test_data_package_installed <- function(outcome_type) {
run_test <- TRUE
data_packages <- list(
"survival" = "survival",
"multinomial" = "datasets",
"binomial" = "MASS",
"continuous" = "Ecdat",
"count" = "MASS"
if (!is_package_installed(data_packages[[outcome_type]])) run_test <- FALSE
if (!rlang::is_installed(data_packages[[outcome_type]])) run_test <- FALSE
if (!run_test) {
message = paste0(
"Cannot run test because the ",
" package is not installed."),
class = "familiar_message_inform_no_test"
test_create_good_data <- function(outcome_type, to_data_object = TRUE) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
etype <- median_house_value <- NULL
if (outcome_type == "survival") {
# Load colon dataset from the survival package.
data <-
# Focus on recurrence.
data <- data[etype == 1]
data$adhere <- factor(
x = data$adhere,
levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c(FALSE, TRUE),
ordered = TRUE)
# Limit to 150 samples
data <- data[1:150, ]
# update sample identifier.
data[, ":="("id" = .I)]
if (to_data_object) {
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "id",
outcome_column = c("time", "status"),
outcome_type = outcome_type,
include_features = c("nodes", "rx", "adhere"))
} else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
# Load iris data set.
data <-
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Convert to a data object.
if (to_data_object) {
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "Species",
outcome_type = outcome_type)
} else if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
# Load the cancer breast biopsy data set.
data <-
# Rename columns.
x = data,
old = c("ID", "V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8", "V9", "class"),
new = c(
"id", "clump_thickness", "cell_size_uniformity", "cell_shape_uniformity",
"marginal_adhesion", "epithelial_cell_size", "bare_nuclei",
"bland_chromatin", "normal_nucleoli", "mitoses", "cell_malignancy"))
# Keep unique samples. Some samples have the same id, but a different
# outcome.
data <- unique(data, by = "id")
# Limit to 150 samples
data <- data[1:150, ]
# update sample identifier.
data[, ":="("id" = .I)]
# Convert to a data object. Exclude cell_size_uniformity, as these are
# correlated and make it difficult to stable establish variable importance.
if (to_data_object) {
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "id",
outcome_column = "cell_malignancy",
outcome_type = outcome_type,
exclude_features = "cell_size_uniformity",
class_levels = c("benign", "malignant"))
} else if (outcome_type == "continuous") {
# Load the California Test Score Data Set
data <- data.table::data.table(Ecdat::Caschool)
# Drop distcod, district, county, readscr, mathscr
data[, ":="(
"distcod" = NULL,
"district" = NULL,
"county" = NULL,
"readscr" = NULL,
"mathscr" = NULL)]
# Limit to 150 samples
data <- data[271:420, ]
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Convert to a data object. Exclude mealpct, as this feature is correlated
# to avginc.
if (to_data_object) {
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "testscr",
outcome_type = outcome_type,
exclude_features = "mealpct")
} else if (outcome_type == "count") {
# Load the Boston Housing data set
data <-
# Rename columns
old = c(
"crim", "zn", "indus", "chas", "nox", "rm", "age", "dis", "rad",
"tax", "ptratio", "black", "lstat", "medv"),
new = c(
"per_capita_crime", "large_residence_proportion", "industry", "by_charles_river",
"nox_concentration", "avg_rooms", "residence_before_1940_proportion",
"distance_to_employment_centres", "radial_highway_accessibility", "property_tax_rate",
"pupil_teacher_ratio", "african_american_metric", "lower_status_percentage", "median_house_value"
# Convert by_charles_river to a factor.
data$by_charles_river <- factor(
x = data$by_charles_river,
levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c("no", "yes"))
# Convert the median_house_value to the actual value.
data[, "median_house_value" := median_house_value * 1000.0]
# Limit to 150 samples
data <- data[1:150, ]
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Convert to a data object.
if (to_data_object) {
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "median_house_value",
outcome_type = outcome_type)
} else {
test_create_small_good_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Now select a subset of the data.
data@data <- data@data[fam_sample(
size = 30,
replace = FALSE,
seed = 1844)]
test_create_invariant_good_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset with one invariant feature.
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
if (outcome_type == "survival") {
data@data[, "nodes" := 4.0]
} else if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
data@data[, "clump_thickness" := 4.0]
} else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
data@data[, "Sepal_Length" := 3.0]
} else if (outcome_type == "continuous") {
data@data[, "calwpct" := 5.0]
} else if (outcome_type == "count") {
data@data[, "industry" := 3.0]
test_create_good_data_without_censoring <- function(outcome_type) {
# Dataset where none of the samples is censored.
if (!outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) return(NULL)
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Set all data to event.
data@data[, "outcome_event" := 1]
test_create_good_data_one_censored <- function(outcome_type) {
# Dataset where just one of the samples is censored.
if (!outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) return(NULL)
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Set all data to event.
data@data[, "outcome_event" := 1]
# Set one instance to censored.
data@data[1L, "outcome_event" := 0]
test_create_good_data_few_censored <- function(outcome_type) {
# Dataset where a minor fraction of the samples is censored.
if (!outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) return(NULL)
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Set all data to event.
data@data[, "outcome_event" := 1]
# Set a few instances to censored.
data@data[seq_len(4), "outcome_event" := 0]
test_create_good_data_random_missing <- function(
n_missing_frac = 0.05,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Some data points are NA, but not instances.
if (!is.null(seed) && is.null(rstream_object)) {
rstream_object <- .start_random_number_stream(seed = seed)
# Create test data.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Get the number of rows and feature columns.
n_rows <- nrow(data@data)
feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(data)
# Select the number of data points to randomise.
n_randomise <- ceiling(n_missing_frac * n_rows * length(feature_columns))
# Determine which data points should be randomised.
random_data <- data.table::data.table(
"row_id" = fam_sample(
size = n_randomise,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = rstream_object),
"feature" = fam_sample(
size = n_randomise,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = rstream_object))
# Select only unique data points.
random_data <- unique(random_data)
# Split for iteration.
random_data <- split(
by = "feature",
drop = TRUE)
# Update feature columns.
for (feature in feature_columns) {
if (!is.null(random_data[[feature]])) {
# Split by numeric and factor features.
if (is.factor(data@data[[feature]])) {
data@data[random_data[[feature]]$row_id, (feature) := NA]
} else {
data@data[random_data[[feature]]$row_id, (feature) := NA_real_]
test_create_empty_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Now empty the data.
data@data <- head(data@data, n = 0)
test_create_data_without_feature <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type)
# Remove features.
data@data <- data@data[, mget(get_non_feature_columns(outcome_type))]
test_create_bootstrapped_data <- function(outcome_type, to_data_object = TRUE) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
sample_id <- NULL
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
to_data_object = to_data_object)
# Now keep only the first sample.
if (to_data_object) {
data@data <- data@data[
size = nrow(data@data),
replace = TRUE,
seed = 1844
} else {
data@data <- data[
size = nrow(data),
replace = TRUE,
seed = 1844
test_create_one_sample_data <- function(outcome_type, to_data_object = TRUE) {
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
to_data_object = to_data_object)
# Now keep only the first sample.
if (to_data_object) {
data@data <- head(data@data, n = 1)
} else {
data <- head(data, n = 1)
test_create_all_identical_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Now keep only the first sample.
data@data <- head(data@data, n = 1)
# Fill the dataset with the same sample.
data@data <- data@data[, 10)]
# Set unique subject ids.
data@data[, "sample_id" := .I]
test_create_single_feature_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
etype <- median_house_value <- NULL
if (outcome_type == "survival") {
# Load colon dataset from the survival package
data <-
# Recurrence
data <- data[etype == 1]
# Limit to 150 samples
data <- data[1:150, ]
# update sample identifier.
data[, ":="("id" = .I)]
# Keep only first 150 samples for speed and only id, nodes, rx, extent,
# adhere and outcome.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "id",
outcome_column = c("time", "status"),
outcome_type = outcome_type,
include_features = c("nodes"))
} else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
# Load iris data set.
data <-
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "Species",
outcome_type = outcome_type,
include_features = c("Petal.Length"))
} else if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
# Load the cancer breast biopsy data set.
data <-
# Rename columns.
old = c("ID", "V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8", "V9", "class"),
new = c(
"id", "clump_thickness", "cell_size_uniformity", "cell_shape_uniformity",
"marginal_adhesion", "epithelial_cell_size", "bare_nuclei",
"bland_chromatin", "normal_nucleoli", "mitoses", "cell_malignancy"
# Keep unique samples. Some samples have the same id, but a different
# outcome.
data <- unique(data, by = "id")
# Limit to 150 samples
data <- data[1:150, ]
# update sample identifier.
data[, ":="("id" = .I)]
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "id",
outcome_column = "cell_malignancy",
outcome_type = outcome_type,
class_levels = c("benign", "malignant"),
include_features = "cell_size_uniformity"
} else if (outcome_type == "continuous") {
# Load the California Test Score Data Set
data <- data.table::data.table(Ecdat::Caschool)
# Drop distcod, district, county, readscr, mathscr
data[, ":="(
"distcod" = NULL,
"district" = NULL,
"county" = NULL,
"readscr" = NULL,
"mathscr" = NULL)]
# Limit to 150 samples
data <- data[271:420, ]
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "testscr",
outcome_type = outcome_type,
include_features = "avginc")
} else if (outcome_type == "count") {
# Load the Boston Housing data set
data <-
# Rename columns
old = c(
"crim", "zn", "indus", "chas", "nox", "rm", "age", "dis", "rad",
"tax", "ptratio", "black", "lstat", "medv"),
new = c(
"per_capita_crime", "large_residence_proportion", "industry", "by_charles_river",
"nox_concentration", "avg_rooms", "residence_before_1940_proportion",
"distance_to_employment_centres", "radial_highway_accessibility", "property_tax_rate",
"pupil_teacher_ratio", "african_american_metric", "lower_status_percentage", "median_house_value"))
# Convert by_charles_river to a factor.
data$by_charles_river <- factor(x = data$by_charles_river, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("no", "yes"))
# Convert the median_house_value to the actual value.
data[, "median_house_value" := median_house_value * 1000.0]
# Limit to 150 samples
data <- data[1:150, ]
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "median_house_value",
outcome_type = outcome_type,
include_features = "lower_status_percentage")
} else {
test_create_single_feature_one_sample_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_single_feature_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Now keep only the first sample.
data@data <- head(data@data, n = 1)
test_create_single_feature_invariant_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_single_feature_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Get the feature column
feature_column <- get_feature_columns(data)
# Set the feature to a fixed value.
data@data[, (feature_column) := data@data[[feature_column]][1]]
test_create_single_feature_two_values_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset first.
data <- test_create_single_feature_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Get the feature columns
feature_column <- get_feature_columns(data)
# Find unique values of the feature and use the first 2.
feature_values <- head(unique(data@data[[feature_column]]), n = 2L)
# Fill all the rows while alternating the value.
data@data[, (feature_column) := rep_len(feature_values, nrow(data@data))]
test_create_wide_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
etype <- median_house_value <- NULL
# Create random stream object so that the same numbers are produced every
# time.
r <- .start_random_number_stream(seed = 1844)
if (outcome_type == "survival") {
# Load colon dataset from the survival package
data <-
# Recurrence
data <- data[etype == 1]
# Remove superfluous columns
data[, ":="("study" = NULL, "node4" = NULL, "etype" = NULL)]
# Refactor columns
data$sex <- factor(
x = data$sex,
levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c("female", "male"))
data$obstruct <- factor(
x = data$obstruct,
levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c(FALSE, TRUE))
data$perfor <- factor(
x = data$perfor,
levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c(FALSE, TRUE))
data$adhere <- factor(
x = data$adhere,
levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c(FALSE, TRUE))
data$differ <- factor(
x = data$differ,
levels = c(1, 2, 3),
labels = c("well", "moderate", "poor"),
ordered = TRUE)
data$extent <- factor(
x = data$extent,
levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
labels = c("submucosa", "muscle", "serosa", "contiguous_structures"),
ordered = TRUE)
data$surg <- factor(
x = data$surg,
levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c("short", "long"))
# Make the dataset small and wide (10 features)
data <- data[1:5, ]
data$status <- 1
# update sample identifier.
data[, ":="("id" = .I)]
# Add twenty random features
random_data <- lapply(
function(ii, n, r) fam_rnorm(n = n, rstream_object = r),
n = nrow(data),
r = r)
names(random_data) <- paste0("random_", seq_len(20))
# Add to dataset
data <- cbind(data,
# Keep only first 100 samples for speed and only id, nodes, rx, extent and
# outcome.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "id",
outcome_column = c("time", "status"),
outcome_type = outcome_type)
} else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
# Load iris data set.
data <-
# Squeeze data
data <- data[c(1, 2, 3, 80, 81, 82, 148, 149, 150)]
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Add twenty random features
random_data <- lapply(
function(ii, n, r) fam_rnorm(n = n, rstream_object = r),
n = nrow(data),
r = r)
names(random_data) <- paste0("random_", seq_len(20))
# Add to dataset
data <- cbind(data,
# Add another 3 random features
random_data <- lapply(
function(ii, n, r) {
c("red", "green", "blue"),
size = n,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = r)))
n = nrow(data),
r = r)
names(random_data) <- paste0("random_categorical_", seq_len(3))
# Add to dataset
data <- cbind(data,
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "Species",
outcome_type = outcome_type)
} else if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
# Load the cancer breast biopsy data set.
data <-
# Rename columns.
old = c(
"ID", "V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8", "V9", "class"),
new = c(
"id", "clump_thickness", "cell_size_uniformity", "cell_shape_uniformity",
"marginal_adhesion", "epithelial_cell_size", "bare_nuclei",
"bland_chromatin", "normal_nucleoli", "mitoses", "cell_malignancy")
# Keep unique samples. Some samples have the same id, but a different
# outcome.
data <- unique(data, by = "id")
# Limit to 10 samples
data <- data[11:20, ]
# update sample identifier.
data[, ":="("id" = .I)]
# Add twenty random features
random_data <- lapply(
function(ii, n, r) fam_rnorm(n = n, rstream_object = r),
n = nrow(data),
r = r)
names(random_data) <- paste0("random_", seq_len(20))
# Add to dataset
data <- cbind(data,
# Add another 3 random features
random_data <- lapply(
function(ii, n, r) {
c("red", "green", "blue"),
size = n,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = r)))
n = nrow(data),
r = r)
names(random_data) <- paste0("random_categorical_", seq_len(3))
# Add to dataset
data <- cbind(data,
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "id",
outcome_column = "cell_malignancy",
outcome_type = outcome_type,
class_levels = c("benign", "malignant"))
} else if (outcome_type == "continuous") {
# Load the California Test Score Data Set
data <- data.table::data.table(Ecdat::Caschool)
# Drop distcod, district, county, readscr, mathscr
data[, ":="(
"distcod" = NULL,
"district" = NULL,
"county" = NULL,
"readscr" = NULL,
"mathscr" = NULL)]
# Limit to 10 samples
data <- data[411:420, ]
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Add twenty random features
random_data <- lapply(
function(ii, n, r) fam_rnorm(n = n, rstream_object = r),
n = nrow(data),
r = r)
names(random_data) <- paste0("random_", seq_len(20))
# Add to dataset
data <- cbind(data,
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "testscr",
outcome_type = outcome_type)
} else if (outcome_type == "count") {
# Load the Boston Housing data set
data <-
# Rename columns
old = c(
"crim", "zn", "indus", "chas", "nox", "rm", "age", "dis", "rad",
"tax", "ptratio", "black", "lstat", "medv"),
new = c(
"per_capita_crime", "large_residence_proportion", "industry", "by_charles_river",
"nox_concentration", "avg_rooms", "residence_before_1940_proportion",
"distance_to_employment_centres", "radial_highway_accessibility", "property_tax_rate",
"pupil_teacher_ratio", "african_american_metric", "lower_status_percentage", "median_house_value"))
# Convert by_charles_river to a factor.
data$by_charles_river <- factor(
x = data$by_charles_river,
levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c("no", "yes"))
# Convert the median_house_value to the actual value.
data[, "median_house_value" := median_house_value * 1000.0]
# Limit to 10 samples
data <- data[1:10, ]
# Add sample identifier.
data[, ":="("sample_id" = .I)]
# Add twenty random features
random_data <- lapply(
function(ii, n, r) fam_rnorm(n = n, rstream_object = r),
n = nrow(data),
r = r)
names(random_data) <- paste0("random_", seq_len(20))
# Add to dataset
data <- cbind(data,
# Add another 3 random features
random_data <- lapply(
function(ii, n, r) {
c("red", "green", "blue"),
size = n,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = r)))
n = nrow(data),
r = r)
names(random_data) <- paste0("random_categorical_", seq_len(3))
# Add to dataset
data <- cbind(data,
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
outcome_column = "median_house_value",
outcome_type = outcome_type)
} else {
test_create_bad_data <- function(outcome_type, add_na_data = FALSE) {
# add_na_data argument is intended for integration tests, where we have to
# circumvent a check on the outcome classes. We do this by keeping these
# classes in, and assigning NA to rows of one class, causing the data to pass
# the check, but have the rows be removed afterwards.
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
outcome <- NULL
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
if (outcome_type == "survival") {
# For survival data it would be really bad if all data are censored.
data@data[, "outcome_event" := 0]
} else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
# For multinomial data, having not all classes is bad.
if (add_na_data) {
# Assign NA to the rows containing the virginica class.
# Identify the feature columns.
feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(data)
# Update feature columns.
for (feature in feature_columns) {
if (is.factor(data@data[[feature]])) {
data@data[outcome == "virginica", (feature) := NA]
} else {
data@data[outcome == "virginica", (feature) := NA_real_]
} else {
# Select 2 of 3 classes by leaving virginica out.
data@data <- data@data[outcome %in% c("setosa", "versicolor"), ]
} else if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
# For binomial data, having a single class is bad.
if (add_na_data) {
# Assign NA to the rows containing the malignant class.
# Identify the feature columns.
feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(data)
# Update feature columns.
for (feature in feature_columns) {
if (is.factor(data@data[[feature]])) {
data@data[outcome == "malignant", (feature) := NA]
} else {
data@data[outcome == "malignant", (feature) := NA_real_]
} else {
# Assign everything to the benign class.
data@data[, "outcome" := "benign"]
} else if (outcome_type == "continuous") {
# For continuous data, it would be bad if all outcome values are invariant.
data@data[, "outcome" := 500.0]
} else if (outcome_type == "count") {
# For count data it would be bad if all outcome values are invariant
data@data[, "outcome" := 50000]
} else {
test_create_small_bad_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Create good dataset first and work from there.
data <- test_create_bad_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Now select a subset of the data.
data@data <- data@data[fam_sample(seq_len(nrow(data@data)),
size = 30,
replace = FALSE,
seed = 1844)]
test_create_prospective_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Prospective data has NA for outcome.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
if (outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) {
data@data[, ":="(
"outcome_time" = NA,
"outcome_event" = NA)]
} else {
data@data[, ":="("outcome" = NA)]
test_create_partially_prospective_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Prospective data has NA for outcome for a few samples, but not all.
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
if (outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) {
data@data[c(1, 2), ":="(
"outcome_time" = NA,
"outcome_event" = NA)]
} else {
data@data[c(1, 2), ":="("outcome" = NA)]
test_create_mostly_prospective_data <- function(outcome_type) {
# Prospective data has NA for all but one sample.
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
sample_id <- NULL
data <- test_create_good_data(outcome_type = outcome_type)
if (outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) {
data@data[sample_id > 1L, ":="(
"outcome_time" = NA,
"outcome_event" = NA)]
} else {
data@data[sample_id > 1L, ":="("outcome" = NA)]
test_create_synthetic_series_data <- function(
n_batch = 3,
n_samples = 10,
n_series = 3,
n_rep = 3,
n_numeric = 4L,
rare_outcome = FALSE,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
batch_id <- feature_1 <- feature_2 <- feature_3 <- feature_4 <- NULL
# Create random stream object so that the same numbers are produced every
# time.
if (is.null(rstream_object)) {
r <- .start_random_number_stream(seed = seed)
} else {
r <- rstream_object
# Determine the number of series instances.
n_series_instances <- n_batch * n_samples * n_series
# Draw random numbers for three features.
feature_1 <- fam_runif(n = n_series_instances, min = 0.0, max = 1.0, rstream_object = r)
feature_2 <- fam_runif(n = n_series_instances, min = 0.0, max = 2.0, rstream_object = r)
feature_3 <- fam_runif(n = n_series_instances, min = 0.0, max = 2.0, rstream_object = r)
feature_4 <- fam_runif(n = n_series_instances, min = 0.0, max = 1.0, rstream_object = r)
# Determine the raw outcome.
outcome_raw <- feature_1 + feature_2 + feature_3 + feature_4
if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
# Convert to 0, 1
outcome_value <- outcome_raw > 3.0
outcome_value <- factor(
x = outcome_value,
levels = c(FALSE, TRUE),
labels = c("0", "1"))
} else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
outcome_value <- numeric(n_series_instances)
# Convert to 0 (x < 2.59), 1 (2.59 < x < 3.41), 2 (3.41 < x < 6)
outcome_value[outcome_raw < 2.59] <- 0.0
outcome_value[outcome_raw >= 2.59 & outcome_raw < 3.41] <- 1.0
outcome_value[outcome_raw >= 3.41 & outcome_raw < 6.00] <- 2.0
if (rare_outcome) {
outcome_value[length(outcome_value)] <- 3.0
outcome_value <- factor(
x = outcome_value,
levels = c(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
labels = c("0", "1", "2", "3"))
} else {
outcome_value <- factor(
x = outcome_value,
levels = c(0.0, 1.0, 2.0),
labels = c("0", "1", "2"))
} else if (outcome_type == "continuous") {
outcome_value <- outcome_raw
} else if (outcome_type == "count") {
outcome_value <- round(outcome_raw * 100)
} else if (outcome_type == "survival") {
# Outcome follows an exponential distribution.
outcome_time <- exp(outcome_raw)
outcome_event <- rep_len(1, length.out = n_series_instances)
} else {
# Create basic table. Sample identifiers are explicitly repeated for different
# batches.
data <- data.table::data.table(
"batch_id" = rep(seq_len(n_batch), each = n_samples * n_series),
"sample_id" = rep(seq_len(n_samples), each = n_series, times = n_batch),
"series_id" = rep(seq_len(n_series), times = n_batch * n_samples),
"feature_1" = feature_1,
"feature_2" = feature_2,
"feature_3" = feature_3,
"feature_4" = feature_4)
# Add outcome.
if (outcome_type %in% "survival") {
data[, ":="(
"outcome_time" = outcome_time,
"outcome_event" = outcome_event)]
outcome_column <- c("outcome_time", "outcome_event")
} else {
data[, ":="("outcome" = outcome_value)]
outcome_column <- "outcome"
# Create batch-offsets
data[, ":="(
"feature_1" = feature_1 + batch_id - 1.0,
"feature_2" = feature_2 + batch_id - 1.0,
"feature_3" = feature_3 + batch_id - 1.0,
"feature_4" = feature_4 + batch_id - 1.0)]
# Create repetitions.
if (n_rep > 1) {
repeated_rows <- rep(seq_len(n_series_instances), each = n_rep)
data <- data[repeated_rows, ]
# Add some noise to features.
data[, ":="(
"feature_1" = feature_1 + fam_rnorm(n = n_rep * n_series_instances, mean = 0.0, sd = 0.125, rstream_object = r),
"feature_2" = feature_2 + fam_rnorm(n = n_rep * n_series_instances, mean = 0.0, sd = 0.125, rstream_object = r),
"feature_3" = feature_3 + fam_rnorm(n = n_rep * n_series_instances, mean = 0.0, sd = 0.125, rstream_object = r),
"feature_4" = feature_4 + fam_rnorm(n = n_rep * n_series_instances, mean = 0.0, sd = 0.125, rstream_object = r))]
data[feature_1 <= 0.0, "feature_1" := 0.01]
data[feature_2 <= 0.0, "feature_2" := 0.01]
data[feature_3 <= 0.0, "feature_3" := 0.01]
data[feature_4 <= 0.0, "feature_4" := 0.01]
if (n_numeric < 4) data$feature_1 <- factor(floor(data$feature_1))
if (n_numeric < 3) data$feature_2 <- factor(floor(data$feature_2))
if (n_numeric < 2) data$feature_3 <- factor(floor(data$feature_3))
if (n_numeric < 1) data$feature_4 <- factor(floor(data$feature_4))
# Convert to a data object.
data <- as_data_object(
data = data,
batch_id_column = "batch_id",
sample_id_column = "sample_id",
series_id_column = "series_id",
outcome_column = outcome_column,
outcome_type = outcome_type
test_create_synthetic_series_one_outcome <- function(
n_numeric = 4L,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Create test data.
data <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric,
seed = seed,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
data@data[, "outcome" := "0"]
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous")) {
data@data[, "outcome" := 1]
} else if (outcome_type == "survival") {
data@data[, ":="("outcome_time" = 1.25, "outcome_event" = 1)]
} else {
test_create_synthetic_series_one_sample_data <- function(
n_numeric = 4L,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Create test data.
data <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric,
seed = seed,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Select the first instance
data@data <- head(data@data, n = 1L)
test_create_synthetic_series_invariant_feature_data <- function(
n_numeric = 4L,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Create test data.
data <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric,
seed = seed,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Select the first instance
data@data$feature_1 <- data@data$feature_1[1]
data@data$feature_2 <- data@data$feature_2[1]
data@data$feature_3 <- data@data$feature_3[1]
data@data$feature_4 <- data@data$feature_4[1]
test_create_synthetic_series_one_feature_invariant_data <- function(
n_numeric = 4L,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Create test data.
data <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric,
seed = seed,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Select the first instance for feature 2.
data@data$feature_2 <- data@data$feature_2[1]
test_create_synthetic_series_na_data <- function(
n_numeric = 4L,
n_missing_frac = 0.1,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Some instances are completely NA.
# Create test data.
data <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric,
seed = seed,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Select which rows will be updated.
n_rows <- nrow(data@data)
na_rows <- fam_sample(seq_len(n_rows),
size = ceiling(n_missing_frac * n_rows),
replace = FALSE,
seed = seed,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Identify the feature columns.
feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(data)
# Update feature columns.
for (feature in feature_columns) {
if (is.factor(data@data[[feature]])) {
data@data[na_rows, (feature) := NA]
} else {
data@data[na_rows, (feature) := NA_real_]
test_create_synthetic_series_random_na_data <- function(
n_numeric = 4L,
n_missing_frac = 0.1,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Some data points are NA, but not instances.
if (!is.null(seed) && is.null(rstream_object)) {
rstream_object <- .start_random_number_stream(seed = seed)
# Create test data.
data <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric,
rstream_object = rstream_object
# Get the number of rows and feature columns.
n_rows <- nrow(data@data)
feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(data)
# Select the number of data points to randomise.
n_randomise <- ceiling(n_missing_frac * n_rows * length(feature_columns))
# Determine which data points should be randomised.
random_data <- data.table::data.table(
"row_id" = fam_sample(seq_len(n_rows),
size = n_randomise,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = rstream_object),
"feature" = fam_sample(feature_columns,
size = n_randomise,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Select only unique data points.
random_data <- unique(random_data)
# Split for iteration.
random_data <- split(random_data, by = "feature", drop = TRUE)
# Update feature columns.
for (feature in feature_columns) {
if (!is.null(random_data[[feature]])) {
# Split by numeric and factor features.
if (is.factor(data@data[[feature]])) {
data@data[random_data[[feature]]$row_id, (feature) := NA]
} else {
data@data[random_data[[feature]]$row_id, (feature) := NA_real_]
test_create_synthetic_series_one_feature_all_na_data <- function(
n_numeric = 4L,
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
feature_2 <- NULL
# Create test data.
data <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric,
seed = seed,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Set the first feature column to NA.
if (is.factor(data@data[["feature_2"]])) {
data@data[, feature_2 := NA]
} else {
data@data[, feature_2 := NA_real_]
test_create_multiple_synthetic_series <- function(outcome_type) {
# The idea here is to create multiple synthetic datasets that together
# represent extreme variation in data composition.
..extend_feature_set <- function(data) {
# Get feature columns.
original_feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(data)
# Find new feature columns for the correlated features
new_feature_columns <- paste0(
"feature_", seq_along(original_feature_columns) + length(original_feature_columns))
# Add in correlated features.
for (ii in seq_along(original_feature_columns)) {
data@data[, (new_feature_columns[ii]) := get(original_feature_columns[ii])]
# Draw the first dataset.
data_1 <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = 3L,
n_samples = 20,
seed = 1)
# Add correlated features.
data_1 <- ..extend_feature_set(data_1)
# Draw the second dataset.
data_2 <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = 3L,
n_samples = 20,
seed = 2)
# Do not add correlated features to dataset 2.
# Draw a third dataset.
data_3 <- test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = 3L,
n_samples = 20,
seed = 3)
# Add correlated features, but remove the original features.
data_3 <- ..extend_feature_set(data_3)
data_3@data[, ":="(
"feature_1" = NULL,
"feature_2" = NULL,
"feature_3" = NULL,
"feature_4" = NULL)]
# Draw a fourth dataset that cannot be used for training, e.g. contains just
# one sample.
data_4 <- test_create_synthetic_series_one_outcome(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = 3L,
seed = 4
# Add correlated features.
data_4 <- ..extend_feature_set(data_4)
"set_1" = data_1,
"set_2" = data_2,
"set_3" = data_3,
"set_4" = data_4))
test_create_synthetic_correlated_data <- function(
seed = 1844,
rstream_object = NULL,
cluster_size = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
mix_feature_types = TRUE,
allow_anti_correlation = TRUE) {
# Create random stream object so that the same numbers are produced every
# time.
if (is.null(rstream_object)) {
r <- .start_random_number_stream(seed = seed)
} else {
r <- rstream_object
# Create basic data.
base_data <-
args = c(
list("rstream_object" = r),
if (length(cluster_size) != get_n_features(base_data)) {
stop(paste0("The cluster_size argument should match the number of features."))
# Get feature names prior to extending the dataset.
original_feature_names <- get_feature_columns(base_data)
# Create copy of data.
data <- base_data
data@data <- data.table::copy(base_data@data)
for (ii in seq_along(cluster_size)) {
# Skip if no clusters are required.
if (cluster_size[ii] == 1) next()
# Isolate feature data. Force reading this data just in case.
x <- base_data@data[[original_feature_names[ii]]]
# Generate clusters.
for (jj in seq_len(cluster_size[ii])) {
# Create the name of the new feature.
new_feature_name <- paste0(original_feature_names[ii], "_", LETTERS[jj])
if (jj == 1) {
# The first feature should just be renamed.
old = original_feature_names[ii],
new = new_feature_name)
} else if (jj == 2 && is.factor(x) && mix_feature_types) {
# Add numeric feature when mixing data types.
data@data[, (new_feature_name) := as.numeric(x) * 1.1]
} else if (is.factor(x)) {
# For categorical features, remix the levels.
y <- factor(x,
levels = levels(x),
labels = levels(x)[fam_sample(
size = length(levels(x)),
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = r)])
# Set feature.
data@data[, (new_feature_name) := y]
} else {
# For numerical features, introduce an offset and scaling. We scale
# between 0.5 and 1.5 or -0.5 and -1.5 to avoid multiplying by 0. The
# negative values are used for strong anti-correlation, which
if (jj %% 2 == 0 || !allow_anti_correlation) {
r_scale <- fam_runif(n = 1L, min = 0.5, max = 1.5, rstream_object = r)
} else {
r_scale <- fam_runif(n = 1L, min = -1.5, max = -0.5, rstream_object = r)
r_shift <- fam_runif(n = 1L, min = -1.0, max = 1.0, rstream_object = r)
y <- x * r_scale + r_shift
data@data[, (new_feature_name) := y]
# Order columns nicely.
x = data@data,
neworder = c(
test_create_synthetic_correlated_one_feature_invariant_data <- function(
cluster_size = c(1, 1, 1, 1)) {
# Set the size of the second cluster to 1, always.
cluster_size[2] <- 1
# Create test data.
data <-
args = c(
list("cluster_size" = cluster_size),
# Select the first instance for feature 2.
data@data$feature_2 <- data@data$feature_2[1]
test_create_synthetic_correlated_one_sample_data <- function(...) {
# Create test data.
data <-
args = list(...))
# Select the first instance
data@data <- head(data@data, n = 1L)
test_create_synthetic_correlated_one_outcome_data <- function(
outcome_type) {
# Create test data.
data <-
args = c(
list("outcome_type" = outcome_type),
if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
data@data[, "outcome" := "0"]
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous")) {
data@data[, "outcome" := 1]
} else if (outcome_type == "survival") {
data@data[, ":="("outcome_time" = 1.25, "outcome_event" = 1)]
} else {
test_create_synthetic_correlated_bad_outcome_data <- function(
outcome_type) {
# Create test data.
data <-
args = c(
list("outcome_type" = outcome_type),
if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
data@data[, "outcome" := "0"]
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous")) {
data@data[, "outcome" := 1]
} else if (outcome_type == "survival") {
data@data[, ":="("outcome_event" = 0)]
} else {
test_data_drop_rare_feature_levels <- function(data) {
# Replace rare levels in feature data.
# Prevent NOTE by non-standard use in data.table.
n <- NULL
for (ii in get_feature_columns(data)) {
# Skip numeric data.
if (is.numeric(data@data[[ii]])) next
# Find the rarest level of the categorical feature, and set replacement
# level.
level_data <- data@data[, list("n" = .N), by = c(ii)][order(n)]
rare_level <- head(level_data[[ii]], n = 1L)
replacement_level <- tail(level_data[[ii]], n = 1L)
data@data[get(ii) == rare_level, (ii) := replacement_level]
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