
Defines functions as_paragraph to_wml_word_field as_word_field as_equation hyperlink_text as_bracket as_highlight colorize as_i as_b as_sup as_sub as_chunk chunk_dataframe

Documented in as_b as_bracket as_chunk as_equation as_highlight as_i as_paragraph as_sub as_sup as_word_field chunk_dataframe colorize hyperlink_text

#' @export
#' @title Create a chunk representation suitable for flextable
#' @description This function is to be used by external packages
#' that want to provide an object that can be inserted as a chunk
#' object in paragraphs of a flextable object.
#' @param ... values to set.
#' @section  text pattern with default values:
#' ```
#' chunk_dataframe(txt = c("any text", "other text"))
#' ```
#' @section  text pattern with bold set to TRUE:
#' ```
#' chunk_dataframe(
#'   txt = c("any text", "other text"),
#'   bold = c(TRUE, TRUE))
#' ```
#' @section  text pattern with control over all formatting properties:
#' ```
#' chunk_dataframe(
#'   txt = c("any text", "other text"),
#'   font.size = c(12, 10),
#'   italic = c(FALSE, TRUE),
#'   bold = c(FALSE, TRUE),
#'   underlined = c(FALSE, TRUE),
#'   color = c("black", "red"),
#'   shading.color = c("transparent", "yellow"),
#'   font.family = c("Arial", "Arial"),
#'   hansi.family = c("Arial", "Arial"),
#'   eastasia.family = c("Arial", "Arial"),
#'   cs.family = c("Arial", "Arial"),
#'   vertical.align = c("top", "bottom") )
#' ```
#' @section  text with url pattern:
#' ```
#' chunk_dataframe(
#'   txt = c("any text", "other text"),
#'   url = rep("https://www.google.fr", 2),
#'   font.size = c(12, 10),
#'   italic = c(FALSE, TRUE),
#'   bold = c(FALSE, TRUE),
#'   underlined = c(FALSE, TRUE),
#'   color = c("black", "red"),
#'   shading.color = c("transparent", "yellow"),
#'   font.family = c("Arial", "Arial"),
#'   hansi.family = c("Arial", "Arial"),
#'   eastasia.family = c("Arial", "Arial"),
#'   cs.family = c("Arial", "Arial"),
#'   vertical.align = c("top", "bottom") )
#' ```
#' @section  images pattern:
#' ```
#' chunk_dataframe(width = width, height = height, img_data = files )
#' ```
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a data.frame with an additional class "chunk" that makes it
#' suitable for beeing used in [as_paragraph()]
chunk_dataframe <- function(...) {
  x <- list(...)

  img_data <- x$img_data
  x$img_data <- NULL
  x <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  def_chr <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(x))
  def_dbl <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(x))
  def_lgl <- as.logical(rep(NA_integer_, nrow(x)))
  def_lst <- rep(list(NULL), nrow(x))
  data0 <- data.frame(
    txt = def_chr,
    font.size = def_dbl,
    italic = def_lgl,
    bold = def_lgl,
    underlined = def_lgl,
    color = def_chr,
    shading.color = def_chr,
    font.family = def_chr,
    hansi.family = def_chr,
    eastasia.family = def_chr,
    cs.family = def_chr,
    vertical.align = def_chr,
    width = def_dbl,
    height = def_dbl,
    url = def_chr,
    eq_data = def_chr,
    word_field_data = def_chr,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  data0$img_data <- def_lst

  data0[names(x)] <- x
  if (!is.null(img_data)) {
    data0$img_data <- img_data
  class(data0) <- c("chunk", "data.frame")

default_fptext_prop <- structure(
    font.size = NA_real_,
    bold = as.logical(NA_integer_),
    italic = as.logical(NA_integer_),
    underlined = as.logical(NA_integer_),
    color = NA_character_,
    shading.color = NA_character_,
    font.family = NA_character_,
    hansi.family = NA_character_,
    eastasia.family = NA_character_,
    cs.family = NA_character_,
    vertical.align = NA_character_
  class = "fp_text"

#' @export
#' @title Chunk of text wrapper
#' @description The function lets add formated text in flextable
#' cells.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' It should be used inside a call to [as_paragraph()].
#' @param x text or any element that can be formatted as text
#' with function provided in argument `formatter`.
#' @param props an [fp_text_default()] or [officer::fp_text()] object to be used to format the text.
#' If not specified, it will be the default value corresponding to the cell.
#' @param formatter a function that will format x as a character vector.
#' @param ... additional arguments for `formatter` function.
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' library(officer)
#' ft <- flextable(head(iris))
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   j = "Sepal.Length",
#'   value = as_paragraph(
#'     "Sepal.Length value is ",
#'     as_chunk(Sepal.Length, props = fp_text(color = "red"))
#'   ),
#'   part = "body"
#' )
#' ft <- color(ft, color = "gray40", part = "all")
#' ft <- autofit(ft)
#' ft
as_chunk <- function(x, props = NULL, formatter = format_fun, ...) {
  if (is.function(x)) {
    stop("argument `x` in function `as_chunk` cannot be a function")
  if (!is.function(formatter)) {
    stop("argument `formatter` in function `as_chunk` should be a function")

  text <- formatter(x, ...)

  if (is.null(props)) {
    props <- default_fptext_prop
  } else if (!inherits(props, "fp_text")) {
    stop("argument `props` should be an object of class 'fp_text'.")

  if (inherits(props, "fp_text")) {
    props <- rep(list(props), length(text))

  if (length(props) > 0 && is.list(props)) {
    if (!all(sapply(props, inherits, "fp_text"))) {
      stop("`props` should be a list of `fp_text` object(s).")
    if (length(props) != length(text)) {
      stop(sprintf("`props` should be a list of same length than `x`: %.0f.", length(text)))
  data <- chunk_dataframe(
    txt = text,
    font.size = sapply(props, function(x) x$font.size),
    italic = sapply(props, function(x) x$italic),
    bold = sapply(props, function(x) x$bold),
    underlined = sapply(props, function(x) x$underlined),
    color = sapply(props, function(x) x$color),
    shading.color = sapply(props, function(x) x$shading.color),
    font.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$font.family),
    hansi.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$hansi.family),
    eastasia.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$eastasia.family),
    cs.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$cs.family),
    vertical.align = sapply(props, function(x) x$vertical.align)


#' @export
#' @title Subscript chunk
#' @description The function is producing a chunk with
#' subscript vertical alignment.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' @param x value, if a chunk, the chunk will be updated
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' ft <- flextable(head(iris), col_keys = c("dummy"))
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   i = 1, j = "dummy", part = "header",
#'   value = as_paragraph(
#'     as_sub("Sepal.Length"),
#'     " anything "
#'   )
#' )
#' ft <- autofit(ft)
#' ft
as_sub <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "chunk")) {
    x <- as_chunk(x, formatter = format_fun)
  x$vertical.align <- "subscript"
#' @export
#' @title Superscript chunk
#' @description The function is producing a chunk with
#' superscript vertical alignment.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' @inheritParams as_sub
#' @note
#' This is a sugar function that ease the composition of complex
#' labels made of different formattings. It should be used inside a
#' call to [as_paragraph()].
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' ft <- flextable(head(iris), col_keys = c("dummy"))
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   i = 1, j = "dummy", part = "header",
#'   value = as_paragraph(
#'     " anything ",
#'     as_sup("Sepal.Width")
#'   )
#' )
#' ft <- autofit(ft)
#' ft
as_sup <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "chunk")) {
    x <- as_chunk(x, formatter = format_fun)
  x$vertical.align <- "superscript"

#' @export
#' @title Bold chunk
#' @description The function is producing a chunk with
#' bold font.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' @inheritParams as_sub
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' ft <- flextable(head(iris),
#'   col_keys = c("Sepal.Length", "dummy")
#' )
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   j = "dummy",
#'   value = as_paragraph(
#'     as_b(Sepal.Length)
#'   )
#' )
#' ft
as_b <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "chunk")) {
    x <- as_chunk(x, formatter = format_fun)
  x$bold <- TRUE

#' @export
#' @title Italic chunk
#' @description The function is producing a chunk with
#' italic font.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' @inheritParams as_sub
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' ft <- flextable(head(iris),
#'   col_keys = c("Sepal.Length", "dummy")
#' )
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   j = "dummy",
#'   value = as_paragraph(as_i(Sepal.Length))
#' )
#' ft
as_i <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "chunk")) {
    x <- as_chunk(x, formatter = format_fun)
  x$italic <- TRUE

#' @export
#' @title Colorize chunk
#' @description The function is producing a chunk with
#' a font in color.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' @param color color to use as text highlighting color as character vector.
#' @inheritParams as_sub
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' ft <- flextable(head(iris),
#'   col_keys = c("Sepal.Length", "dummy")
#' )
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   j = "dummy",
#'   value = as_paragraph(colorize(Sepal.Length, color = "red"))
#' )
#' ft
colorize <- function(x, color) {
  if (!inherits(x, "chunk")) {
    x <- as_chunk(x, formatter = format_fun)

  x$color <- color

#' @export
#' @title Highlight chunk
#' @description The function is producing a chunk with
#' an highlight chunk.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' @param color color to use as text highlighting color as character vector.
#' @inheritParams as_sub
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' ft <- flextable(head(iris),
#'   col_keys = c("Sepal.Length", "dummy")
#' )
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   j = "dummy",
#'   value = as_paragraph(as_highlight(Sepal.Length, color = "yellow"))
#' )
#' ft
as_highlight <- function(x, color) {
  if (!inherits(x, "chunk")) {
    x <- as_chunk(x, formatter = format_fun)
  x$shading.color <- color

#' @export
#' @title Chunk with values in brackets
#' @description The function is producing a chunk by
#' pasting values and add the result in brackets.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' @param ... text and column names
#' @param sep separator
#' @param p prefix, default to '('
#' @param s suffix, default to ')'
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' ft <- flextable(head(iris),
#'   col_keys = c("Species", "Sepal", "Petal")
#' )
#' ft <- set_header_labels(ft, Sepal = "Sepal", Petal = "Petal")
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   j = "Sepal",
#'   value = as_paragraph(as_bracket(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))
#' )
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   j = "Petal",
#'   value = as_paragraph(as_bracket(Petal.Length, Petal.Width))
#' )
#' ft
as_bracket <- function(..., sep = ", ", p = "(", s = ")") {
  x <- list(...)
  x <- lapply(x, formatC)
  x$sep <- sep
  x <- do.call(paste, x)
  x <- paste0(p, x, s)

#' @export
#' @title Chunk of text with hyperlink
#' @description The function lets add hyperlinks within flextable
#' objects.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' URL are not encoded, they are preserved 'as is'.
#' @note
#' This chunk option requires package officedown in a R Markdown
#' context with Word output format.
#' @inheritParams as_chunk
#' @param url url to be used
#' @seealso [compose()]
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.frame(
#'   col = "Google it",
#'   href = "https://www.google.fr/search?source=hp&q=flextable+R+package",
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' ftab <- flextable(dat)
#' ftab <- compose(
#'   x = ftab, j = "col",
#'   value = as_paragraph(
#'     "This is a link: ",
#'     hyperlink_text(x = col, url = href)
#'   )
#' )
#' ftab
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
hyperlink_text <- function(x, props = NULL, formatter = format_fun, url, ...) {
  zz <- data.frame(x = x, url = url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  x <- as_chunk(x = zz$x, props = props, formatter = formatter, ...)
  x$url <- zz$url

#' @export
#' @title Equation chunk
#' @description This function is used to insert equations into
#' flextable.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' To use this function, package 'equatags' is required;
#' also `equatags::mathjax_install()` must be executed only once
#' to install necessary dependencies.
#' @param x values containing the 'MathJax' equations
#' @param props an [fp_text_default()] or [officer::fp_text()] object to be used to format the text.
#' If not specified, it will be the default value corresponding to the cell.
#' @param width,height size of the resulting equation
#' @param unit unit for width and height, one of "in", "cm", "mm".
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' library(flextable)
#' if (require("equatags")) {
#'   eqs <- c(
#'     "(ax^2 + bx + c = 0)",
#'     "a \\ne 0",
#'     "x = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}"
#'   )
#'   df <- data.frame(formula = eqs)
#'   df
#'   ft <- flextable(df)
#'   ft <- compose(
#'     x = ft, j = "formula",
#'     value = as_paragraph(as_equation(formula, width = 2, height = .5))
#'   )
#'   ft <- align(ft, align = "center", part = "all")
#'   ft <- width(ft, width = 2)
#'   ft
#' }
as_equation <- function(x, width = 1, height = .2, unit = "in", props = NULL) {
  width <- convin(unit = unit, x = width)
  height <- convin(unit = unit, x = height)

  if (length(x) > 1) {
    if (length(width) == 1) width <- rep(width, length(x))
    if (length(height) == 1) height <- rep(height, length(x))
  if (is.null(props)) {
    props <- default_fptext_prop

  if (inherits(props, "fp_text")) {
    props <- rep(list(props), length(x))

  if (length(props) > 0 && is.list(props)) {
    if (!all(sapply(props, inherits, "fp_text"))) {
      stop("`props` should be a list of `fp_text` object(s).")
    if (length(props) != length(x)) {
        "`props` should be a list of same length than `x`: %.0f.",

  x <- chunk_dataframe(
    width = as.double(width),
    height = as.double(height),
    eq_data = x,
    font.size = sapply(props, function(x) x$font.size),
    italic = sapply(props, function(x) x$italic),
    bold = sapply(props, function(x) x$bold),
    underlined = sapply(props, function(x) x$underlined),
    color = sapply(props, function(x) x$color),
    shading.color = sapply(props, function(x) x$shading.color),
    font.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$font.family),
    hansi.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$hansi.family),
    eastasia.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$eastasia.family),
    cs.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$cs.family),
    vertical.align = sapply(props, function(x) x$vertical.align)
  class(x) <- c("chunk", "data.frame")

#' @export
#' @title 'Word' computed field
#' @description This function is used to insert
#' 'Word' computed field into flextable.
#' It is used to add it to the content of a cell of the
#' flextable with the functions [compose()], [append_chunks()]
#' or [prepend_chunks()].
#' This has only effect on 'Word' output. If you want to
#' condition its execution only for Word output, you can
#' use it in the post processing step (see
#' `set_flextable_defaults(post_process_docx = ...)`)
#' **Do not forget to update the computed field in Word**.
#' Fields are defined but are not computed, this computing is an
#' operation that has to be made by 'Microsoft Word'
#' (select all text and hit `F9` when on mac os).
#' @param x computed field strings
#' @param props text properties (see [fp_text_default()] or [officer::fp_text()])
#' object to be used to format the text. If not specified, it will use
#' the default text properties of the cell(s).
#' @param width,height size computed field
#' @param unit unit for width and height, one of "in", "cm", "mm".
#' @family chunk elements for paragraph
#' @examples
#' library(flextable)
#' # define some default values ----
#' set_flextable_defaults(font.size = 22, border.color = "gray")
#' # an example with append_chunks ----
#' pp_docx <- function(x) {
#'   x <- add_header_lines(x, "Page ")
#'   x <- append_chunks(
#'     x = x, i = 1, part = "header", j = 1,
#'     as_word_field(x = "Page")
#'   )
#'   align(x, part = "header", align = "left")
#' }
#' ft_1 <- flextable(cars)
#' ft_1 <- autofit(ft_1)
#' ft_1 <- pp_docx(ft_1)
#' ## or:
#' # set_flextable_defaults(post_process_docx = pp_docx)
#' ## to prevent this line addition when output is not docx
#' # print(ft_1, preview = "docx")
#' # an example with compose ----
#' library(officer)
#' ft_2 <- flextable(head(cars))
#' ft_2 <- add_footer_lines(ft_2, "temp text")
#' ft_2 <- compose(
#'   x = ft_2, part = "footer", i = 1, j = 1,
#'   as_paragraph(
#'     "p. ",
#'     as_word_field(x = "Page", width = .05),
#'     " on ", as_word_field(x = "NumPages", width = .05)
#'   )
#' )
#' ft_2 <- autofit(ft_2, part = c("header", "body"))
#' doc <- read_docx()
#' doc <- body_add_flextable(doc, ft_2)
#' doc <- body_add_break(doc)
#' doc <- body_add_flextable(doc, ft_2)
#' outfile <- print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
#' # reset default values ----
#' init_flextable_defaults()
as_word_field <- function(x, props = NULL, width = .1, height = .15, unit = "in") {
  width <- convin(unit = unit, x = width)
  height <- convin(unit = unit, x = height)

  if (is.null(props)) {
    props <- default_fptext_prop

  if (inherits(props, "fp_text")) {
    props <- rep(list(props), length(x))

  if (length(props) > 0 && is.list(props)) {
    if (!all(sapply(props, inherits, "fp_text"))) {
      stop("`props` should be a list of `fp_text` object(s).")
    if (length(props) != length(x)) {
        "`props` should be a list of same length than `x`: %.0f.",

  x <- chunk_dataframe(
    width = as.double(width),
    height = as.double(height),
    word_field_data = x,
    font.size = sapply(props, function(x) x$font.size),
    italic = sapply(props, function(x) x$italic),
    bold = sapply(props, function(x) x$bold),
    underlined = sapply(props, function(x) x$underlined),
    color = sapply(props, function(x) x$color),
    shading.color = sapply(props, function(x) x$shading.color),
    font.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$font.family),
    hansi.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$hansi.family),
    eastasia.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$eastasia.family),
    cs.family = sapply(props, function(x) x$cs.family),
    vertical.align = sapply(props, function(x) x$vertical.align)
  class(x) <- c("chunk", "data.frame")
to_wml_word_field <- function(x, pr_txt) {
  xml_elt_1 <- paste0(
    "<w:fldChar w:fldCharType=\"begin\" w:dirty=\"true\"/>",
  xml_elt_2 <- paste0(
    sprintf("<w:instrText xml:space=\"preserve\" w:dirty=\"true\">%s</w:instrText>", x),
  xml_elt_3 <- paste0(
    "<w:fldChar w:fldCharType=\"end\" w:dirty=\"true\"/>",
  out <- paste0(xml_elt_1, xml_elt_2, xml_elt_3)


#' @export
#' @title Concatenate chunks in a flextable
#' @description The function is concatenating text and images within paragraphs of
#' a flextable object, this function is to be used with functions such as [compose()],
#' [add_header_lines()], [add_footer_lines()].
#' This allows the concatenation of formatted pieces of text (chunks) that
#' represent the content of a paragraph.
#' The cells of a flextable contain each a single paragraph. This paragraph
#' is made of chunks that can be text, images or plots, equations and links.
#' @param ... chunk elements that are defining paragraph. If a character is used,
#' it is transformed to a chunk object with function [as_chunk()].
#' @param list_values a list of chunk elements that are defining paragraph. If
#' specified argument `...` is unused.
#' @family functions for mixed content paragraphs
#' @seealso [as_chunk()], [minibar()],
#' [as_image()], [hyperlink_text()]
#' @examples
#' library(flextable)
#' ft <- flextable(airquality[sample.int(150, size = 10), ])
#' ft <- compose(ft,
#'   j = "Wind",
#'   value = as_paragraph(
#'     as_chunk(Wind, props = fp_text_default(color = "orange")),
#'     " ",
#'     minibar(value = Wind, max = max(airquality$Wind), barcol = "orange", bg = "black", height = .15)
#'   ),
#'   part = "body"
#' )
#' ft <- autofit(ft)
#' ft
as_paragraph <- function(..., list_values = NULL) {
  if (is.null(list_values)) {
    list_values <- list(...)

  is_atomic <- sapply(list_values, is.atomic)
  if (any(is_atomic)) {
    list_values[is_atomic] <- lapply(list_values[is_atomic], function(x) {
      as_chunk(x, formatter = format_fun)

  if (!all(sapply(list_values, inherits, "chunk"))) {
    stop("argument ... should only contain objects of class 'chunk'.")

  nrows <- sapply(list_values, nrow)
  exp_nrow <- max(nrows)

  id_recycl <- which(nrows == 1)
  if (length(nrows) != 1 && length(id_recycl) > 0) {
    list_values[id_recycl] <- lapply(list_values[id_recycl], function(x, n) {
      z <- rbind_match_columns(rep(list(x), n))
    }, exp_nrow)

  nrows <- sapply(list_values, nrow)

  if (length(unique(nrows)) != 1 && 1 %in% nrows) {
    which_ <- which(nrows %in% 1)
    list_values[which_] <- lapply(list_values[which_], function(x, n) {
      rbind_match_columns(rep(list(x), n))
    }, n = max(nrows, na.rm = TRUE))
  nrows <- sapply(list_values, nrow)

  if (length(unique(nrows)) != 1) {
    stop("paragraph elements should all have the same length")

  data <- mapply(function(x, index) {
    x$.chunk_index <- rep(index, nrow(x))
  }, list_values, seq_along(list_values), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  data <- rbind_match_columns(data)

  data <- split(data, rep(seq_len(nrow(list_values[[1]])), length((list_values))))
  names(data) <- NULL
  class(data) <- c("paragraph")

Try the flextable package in your browser

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flextable documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:37 a.m.