#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R
# familiarMetricCM -------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetric")
# familiarMetricCMAveraging ----------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCM",
slots = list("averaging" = "character"),
prototype = list("averaging" = "macro"))
# initialize -------------------------------------------------------------------
signature(.Object = "familiarMetricCMAveraging"),
function(.Object, metric, ...) {
# Update with parent class first.
.Object <- callNextMethod()
if (endsWith(x = metric, suffix = "_macro")) {
.Object@averaging <- "macro"
.Object@metric <- sub_last(
x = metric,
pattern = "_macro",
replacement = "",
fixed = TRUE)
} else if (endsWith(x = metric, suffix = "_micro")) {
.Object@averaging <- "micro"
.Object@metric <- sub_last(
x = metric,
pattern = "_micro",
replacement = "",
fixed = TRUE)
} else if (endsWith(x = metric, suffix = "_weighted")) {
.Object@averaging <- "weighted"
.Object@metric <- sub_last(
x = metric,
pattern = "_weighted",
replacement = "",
fixed = TRUE)
} else {
# Default setting.
.Object@averaging <- "macro"
.Object@metric <- metric
# is_available -----------------------------------------------------------------
signature(object = "familiarMetricCM"),
function(object, ...) {
return(object@outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial"))
# accuracy ---------------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCM",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Accuracy",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (accuracy) ---------------------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricAccuracy"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Compute accuracy
return(sum(cm$tp) / cm$n_samples)
# balanced accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCM",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Balanced Accuracy",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (balanced accuracy) ------------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricBalancedAccuracy"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Balanced accuracy [Brodersen, K. H., Ong, C. S., Stephan, K. E. & Buhmann,
# J. M. The Balanced Accuracy and Its Posterior Distribution. in 2010 20th
# International Conference on Pattern Recognition 3121–3124 (2010).]
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Compute balanced accuracy
return(sum(cm$tp / (cm$tp + cm$fn)) / cm$n_classes)
# balanced error rate ----------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCM",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Balanced Error Rate",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = FALSE))
## compute_metric_score (balanced error) ---------------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricBalancedErrorRate"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Compute balanced error rate
return(sum(cm$fn / (cm$tp + cm$fn)) / cm$n_classes)
# Cohen's kappa ----------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCM",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Cohen's Kappa",
value_range = c(-1.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (Cohen's kappa) ----------------------------------------
"compute_metric_score", signature(metric = "familiarMetricCohenKappa"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Cohen's kappa [Cohen, J. A Coefficient of Agreement for Nominal Scales.
# Educ. Psychol. Meas. 20, 37–46 (1960).]
# Implementation after
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Compute the observed agreement
obs_agreement <- sum(cm$tp) / cm$n_samples
# Agreement expected at random
rand_agreement <- sum((cm$tp + cm$fp) * (cm$tp + cm$fn)) / cm$n_samples^2
if (rand_agreement == 1.0 && obs_agreement == 1.0) {
# Prevent division by zero for perfect predictions.
} else {
# Compute kappa
return((obs_agreement - rand_agreement) / (1.0 - rand_agreement))
# F1 score ---------------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCMAveraging",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "F1 score",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (F1 score) ---------------------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricF1Score"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Aggregate confusion matrix.
cm <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix(
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# Compute score
score <- 2.0 * cm$tp / (2.0 * cm$tp + cm$fp + cm$fn)
# Aggregate score.
score <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score(
score = score,
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# false discovery rate ---------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCMAveraging",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "False Discovery Rate",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = FALSE))
## compute_metric_score (false discovery rate) ---------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricFDR"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Aggregate confusion matrix.
cm <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix(
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# Compute score.
score <- cm$fp / (cm$tp + cm$fp)
# Aggregate score.
score <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score(
score = score,
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# informedness -----------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCM",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Informedness",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (informedness) -----------------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricInformedness"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Informedness [Powers, D. M. Evaluation: from precision, recall and
# F-measure to ROC, informedness, markedness and correlation. International
# Journal of Machine Learning Technology 2, 37–63 (2011).]
# See equations 28, 42.
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Compute the score
return(sum(cm$prevalence / (1.0 - cm$prevalence) * (cm$tp / (cm$tp + cm$fn) - cm$bias)))
# markedness -------------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCM",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Markedness",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
##### compute_metric_score (Markedness)#####
signature(metric = "familiarMetricMarkedness"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Markedness [Powers, D. M. Evaluation: from precision, recall and F-measure
# to ROC, informedness, markedness and correlation. International Journal of
# Machine Learning Technology 2, 37–63 (2011).]
# See equations 29, 43.
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Compute the score
return(sum(cm$bias / (1.0 - cm$bias) * (cm$tp / (cm$tp + cm$fp) - cm$prevalence)))
# Matthews` correlation coefficient --------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCM",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Matthews' Correlation Coefficient",
value_range = c(-1.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (Matthews` correlation coefficient) --------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricMCC"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# See [Jurman, G., Riccadonna, S. & Furlanello, C. A comparison of MCC and
# CEN error measures in multi-class prediction. PLoS One 7, e41882 (2012);
# Gorodkin, J. Comparing two K-category assignments by a K-category
# correlation coefficient. Comput. Biol. Chem. 28, 367–374 (2004).]
# Mirrors scikit-learn implementation.
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Compute the score
cov_obs_pred <- sum(cm$tp) / cm$n_samples - sum(cm$prevalence * cm$bias)
cov_obs_obs <- 1.0 - sum(cm$prevalence * cm$prevalence)
cov_pred_pred <- 1.0 - sum(cm$bias * cm$bias)
if (cov_obs_obs == 0.0 || cov_pred_pred == 0.0) {
} else {
return(cov_obs_pred / sqrt(cov_obs_obs * cov_pred_pred))
# negative predictive value ----------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCMAveraging",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Negative Predictive Value",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE
## compute_metric_score (negative predictive value) ----------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricNPV"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Aggregate confusion matrix.
cm <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix(
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# Compute NPV
score <- cm$tn / (cm$tn + cm$fn)
# Aggregate score.
score <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score(
score = score,
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# positive predictive value ----------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCMAveraging",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Positive Predictive Value",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (Positive predictive value) ----------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricPPV"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Aggregate confusion matrix.
cm <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix(
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# Compute PPV.
score <- cm$tp / (cm$tp + cm$fp)
# Aggregate score.
score <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score(
score = score,
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# sensitivity ------------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCMAveraging",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Sensitivity",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (Sensitivity) ------------------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricSensitivity"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Aggregate confusion matrix.
cm <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix(
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# Compute sensitivity
score <- cm$tp / (cm$tp + cm$fn)
# Aggregate score.
score <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score(
score = score,
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# specificity ------------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCMAveraging",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Specificity",
value_range = c(0.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (specificity) ------------------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricSpecificity"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Aggregate confusion matrix.
cm <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix(
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# Compute specificity.
score <- cm$tn / (cm$tn + cm$fp)
# Aggregate score.
score <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score(
score = score,
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# Youden's index ---------------------------------------------------------------
contains = "familiarMetricCMAveraging",
prototype = methods::prototype(
name = "Youden's J Statistic",
value_range = c(-1.0, 1.0),
higher_better = TRUE))
## compute_metric_score (Youden's index) ---------------------------------------
signature(metric = "familiarMetricYouden"),
function(metric, data, ...) {
# Youden's J index [Youden, W. J. Index for rating diagnostic tests. Cancer
# 3, 32–35 (1950).]
# Compute data from the confusion metrics.
cm <- ..compute_confusion_matrix_data(
data = data,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
if (is.null(cm)) return(callNextMethod())
# Aggregate confusion matrix.
cm <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix(
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
# Compute Youden index.
score <- cm$tp / (cm$tp + cm$fn) + cm$tn / (cm$tn + cm$fp) - 1.0
# Aggregate score.
score <- ..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score(
score = score,
cm = cm,
averaging = metric@averaging,
outcome_type = metric@outcome_type)
..compute_confusion_matrix_data <- function(data, outcome_type) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
predicted_class <- NULL
# Get the classes and number of classes in data.
outcome_classes <- get_outcome_class_levels(
outcome_type = outcome_type)
n_classes <- length(outcome_classes)
# Remove any entries that lack valid predictions.
data <- remove_nonvalid_predictions(
prediction_table = data,
outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Remove any entries that lack observed values.
data <- remove_missing_outcomes(
data = data,
outcome_type = outcome_type)
if (is_empty(data)) return(NULL)
# Create empty scalars
tp <- tn <- fp <- fn <- prevalence <- bias <- numeric(n_classes)
# Total number of samples
n_samples <- nrow(data)
# Get the outcome column.
outcome_column <- get_outcome_columns(outcome_type)
# Iterate over positive classes
for (ii in seq_along(outcome_classes)) {
# Determine true positives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives
tp[ii] <- nrow(data[predicted_class == outcome_classes[ii] & get(outcome_column) == outcome_classes[ii], ])
tn[ii] <- nrow(data[predicted_class != outcome_classes[ii] & get(outcome_column) != outcome_classes[ii], ])
fp[ii] <- nrow(data[predicted_class == outcome_classes[ii] & get(outcome_column) != outcome_classes[ii], ])
fn[ii] <- nrow(data[predicted_class != outcome_classes[ii] & get(outcome_column) == outcome_classes[ii], ])
# Prevalence (fraction of observed outcome_column class)
prevalence[ii] <- nrow(data[get(outcome_column) == outcome_classes[ii]]) / n_samples
# Bias (fraction of predicted positive class)
bias[ii] <- nrow(data[predicted_class == outcome_classes[ii]]) / n_samples
"tp" = tp,
"tn" = tn,
"fp" = fp,
"fn" = fn,
"prevalence" = prevalence,
"bias" = bias,
"n_samples" = n_samples,
"n_classes" = n_classes))
..aggregate_confusion_matrix <- function(cm, averaging, outcome_type) {
if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
# Use second class as positive class
"tp" = cm$tp[2],
"tn" = cm$tn[2],
"fp" = cm$fp[2],
"fn" = cm$fn[2],
"prevalence" = 1.0,
"bias" = 1.0,
"n_samples" = cm$n_samples,
"n_classes" = 1.0))
} else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
if (averaging == "micro") {
# Merge confusion matrix for micro-averaging.
"tp" = sum(cm$tp),
"tn" = sum(cm$tn),
"fp" = sum(cm$fp),
"fn" = sum(cm$fn),
"prevalence" = 1.0,
"bias" = 1.0,
"n_samples" = cm$n_classes * cm$n_samples,
"n_classes" = 1.0))
} else {
# No changes are needed.
} else {
..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score <- function(score, cm, averaging, outcome_type) {
# Replace all non-finite values.
score[!is.finite(score)] <- NA_real_
if (all( return(NA_real_)
# Aggregation is only required for multinomial outcomes.
if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
if (averaging == "weighted") {
# Weighted averaging
score <- sum(cm$prevalence * score, na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (averaging == "macro") {
# Compute the average.
score <- mean(score, na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (averaging == "micro") {
# Micro averaging
score <- score
} else {
"..aggregate_confusion_matrix_score: encountered unknown averaging method.")
.get_available_confusion_matrix_metrics <- function() {
.get_available_accuracy_metrics <- function() {
.get_available_balanced_accuracy_metrics <- function() {
return(c("balanced_accuracy", "bac"))
.get_available_balanced_error_rate_metrics <- function() {
return(c("balanced_error_rate", "ber"))
.get_available_cohen_kappa_metrics <- function() {
return(c("cohen_kappa", "kappa"))
.get_available_f1_score_metrics <- function() {
return(paste0("f1_score", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")))
.get_available_fdr_metrics <- function() {
paste0("fdr", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("false_discovery_rate", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted"))))
.get_available_informedness_metrics <- function() {
.get_available_markedness_metrics <- function() {
.get_available_mcc_metrics <- function() {
return(c("mcc", "matthews_correlation_coefficient"))
.get_available_npv_metrics <- function() {
paste0("npv", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("negative_predictive_value", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted"))))
.get_available_ppv_metrics <- function() {
paste0("ppv", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("positive_predictive_value", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("precision", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted"))))
.get_available_sensitivity_metrics <- function() {
paste0("sensitivity", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("recall", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("tpr", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("true_positive_rate", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted"))))
.get_available_specificity_metrics <- function() {
paste0("specificity", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("tnr", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("true_negative_rate", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted"))))
.get_available_youden_metrics <- function() {
paste0("youden_j", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted")),
paste0("youden_index", c("", "_micro", "_macro", "_weighted"))))
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