
Defines functions wb_add_flextable wb_change_row_height wb_change_cell_width wb_add_caption wb_apply_content prepare_color wb_apply_merge wb_apply_cell_styles wb_apply_text_styles wb_apply_border handle_null_border ft_to_xlsx_border_width

Documented in ft_to_xlsx_border_width handle_null_border prepare_color wb_add_caption wb_add_flextable wb_apply_border wb_apply_cell_styles wb_apply_content wb_apply_merge wb_apply_text_styles wb_change_cell_width wb_change_row_height

#' Determines the border width
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param border_width a numeric vector determining the border-width
#' @return a factor of xlsx border styles
ft_to_xlsx_border_width <- function(border_width) {
      c(-Inf, 0, .9999, 1.25, Inf),
      c("no border",
        "thick"))  |>

#' Where there is no border return NULL
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param border_width a numeric vector determining the border-width
#' @return border_width or NULL
handle_null_border <- function(border_width) {
  if(border_width == "no border")

#' Applies the border styles
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param wb the [workbook][openxlsx2::wbWorkbook]
#' @param sheet the sheet of the workbook
#' @param df_style the styling tibble from [ft_to_style_tibble]
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate all_of starts_with across
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @importFrom purrr pluck
#' @importFrom openxlsx2 wb_color
#' @importFrom rlang .data
wb_apply_border <- function(wb, sheet, df_style) {

  if(!sheet %in% wb$get_sheet_names())
    stop("sheet '", sheet, "' does not exist in wb!")

  ## aggregate borders
  df_borders <- df_style |>
                                  "row_id"))) |>
                                ~ ft_to_xlsx_border_width(.x)),
                  border.width.top = dplyr::if_else(.data$border.color.top == "transparent",
                                                    "no border",
                  border.width.bottom = dplyr::if_else(.data$border.color.bottom == "transparent",
                                                       "no border",
                  border.width.left = dplyr::if_else(.data$border.color.left == "transparent",
                                                       "no border",
                  border.width.right = dplyr::if_else(.data$border.color.right == "transparent",
                                                       "no border",
                                ~ dplyr::if_else(.x == "transparent",
                                                 "black", .x)))

  df_borders_aggregated <- get_dim_ranges(df_borders)

  for(i in seq_len(nrow(df_borders_aggregated))) {
    crow <- df_borders_aggregated[i,]

    crow$border.width.bottom <- handle_null_border(crow$border.width.bottom)
    crow$border.width.left <- handle_null_border(crow$border.width.left)
    crow$border.width.right <- handle_null_border(crow$border.width.right)
    crow$border.width.top <- handle_null_border(crow$border.width.top)

    if(crow$multi_lines) {
      if(is.null(purrr::pluck(crow,"border.width.bottom"))) {
        hgrid_border <- purrr::pluck(crow,"border.width.top")
        hgrid_color <- openxlsx2::wb_color(crow$border.color.top)
      } else {
        hgrid_border <- purrr::pluck(crow,"border.width.bottom")
        hgrid_color <- openxlsx2::wb_color(crow$border.color.bottom)

      sheet = sheet,
      dims = crow$dims,

      bottom_color = openxlsx2::wb_color(crow$border.color.bottom),
      left_color   = openxlsx2::wb_color(crow$border.color.bottom),
      right_color  = openxlsx2::wb_color(crow$border.color.bottom),
      top_color    = openxlsx2::wb_color(crow$border.color.bottom),

      bottom_border = purrr::pluck(crow,"border.width.bottom"),
      left_border   = purrr::pluck(crow,"border.width.left"),
      right_border  = purrr::pluck(crow,"border.width.right"),
      top_border    = purrr::pluck(crow,"border.width.top"),

      inner_hgrid = if(crow$multi_lines) hgrid_border else NULL,
      inner_hcolor = if(crow$multi_lines) hgrid_color else NULL

#' Applies the text styles
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param wb the [workbook][openxlsx2::wbWorkbook]
#' @param sheet the sheet of the workbook
#' @param df_style the styling tibble from [ft_to_style_tibble]
#' @importFrom dplyr select all_of
#' @importFrom openxlsx2 wb_color
wb_apply_text_styles <- function(wb, sheet, df_style) {

  if(!sheet %in% wb$get_sheet_names())
    stop("sheet '", sheet, "' does not exist in wb!")

  ## aggregate borders
  df_text_styles <- df_style |>

  df_text_styles_aggregated <- get_dim_ranges(df_text_styles)

  for(i in seq_len(nrow(df_text_styles_aggregated))) {
    crow <- df_text_styles_aggregated[i, ]

      dims      = crow$dims,
      name      = crow$font.family,
      color     = openxlsx2::wb_color(crow$color),
      size      = crow$font.size,
      bold      = ifelse(crow$bold, "1", ""),
      italic    = ifelse(crow$italic, "1", ""),
      underline = ifelse(crow$underlined, "1", "")

#' Applies the cell styles
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param wb the [workbook][openxlsx2::wbWorkbook]
#' @param sheet the sheet of the workbook
#' @param df_style the styling tibble from [ft_to_style_tibble]
#' @importFrom dplyr select all_of mutate
#' @importFrom openxlsx2 wb_color
#' @importFrom rlang .data
wb_apply_cell_styles <- function(wb, sheet, df_style) {

  if(!sheet %in% wb$get_sheet_names())
    stop("sheet '", sheet, "' does not exist in wb!")

  ## aggregate borders
  df_cell_styles <- df_style |>
    dplyr::mutate(background.color = ifelse(.data$shading.color != "transparent",
                  text.direction = dplyr::case_when(.data$text.direction == "tbrl" ~ "180",
                                                    .data$text.direction == "btrl" ~ "90",
                                                    T ~ "")) |>

  df_cell_styles_aggregated <- get_dim_ranges(df_cell_styles)

  for(i in seq_len(nrow(df_cell_styles_aggregated))) {
    crow <- df_cell_styles_aggregated[i, ]

      sheet = sheet,
      dims       = crow$dims,
      horizontal = crow$text.align,
      vertical   = crow$vertical.align,
      textRotation = crow$text.direction,
      wrapText   = "1"

    if(crow$background.color != "transparent")
        sheet = sheet,
        dims  = crow$dims,
        color = openxlsx2::wb_color(crow$background.color)


#' Merges cells
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @inheritParams wb_apply_border
#' @return df_style tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr select all_of mutate filter
#' @importFrom openxlsx2 wb_color
#' @importFrom rlang .data
wb_apply_merge <- function(wb, sheet, df_style) {

  ## cols (& rows merge)
  df_cols_to_merge <- df_style |>
    dplyr::filter(.data$span.rows > 1)  |>
                                  "col_id"))) |>
      span.rows = pmax(.data$span.rows - 1, 0),
      span.cols = pmax(.data$span.cols - 1, 0),

      dims = paste0(
      openxlsx2::int2col(.data$col_id), .data$row_id, ":",
      openxlsx2::int2col(.data$col_id + .data$span.rows),
      .data$row_id + .data$span.cols

  for(i in seq_len(nrow(df_cols_to_merge))) {
    df_style_def <- df_cols_to_merge[i,]

    # Override style of merged columns with merging row
    df_style_info <- df_style[df_style$row_id == df_style_def$row_id &
                              df_style$col_id == df_style_def$col_id,] |>
      select(-all_of(c("row_id", "col_id", "content")))

    df_style[df_style$row_id >= df_style_def$row_id &
               df_style$row_id <= df_style_def$row_id + df_style_def$span.cols &
               df_style$col_id >= df_style_def$col_id &
               df_style$col_id <= df_style_def$col_id + df_style_def$span.rows ,
             -which(names(df_style) %in% c("row_id", "col_id", "content"))] <- df_style_info

    # Apply merge
    wb$merge_cells(sheet = sheet,
                   dims = df_style_def$dims)

  ## rows merge only!
  df_rows_to_merge <- df_style |>
    dplyr::filter(.data$span.cols > 1,
                  .data$span.rows <= 1) |>
                                  "col_id"))) |>
      span.rows = pmax(.data$span.rows - 1, 0),
      span.cols = pmax(.data$span.cols - 1, 0),

      dims = paste0(
      openxlsx2::int2col(.data$col_id), .data$row_id, ":",
      openxlsx2::int2col(.data$col_id + .data$span.rows),
      .data$row_id + .data$span.cols

  for(i in seq_len(nrow(df_rows_to_merge))) {
    df_style_def <- df_rows_to_merge[i,]

    # Override style of merged columns with merging row
    df_style_info <- df_style[df_style$row_id == df_style_def$row_id &
                                df_style$col_id == df_style_def$col_id,] |>
      select(-all_of(c("row_id", "col_id", "content")))

    df_style[df_style$row_id >= df_style_def$row_id &
               df_style$row_id <= df_style_def$row_id + df_style_def$span.cols &
               df_style$col_id >= df_style_def$col_id &
               df_style$col_id <= df_style_def$col_id + df_style_def$span.rows,
             -which(names(df_style) %in% c("row_id", "col_id", "content"))] <- df_style_info

    # Apply merge
    wb$merge_cells(sheet = sheet,
                   dims = df_style_def$dims)


#' Prepares the color for content style
#' Converts a color name to the hexadecimal RGB-value
#' Removes "transparent" color
#' @param color_name The name of the color
#' @return The hexadecimal RGB-value
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
prepare_color <- function(color_name) {

  color_name <- dplyr::if_else(color_name == "transparent",

  colors <- grDevices::col2rgb(color_name)/255
  colors <-  grDevices::rgb(red   = colors[1,],
                              green = colors[2,],
                              blue  = colors[3,])
  colors[is.na(color_name)] <- NA_character_

#' Applies the content
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param wb the [workbook][openxlsx2::wbWorkbook]
#' @param sheet the sheet of the workbook
#' @param df_style the styling tibble from [ft_to_style_tibble]
#' @importFrom dplyr select all_of mutate filter coalesce
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarize arrange left_join
#' @importFrom dplyr rowwise
#' @importFrom openxlsx2 wb_color
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest_legacy
wb_apply_content <- function(wb, sheet, df_style) {

  if(!sheet %in% wb$get_sheet_names())
    stop("sheet '", sheet, "' does not exist in wb!")

  df_content <- dplyr::select(df_style,

  ## unnest the content
  df_content_rows <- dplyr::select(df_style,
                                                   "content"))) |>

  ## join to the "default" options & replace nas
  df_content <- dplyr::select(df_content, -all_of("content")) |>
                     by = c("row_id", "col_id"),
                     relationship = "one-to-many")

  df_content <- dplyr::mutate(df_content,

                              italic.y = dplyr::coalesce(.data$italic.y,
                              bold.y = dplyr::coalesce(.data$bold.y,
                              underlined.y = dplyr::coalesce(.data$underlined.y,

                              # colors, font-size, font-family & vertical align will only be applied when different from the default
                                     ~ prepare_color(.x)),

                              color.y = dplyr::coalesce(.data$color.y, .data$color.x),
                              color.y = dplyr::if_else(.data$color.y == "#000000" & .data$color.x == "#000000",

  # Replace <br> in flextables with newlines
  df_content$txt <- gsub("<br *\\/{0,1}>", "\n", df_content$txt)

  df_content |>
    dplyr::rowwise() |>
    dplyr::mutate(txt = paste0(openxlsx2::fmt_txt(
                                    bold = .data$bold.y,
                                    italic = .data$italic.y,
                                    underline = .data$underlined.y,
                                    size = if(is.na(.data$font.size.y)) NULL else .data$font.size.y[[1]],
                                    color = if(is.na(.data$color.y)) NULL else openxlsx2::wb_color(.data$color.y[[1]]),
                                    font = if(is.na(.data$font.family.y)) NULL else .data$font.family.y[[1]],
                                    vert_align = if(is.na(.data$vertical.align.y)) NULL else .data$vertical.align.y[[1]]
                                    ))) |>
    dplyr::ungroup() |>
    dplyr::mutate(txt = ifelse(.data$span.rows == 0 | .data$span.cols == 0,
                               "", .data$txt)) |>
    dplyr::group_by(.data$col_id,.data$row_id) |>
    dplyr::summarize(txt = paste0(.data$txt, collapse = ""),
                     max_font_size = max(coalesce(.data$font.size.y, .data$font.size.x),
                     .groups = "drop")  -> df_content

  min_col_id <- min(df_content$col_id)
  max_col_id <- max(df_content$col_id)
  min_row_id <- min(df_content$row_id)
  max_row_id <- max(df_content$row_id)

  dims <- paste0(openxlsx2::int2col(min_col_id),
                 min_row_id, ":",

  wb$add_data(sheet = sheet,
              x = matrix(df_content$txt,
                         nrow = max_row_id - min_row_id + 1,
                         ncol = max_col_id - min_col_id + 1),
              dims = dims,
              col_names = F)

  wb$add_ignore_error(dims = dims, number_stored_as_text = TRUE)


#' Adds a caption to an excel file
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @inheritParams wb_add_flextable
#' @param offset_rows zero-based row offset
#' @param offset_cols zero-based column offset
#' @importFrom openxlsx2 fmt_txt
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
#' @importFrom stringi stri_count
#' @return NULL
wb_add_caption <- function(wb, sheet,
                           offset_cols=offset_cols) {
  idims <- dim(ft$body$content$data)

  # Default values from header
         \(x) {
           if("default" %in% names(x))
         }) |>
    data.frame() -> df_styles_default
  df_styles_default <- df_styles_default[1,]

  # create content
  if(ft$caption$simple_caption) {
      # Replace <br> in flextables with newlines
      ft$caption$value <- gsub("<br *\\/{0,1}>", "\n", ft$caption$value)

      content <- openxlsx2::fmt_txt(
        bold = df_styles_default$bold,
        italic = df_styles_default$italic,
        underline = df_styles_default$underlined,
        size = df_styles_default$font.size,
        color = openxlsx2::wb_color(df_styles_default$color),
        font = df_styles_default$font.family,
        vert_align = df_styles_default$vertical.align
  } else {
    ft$caption$value$txt <- gsub("<br *\\/{0,1}>", "\n", ft$caption$value$txt)
    content <- purrr::map_chr(1:nrow(ft$caption$value),
                   \(i) {
                     ft$caption$value[i,] -> x
                       bold = x$bold,
                       italic = x$italic,
                       underline = x$underlined,
                       size = x$font.size,
                       color = openxlsx2::wb_color(x$color),
                       font = x$font.family,
                       vert_align = x$vertical.align
                     ) |>

  # wrap text if necessary
  to_apply_text_wrap <- ifelse(ft$caption$simple_caption,
                               stringi::stri_count(ft$caption$value, regex = "\\n"),
                               sum(stringi::stri_count(ft$caption$value$txt, regex = "\\n"))) + 1
  if(to_apply_text_wrap > 0) {
    wb$add_cell_style(sheet = sheet,
                        wrap_text = T,
                        dims = paste0(int2col(offset_cols + 1),
                                     offset_rows + 1))

    wb$set_row_heights(sheet = sheet,
                       heights = to_apply_text_wrap*15,
                       rows = offset_rows + 1)

  # add to wb & merge
  wb$add_data(sheet = sheet,
              x = paste0(content, collapse = ""),
              dims = paste0(int2col(offset_cols + 1),
                            offset_rows + 1))
  wb$merge_cells(sheet = sheet, dims = paste0(int2col(offset_cols + 1),
                                              offset_rows + 1,
                                              int2col(offset_cols + idims[2]),
                                              offset_rows + 1))


#' Changes the cell width
#' @inheritParams wb_add_caption
#' @return NULL
wb_change_cell_width <- function(wb, sheet, ft, offset_cols) {

  # Tell me why?
  cwidths <- rbind(ft$header$colwidths,
                    ft$footer$colwidths) |>
                apply(2,max) * 2.54 * 4 / 16 * 20 # Ain't nothing but a constant

  wb$set_col_widths(sheet = sheet,
                    cols = paste0(openxlsx2::int2col(1 + offset_cols), ":",
                                  openxlsx2::int2col(length(cwidths) + offset_cols)),
                    widths = cwidths)


#' Changes the row height
#' @inheritParams wb_add_caption
#' @param df_style the styling tibble from [ft_to_style_tibble]
#' @return NULL
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate group_by all_of summarize
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stringi stri_count
wb_change_row_height <- function(wb, sheet, df_style) {

  font_sizes <- vapply(df_style$content,
                       \(x) ifelse(all(is.na(x$font.size)),
                                   max(x$font.size, na.rm=T)),
                       FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

  newline_counts <- vapply(df_style$content,
                           \(x) sum(stringi::stri_count(x$txt, regex = "<br */{0,1}>") +
                                      stringi::stri_count(x$txt, regex = "\n")),
                           FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) + 1

  row_heights <- newline_counts*coalesce(font_sizes,df_style$font.size)/11*15

  df_row_heights <- df_style |>
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of("row_id")) |>
    dplyr::mutate(rh = row_heights) |>
    dplyr::group_by(.data$row_id) |>
    dplyr::summarize(row_heights = max(.data$rh),
              .groups = "drop")

  wb$set_row_heights(sheet = sheet,
                     rows = df_row_heights$row_id,
                     heights = df_row_heights$row_heights)

#' Adds a flextable to an openxlsx2 workbook sheet
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param wb an openxlsx2 workbook
#' @param sheet an openxlsx2 workbook sheet
#' @param ft a flextable
#' @param start_col a vector specifying the starting column to write to.
#' @param start_row a vector specifying the starting row to write to.
#' @param dims Spreadsheet dimensions that will determine start_col and start_row: "A1", "A1:B2", "A:B"
#' @param offset_caption_rows number of rows to offset the caption by
#' @return an openxlsx2 workbook
#' @export
#' @importFrom openxlsx2 dims_to_rowcol
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   # Create a flextable
#'   ft <- flextable::as_flextable(table(mtcars[,c("am","cyl")]))
#'   # Create a workbook
#'   wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("mtcars")
#'   # Add flextable to workbook
#'   wb <- wb_add_flextable(wb, "mtcars", ft)
#'   # Workbook can now be saved wb$save(),
#'   # opened wb$open() - or removed
#'   rm(wb)
#'  }
wb_add_flextable <- function(wb, sheet, ft,
                             start_col = 1,
                             start_row = 1,
                             offset_caption_rows = 0L,
                             dims = NULL) {
  # Check input
  stopifnot("wbWorkbook" %in% class(wb))
  stopifnot((is.character(sheet) &&
              nchar(sheet) > 0) ||
              is.numeric(sheet) &&
              sheet == as.integer(sheet))
  stopifnot("flextable" %in% class(ft))

  # Retrieve offsets
  if (!is.null(dims)) {
    dims <- openxlsx2::dims_to_rowcol(dims, as_integer = TRUE)
    offset_cols <- min(dims[[1]]) - 1
    offset_rows <- min(dims[[2]]) - 1
  } else {
              start_col >= 1,
              as.integer(start_col) == start_col,
              length(start_col) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(start_row) &&
                start_row >= 1 &&
                as.integer(start_col) == start_col,
              length(start_col) == 1)

    offset_cols <- start_col - 1
    offset_rows <- start_row - 1

  # ignore offset if there is no caption
  if(length(ft$caption$value) == 0) {
    offset_caption_rows <- 0L

  wb <- wb$clone()

  df_style <- ft_to_style_tibble(ft,

  # Apply styles & add content
  if(length(ft$caption$value) > 0)
    wb_add_caption(wb, sheet = sheet, ft = ft,

  df_style <- wb_apply_merge(wb, sheet, df_style)
  wb_apply_border(wb, sheet, df_style)
  wb_apply_text_styles(wb, sheet, df_style)
  wb_apply_cell_styles(wb, sheet, df_style)
  wb_apply_content(wb, sheet, df_style)
  wb_change_cell_width(wb, sheet, ft, offset_cols)
  wb_change_row_height(wb, sheet, df_style)


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flexlsx documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.