impute_via_mean <- function(X, labels) {
N <- nrow(X)
M <- ncol(X)
idx_min <- rep(NA, N)
idx_max <- rep(NA, N)
for (n in 1:N) {
break_low <- FALSE
break_high <- FALSE
for (m in 1:M) {
if (![n, m]) && !break_low) {
idx_min[n] <- m
break_low <- TRUE
if (![n, M - m + 1]) && !break_high) {
idx_max[n] <- M - m + 1
break_high <- TRUE
if (break_low && break_high)
Xout <- X
prior <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 4)
for (m in (max(idx_min) + 1):M) {
idx_na <- which([, m]))
for (n in idx_na) {
subs <- which(labels == labels[n])
spl <- X[subs, m] - X[subs, m - 1]
Xout[n, m] <- mean(spl, na.rm = TRUE) + Xout[n, m - 1]
prior <- rbind(prior, c(n, m, Xout[n, m], stats::sd(spl, na.rm = TRUE)))
for (m in (min(idx_max) - 1):1) {
idx_na <- which([, m]))
for (n in idx_na) {
subs <- which(labels == labels[n])
spl <- X[subs, m] - X[subs, m + 1]
Xout[n, m] <- mean(spl, na.rm = TRUE) + Xout[n, m + 1]
prior <- rbind(prior, c(n, m, Xout[n, m], stats::sd(spl, na.rm = TRUE)))
trapz <- function(x, y, dims = 1) {
if ((dims - 1) > 0)
perm <- c(dims:max(ndims(y), dims), 1:(dims - 1))
perm <- c(dims:max(ndims(y), dims))
if (ndims(y) == 0)
m <- 1
else {
if (length(x) != dim(y)[dims])
cli::cli_abort("Dimensions mismatch in trapezoidal integration (function {.fn trapz}).")
y = aperm(y, perm)
m <- nrow(y)
if (m == 1) {
M <- length(y)
out <- sum(diff(x) * (y[-M] + y[-1]) / 2)
} else {
slice1 <- y[as.vector(outer(1:(m - 1), dim(y)[1] * (1:prod(dim(y)[-1]) - 1), '+'))]
dim(slice1) <- c(m - 1, length(slice1) / (m - 1))
slice2 <- y[as.vector(outer(2:m, dim(y)[1] * (1:prod(dim(y)[-1]) - 1), '+'))]
dim(slice2) <- c(m - 1, length(slice2) / (m - 1))
out <- t(diff(x)) %*% (slice1 + slice2) / 2.
siz <- dim(y)
siz[1] <- 1
out <- array(out, siz)
perm2 <- rep(0, length(perm))
perm2[perm] <- 1:length(perm)
out <- aperm(out, perm2)
ind <- which(dim(out) != 1)
out <- array(out, dim(out)[ind])
ndims <- function(x){
check_centroid_type <- function(x) {
if (x == "mean" || x == "median" || x == "medoid") return(list(name = x, extra = 0))
if (grepl("lowess", x, fixed = TRUE)) {
span_value <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", x)) / 100
if ( span_value <- 0.1
return(list(name = "lowess", extra = span_value))
if (grepl("poly", x, fixed = TRUE)) {
degree_value <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", x))
if ( degree_value <- 4
return(list(name = "poly", extra = degree_value))
cli::cli_abort("The input argument {.arg centroid_type} should be one of {.code mean}, {.code medoid}, {.code lowessXX} or {.code polyXX}.")
format_inputs <- function(x, y = NULL) {
# Here x is N x M and y is N x L x M when provided
if (is.null(y) && rlang::is_installed("funData")) {
if (inherits(x, "funData")) {
if (length(x@argvals) > 1)
"The {.pkg fdacluster} package does not support functional data defined ",
"on multivariate domains."
L <- 1
y <- x@X
dims <- dim(y)
N <- dims[1]
M <- dims[2]
y <- array(y, dim = c(N, L, M))
x <- x@argvals[[1]]
} else if (inherits(x, "irregFunData")) {
L <- 1
N <- length(x@argvals)
M <- x@argvals |>
purrr::map_int(length) |>
mean() |>
y <- array(dim = c(N, L, M))
y[, 1, ] <- x@X |>
purrr::imap(\(values, id) stats::approx(x@argvals[[id]], values, n = M)$y) |>, args = _)
x <- x@argvals |>
purrr::map(\(grid) seq(min(grid), max(grid), length.out = M)) |>, args = _)
} else if (inherits(x, "multiFunData")) {
L <- length(x)
dims <- dim(x[[1]]@X)
grid <- x[[1]]@argvals[[1]]
purrr::walk(x, \(fData) {
if (length(fData@argvals) != 1)
"The {.pkg fdacluster} package does not support functional data ",
"defined on multivariate domains."
if (any(fData@argvals[[1]] != grid))
"All components of the {.cls multiFunData} object must share the same ",
"evaluation grids."
if (any(dim(fData@X) != dims))
"All components of the {.cls multiFunData} object must have values ",
"stored in matrices with the same dimensions."
N <- dims[1]
M <- dims[2]
y <- array(dim = c(N, L, M))
for (l in 1:L) y[, l, ] <- x[[l]]@X
x <- grid
} else
"Functional data provided in a single argument {.arg x} must be either of ",
"class {.cls funData} or of class {.cls irregFunData} or of class ",
"{.cls multiFunData}."
} else if (rlang::is_installed("fda") && inherits(y, "fd")) {
dims <- purrr::map_int(y$fdnames, length)
M <- dims[1]
N <- dims[2]
L <- dims[3]
if (is.vector(x)) {
if (length(x) != M)
"The number of function evaluations ({M}) does not match the grid ",
"size ({length(x)})."
y <- fda::eval.fd(x, y)
} else {
if (nrow(x) != N)
"When provided multiple evaluation grids as a matrix, the number of ",
"rows should match the number of curves."
if (ncol(x) != M)
"When provided multiple evaluation grids as a matrix, the number of ",
"columns should match the common grid size."
y <- fda::eval.fd(t(x), y)
if (is.null(dim(y))) {
# y is a single 1-dimensional curve
y <- array(y, dim = c(length(y), 1, 1))
} else if (length(dim(y)) == 2) {
# y is N 1-dimensional curves
y <- array(y, dim = c(dim(y), 1))
y <- aperm(y, c(2, 3, 1))
} else {
if (length(dim(y)) == 2) {
y <- array(y, c(dim(y)[1], 1, dim(y)[2]))
dims <- dim(y)
N <- dims[1]
L <- dims[2]
M <- dims[3]
# Handle vector grid
if (is.vector(x)) {
x <- matrix(x, N, M, byrow = TRUE)
if (anyNA(x))
cli::cli_abort("The input argument {.arg x} should not contain non-finite values.")
if (anyNA(y))
cli::cli_abort("The input argument {.arg y} should not contain non-finite values.")
# output x matrix NxM and y array NxLxM
list(x = x, y = y)
remove_missing_points <- function(grids, curves) {
dims <- dim(curves)
N <- dims[1]
L <- dims[2]
M <- dims[3]
out_grids <- grids
out_curves <- curves
for (n in 1:N) {
non_na_indices <- ![n, 1, ])
tmin <- min(grids[n, non_na_indices])
tmax <- max(grids[n, non_na_indices])
tout <- seq(tmin, tmax, length.out = M)
out_grids[n, ] <- tout
for (l in 1:L)
out_curves[n, l, ] <- stats::approx(grids[n, ], curves[n, l, ], xout = tout)$y
list(grids = out_grids, curves = out_curves)
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