail_level = "hybrid",
    estimation_type = "point",
    rank_threshold = NA_real_,
    rank_aggregation_method = NA_character_))

# extract_model_vimp (generic) -------------------------------------------------

#'@title Internal function to extract variable importance from models.
#'@description Aggregate variable importance from models in a
#'  `familiarEnsemble`.
#'@inheritParams extract_data
#'@return A list containing variable importance information.
#'@keywords internal
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE,
    ...) {

# extract_model_vimp (familiarEnsemble) ----------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarEnsemble"),
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Message extraction start
      paste0("Extracting variable importance obtained from the models."),
      indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)
    # Test if models are properly loaded
    if (!is_model_loaded(object = object)) ..error_ensemble_models_not_loaded()
    # Obtain aggregation method from stored settings, if required.
    if (is.waive(aggregation_method)) {
      if (length(object@model_list) > 1) {
        aggregation_method <- object@settings$aggregation
      } else {
        # If only one model is evaluated, do not aggregate data.
        aggregation_method <- "none" 
    # Check aggregation method
      x = aggregation_method,
      var_name = "aggregation_method",
      values = .get_available_rank_aggregation_methods())
    # Obtain rank thresholds from stored settings, if required
    if (is.waive(rank_threshold)) rank_threshold <- object@settings$aggr_rank_threshold
    # Check rank threshold.
    if (!is.waive(rank_threshold)) {
        x = rank_threshold,
        var_name = "rank_threshold",
        range = c(1, Inf))
    # Generate a prototype data element
    proto_data_element <- methods::new(
      rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
      rank_aggregation_method = aggregation_method)
    # Generate elements to send to dispatch.
    vimp_info <- extract_dispatcher(
      FUN = .extract_model_vimp,
      cl = NULL,
      has_internal_bootstrap = FALSE,
      object = object,
      data = data,
      proto_data_element = proto_data_element,
      aggregation_method = aggregation_method,
      aggregate_results = FALSE,
      message_indent = message_indent + 1L,
      verbose = verbose)

.extract_model_vimp <- function(
    ...) {
  # Ensure that the object is loaded
  object <- load_familiar_object(object)
  # Check that the model has been trained.
  if (!model_is_trained(object)) return(NULL)
  # Extract variable importance from the models
  vimp_table <- get_vimp_table(
    x = object,
    data = data,
    as_object = TRUE)
  # Check that the variable importance table is not empty.
  if (is_empty(vimp_table)) return(NULL)
  # Add data.
  data_element <- proto_data_element
  data_element@data <- vimp_table


# extract_fs_vimp (generic) ----------------------------------------------------

#'@title Internal function to extract feature selection variable importance.
#'@description Aggregate variable importance obtained during feature selection.
#'  This information can only be obtained as part of the main `summon_familiar`
#'  process.
#'@inheritParams extract_data
#'@return A list containing feature selection variable importance information.
#'@keywords internal
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE,
    ...) {

# extract_fs_vimp (familiarEnsemble) -------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarEnsemble"),
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Test if models are properly loaded
    if (!is_model_loaded(object = object)) ..error_ensemble_models_not_loaded()
    # Obtain aggregation method from stored settings, if required.
    if (is.waive(aggregation_method)) {
      aggregation_method <- object@settings$aggregation
    # Check aggregation method
      x = aggregation_method,
      var_name = "aggregation_method",
      values = .get_available_rank_aggregation_methods())
    # Obtain rank thresholds from stored settings, if required
    if (is.waive(rank_threshold)) {
      rank_threshold <- object@settings$aggr_rank_threshold
    # Check rank threshold.
    if (!is.waive(rank_threshold)) {
        x = rank_threshold,
        var_name = "rank_threshold",
        range = c(1, Inf))
    # Load project list and file_paths
    file_paths <- tryCatch(get_file_paths(), error = identity)
    project_list <- tryCatch(get_project_list(), error = identity)
    if (inherits(file_paths, "error") || inherits(project_list, "error")) return(NULL)
    # Message extraction start
      paste0("Extracting variable importance obtained during feature selection."),
      indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)
    # Retrieve variable importance table objects.
    vimp_table_list <- .retrieve_feature_selection_data(
      fs_method = object@fs_method,
      project_list = project_list,
      file_paths = file_paths)[[object@fs_method]]
    # Define the run table -> at the pooling level
    run <- .get_run_list(
      iteration_list = project_list$iter_list,
      data_id = object@run_table$ensemble_data_id,
      run_id = object@run_table$ensemble_run_id)
    # Collect the correct vimp tables from the full list.
    vimp_table_list <- collect_vimp_table(
      x = vimp_table_list,
      run_table = run$run_table)
    # Check if the variable importance table has been set.
    if (is_empty(vimp_table_list)) return(NULL)
    if (all(sapply(vimp_table_list, is_empty))) return(NULL)
    # Create list of data elements.
    data_element_list <- lapply(
      function(x, rank_threshold, aggregation_method) {
          data = x,
          rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
          rank_aggregation_method = aggregation_method))
      rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
      aggregation_method = aggregation_method)
    # Merge data elements
    data_element <- merge_data_elements(data_element_list)

# merge_data_elements (familiarDataElementVimpData) ----------------------------
  signature(x = "familiarDataElementVimpData"),
    ...) {
    # Identify items that can be joined.
    id_table <- identify_element_sets(x = x_list, ...)
    # Identify the element identifiers that should be grouped.
    grouped_data_element_ids <- lapply(
      split(id_table[, c("element_id", "group_id")], by = "group_id"),
      function(id_table) (id_table$element_id))
    # List of data elements.
    data_elements <- list()
    for (current_group_data_element_ids in grouped_data_element_ids) {
      # Copy the first data element in the group and use it as a
      # prototype.
      prototype_data_element <- x_list[[current_group_data_element_ids[1]]]
      if (any(sapply(x_list[current_group_data_element_ids], function(x) (is(x@data, "vimpTable"))))) {
        # Data attribute contains a variable importance table object.
        data_attribute <- lapply(
          function(x) (x@data))
        # Set data attribute.
        prototype_data_element@data <- data_attribute
      } else if (length(current_group_data_element_ids) != 1) {
          "merge_data_elements,familiarDataElementVimpData: exactly one element is expected")
      # Add merged data element to the list.
      data_elements <- c(data_elements, list(prototype_data_element))

# ..compute_data_elements_estimates (familiarDataElementHyperparameters) -------
  signature(x = "familiarDataElementVimpData"),
    x_list = NULL,
    ...) {
    # It might be that x was only used to direct to this method.
    if (!is.null(x_list)) x <- x_list
    if (!is.list(x)) x <- list(x)
    # Remove empty entries.
    x <- x[!sapply(x, is_empty)]
    if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
    # Collect all the stored variable importance table objects.
    vimp_table_list <- unlist(lapply(x, function(x) x@data))
    # Aggregate list of vimp tables.
    vimp_object <- aggregate_vimp_table(
      x = vimp_table_list,
      aggregation_method = x[[1]]@rank_aggregation_method,
      rank_threshold = x[[1]]@rank_threshold)
    # Copy data element.
    y <- x[[1]]
    y@data <- vimp_object

# .export (familiarDataElementVimpData) ----------------------------------------
  signature(x = "familiarDataElementVimpData"),
    aggregate_results = FALSE,
    ...) {
    if (aggregate_results) {
      x_list <- .compute_data_element_estimates(x_list)
    # Extract variable importance tables, and add identifiers.
    x_list <- lapply(x_list, ..export_vimp_data_elements)
    # Extract the data.table and merge to a single data.table.
    vimp_table <- lapply(x_list, function(x) x@data)
    vimp_table <- data.table::rbindlist(vimp_table, use.names = TRUE)
    # Form prototype.
    x <- x_list[[1]]
    x@data <- vimp_table

..export_vimp_data_elements <- function(x) {
  # Until export, all variable importance data elements are vimpTable objects.
  # We need to export these as data.tables/
  # Convert to data.table internally.
  if (is.list(x@data)) {
    vimp_table_list <- lapply(x@data, get_vimp_table)
  } else {
    vimp_table_list <- list(get_vimp_table(x@data))
  # Combine to a single table.
  vimp_table_list <- data.table::rbindlist(vimp_table_list, use.names = TRUE)
  # Check if the resulting combined table is empty.
  if (is_empty(vimp_table_list)) vimp_table_list <- NULL
  # Update the data attribute.
  x@data <- vimp_table_list
  # Update grouping and value columns.
  x@grouping_column <- "name"
  x@value_column <- c("score", "rank")
  # Add data attributes to the table
  x <- .identifier_as_data_attribute(
    x = x,
    identifier = "all",
    as_grouping_column = TRUE)

# export_model_vimp (generic) --------------------------------------------------

#'@title Extract and export model-based variable importance.
#'@description Extract and export model-based variable importance from a
#'  familiarCollection.
#'@param aggregation_method (*optional*) The method used to aggregate variable
#'  importances over different data subsets, e.g. bootstraps. The following
#'  methods can be selected:
#'  * `mean` (default): Use the mean rank of a feature over the subsets to
#'  determine the aggregated feature rank.
#'  * `median`: Use the median rank of a feature over the subsets to determine
#'  the aggregated feature rank.
#'  * `best`: Use the best rank the feature obtained in any subset to determine
#'  the aggregated feature rank.
#'  * `worst`: Use the worst rank the feature obtained in any subset to
#'  determine the aggregated feature rank.
#'  * `stability`: Use the frequency of the feature being in the subset of
#'  highly ranked features as measure for the aggregated feature rank
#'  (Meinshausen and Buehlmann, 2010).
#'  * `exponential`: Use a rank-weighted frequence of occurrence in the subset
#'  of highly ranked features as measure for the aggregated feature rank (Haury
#'  et al., 2011).
#'  * `borda`: Use the borda count as measure for the aggregated feature rank
#'  (Wald et al., 2012).
#'  * `enhanced_borda`: Use an occurrence frequency-weighted borda count as
#'  measure for the aggregated feature rank (Wald et al., 2012).
#'  * `truncated_borda`: Use borda count computed only on features within the
#'  subset of highly ranked features.
#'  * `enhanced_truncated_borda`: Apply both the enhanced borda method and the
#'  truncated borda method and use the resulting borda count as the aggregated
#'  feature rank.
#'@param rank_threshold (*optional*) The threshold used to define the subset of
#'  highly important features. If not set, this threshold is determined by
#'  maximising the variance in the occurrence value over all features over the
#'  subset size.
#'  This parameter is only relevant for `stability`, `exponential`,
#'  `enhanced_borda`, `truncated_borda` and `enhanced_truncated_borda` methods.
#'@inheritParams export_all
#'@inheritParams export_univariate_analysis_data
#'@inheritDotParams as_familiar_collection
#'@details Data, such as model performance and calibration information, is
#'  usually collected from a `familiarCollection` object. However, you can also
#'  provide one or more `familiarData` objects, that will be internally
#'  converted to a `familiarCollection` object. It is also possible to provide a
#'  `familiarEnsemble` or one or more `familiarModel` objects together with the
#'  data from which data is computed prior to export. Paths to the previous
#'  files can also be provided.
#'  All parameters aside from `object` and `dir_path` are only used if `object`
#'  is not a `familiarCollection` object, or a path to one.
#'  Variable importance is based on the ranking produced by model-specific
#'  variable importance routines, e.g. permutation for random forests. If such a
#'  routine is absent, variable importance is based on the feature selection
#'  method that led to the features included in the model. In case multiple
#'  models (`familiarModel` objects) are combined, feature ranks are first
#'  aggregated using the method defined by the `aggregation_method`, some of
#'  which require a `rank_threshold` to indicate a subset of most important
#'  features.
#'  Information concerning highly similar features that form clusters is
#'  provided as well. This information is based on consensus clustering of the
#'  features that were used in the signatures of the underlying models. This
#'  clustering information is also used during aggregation to ensure that
#'  co-clustered features are only taken into account once.
#'@return A data.table (if `dir_path` is not provided), or nothing, as all data
#'  is exported to `csv` files.
#'@exportMethod export_model_vimp
#'@rdname export_model_vimp-methods
    dir_path = NULL,
    aggregate_results = TRUE,
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {

# export_model_vimp (collection) -----------------------------------------------

#'@rdname export_model_vimp-methods
  signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
    dir_path = NULL,
    aggregate_results = TRUE,
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Extract data.
    x <- object@model_vimp
    # Check that the data are not empty.
    if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
    if (!is.waive(aggregation_method)) {
      # Check if the aggregation method is valid.
        x = aggregation_method,
        var_name = "aggregation_method",
        values = .get_available_rank_aggregation_methods())
      # Set aggregation method.
      x <- lapply(
        function(x, aggregation_method) {
          x@rank_aggregation_method <- aggregation_method
        aggregation_method = aggregation_method)
    if (!is.waive(rank_threshold)) {
      # Check if the threshold is valid.
        x = rank_threshold,
        var_name = "rank_threshold",
        range = c(1, Inf))
      # Set threshold.
      x <- lapply(
        function(x, rank_threshold) {
          x@rank_threshold <- rank_threshold
        rank_threshold = rank_threshold)
    subtype <- paste("learner", x[[1]]@rank_aggregation_method, sep = "_")
      x = object,
      data_elements = x,
      dir_path = dir_path,
      aggregate_results = aggregate_results,
      type = "variable_importance",
      subtype = subtype,
      export_collection = export_collection))

# export_model_vimp (general) --------------------------------------------------

#'@rdname export_model_vimp-methods
  signature(object = "ANY"),
    dir_path = NULL,
    aggregate_results = TRUE,
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Attempt conversion to familiarCollection object. Note that we pass
    # on aggregation_method and rank_threshold values.
    object <- do.call(
      args = c(
          "object" = object,
          "data_element" = "model_vimp",
          "aggregation_method" =  aggregation_method,
          "rank_threshold" = rank_threshold),
      args = c(
          "object" = object,
          "dir_path" = dir_path,
          "aggregate_results" = aggregate_results,
          "aggregation_method" = aggregation_method,
          "rank_threshold" = rank_threshold,
          "export_collection" = export_collection),

# export_fs_vimp (generic) -----------------------------------------------------

#'@title Extract and export feature selection variable importance.
#'@description Extract and export feature selection variable importance from a
#'  familiarCollection.
#'@param aggregation_method (*optional*) The method used to aggregate variable
#'  importances over different data subsets, e.g. bootstraps. The following
#'  methods can be selected:
#'  * `mean` (default): Use the mean rank of a feature over the subsets to
#'  determine the aggregated feature rank.
#'  * `median`: Use the median rank of a feature over the subsets to determine
#'  the aggregated feature rank.
#'  * `best`: Use the best rank the feature obtained in any subset to determine
#'  the aggregated feature rank.
#'  * `worst`: Use the worst rank the feature obtained in any subset to
#'  determine the aggregated feature rank.
#'  * `stability`: Use the frequency of the feature being in the subset of
#'  highly ranked features as measure for the aggregated feature rank
#'  (Meinshausen and Buehlmann, 2010).
#'  * `exponential`: Use a rank-weighted frequence of occurrence in the subset
#'  of highly ranked features as measure for the aggregated feature rank (Haury
#'  et al., 2011).
#'  * `borda`: Use the borda count as measure for the aggregated feature rank
#'  (Wald et al., 2012).
#'  * `enhanced_borda`: Use an occurrence frequency-weighted borda count as
#'  measure for the aggregated feature rank (Wald et al., 2012).
#'  * `truncated_borda`: Use borda count computed only on features within the
#'  subset of highly ranked features.
#'  * `enhanced_truncated_borda`: Apply both the enhanced borda method and the
#'  truncated borda method and use the resulting borda count as the aggregated
#'  feature rank.
#'@param rank_threshold (*optional*) The threshold used to define the subset of
#'  highly important features. If not set, this threshold is determined by
#'  maximising the variance in the occurrence value over all features over the
#'  subset size.
#'  This parameter is only relevant for `stability`, `exponential`,
#'  `enhanced_borda`, `truncated_borda` and `enhanced_truncated_borda` methods.
#'@inheritParams export_all
#'@inheritParams export_univariate_analysis_data
#'@inheritDotParams as_familiar_collection
#'@details Data, such as model performance and calibration information, is
#'  usually collected from a `familiarCollection` object. However, you can also
#'  provide one or more `familiarData` objects, that will be internally
#'  converted to a `familiarCollection` object. Paths to the previous files can
#'  also be provided.
#'  Unlike other export function, export using `familiarEnsemble` or
#'  `familiarModel` objects is not possible. This is because feature selection
#'  variable importance is not stored within `familiarModel` objects.
#'  All parameters aside from `object` and `dir_path` are only used if `object`
#'  is not a `familiarCollection` object, or a path to one.
#'  Variable importance is based on the ranking produced by feature selection
#'  routines. In case feature selection was performed repeatedly, e.g. using
#'  bootstraps, feature ranks are first aggregated using the method defined by
#'  the `aggregation_method`, some of which require a `rank_threshold` to
#'  indicate a subset of most important features.
#'  Information concerning highly similar features that form clusters is
#'  provided as well. This information is based on consensus clustering of the
#'  features. This clustering information is also used during aggregation to
#'  ensure that co-clustered features are only taken into account once.
#'@return A data.table (if `dir_path` is not provided), or nothing, as all data
#'  is exported to `csv` files.
#'@exportMethod export_fs_vimp
#'@rdname export_fs_vimp-methods
    dir_path = NULL,
    aggregate_results = TRUE,
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {

# export_fs_vimp (collection) --------------------------------------------------

#'@rdname export_fs_vimp-methods
  signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
    dir_path = NULL,
    aggregate_results = TRUE,
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Extract data.
    x <- object@fs_vimp
    # Check that the data are not empty.
    if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
    if (!is.waive(aggregation_method)) {
      # Check if the aggregation method is valid.
        x = aggregation_method,
        var_name = "aggregation_method",
        values = .get_available_rank_aggregation_methods())
      # Set aggregation method.
      x <- lapply(
        function(x, aggregation_method) {
          x@rank_aggregation_method <- aggregation_method
        aggregation_method = aggregation_method)
    if (!is.waive(rank_threshold)) {
      # Check if the threshold is valid.
        x = rank_threshold,
        var_name = "rank_threshold",
        range = c(1, Inf))
      # Set threshold.
      x <- lapply(
        function(x, rank_threshold) {
          x@rank_threshold <- rank_threshold
        rank_threshold = rank_threshold)
    # Get subtype
    subtype <- paste("feature_selection", x[[1]]@rank_aggregation_method, sep = "_")
      x = object,
      data_elements = x,
      dir_path = dir_path,
      aggregate_results = aggregate_results,
      type = "variable_importance",
      subtype = subtype,
      export_collection = export_collection))

# export_fs_vimp (general) -----------------------------------------------------

#'@rdname export_fs_vimp-methods
  signature(object = "ANY"),
    dir_path = NULL,
    aggregate_results = TRUE,
    aggregation_method = waiver(),
    rank_threshold = waiver(),
    export_collection = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # Attempt conversion to familiarCollection object. Note that we pass on
    # aggregation_method and rank_threshold values.
    object <- do.call(
      args = c(
          "object" = object,
          "data_element" = "fs_vimp",
          "aggregation_method" = aggregation_method,
          "rank_threshold" = rank_threshold),
      args = c(
          "object" = object,
          "dir_path" = dir_path,
          "aggregate_results" = aggregate_results,
          "aggregation_method" = aggregation_method,
          "rank_threshold" = rank_threshold,
          "export_collection" = export_collection),

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