
Defines functions elastic.depth

Documented in elastic.depth

#' Calculates elastic depth
#' This functions calculates the elastic depth between set of functions
#' @param f matrix of N function of M time points (MxN)
#' @param time sample points of functions
#' @param lambda controls amount of warping (default = 0)
#' @param pen alignment penalty (default="roughness") options are
#' second derivative ("roughness"), geodesic distance from id ("geodesic"), and
#' norm from id ("norm")
#' @param parallel run computation in parallel (default = T)
#' @return Returns a list containing \item{amp}{amplitude depth}
#' \item{phase}{phase depth}
#' @keywords depth
#' @concept srvf alignment
#' @references T. Harris, J. D. Tucker, B. Li, and L. Shand, "Elastic depths for detecting shape anomalies in functional data," Technometrics, 10.1080/00401706.2020.1811156, 2020.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' depths <- elastic.depth(simu_data$f[, 1:4], simu_data$time)
elastic.depth <- function(f,time,lambda = 0, pen="roughness", parallel = FALSE){
  if (parallel){
    cores = max(parallel::detectCores() - 1, 1)
    cl = parallel::makeCluster(cores)
  } else

    obs = nrow(f)
    fns = ncol(f)

    amp_dist = matrix(0, fns, fns)
    phs_dist = matrix(0, fns, fns)
    k = 0

    for (f1 in 1:(fns-1)) {

        dist<-foreach::foreach(k = f1:ncol(f), .combine=cbind,.packages='fdasrvf') %dopar% {

            out = elastic.distance(f[,f1], f[,k], time, lambda, pen)


        N = ncol(f)-f1+1
        phs = unlist(dist[2,])
        amp = unlist(dist[1,])

        phs_dist[f1, f1:fns] = phs
        amp_dist[f1, f1:fns] = amp

    amp_dist = amp_dist + t(amp_dist)
    phs_dist = phs_dist + t(phs_dist)

    amp = 1 / (1 + apply(amp_dist, 1, stats::median))
    phase = 1 / (1 + apply(phs_dist, 1, stats::median))
    phase = ((2+pi)/pi) * (phase - 2/(2+pi))

    if (parallel) parallel::stopCluster(cl)


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