
Defines functions re_order

#' Display or execute a snippet of R code
#' This command will display and/or execute small snippets of R code from the
#' book \emph{Foundations and Applications of Statistics: An Introduction Using
#' R}.
#' \code{snippet} works much like \code{\link{demo}}, but the interface is
#' simplified. Partial matching is used to select snippets, so any unique
#' prefix is sufficient to specify a snippet.  Sequenced snippets (identified by
#' trailing 2-digit numbers) will be executed in sequence if a unique prefix to
#' the non-numeric portion is given.  To run just one of a sequence of snippets,
#' provide the full snippet name.  See the examples.
#' @param name name of snippet
#' @param lib.loc character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL.
#' The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.
#' @param character.only logical. If \code{TRUE}, use \code{name}as character
#' string.
#' @param verbose a logical. If \code{TRUE}, additional diagnostics are
#' printed.
#' @param echo a logical. If \code{TRUE}, show the R input when executing.
#' @param view a logical. If \code{TRUE}, snippet code is displayed 'as is'.
#' @param eval a logical.  An alias for `execute`.
#' @param execute a logical.  If \code{TRUE}, snippet code is executed.  (The
#' code and the results of the execution will be visible if \code{echo} is
#' \code{TRUE}.)
#' @param ask a logical (or "default") indicating if
#' \code{devAskNewPage(ask=TRUE)} should be called before graphical output
#' happens from the snippet code. The value "default" (the factory-fresh
#' default) means to ask if \code{echo == TRUE} and the graphics device appears
#' to be interactive. This parameter applies both to any currently opened
#' device and to any devices opened by the demo code. If this is evaluated to
#' \code{TRUE} and the session is interactive, the user is asked to press
#' RETURN to start.
#' @param regex ignored.  Retained for backwards compatibility.
#' @param max.files an integer limiting the number of files retrieved.
#' @author Randall Pruim
#' @seealso \code{\link{demo}}, \code{\link{source}}.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @importFrom utils file_test head
#' @export
#' @examples
#' snippet("normal01")
#' # prefix works
#' snippet("normal")
#' # this prefix is ambiguous
#' snippet("norm")
#' # sequence of "histogram" snippets
#' snippet("hist", eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, view = FALSE)
#' # just one of the "histogram" snippets
#' snippet("histogram04", eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, view = FALSE)
#' # Prefix too short, but a helpful message is displayed
#' snippet("h", eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, view = FALSE)
snippet <-
  function (name, eval = TRUE, execute = eval, view = !execute, echo = TRUE, 
            ask = getOption("demo.ask"), verbose = getOption("verbose"), 
            lib.loc = NULL, character.only = FALSE, regex = NULL, max.files = 10L) 
    if (!character.only) {
      name <- as.character(substitute(name))
    # RChunks is internal data with two columns (full_name and base_name) listing
    # all available R chunks for snippet() *in the order they appear in the book*
    base_name_idx <- charmatch(name, unique(RChunks$base_name))
    if (is.na(base_name_idx)) { # ie, no match found, try full name
      full_name_idx <- charmatch(name, RChunks$full_name)
      if (is.na(full_name_idx)) {
        stop("No match found for ", name)
      if (full_name_idx == 0) { # multiple matches
        message("Multiple matches found for `", name, "': \n  ", 
               sort(grep(paste0("^", name), RChunks$full_name, value = TRUE)), 
               collapse = ", ")
      matching_files <- 
        paste0(RChunks$full_name[full_name_idx], ".R")
    } else if (base_name_idx == 0) { # multiple matches
      message("Multiple matches found for `", name, "': \n  ", 
                sort(grep(paste0("^", name), unique(RChunks$base_name), value = TRUE)), 
                collapse = ", ")
    } else {
      prefix <- unique(RChunks$base_name)[base_name_idx]
      matching_files <- 
        paste0(RChunks$full_name[RChunks$base_name == prefix], ".R")
    package <- "fastR2"
    paths <- find.package(package, lib.loc, verbose = verbose)
    paths <- paths[utils::file_test("-d", file.path(paths, "snippet"))]
    available <- character(0L)
    paths <- file.path(paths, "snippet")
    # if (missing(name)) {
    #     for (p in paths) {
    #         files <- basename(tools::list_files_with_type(p, 
    #             "code"))
    #         available <- c(available, tools::file_path_sans_ext(files))
    #     }
    #     return(available)
    # }
    for (p in paths) {
      snippet_files <- basename(tools::list_files_with_type(p, "code"))
      if (length(matching_files)) {
        available <- c(available, file.path(p, matching_files))
    if (length(available) == 0L) 
      stop(gettextf("No snippet matching '%s'", name), domain = NA)
    if (length(available) > max.files) {
      available <- utils::head(available, max.files)
        gettextf("Limiting to %i files.  Increase max.files if you want more.", max.files)
    if (ask == "default") 
      ask <- echo && grDevices::dev.interactive(orNone = TRUE)
    if (.Device != "null device") {
      oldask <- grDevices::devAskNewPage(ask = ask)
      on.exit(grDevices::devAskNewPage(oldask), add = TRUE)
    op <- options(device.ask.default = ask)
    on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
    for (file in available) {
      fname <- basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file))
      if (echo) {
        cat(paste0("\n", "## snippet: ", fname, "\n"))
      if (view) {
        lines <- getSrcLines(srcfile(file), 1, 5000)
        cat(paste(lines, collapse = "\n"))
      if (execute) {
        if (ask && interactive()) {
          readline("\nType  <Return>\t to start : ")
        source(file, echo = echo, max.deparse.length = Inf, 
               keep.source = TRUE)

# reorder vector of file names
re_order <- function(files) {
  figs <- grepl("-fig", files)
  defigs <- sub("-fig", "", files[figs])
  w <- which(! (defigs %in% files[!figs]))
  c(files[!figs], files[figs][w])

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fastR2 documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 9:06 a.m.