# file defines the FitLandDF class to store fitness landscape data as a
# data frame
# definition includes the constructor, validator, and helper
# constructor for FitLandDF class
new_FitLandDF <- function(scape_df, dims) {
# ensure that scape_df is a data frame with at least 2 values and 3 columns
if (! {
stop("data not provided in data frame format")
} else if (nrow(scape_df) < 2) {
stop("must have at least 2 values for a FitLandDF instance")
} else if (ncol(scape_df) < 3) {
stop(paste("must have at least 3 columns for a FitLandDF instance",
"(2 dimensions, 1 column for values)"))
# make sure that number of coordinate dimensions in scape_df matches dims
if (ncol(scape_df) - 1 != length(dims)) {
stop("mismatch in dimensions within landscape data and dims variable")
# ensure that dims is a vector of integers with at least 2 members
if (!is.integer(dims)) {
stop("dimensions provided are not integer values")
} else if (length(dims) < 2) {
stop("must have at least 2 dimensions for a FitLandDF instance")
# name columns: last column contains values, others are coordinates
names(scape_df)[ncol(scape_df)] <- "Value"
col_seq <- seq_len(ncol(scape_df) - 1)
names(scape_df)[col_seq] <- paste0("Var", col_seq)
# create FitLandDF object
dims = dims,
class = c("FitLandDF", "data.frame"))
# validator for FitLandDF class
validate_FitLandDF <- function(x) {
# make sure class is appropriate
stopifnot(inherits(x, "FitLandDF"))
# make sure all coordinates in data frame are within range
for (curr_col in seq_len(ncol(x) - 1)) {
curr_vals <- x[[curr_col]]
min_val <- 1
max_val <- attr(x, "dims")[curr_col]
outside_vals <- curr_vals[curr_vals < min_val | curr_vals > max_val]
if (length(outside_vals) > 0) {
stop(paste("in dimension", curr_col, "fitness landscape has coordinates",
"that are outside of specified dimensions"))
# return unmodified object if all checks passed
#' Create New FitLandDF Instance
#' @export
#' @param scape_data either data.frame or array object
#' @param dims integer vector containing dimensions
#' @return FitLandDF object
#' @examples
#' # create a flat fitness landscape with 3 binary (values 1 and 2) dimensions
#' values <- array(2, dim = rep(2, 3))
#' my_landscape <- FitLandDF(values)
#' # create a 2x2 fitness landscape that's highest when both dimensions are at 1
#' vals <- 1:2
#' df <- expand.grid(vals, vals)
#' df$Landscape_value <- c(1, 2, 3, 6)
#' my_landscape <- FitLandDF(df, dims = c(2L, 2L))
FitLandDF <- function(scape_data, dims = dim(scape_data)) {
scape_df <- NULL
# if scape_data is a data frame, all good
if ( {
scape_df <- scape_data
# if scape_data is an array, convert to data frame, then all good
} else if (is.array(scape_data)) {
# confirm that dims match
stopifnot(dim(scape_data) == dims)
# create data frame version of array
dim_list <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(dims))) {
dim_list[[i]] <- seq_len(dims[i])
scape_df <- expand.grid(dim_list,
KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
vals <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(scape_df))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(scape_df))) {
vals[i] <- scape_data[t(as.integer(scape_df[i, ]))]
scape_df$Value <- vals
# remove NAs
scape_df <- scape_df[!$Value), ]
# if scape_data is neither array nor data frame, then there's an issue
} else {
stop("scape_data parameter is neither data frame nor array, cannot process")
# return instance
validate_FitLandDF(new_FitLandDF(scape_df, dims))
# print
#' @method print FitLandDF
#' @export
print.FitLandDF <- function(x, ...) {
print(paste("A fitness landscape with dimensions",
paste(dims(x), collapse = "x"),
"and for which", nrow(x), "values are known."))
# mean
#' @method mean FitLandDF
#' @export
mean.FitLandDF <- function(x, ...) {
mean(x$Value, ...)
# median
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @method median FitLandDF
#' @export
median.FitLandDF <- function(x, ...) {
median(x$Value, ...)
# confirm that an object is a valid instance of FitLandDF
#' Confirm Object is Valid Instance of FitLandDF
#' @name isFitLandDF
#' @export
#' @param x object whose class is in question
#' @return `logical`; `TRUE` if `x` is an instance of FitLandDF,
#' `FALSE` otherwise
is.FitLandDF <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "FitLandDF")
#' @rdname isFitLandDF
#' @export
is_FitLandDF <- function(x) is.FitLandDF(x)
# dimensions of FitLandDF object
#' Get Dimensions of Fitness Landscape
#' @export
#' @param x FitLandDF object
#' @return integer vector analogous to `base::dim`
#' @examples
#' # create flat fitness landscape with dimensions 3x3x3
#' values <- array(0, dim = rep(3, 3))
#' my_landscape <- FitLandDF(values)
#' # print dimensions
#' dims(my_landscape)
dims <- function(x) {
attr(x, "dims")
# standard deviation and variance of values in fitness landscape
#' Get Standard Deviation/Variance of Values in Fitness Landscape
#' @name sdvar
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @param x FitLandDF object
#' @param ... additional parameters (e.g. `na.rm`)
#' @return variance or standard deviation of values in fitness landscape
#' @examples
#' # create fitness landscape with non-zero variance and standard deviation
#' values <- array(1:27, dim = rep(3, 3))
#' my_landscape <- FitLandDF(values)
#' # calculate variance
#' variance(my_landscape)
#' # calculate standard deviation
#' sdev(my_landscape)
variance <- function(x, ...) {
var(x$Value, ...)
#' @rdname sdvar
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
sdev <- function(x, ...) {
sd(x$Value, ...)
# least and highest fitness values
#' Get Highest and Lowest Fitness Values from Fitness Landscape
#' @name minmax
#' @export
#' @param x FitLandDF object
#' @return minimum or maximum fitness value in this landscape
#' @examples
#' # create fitness landscape with min value 1 and max value 27
#' values <- array(1:27, dim = rep(3, 3))
#' my_landscape <- FitLandDF(values)
#' # calculate maximum fitness value
#' max_fit(my_landscape)
#' # calculate minimum fitness value
#' min_fit(my_landscape)
min_fit <- function(x) {
min(x$Value, na.rm = TRUE)
#' @rdname minmax
#' @export
max_fit <- function(x) {
max(x$Value, na.rm = TRUE)
# get the underlying data frame from the FitLandDF object
#' Extract Data Frame Representation of Fitness Landscape
#' @export
#' @param x FitLandDF object
#' @return data frame representation of fitness landscape
#' @examples
#' # create fitness landscape
#' values <- array(1:27, dim = rep(3, 3))
#' my_landscape <- FitLandDF(values)
#' # extact data frame representation
#' my_df <- extract_df(my_landscape)
extract_df <- function(x) {
attr(x, "dims") <- NULL
class(x) <- "data.frame"
# some of the ones below might be moved to a different package someday
# location of max and min fitness values
# range (max - min)
# extract_values to get matrix/array out
# is_complete to check if all values of the fitness landscape are known
# ?epistasis
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