
Defines functions qlikert plikert dlikert norm2likert trunc2norm norm2trunc norm2norm norm2unif norm2binom norm2gamma norm2beta norm2pois beta2norm gamma2norm binom2norm unif2norm

Documented in beta2norm binom2norm dlikert gamma2norm norm2beta norm2binom norm2gamma norm2likert norm2norm norm2pois norm2trunc norm2unif plikert qlikert trunc2norm unif2norm

#' Convert uniform to normal
#' Convert a uniform distribution to a normal (gaussian) distribution with specified mu and sd
#' @param x the uniformly distributed vector
#' @param mu the mean of the normal distribution to return
#' @param sd the SD of the normal distribution to return
#' @param min the minimum possible value of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param max the maximum possible value of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with a gaussian distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- runif(10000)
#' y <- unif2norm(x)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
unif2norm <- function(x, mu = 0, sd = 1, min = NULL, max = NULL) {
  # tol prevents min and max values returning as -Inf and Inf
  tol <- 1/length(x)
  if (is.null(min)) {
    min <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE) - tol
    message("min was set to ", min)
  if (is.null(max)) {
    max <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + tol
    message("max was set to ", max)
  p <- stats::punif(x, min, max)
  stats::qnorm(p, mu, sd)

#' Convert binomial to normal
#' Convert a binomial distribution to a normal (gaussian) distribution with specified mu and sd
#' @param x the binomially distributed vector
#' @param mu the mean of the normal distribution to return
#' @param sd the SD of the normal distribution to return
#' @param size number of trials (set to max value of x if not specified)
#' @param prob the probability of success on each trial (set to mean probability if not specified)
#' @return a vector with a gaussian distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rbinom(10000, 20, 0.75)
#' y <- binom2norm(x, 0, 1, 20, 0.75)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
binom2norm <- function(x, mu = 0, sd = 1, size = NULL, prob = NULL) {
  if (!all(as.integer(x) == x, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("all values in x must be integers or NA")
  minx <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  maxx <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (is.null(size)) {
    size <- maxx
    message("size was set to ", size)
  if (is.null(prob)) {
    prob <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)/size
    message("prob was set to ", prob)
  if (size < maxx) stop("size cannot be smaller than the largest value")
  if (size < 2) stop("size cannot be smaller than 2")
  if (minx < 0) stop("the smallest possible value in a binomial distribution is 0")
  if (prob <0 || prob>1) stop("prob must be between 0 and 1")
  # replace infinite values (where x_i == size)
  a <- stats::pbinom((size-2):(size-1), size, prob) %>%
    stats::qnorm(mu, sd)
  replace_inf <- a[2] + (a[2]-a[1])
  p <- stats::pbinom(x, size, prob)
  x2 <- stats::qnorm(p, mu, sd)
  x2[x2==Inf] <- replace_inf

#' Convert gamma to normal
#' @param x the gamma distributed vector
#' @param mu the mean of the normal distribution to convert to
#' @param sd the SD of the normal distribution to convert to
#' @param shape gamma distribution parameter (must be positive)
#' @param scale gamma distribution parameter (must be positive)
#' @param rate	an alternative way to specify the scale
#' @return a vector with a normal distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rgamma(10000, 2)
#' y <- gamma2norm(x)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
gamma2norm <- function(x, mu = 0, sd = 1, shape = NULL, rate = 1, scale = 1/rate) {
  if (scale != 1) rate <- 1/scale
  if (is.null(shape)) {
    shape = mean(x) * rate
    message("shape was set to ", shape)
  p <- stats::pgamma(x, shape, rate = rate)
  stats::qnorm(p, mu, sd)

#' Convert beta to normal
#' @param x the gamma distributed vector
#' @param mu the mean of the normal distribution to convert to
#' @param sd the SD of the normal distribution to convert to
#' @param shape1,shape2 non-negative parameters of the beta distribution
#' @param ... further arguments to pass to pbeta (e.g., ncp)
#' @return a vector with a normal distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rbeta(10000, 2, 3)
#' y <- beta2norm(x)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
beta2norm <- function(x, mu = 0, sd = 1, shape1 = NULL, shape2 = NULL, ...) {
  xmu <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  xsd <- stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (is.null(shape1)) {
    shape1 = ((1 - xmu) / xsd^2 - 1 / xmu) * xmu^2
    message("shape1 was set to ", shape1)
  if (is.null(shape2)) {
    shape2 <- shape1 * (1 / xmu - 1)
    message("shape2 was set to ", shape2)
  p <- stats::pbeta(x, shape1, shape2, ...)
  stats::qnorm(p, mu, sd)

#' Convert normal to poisson
#' @param x the normally distributed vector
#' @param lambda the mean of the distribution to return
#' @param mu the mean of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param sd the SD of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with a poisson distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000)
#' y <- norm2pois(x, 2)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
norm2pois <- function(x, lambda, mu = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x)) {
  p <- stats::pnorm(x, mu, sd)
  stats::qpois(p, lambda)

#' Convert normal to beta
#' @param x the normally distributed vector
#' @param shape1,shape2 non-negative parameters of the distribution to return
#' @param mu the mean of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param sd the SD of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param ... further arguments to pass to qbeta (e.g., ncp)
#' @return a vector with a beta distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000)
#' y <- norm2beta(x, 1, 3)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
norm2beta <- function(x, shape1, shape2, mu = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x), ...) {
  p <- stats::pnorm(x, mu, sd)
  stats::qbeta(p, shape1, shape2, ...)

#' Convert normal to gamma
#' @param x the normally distributed vector
#' @param shape gamma distribution parameter (must be positive)
#' @param scale gamma distribution parameter (must be positive)
#' @param rate	an alternative way to specify the scale
#' @param mu the mean of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param sd the SD of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with a gamma distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000)
#' y <- norm2gamma(x, shape = 2)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
norm2gamma <- function(x, shape, rate = 1, scale = 1/rate, 
                       mu = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x)) {
  p <- stats::pnorm(x, mu, sd)
  if (rate == 1 && scale != 1) rate <- 1/scale
  stats::qgamma(p, shape, rate = rate)

#' Convert normal to binomial
#' @param x the normally distributed vector
#' @param size number of trials (0 or more)
#' @param prob the probability of success on each trial (0 to 1)
#' @param mu the mean of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param sd the SD of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with a binomial distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000)
#' y <- norm2binom(x)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
norm2binom <- function(x, size = 1, prob = 0.5, mu = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x)) {
  p <- stats::pnorm(x, mu, sd)
  stats::qbinom(p, size, prob)

#' Convert normal to uniform
#' Convert a normal (gaussian) distribution to a uniform distribution with specified minimum and maximum
#' @param x the normally distributed vector
#' @param min the minimum of the uniform distribution to return
#' @param max the maximum of the uniform distribution to return
#' @param mu the mean of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param sd the SD of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with a uniform distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000)
#' y <- norm2unif(x)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
norm2unif <- function(x, min = 0, max = 1, mu = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x)) {
  p <- stats::pnorm(x, mu, sd)
  stats::qunif(p, min, max)

#' Convert normal to normal
#' Convert a normal distribution to a normal (gaussian) distribution with specified mu and sd
#' @param x the uniformly distributed vector
#' @param mu the mean of the normal distribution to return
#' @param sd the SD of the normal distribution to return
#' @param x_mu the mean of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param x_sd the SD of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with a gaussian distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000)
#' y <- norm2norm(x, 100, 10)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
norm2norm <- function(x, mu = 0, sd = 1, x_mu = mean(x), x_sd = stats::sd(x)) {
  p <- stats::pnorm(x, x_mu, x_sd)
  stats::qnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = sd)

#' Convert normal to truncated normal
#' Convert a normal (gaussian) distribution to a truncated normal distribution with specified minimum and maximum
#' @param x the normally distributed vector
#' @param min the minimum of the truncated distribution to return
#' @param max the maximum of the truncated distribution to return
#' @param mu the mean of the distribution to return (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param sd the SD of the distribution to return (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param x_mu the mean of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param x_sd the SD of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with a uniform distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000)
#' y <- norm2trunc(x, 1, 7, 3.5, 2)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
norm2trunc <- function(x, min = -Inf, max = Inf, 
                       mu = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x), 
                       x_mu = mean(x), x_sd = stats::sd(x)) {
  p <- stats::pnorm(x, x_mu, x_sd)
  truncnorm::qtruncnorm(p, a = min, b = max, mean = mu, sd = sd)

#' Convert truncated normal to normal
#' Convert a truncated normal distribution to a normal (gaussian) distribution
#' @param x the truncated normally distributed vector
#' @param min the minimum of the truncated distribution (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param max the maximum of the truncated distribution (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param mu the mean of the distribution to return (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param sd the SD of the distribution to return (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with a uniform distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- truncnorm::rtruncnorm(10000, 1, 7, 3.5, 2)
#' y <- trunc2norm(x, 1, 7)
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
trunc2norm <- function(x, min = NULL, max = NULL, 
                       mu = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x)) {
  n <- length(x)
  # if not specified, set min and max 
  if (is.null(min)) {
    #min <- mu - (1.5*sd + 0.22*sd*log2(n))
    min <- mu - 3*sd
    message("min was set to ", min, 
            " (min(x) = ", min(x), ")")
  if (is.null(max)) {
    #max <- mu + (1.5*sd + 0.22*sd*log2(n))
    max <- mu + 3*sd
    message("max was set to ", max, 
            " (max(x) = ", max(x), ")")
  # make sure min and max encompass data
  if (min > min(x)) {
    min <- min(x) - 0.01*sd
    warning("min was > min(x), so min was set to ", min)
  if (max < max(x)) {
    max <- max(x) + 0.01*sd
    warning("max was < max(x), so max was set to ", max)
  p <- truncnorm::ptruncnorm(x, a = min, b = max, mean = mu, sd = sd)
  stats::qnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = sd)

#' Convert normal to likert
#' @param x the normally distributed vector
#' @param prob a vector of probabilities or counts; if named, the output is a factor
#' @param labels a vector of values, defaults to names(prob) or 1:length(prob), if numeric, the output is numeric
#' @param mu the mean of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @param sd the SD of x (calculated from x if not given)
#' @return a vector with the specified distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000)
#' y <- norm2likert(x, c(.1, .2, .35, .2, .1, .05))
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
#' y <- norm2likert(x, c(40, 30, 20, 10))
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
#' y <- norm2likert(x, c(lower = .5, upper = .5))
#' g <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x, y))
#' ggExtra::ggMarginal(g, type = "histogram")
norm2likert <- function(x, prob, labels = names(prob), mu = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x)) {
  labels <- labels %||% 1:length(prob)
  p <- stats::pnorm(x, mu, sd)
  qlikert(p, prob, labels)

#' Likert density function
#' @param x the likert distributed vector
#' @param prob a vector of probabilities or counts; if named, the output is a factor
#' @param labels a vector of values, defaults to names(prob) or 1:length(prob), if numeric, the output is numeric
#' @return a vector of the densities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:5
#' prob <- c(.1, .2, .4, .2, .1)
#' dlikert(x, prob)
#' x <- c("A", "C", "B", "B")
#' prob <- c(A = 10, B = 20, C = 30)
#' dlikert(x, prob)
#' # specify labels if prob not named and not 1:length(prob)
#' labels <- -2:2 
#' x <- sample(labels, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' prob <- rep(1, length(labels)) # uniform probability
#' dlikert(x, prob, labels)
dlikert <- function(x, prob, labels = names(prob)) {
  labels <- labels %||% 1:length(prob)
  dtrans <- stats::setNames(prob/sum(prob), labels)

#' Likert distribution function
#' @param q the vector of quantiles
#' @param prob a vector of probabilities or counts; if named, the output is a factor
#' @param labels a vector of values, defaults to names(prob) or 1:length(prob), if numeric, the output is numeric
#' @return a vector of the densities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' q <- 1:5
#' prob <- c(.1, .2, .4, .2, .1)
#' plikert(q, prob)
#' q <- c("A", "C", "B", "B")
#' prob <- c(A = 10, B = 20, C = 30)
#' plikert(q, prob)
#' # specify labels if prob not named and not 1:length(prob)
#' labels <- -2:2 
#' q <- labels
#' prob <- rep(1, length(labels)) # uniform probability
#' plikert(q, prob, labels)
plikert <- function(q, prob, labels = names(prob)) {
  labels <- labels %||% 1:length(prob)
  ptrans <- stats::setNames(cumsum(prob/sum(prob)), labels)

#' Likert quantile function
#' @param p the vector of probabilities
#' @param prob a vector of probabilities or counts; if named, the output is a factor
#' @param labels a vector of values, defaults to names(prob) or 1:length(prob), if numeric, the output is numeric
#' @return a vector of the quantiles
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- seq(0, 1, .1)
#' prob <- c(.1, .2, .4, .2, .1)
#' qlikert(p, prob)
#' p <- seq(0, 1, .1)
#' prob <- c(A = 10, B = 20, C = 30)
#' qlikert(p, prob)
#' # specify labels if prob not named and not 1:length(prob)
#' labels <- -2:2 
#' p <- seq(0, 1, .1)
#' prob <- rep(1, length(labels)) # uniform probability
#' qlikert(p, prob, labels)
qlikert <- function(p, prob, labels = names(prob)) {
  labels <- labels %||% 1:length(prob)
  ptrans <- stats::setNames(cumsum(prob/sum(prob)), labels)
  q <- lapply(p, `>`, ptrans) %>%
    sapply(sum) %>%
    sapply(`+`, 1) %>%
    `[`(labels, .)
  if (!is.numeric(labels)) factor(q, labels) else q

#' Random Likert distribution
#' @param n the number of observations
#' @param prob a vector of probabilities or counts; if named, the output is a factor
#' @param labels a vector of values, defaults to names(prob) or 1:length(prob), if numeric, the output is numeric
#' @return a vector sampled from a likert distribution with the specified parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # no names or labels returns integer vector of values 1:length(prob)
#' prob <- c(.1, .2, .4, .2, .1)
#' rlikert(10, prob)
#' # named prob returns factor 
#' prob <- c(A = 10, B = 20, C = 30)
#' rlikert(10, prob)
#' # specify labels if prob not named and not 1:length(prob)
#' labels <- -2:2 
#' prob <- rep(1, length(labels)) # uniform probability
#' rlikert(10, prob, labels)
rlikert <- function(n, prob, labels = names(prob)) {
  labels <- labels %||% 1:length(prob)
  if (!is.numeric(labels)) labels <- factor(labels, labels, labels)
  sample(labels, n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob)

#' Standardized Alpha to Average R
#' @param std_alpha The standarized alpha 
#' @param n The number of items
#' @return The average inter-item correlation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' std_alpha2average_r(.8, 10)
std_alpha2average_r <- function(std_alpha, n) {
  sumR <- -n / ((std_alpha / (n/(n - 1))) - 1)
  (sumR - n)/(n * (n - 1))

#' Average r to Random Intercept SD
#' @param average_r The average inter-item correlation
#' @param sigma Total error variance
#' @return The standard deviation of the random intercept
#' @export
average_r2tau_0 <- function(average_r, sigma) {
  sqrt((average_r * sigma^2) / (1 - average_r))

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