#' Performs hierarchical clustering for functional data with amplitude and phase
#' separation
#' This function extends hierarchical agglomerative clustering to functional
#' data. It includes the possibility to separate amplitude and phase
#' information.
#' The number of clusters is required as input because, with functional data,
#' once hierarchical clustering is performed, curves within clusters need to be
#' aligned to their corresponding centroid.
#' @inheritParams fdakmeans
#' @param linkage_criterion A string specifying which linkage criterion should
#' be used to compute distances between sets of curves. Choices are
#' `"complete"` for complete linkage, `"average"` for average linkage and
#' `"single"` for single linkage. See [stats::hclust()] for more details.
#' Defaults to `"complete"`.
#' @return An object of class [`caps`].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #----------------------------------
#' # Extracts 15 out of the 30 simulated curves in `simulated30_sub` data set
#' idx <- c(1:5, 11:15, 21:25)
#' x <- simulated30_sub$x[idx, ]
#' y <- simulated30_sub$y[idx, , ]
#' #----------------------------------
#' # Runs an HAC with affine alignment, searching for 2 clusters
#' out <- fdahclust(
#' x = x,
#' y = y,
#' n_clusters = 2,
#' warping_class = "affine"
#' )
#' #----------------------------------
#' # Then visualize the results
#' # Either with ggplot2 via ggplot2::autoplot(out)
#' # or using graphics::plot()
#' # You can visualize the original and aligned curves with:
#' plot(out, type = "amplitude")
#' # Or the estimated warping functions with:
#' plot(out, type = "phase")
fdahclust <- function(x, y = NULL,
n_clusters = 1L,
warping_class = c("affine", "dilation", "none", "shift", "srsf"),
centroid_type = "mean",
metric = c("l2", "pearson"),
linkage_criterion = c("complete", "average", "single", "ward.D2"),
cluster_on_phase = FALSE,
use_verbose = TRUE,
warping_options = c(0.15, 0.15),
maximum_number_of_iterations = 100L,
number_of_threads = 1L,
parallel_method = 0L,
distance_relative_tolerance = 0.001,
use_fence = FALSE,
check_total_dissimilarity = TRUE,
compute_overall_center = FALSE) {
call <- rlang::call_match(defaults = TRUE)
callname <- rlang::call_name(call)
callargs <- rlang::call_args(call)
l <- format_inputs(x, y)
x <- l$x
y <- l$y
dims <- dim(y)
N <- dims[1]
L <- dims[2]
M <- dims[3]
warping_class <- rlang::arg_match(warping_class)
metric <- rlang::arg_match(metric)
linkage_criterion <- rlang::arg_match(linkage_criterion)
centroid_type_args <- check_centroid_type(centroid_type)
centroid_name <- centroid_type_args$name
if (centroid_name != "medoid" && parallel_method == 1L)
cli::cli_abort("Parallelization on the distance calculation loop is only available for computing medoids.")
if (warping_class == "none" && cluster_on_phase)
cli::cli_abort("It makes no sense to cluster based on phase variability if no alignment is performed.")
callargs$warping_class <- warping_class
callargs$metric <- metric
callargs$linkage_criterion <- linkage_criterion
if (use_verbose)
cli::cli_alert_info("Computing the distance matrix...")
D <- fdadist(
x = x,
y = y,
warping_class = warping_class,
metric = metric,
cluster_on_phase = cluster_on_phase
Dm <- as.matrix(D)
if (use_verbose)
cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating the tree...")
hc <- stats::hclust(D, method = linkage_criterion)
labels <- stats::cutree(tree = hc, k = n_clusters)
if (use_verbose)
cli::cli_alert_info("Aligning all curves with respect to their centroid...")
kmresults <- lapply(1:n_clusters, function(k) {
cluster_ids <- which(labels == k)
medoid_idx <- which.min(rowSums(Dm[cluster_ids, cluster_ids, drop = FALSE]))
x = x[cluster_ids, , drop = FALSE],
y = y[cluster_ids, , , drop = FALSE],
n_clusters = 1,
warping_class = warping_class,
seeds = medoid_idx,
maximum_number_of_iterations = maximum_number_of_iterations,
centroid_type = centroid_type,
metric = metric,
warping_options = warping_options,
number_of_threads = number_of_threads,
parallel_method = parallel_method,
distance_relative_tolerance = distance_relative_tolerance,
cluster_on_phase = cluster_on_phase,
use_fence = use_fence,
check_total_dissimilarity = check_total_dissimilarity,
use_verbose = FALSE,
compute_overall_center = compute_overall_center,
add_silhouettes = FALSE
if (use_verbose)
cli::cli_alert_info("Consolidating output...")
original_curves <- array(dim = c(N, L, M))
original_grids <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = M)
aligned_grids <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = M)
center_curves <- array(dim = c(n_clusters, L, M))
center_grids <- matrix(nrow = n_clusters, ncol = M)
dtc <- numeric(N)
for (k in 1:n_clusters) {
cluster_ids <- which(labels == k)
original_curves[cluster_ids, , ] <- kmresults[[k]]$original_curves
original_grids[cluster_ids, ] <- kmresults[[k]]$original_grids
aligned_grids[cluster_ids, ] <- kmresults[[k]]$aligned_grids
center_curves[k, , ] <- kmresults[[k]]$center_curves
center_grids[k, ] <- kmresults[[k]]$center_grids[1, ]
dtc[cluster_ids] <- kmresults[[k]]$distances_to_center
silhouettes <- NULL
if (n_clusters > 1) {
D <- fdadist(
x = aligned_grids,
y = original_curves,
warping_class = "none",
metric = metric
silhouettes <- cluster::silhouette(labels, D)[, "sil_width"]
out <- list(
original_curves = original_curves,
original_grids = original_grids,
aligned_grids = aligned_grids,
center_curves = center_curves,
center_grids = center_grids,
n_clusters = n_clusters,
memberships = labels,
distances_to_center = dtc,
silhouettes = silhouettes,
amplitude_variation = sum(purrr::map_dbl(kmresults, "amplitude_variation")),
total_variation = sum(purrr::map_dbl(kmresults, "total_variation")),
n_iterations = 0,
call_name = callname,
call_args = callargs
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