
# Compute two-tailed p-value from z-score.
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
pfromz <- function (z)

# Compute log10 two-tailed p-value from z-score.
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
lpfromz <- function (z)
  (log(2) + pnorm(-abs(z),log.p = TRUE))/log(10)

# Set all entries of x less than a to a, and set alll entries of x
# greater than b to b.
clamp <- function (x, a, b)

# Return true if x is a compressed, sparse, column-oriented numeric
# matrix.
is.sparse.matrix <- function (x)

# Efficiently extract the nonzero elements from column j of sparse
# matrix A (a member of class "dgCMatrix"). Output "x" contains the
# nonzero values, and output "i" contains the
get.nonzeros <- function (A, j)
  list(x = A[,j,drop = FALSE]@x,i = A[,j,drop = FALSE]@i + 1)

# Check if the matrix contains one or more all-zero columns.
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
any_allzero_cols <- function (X)
  any(colSums(X > 0) == 0)

# Filter out all-zero columns from the matrix.
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
remove.allzero.cols <- function (X)
  X[,colSums(X > 0) >= 1]

# Apply operation f to all nonzeros of a sparse matrix.
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
apply.nonzeros <- function (X, f) {
  d <- summary(X)
  return(sparseMatrix(i = d$i,j = d$j,x = f(d$x),dims = dim(X)))

# Compute X/(crossprod(A,B) + e) efficiently when X is a sparse
# matrix.
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
x_over_tcrossprod <- function (X, A, B, e) {
  d <- summary(X)
  y <- drop(x_over_crossprod_rcpp(d$i - 1,d$j - 1,d$x,A,B,e))
  return(sparseMatrix(i = d$i,j = d$j,x = y,dims = dim(X)))

# Return an m x n matrix rbind(x,...,x), in which length(x) = m.
repmat <- function (x, n)
  matrix(x,n,length(x),byrow = TRUE)

# scale.cols(A,b) scales each column A[,i] by b[i].
scale.cols <- function (A, b)
  t(t(A) * b)

# Scale each row of A so that the entries of each row sum to 1.
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
normalize.rows <- function (A)
  A / rowSums(A)

# Scale each column of A so that the entries of each column sum to 1.
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
normalize.cols <- function (A)
  t(t(A) / colSums(A))

# Scale each row of A so that the large entry in each row is 1.
normalize.rows.by.max <- function (A) {
  if (!is.matrix(A))
    stop("Input argument \"A\" should be a matrix")
  return(A / apply(A,1,max))

# For vector x, return a vector of the same length y containing the
# "least extreme" differences y(i) = x(i) - x(j), in which j is the
# index not equal to i such that abs(x(i) - x(j)) is the smallest
# possible. The length of x should be 2 or more.
le.diff <- function (x) {
  n <- length(x)
  if (n == 2) {
    y <- x[1] - x[2]
    y <- c(y,-y)
  } else {
    y <- rep(0,n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      d <- x[i] - x
      j <- order(abs(d))[2]
      y[i] <- d[j]

# Rescale the factors (F) and loadings (L) with the property that
# tcrossprod(L,F) remains the same after rescaling; specifically,
# rescale the columns of F and L so that, for each k, column k of F
# has the same mean as column k of L.
#' @importFrom Matrix colMeans
rescale.factors <- function (F, L) {
  d <- sqrt(colMeans(L)/colMeans(F))
  return(list(F = scale.cols(F,d),
              L = scale.cols(L,1/d)))

# This does the same thing as the "rand" function in MATLAB.
#' @importFrom stats runif
rand <- function (n, m, min = 0, max = 1) 

# Initialize RcppParallel multithreading using a pre-specified number
# of threads, or using the default number of threads when "n" is NA.
#' @importFrom RcppParallel setThreadOptions
#' @importFrom RcppParallel defaultNumThreads
initialize.multithreading <- function (n, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (is.na(n)) {
    n <- defaultNumThreads()
  } else
    setThreadOptions(numThreads = n)
  if (verbose && n > 1)
    message(sprintf("Using %d RcppParallel threads.",n))

# For a Poisson non-negative matrix factorization with rank = 1, the
# maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE) has a closed-form solution (up to
# a scaling factor); this function returns the MLE subject to the
# constraint that mean(F) = mean(L).
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @importFrom Matrix colMeans
fit_pnmf_rank1 <- function (X)
  list(F = matrix(colMeans(X)),
       L = matrix(rowMeans(X)))

# Compute the highest posterior density (HPD) interval from a vector
# of random draws from the distribution. See Chen & Shao (1999) for
# background on HPD intervals.
hpd <- function (x, conf.level = 0.68) {
  n <- length(x)
  m <- round(n*(1 - conf.level))
  x <- sort(x)
  y <- x[seq(n-m+1,n)] - x[seq(1,m)]
  i <- which.min(y)

# This replicates the minimum Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence
# calculation used in ExtractTopFeatures from CountClust, with method
# = "poisson". Input F should be an n x k matrix of frequency
# estimates from the multinomial topic model, where n is the number of
# data columns, and k is the number of topics. The return value is a
# matrix of the same dimension as F containing the minimum
# KL-divergence calculations.
min_kl_poisson <- function (F, e = 1e-15) {
  # Get the number of rows (n) and columns (k) of F.
  n <- nrow(F)
  k <- ncol(F)

  # Compute the minimum KL-divergence measure for each row and column
  # of F.
  D <- matrix(0,n,k)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    f <- F[i,] + e
    for (j in 1:k) {
      y      <- f[j]*log(f[j]/f) + f - f[j]
      D[i,j] <- min(y[-j])
  dimnames(D) <- dimnames(F)

# Compute "least extreme" LFC statistics LFC(j) = log2(fj/fk) given
# frequency estimates F. Input F should be an n x k matrix of
# frequency estimates from the multinomial topic model, where n is the
# number of data columns, and k is the number of topics. The return
# value is a matrix of the same dimension as F containing the LFC
# estimates.
le_lfc <- function (F, e = 1e-15) {
  n <- nrow(F)
  k <- ncol(F)
  B <- matrix(0,n,k)
  for (i in 1:n)
    B[i,] <- le.diff(log2(F[i,] + e))
  dimnames(B) <- dimnames(F)

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