
Defines functions plotGraphChange

Documented in plotGraphChange

plotGraphChange <- function(graphlist, fix.layout = TRUE, delta.layout = 0.01) {
    d <- graphlist$d
    dall <- graphlist$V
    oldPar <- par(c("usr", "xpd"))
    par(usr = c(-1.161, 1.161, -1.17826, 1.17826), xpd = TRUE)
    delta <- c(0, sort(graphlist$tii[,1]/dall), 1)
    delta.max <- delta[length(delta) - 1]
    n.CL <- c()
    # position of the vertices (defined by igraphs at the graph on
    #   delta.layout)
    tii.layout <- threshold(graphlist, delta = delta.layout, scaled = TRUE)$tii[,1]
    E.layout <- t(combn(d,2)[,tii.layout>0])
    g.layout <- graph(as.vector(t(E.layout)), n = d, directed = FALSE)
    layout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g.layout)
    devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)
    for (i in 1:(length(delta) - 1)) {
        graph <- threshold(graphlist, delta = delta[i], scaled = TRUE)
        if (fix.layout == TRUE) {
            plot(graph, layout = layout)
        } else {
        n.CL[i] <- length(graph$cliques)
        text(0, -2, paste("delta = [", round(delta[i], 4), ",", round(delta[i + 
            1], 4), ")"))
        title(main = paste("number of cliques =", n.CL[i]))
        rect(delta[i] * 2/delta.max - 1, -1.55, delta[i + 1] * 2/delta.max - 
            1, -1.45, density = NA, col = "blue")
        lines(c(-1, 1.1), c(-1.5, -1.5))
        points(c(-1, 0.01 * 2/delta.max - 1, 1), rep(-1.5, 3), pch = "I")
        text(c(-1, 0.01 * 2/delta.max - 1, 1), c(-1.6, -1.6), c(delta[1], 
            0.01, round(delta.max, 4)), pos = 1, cex = 0.6)
        if (delta.max > 0.1) {
            points(0.1 * 2/delta.max - 1, -1.5, pch = "I")
            text(0.1 * 2/delta.max - 1, -1.6, 0.1, pos = 1, cex = 0.6)
    devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)

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fanovaGraph documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 5:46 p.m.