
Defines functions obj_print_data.ffp_views obj_print_header.ffp_views bind_views construct_view_on_joint_distribution view_on_joint_distribution.tbl_df view_on_joint_distribution.xts view_on_joint_distribution.matrix view_on_joint_distribution.default view_on_joint_distribution construct_view_on_marginal_distribution view_on_marginal_distribution.tbl_df view_on_marginal_distribution.xts view_on_marginal_distribution.matrix view_on_marginal_distribution.default view_on_marginal_distribution construct_view_on_copula view_on_copula.tbl_df view_on_copula.xts view_on_copula.matrix view_on_copula.default view_on_copula construct_view_on_rank view_on_rank.tbl_df view_on_rank.xts view_on_rank.matrix view_on_rank.default view_on_rank construct_view_on_volatility view_on_volatility.tbl_df view_on_volatility.xts view_on_volatility.matrix view_on_volatility.default view_on_volatility construct_view_on_correlation view_on_correlation.tbl_df view_on_correlation.xts view_on_correlation.matrix view_on_correlation.default view_on_correlation construct_view_on_covariance view_on_covariance.tbl_df view_on_covariance.xts view_on_covariance.matrix view_on_covariance.default view_on_covariance construct_view_on_mean view_on_mean.tbl_df view_on_mean.xts view_on_mean.matrix view_on_mean.default view_on_mean

Documented in bind_views view_on_copula view_on_copula.default view_on_copula.matrix view_on_copula.tbl_df view_on_copula.xts view_on_correlation view_on_correlation.default view_on_correlation.matrix view_on_correlation.tbl_df view_on_correlation.xts view_on_covariance view_on_covariance.default view_on_covariance.matrix view_on_covariance.tbl_df view_on_covariance.xts view_on_joint_distribution view_on_joint_distribution.default view_on_joint_distribution.matrix view_on_joint_distribution.tbl_df view_on_joint_distribution.xts view_on_marginal_distribution view_on_marginal_distribution.default view_on_marginal_distribution.matrix view_on_marginal_distribution.tbl_df view_on_marginal_distribution.xts view_on_mean view_on_mean.default view_on_mean.matrix view_on_mean.tbl_df view_on_mean.xts view_on_rank view_on_rank.default view_on_rank.matrix view_on_rank.tbl_df view_on_rank.xts view_on_volatility view_on_volatility.default view_on_volatility.matrix view_on_volatility.tbl_df view_on_volatility.xts

# PARTIAL INFORMATION -----------------------------------------------------

# Views on Means ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Views on Expected Returns
#' Helper to construct views on expected returns.
#' @param x An univariate or a multivariate distribution.
#' @param mean A \code{double} for the target location parameter of the series in `x`.
#' @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Invariant
#' ret <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#' n   <- nrow(ret)
#' # View on expected returns (here is 2% for each asset)
#' mean <- rep(0.02, 4)
#' # Prior probabilities (usually equal weight scheme)
#' prior <- rep(1 / n, n)
#' # View
#' views <- view_on_mean(x = ret, mean = mean)
#' views
#' # Optimization
#' ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, Aeq = views$Aeq, beq = views$beq, solver = "nlminb")
#' autoplot(ep)
#' # Probabilities are twisted in such a way that the posterior
#' # `mu` match's exactly with previously stated beliefs
#' ffp_moments(x = ret, p = ep)$mu
view_on_mean <- function(x, mean) {
  UseMethod("view_on_mean", x)

#' @rdname view_on_mean
#' @export
view_on_mean.default <- function(x, mean) {
  rlang::abort("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.")

#' @rdname view_on_mean
#' @export
view_on_mean.matrix <- function(x, mean) {
  construct_view_on_mean(x, mean)

#' @rdname view_on_mean
#' @export
view_on_mean.xts <- function(x, mean) {
  construct_view_on_mean(as.matrix(x), mean)

#' @rdname view_on_mean
#' @export
view_on_mean.tbl_df <- function(x, mean) {
  construct_view_on_mean(tbl_to_mtx(x), mean)

#' @keywords internal
construct_view_on_mean <- function(x, mean) {

  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(x), vctrs::vec_size(mean)))
  vctrs::vec_assert(mean, double())

  # ...constrain the first moments...
  Aeq <- t(x)
  beq <- mean

    x      = list(Aeq = Aeq, beq = beq),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "view_on_mean")


# Views on Covariance Matrix ---------------------------------------------------

#' Views on Covariance Matrix
#' Helper to construct views on variance-covariance matrix.
#' @param x An univariate or a multivariate distribution.
#' @param mean A \code{double} for the location parameter of the series in `x`.
#' @param sigma A \code{matrix} for the target variance-covariance parameter
#' of the series in `x`.
#' @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Invariant (stationarity)
#' ret <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#' # Expectations for location and dispersion parameters
#' mean <- colMeans(ret) # No active expectations for returns
#' cor <- matrix(0, ncol = 4, nrow = 4) # diagonal covariance matrix
#' diag(cor) <- 1                       # diagonal covariance matrix
#' sds <- apply(ret, 2, sd)             # diagonal covariance matrix
#' covs <- diag(sds) %*% cor %*% diag(sds) ## diagonal covariance matrix
#' # prior probabilities (usually equal weight scheme)
#' prior <- rep(1 / nrow(ret), nrow(ret))
#' # Views
#' views <- view_on_covariance(x = ret, mean = mean, sigma = covs)
#' views
#' # Optimization
#' ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, Aeq = views$Aeq, beq = views$beq, solver = "nlminb")
#' autoplot(ep)
#' # original covariance matrix
#' stats::cov(ret)
#' # Posterior covariance matrix
#' ffp_moments(x = ret, p = ep)$sigma
view_on_covariance <- function(x, mean, sigma) {
  UseMethod("view_on_covariance", x)

#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname view_on_covariance
view_on_covariance.default <- function(x, mean, sigma) {
  rlang::abort("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.")

#' @rdname view_on_covariance
#' @export
view_on_covariance.matrix <- function(x, mean, sigma) {
  construct_view_on_covariance(x, mean, sigma)

#' @rdname view_on_covariance
#' @export
view_on_covariance.xts <- function(x, mean, sigma) {
  construct_view_on_covariance(as.matrix(x), mean, sigma)

#' @rdname view_on_covariance
#' @export
view_on_covariance.tbl_df <- function(x, mean, sigma) {
  construct_view_on_covariance(tbl_to_mtx(x), mean, sigma)

#' @keywords internal
construct_view_on_covariance <- function(x, mean, sigma) {

  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(x), vctrs::vec_size(mean)))
  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(sigma), NROW(sigma)))
  vctrs::vec_assert(mean, double())

  N  <- NCOL(x)

  SecMom <- sigma + mean %*% t(mean)   #...constrain the second moments...

  Aeq <- NULL
  beq <- NULL

  for (k in 1:N) {
    for (l in k:N) {
      Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x[ , k] * x[ , l]))
      beq <- rbind(beq, SecMom[k, l])

    x      = list(Aeq = Aeq, beq = beq),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "view_on_covariance")


# Views on Correlation ----------------------------------------------------

#' Views on Correlation Structure
#' Helper to construct views  on the correlation matrix.
#' @param x An univariate or a multivariate distribution.
#' @param cor A \code{matrix} for the target correlation structure of
#' the series in `x`.
#' @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Invariant
#' ret <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#' # Assume that a panic event throws all correlations to the roof!
#' co <- matrix(0.95, 4, 4)
#' diag(co) <- 1
#' co
#' # Prior probability (usually the equal-weight setting)
#' prior <- rep(1 / nrow(ret), nrow(ret))
#' # View
#' views <- view_on_correlation(x = ret, cor = co)
#' views
#' # Optimization
#' ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, Aeq = views$Aeq, beq = views$beq, solver = "nlminb")
#' autoplot(ep)
#' # prior correlation structure
#' stats::cor(ret)
#' # posterior correlation structure matches the initial view very closely
#' stats::cov2cor(ffp_moments(x = ret, p = ep)$sigma)
view_on_correlation <- function(x, cor) {
  UseMethod("view_on_correlation", x)

#' @rdname view_on_correlation
#' @export
view_on_correlation.default <- function(x, cor) {
  rlang::abort("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.")

#' @rdname view_on_correlation
#' @export
view_on_correlation.matrix <- function(x, cor) {
  construct_view_on_correlation(x, cor)

#' @rdname view_on_correlation
#' @export
view_on_correlation.xts <- function(x, cor) {
  construct_view_on_correlation(as.matrix(x), cor)

#' @rdname view_on_correlation
#' @export
view_on_correlation.tbl_df <- function(x, cor) {
  construct_view_on_correlation(tbl_to_mtx(x), cor)

#' @keywords internal
construct_view_on_correlation <- function(x, cor) {

  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(x), NROW(cor)))
  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(cor), NROW(cor)))

  N <- NCOL(cor)
  mu <- colMeans(x)
  sd <- apply(x, 2, stats::sd)

  Aeq <- NULL
  beq <- NULL

  # Attach the view on cor
  for (k in 1:N) {
    for (l in k:N) {
      Aeq <- rbind(Aeq ,t(x[ , k] * x[ , l]))
      beq <- rbind(beq, mu[[k]] * mu[[l]] + sd[[k]] * sd[[l]] * cor[k, l])

    x      = list(Aeq = Aeq, beq = beq),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "view_on_correlation")


# Views on the Volatility -------------------------------------------------

#' Views on Volatility
#' Helper to construct views on volatility.
#' @param x An univariate or a multivariate distribution.
#' @param vol A \code{double} for the target volatility structure
#' of the series in `x`.
#' @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Invariant
#' ret <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#' n   <- nrow(ret)
#' # Expected a volatility 30% higher than historical average
#' vol <- apply(ret, 2, stats::sd) * 1.3
#' # Prior Probabilities
#' prior <- rep(1 / n, n)
#' # Views
#' views <- view_on_volatility(x = ret, vol = vol)
#' views
#' # Optimization
#' ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, Aeq = views$Aeq, beq = views$beq, solver = "nlminb")
#' autoplot(ep)
#' # Desired volatility
#' vol
#' # Posterior volatility matches very closely with the desired volatility
#' sqrt(diag(ffp_moments(x = ret, p = ep)$sigma))
view_on_volatility <- function(x, vol) {
  UseMethod("view_on_volatility", x)

#' @rdname view_on_volatility
#' @export
view_on_volatility.default <- function(x, vol) {
  rlang::abort("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.")

#' @rdname view_on_volatility
#' @export
view_on_volatility.matrix <- function(x, vol) {
  construct_view_on_volatility(x, vol)

#' @rdname view_on_volatility
#' @export
view_on_volatility.xts <- function(x, vol) {
  construct_view_on_volatility(as.matrix(x), vol)

#' @rdname view_on_volatility
#' @export
view_on_volatility.tbl_df <- function(x, vol) {
  construct_view_on_volatility(tbl_to_mtx(x), vol)

#' @keywords internal
construct_view_on_volatility <- function(x, vol) {

  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(x), vctrs::vec_size(vol)))
  vctrs::vec_assert(vol, double())

  Aeq <- t(x) ^ 2
  beq <- colMeans(x) ^ 2 + vol ^ 2

    x      = list(Aeq = Aeq, beq = beq),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "view_on_volatility")


# Views on Ranking --------------------------------------------------------

#' Views on Relative Performance
#' Helper to construct views on relative performance of assets.
#' If `rank = c(2, 1)` it is implied that asset in the first column will outperform
#' the asset in the second column. For longer vectors the interpretation
#' is the same: assets on the right will outperform assets on the left.
#' @param x An univariate or a multivariate distribution.
#' @param rank A \code{integer} with the assets rank (from the worst to the best
#' performer).
#' @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Invariants
#' x <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#' prior <- rep(1 / nrow(x), nrow(x))
#' # asset in the first col will outperform the asset in the second col (DAX will
#' # outperform SMI).
#' views <- view_on_rank(x = x, rank = c(2, 1))
#' views
#' ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, A = views$A, b = views$b, solver = "nloptr")
#' autoplot(ep)
#' # Prior Returns (SMI > DAX)
#' colMeans(x)[1:2]
#' # Posterior Returns (DAX > SMI)
#' ffp_moments(x, ep)$mu[1:2]
view_on_rank <- function(x, rank) {
  UseMethod("view_on_rank", x)

#' @rdname view_on_rank
#' @export
view_on_rank.default <- function(x, rank) {
  rlang::abort("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.")

#' @rdname view_on_rank
#' @export
view_on_rank.matrix <- function(x, rank) {
  construct_view_on_rank(x = x, rank = rank)

#' @rdname view_on_rank
#' @export
view_on_rank.xts <- function(x, rank) {
  construct_view_on_rank(x = as.matrix(x), rank = rank)

#' @rdname view_on_rank
#' @export
view_on_rank.tbl_df <- function(x, rank) {
  construct_view_on_rank(x = tbl_to_mtx(x), rank = rank)

#' @keywords internal
construct_view_on_rank <- function(x, rank) {

  #assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NROW(x), NROW(p)))
  assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(rank), msg = "`.rank` must be a numeric vector.")

  rank_size <- vctrs::vec_size(rank)

  # ...constrain the expectations...
  view <- x[ , rank[1:(rank_size - 1)]] - x[ , rank[2:rank_size]]
  A <- t(view)
  b <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(A)), ncol = 1)

    x      = list(A = A, b = b),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "view_on_rank")


# Views on tail codependence ----------------------------------------------

# Views on Tail Dependence
# Helper to construct views on tail dependence.
# @param x A multivariate copula.
# @param tail A \code{double} with tail index of each asset.
# @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
# @export
# @examples
# library(ggplot2)
# set.seed(1)
# # Invariants
# x <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
# u <- apply(x, 2, stats::pnorm) # normal copula (assumption, it could be anything)
# n <- nrow(x)
# tail <- c(0.49, 0.5, 0.5002, 0.5) # tail index
# # Prior Probabilities
# prior <- rep(1 / n, n)
# # Views
# views <- view_on_tail_dependence(x = u, tail = tail)
# views
# # Optimization
# ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, Aeq = views$Aeq, beq = views$beq, solver = "nlminb")
# autoplot(ep)
# view_on_tail_dependence <- function(x, tail) {
#   UseMethod("view_on_tail_dependence", x)
# }

# @rdname view_on_tail_dependence
# @export
# view_on_tail_dependence.default <- function(x, tail) {
#   stop("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.", call. = FALSE)
# }

# @rdname view_on_tail_dependence
# @export
# view_on_tail_dependence.matrix <- function(x, tail) {
#   construct_view_on_tail_dependence(x = x, tail = tail)
# }

# @rdname view_on_tail_dependence
# @export
#view_on_tail_dependence.xts <- function(x, tail) {
#  construct_view_on_tail_dependence(x = as.matrix(x), tail = tail)

# @rdname view_on_tail_dependence
# @export
#view_on_tail_dependence.tbl_df <- function(x, tail) {
#  construct_view_on_tail_dependence(x = tbl_to_mtx(x), tail = tail)

# @keywords internal
# construct_view_on_tail_dependence <- function(x, tail) {
#   assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(x), vctrs::vec_size(tail)))
#   vctrs::vec_assert(tail, double())
#   cop <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
#   for (i in 1:NCOL(x)) {
#     cop[ , i] <- as.double(x[ , i] <= tail[[i]])
#   }
#   Aeq <- t(cop)
#   beq <- tail
#   vctrs::new_list_of(
#     x      = list(Aeq = Aeq, beq = beq),
#     .ptype = double(),
#     class  = "ffp_views",
#     type   = "view_on_tail_depedence"
#   )
# }

# FULL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------

# Views on copula

#' Views on Copulas
#' Helper to construct constraints on copulas for entropy programming.
#' @param x A multivariate copula.
#' @param simul A simulated target copula.
#' @param p An object of the `ffp` class.
#' @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   set.seed(1)
#'   library(ggplot2)
#'   # Invariants
#'   ret <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#'   u <- apply(ret, 2, stats::pnorm) # assuming normal copula
#'   n <- nrow(u)
#'   #' Prior probability distribution
#'   prior <- rep(1 / n, n)
#'   # Simulated marginals
#'   simul_marg <- bootstrap_scenarios(ret, as_ffp(prior), as.double(n))
#'   # Copulas derived from the simulated margins
#'   simul_cop <- apply(simul_marg, 2, stats::pnorm) # assuming normal copula
#'   views <- view_on_copula(x = u, simul = simul_cop, p = prior)
#'   views
#'   ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, Aeq = views$Aeq, beq = views$beq, solver = "nloptr")
#'   autoplot(ep)
#' }
view_on_copula <- function(x, simul, p) {
  UseMethod("view_on_copula", x)

#' @rdname view_on_copula
#' @export
view_on_copula.default <- function(x, simul, p) {
  rlang::abort("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.")

#' @rdname view_on_copula
#' @export
view_on_copula.matrix <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_copula(x = x, simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @rdname view_on_copula
#' @export
view_on_copula.xts <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_copula(x = as.matrix(x), simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @rdname view_on_copula
#' @export
view_on_copula.tbl_df <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_copula(x = tbl_to_mtx(x), simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @keywords internal
construct_view_on_copula <- function(x, simul, p) {

  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NROW(simul), NROW(p)))

  N <- NCOL(simul)

  Aeq <- NULL
  beq <- NULL

  # first moment
  Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x))
  beq <- as.matrix(c(beq, rep(1 / 2, NCOL(x))))

  # second moment
  #Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x) ^ 2)
  #beq <- as.matrix(c(beq, rep(1 / 3, NCOL(x))))

  # cross moments
  for (k in 1:N) {
    for (l in k:N) {
      Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x[ , k] * x[ , l]))
      beq <- rbind(beq, t(simul[ , k] * simul[ , l]) %*% p)

  if (N > 2) {
    # order 3
    for (k in 1:N) {
      for (l in k:N) {
        for (i in l:k) {
          Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x[ , k] * x[ , l] * x[ , i]))
          beq <- rbind(beq, t(simul[ , k] * simul[ , l] * simul[ , i]) %*% p)

    x = list(Aeq = Aeq, beq = beq),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "view_on_copula"


# Views on Marginal Distributions -----------------------------------------

#' Views on Marginal Distribution
#' Helper to construct constraints on the marginal distribution.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `simul` must have the same number of columns than `x`
#'   \item `p` should have the same number of rows that `simul`.
#' }
#' @param x An univariate or a multivariate distribution.
#' @param simul An univariate or multivariate simulated panel.
#' @param p An object of the `ffp` class.
#' @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Invariants
#' ret <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#' n <- nrow(ret)
#' #' Prior probability distribution
#' prior <- rep(1 / n, n)
#' # Simulated marginals
#' simul <- bootstrap_scenarios(ret, as_ffp(prior), as.double(n))
#' views <- view_on_marginal_distribution(x = ret, simul = simul, p = prior)
#' views
#' ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, Aeq = views$Aeq, beq = views$beq, solver = "nlminb")
#' autoplot(ep)
#' # location matches
#' colMeans(simul)
#' ffp_moments(x = ret, p = ep)$mu
#' # dispersion matches
#' cov(simul)
#' ffp_moments(x = ret, p = ep)$sigma
view_on_marginal_distribution <- function(x, simul, p) {
  UseMethod("view_on_marginal_distribution", x)

#' @rdname view_on_marginal_distribution
#' @export
view_on_marginal_distribution.default <- function(x, simul, p) {
  rlang::abort("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.")

#' @rdname view_on_marginal_distribution
#' @export
view_on_marginal_distribution.matrix <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_marginal_distribution(x = x, simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @rdname view_on_marginal_distribution
#' @export
view_on_marginal_distribution.xts <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_marginal_distribution(x = as.matrix(x), simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @rdname view_on_marginal_distribution
#' @export
view_on_marginal_distribution.tbl_df <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_marginal_distribution(x = tbl_to_mtx(x), simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @keywords internal
construct_view_on_marginal_distribution <- function(x, simul, p) {

  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(x), NCOL(simul)))
  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NROW(p), NROW(simul)))

  Aeq <- NULL
  beq <- NULL

  # Location
  Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x))
  beq <- rbind(beq, t(simul) %*% p)

  # Dispersion
  Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x) ^ 2)
  beq <- rbind(beq, t(simul ^ 2) %*% p)

  # Skewness
  #Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x) ^ 3)
  #beq <- rbind(beq, (t(simul) ^ 3) %*% p)

  # Kurtosis
  #Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x) ^ 4)
  #beq <- rbind(beq, (t(simul) ^ 4) %*% p)

    x      = list(Aeq = Aeq, beq = beq),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "view_on_marginal_distribution"


# Views on Joint Distribution ---------------------------------------------

#' Views on Joint Distribution
#' Helper to construct constraints on the entire distribution.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `simul` must have the same number of columns than `x`
#'   \item `p` should have the same number of rows that `simul`.
#' }
#' @param x An univariate or a multivariate distribution.
#' @param simul An univariate or multivariate simulated panel.
#' @param p An object of the `ffp` class.
#' @return A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Invariants
#' ret <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#' n <- nrow(ret)
#' #' Prior probability distribution
#' prior <- rep(1 / n, n)
#' # Simulated marginals
#' simul <- bootstrap_scenarios(ret, as_ffp(prior), as.double(n))
#' views <- view_on_joint_distribution(x = ret, simul = simul, p = prior)
#' views
#' ep <- entropy_pooling(p = prior, Aeq = views$Aeq, beq = views$beq, solver = "nlminb")
#' autoplot(ep)
#' # location matches
#' colMeans(simul)
#' ffp_moments(x = ret, p = ep)$mu
#' # dispersion matches
#' cov(simul)
#' ffp_moments(x = ret, p = ep)$sigma
view_on_joint_distribution <- function(x, simul, p) {
  UseMethod("view_on_joint_distribution", x)

#' @rdname view_on_joint_distribution
#' @export
view_on_joint_distribution.default <- function(x, simul, p) {
  rlang::abort("Method not implemented for class `", class(x), "` yet.")

#' @rdname view_on_joint_distribution
#' @export
view_on_joint_distribution.matrix <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_joint_distribution(x = x, simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @rdname view_on_joint_distribution
#' @export
view_on_joint_distribution.xts <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_joint_distribution(x = as.matrix(x), simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @rdname view_on_joint_distribution
#' @export
view_on_joint_distribution.tbl_df <- function(x, simul, p) {
  construct_view_on_joint_distribution(x = tbl_to_mtx(x), simul = check_input(simul), p = as_ffp(p))

#' @keywords internal
construct_view_on_joint_distribution <- function(x, simul, p) {

  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(NCOL(x), NCOL(simul)))

  N <- NCOL(x)

  Aeq <- NULL
  beq <- NULL

  # order 1
  Aeq <- rbind(Aeq , t(x))
  beq <- rbind(beq, t(simul) %*% p)

  # order 2
  for (k in 1:N) {
    for (l in k:N) {
      Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x[ , k] * x[ , l]))
      beq <- rbind(beq, t(simul[ , k] * simul[ , l]) %*% p)

  # order 3
  # for (k in 1:N) {
  #   for (l in k:N) {
  #     for (i in l:k) {
  #       Aeq <- rbind(Aeq, t(x[ , k] * x[ , l] * x[ , i]))
  #       beq <- rbind(beq, t(simul[ , k] * simul[ , l] * simul[ , i]) %*% p)
  #     }
  #   }
  # }

    x      = list(Aeq = Aeq, beq = beq),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "view_on_joint_distribution"


# Bind Views --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Stack Different Views
#' Bind views for entropy programming.
#' @param ... Objects of the class \code{ffp_views} to combine.
#' @return  A \code{list} of the `view` class.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Invariant
#' ret <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
#' n   <- nrow(ret)
#' # Prior probabilities (usually equal weight scheme)
#' prior <- rep(1 / n, n)
#' # Prior belief for expected returns (here is 0% for each asset)
#' view_mean <- view_on_mean(x = ret, mean = rep(0, 4))
#' #' view on volatility
#' vol <- apply(ret, 2, stats::sd) * 1.1 # volatility 10% higher than average
#' view_volatility <- view_on_volatility(x = ret, vol = vol)
#' views_comb <- bind_views(view_mean, view_volatility)
#' views_comb
#' ep <- entropy_pooling(p      = prior,
#'                       Aeq    = views_comb$Aeq,
#'                       beq    = views_comb$beq,
#'                       A      = views_comb$A,
#'                       b      = views_comb$b,
#'                       solver = "nlminb")
#' autoplot(ep)
bind_views <- function(...) {

  dots <- rlang::list2(...)
  dots <- purrr::keep(dots, inherits, "ffp_views")

  .Aeq <- do.call(rbind, purrr::map(dots, "Aeq"))
  .beq <- do.call(rbind, purrr::map(purrr::map(dots, "beq"), ~ if (is.null(.x)) .x else as.matrix(.x)))
  .A   <- do.call(rbind, purrr::map(dots, "A"))
  .b   <- do.call(rbind, purrr::map(purrr::map(dots, "b"),   ~ if (is.null(.x)) .x else as.matrix(.x)))

    x      = list(Aeq = .Aeq, beq = .beq, A = .A, b = .b),
    .ptype = double(),
    class  = "ffp_views",
    type   = "multiple_views")


# Printing methods --------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom vctrs obj_print_header
#' @export
obj_print_header.ffp_views <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(crayon::cyan("# ffp view"))

#' @importFrom vctrs obj_print_data
#' @export
obj_print_data.ffp_views <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Type: ", crayon::blurred(stringr::str_to_title(stringr::str_replace_all(attributes(x)$type, "_", " "))))
  nms <- names(x)
  purrr::walk2(.x = x, .y = nms, .f = ~ cat(.y, ": ", "Dim", NROW(.x), "x", NCOL(.x), "\n"))

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ffp documentation built on Sept. 29, 2022, 5:10 p.m.