#' gammaCK2par
#' Field comparisons for string variables. Two possible agreement patterns are considered:
#' 0 total disagreement, 2 agreement.
#' The distance between strings is calculated using a Jaro-Winkler distance.
#' @usage gammaCK2par(matAp, matBp, n.cores, cut.a, method, w)
#' @param matAp vector storing the comparison field in data set 1
#' @param matBp vector storing the comparison field in data set 2
#' @param n.cores Number of cores to parallelize over. Default is NULL.
#' @param cut.a Lower bound for full match, ranging between 0 and 1. Default is 0.92
#' @param method String distance method, options are: "jw" Jaro-Winkler (Default), "dl" Damerau-Levenshtein, "jaro" Jaro, and "lv" Edit
#' @param w Parameter that describes the importance of the first characters of a string (only needed if method = "jw"). Default is .10
#' @return \code{gammaCK2par} returns a list with the indices corresponding to each
#' matching pattern, which can be fed directly into \code{tableCounts} and \code{matchesLink}.
#' @author Ted Enamorado <>, Ben Fifield <>, and Kosuke Imai
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' g1 <- gammaCK2par(dfA$firstname, dfB$lastname)
#' }
#' @export
## ------------------------
## gammaCK2par: Now it takes values 0, 2
## This function applies gamma.k
## in parallel
## ------------------------
gammaCK2par <- function(matAp, matBp, n.cores = NULL, cut.a = 0.92, method = "jw", w = .10) {
if(any(class(matAp) %in% c("tbl_df", "data.table"))){
matAp <-[,1]
if(any(class(matBp) %in% c("tbl_df", "data.table"))){
matBp <-[,1]
matAp[matAp == ""] <- NA
matBp[matBp == ""] <- NA
if(sum( == length(matAp) | length(unique(matAp)) == 1){
cat("WARNING: You have no variation in this variable, or all observations are missing in dataset A.\n")
if(sum( == length(matBp) | length(unique(matBp)) == 1){
cat("WARNING: You have no variation in this variable, or all observations are missing in dataset B.\n")
if(!(method %in% c("jw", "jaro", "lv", "dl"))){
stop("Invalid string distance method. Method should be one of 'jw', 'dl', 'jaro', or 'lv'.")
if(method == "jw" & !is.null(w)){
if(w < 0 | w > 0.25){
stop("Invalid value provided for w. Remember, w in [0, 0.25].")
if(is.null(n.cores)) {
n.cores <- detectCores() - 1
matrix.1 <- as.matrix(as.character(matAp))
matrix.2 <- as.matrix(as.character(matBp))
matrix.1[] <- "1234MF"
matrix.2[] <- "9876ES"
u.values.1 <- unique(matrix.1)
u.values.2 <- unique(matrix.2)
n.slices1 <- max(round(length(u.values.1)/(10000), 0), 1)
n.slices2 <- max(round(length(u.values.2)/(10000), 0), 1)
limit.1 <- round(quantile((0:nrow(u.values.2)), p = seq(0, 1, 1/n.slices2)), 0)
limit.2 <- round(quantile((0:nrow(u.values.1)), p = seq(0, 1, 1/n.slices1)), 0)
temp.1 <- temp.2 <- list()
n.cores <- min(n.cores, n.slices1 * n.slices2)
for(i in 1:n.slices2) {
temp.1[[i]] <- list(u.values.2[(limit.1[i]+1):limit.1[i+1]], limit.1[i])
for(i in 1:n.slices1) {
temp.2[[i]] <- list(u.values.1[(limit.2[i]+1):limit.2[i+1]], limit.2[i])
stringvec <- function(m, y, cut, strdist = method, p1 = w) {
x <- as.matrix(m[[1]])
e <- as.matrix(y[[1]])
if(strdist == "jw") {
t <- 1 - stringdistmatrix(e, x, method = "jw", p = p1, nthread = 1)
t[ t < cut ] <- 0
t <- Matrix(t, sparse = T)
if(strdist == "jaro") {
t <- 1 - stringdistmatrix(e, x, method = "jw", nthread = 1)
t[ t < cut ] <- 0
t <- Matrix(t, sparse = T)
if(strdist == "lv") {
t <- stringdistmatrix(e, x, method = "lv", nthread = 1)
t.1 <- nchar(as.matrix(e))
t.2 <- nchar(as.matrix(x))
o <- t(apply(t.1, 1, function(w){ ifelse(w >= t.2, w, t.2)}))
t <- 1 - t * (1/o)
t[ t < cut ] <- 0
t <- Matrix(t, sparse = T)
if(strdist == "dl") {
t <- stringdistmatrix(e, x, method = "dl", nthread = 1)
t.1 <- nchar(as.matrix(e))
t.2 <- nchar(as.matrix(x))
o <- t(apply(t.1, 1, function(w){ ifelse(w >= t.2, w, t.2)}))
t <- 1 - t * (1/o)
t[ t < cut ] <- 0
t <- Matrix(t, sparse = T)
if(is(t, "ddiMatrix")) {
t <- t * 2
} else {
t@x[t@x >= cut] <- 2
slice.1 <- m[[2]]
slice.2 <- y[[2]]
indexes.2 <- which(t == 2, arr.ind = T)
indexes.2[, 1] <- indexes.2[, 1] + slice.2
indexes.2[, 2] <- indexes.2[, 2] + slice.1
do <- expand.grid(1:n.slices2, 1:n.slices1)
if (n.cores == 1) '%oper%' <- foreach::'%do%'
else {
'%oper%' <- foreach::'%dopar%'
cl <- makeCluster(n.cores)
temp.f <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(do), .packages = c("stringdist", "Matrix")) %oper% {
r1 <- do[i, 1]
r2 <- do[i, 2]
stringvec(temp.1[[r1]], temp.2[[r2]], cut.a)
reshape2 <- function(s) { s[[1]] }
temp.2 <- lapply(temp.f, reshape2)
indexes.2 <-'rbind', temp.2)
ht1 <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
ht2 <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
n.values.2 <- as.matrix(cbind(u.values.1[indexes.2[, 1]], u.values.2[indexes.2[, 2]]))
if(sum(n.values.2 == "1234MF") > 0) {
t1 <- which(n.values.2 == "1234MF", arr.ind = T)[1]
n.values.2 <- n.values.2[-t1, ]; rm(t1)
if(sum(n.values.2 == "9876ES") > 0) {
t1 <- which(n.values.2 == "9876ES", arr.ind = T)[1]
n.values.2 <- n.values.2[-t1, ]; rm(t1)
matches.2 <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(n.values.2)), function(i) n.values.2[i, ])
if([['sysname']] == 'Windows') {
if (n.cores == 1) '%oper%' <- foreach::'%do%'
else {
'%oper%' <- foreach::'%dopar%'
cl <- makeCluster(n.cores)
if(length(matches.2) > 0) {
final.list2 <- foreach(i = 1:length(matches.2)) %oper% {
ht1 <- which(matrix.1 == matches.2[[i]][[1]]); ht2 <- which(matrix.2 == matches.2[[i]][[2]])
list(ht1, ht2)
} else {
no_cores <- n.cores
final.list2 <- mclapply(matches.2, function(s){
ht1 <- which(matrix.1 == s[1]); ht2 <- which(matrix.2 == s[2]);
list(ht1, ht2) }, mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", no_cores))
if(length(matches.2) == 0){
final.list2 <- list()
warning("There are no identical (or nearly identical) matches. We suggest changing the value of cut.a")
na.list <- list()
na.list[[1]] <- which(matrix.1 == "1234MF")
na.list[[2]] <- which(matrix.2 == "9876ES")
out <- list()
out[["matches2"]] <- final.list2
out[["nas"]] <- na.list
class(out) <- c("fastLink", "gammaCK2par")
## ------------------------
## End of gammaCK2par
## ------------------------
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