
Defines functions hhline_instruction cline_intruction hline_token cline_token vline_token has_background has_border latex_gridlines fortify_latex_borders

#' @noRd
#' @title make border top and bottom restructured
#' as hline. If two borders overlap, the largest is
#' choosen.
fortify_latex_borders <- function(x) {
  properties_df <- x[, .SD, .SDcols = c(
    ".part", ".col_id", ".row_id",
    "colspan", "rowspan",
    "border.width.top", "border.color.top",
    "border.width.bottom", "border.color.bottom",
    "border.width.left", "border.color.left",
    "border.width.right", "border.color.right",
  col_id_levels <- levels(properties_df$.col_id)
  properties_df[, c("vspan_id") := list(rleid(cumsum(.SD$colspan))), by = c(".part", ".col_id")]
  properties_df[, c("draw_hline") := list({
    z <- logical(nrow(.SD))
    z[length(z)] <- TRUE
  }), by = c(".part", ".col_id", "vspan_id")]

  top <- dcast(properties_df, .part + .row_id ~ .col_id, value.var = "border.width.top")
  bottom <- dcast(properties_df, .part + .row_id ~ .col_id, value.var = "border.width.bottom")
  draw_hline <- dcast(properties_df, .part + .row_id ~ .col_id, value.var = "draw_hline")
  top_mat <- as.matrix(top[, 3:ncol(top)])
  bot_mat <- as.matrix(bottom[, 3:ncol(top)])

  # don't want the merged columns widths inside
  draw_hline_mat <- as.matrix(draw_hline[, 3:ncol(top)])
  bot_mat <- bot_mat * (draw_hline_mat > 0)

  new_row_n <- nrow(top) + 1

  if (new_row_n > 2) { # at least 3 rows
    # hlinemat is the top border and all bottom borders
    hlinemat <- matrix(0.0, nrow = new_row_n, ncol = ncol(top_mat))

    # add top border values
    hlinemat[1, ] <- top_mat[1, , drop = FALSE]
    # add bottom border values
    hlinemat[nrow(hlinemat), ] <- bot_mat[nrow(bot_mat), , drop = FALSE]

    # lines width in between must all have the same width, i.e. max observed width

    hlinemat[setdiff(seq_len(new_row_n), c(1, new_row_n)), ] <- pmax(bot_mat[-nrow(bot_mat), , drop = FALSE], top_mat[-1, , drop = FALSE])

    # now lets replace values
    bottom[, 3:ncol(top)] <- as.data.table(hlinemat[-1, ])
    top[1, 3:ncol(top)] <- as.data.table(hlinemat[1, , drop = FALSE])
    top[2:nrow(top), 3:ncol(top)] <- 0.0

    top <- melt(top,
      id.vars = c(".part", ".row_id"),
      variable.name = ".col_id",
      value.name = "border.width.top",
      variable.factor = FALSE
    top$.col_id <- factor(top$.col_id, levels = col_id_levels)
    bottom <- melt(bottom,
      id.vars = c(".part", ".row_id"),
      variable.name = ".col_id",
      value.name = "border.width.bottom",
      variable.factor = FALSE
    bottom$.col_id <- factor(bottom$.col_id, levels = col_id_levels)

    properties_df$border.width.bottom <- NULL
    properties_df$border.width.top <- NULL

    properties_df <- merge(
      x = properties_df,
      y = top,
      by = c(".part", ".row_id", ".col_id")
    properties_df <- merge(
      x = properties_df,
      y = bottom,
      by = c(".part", ".row_id", ".col_id")

#' @importFrom data.table fifelse
latex_gridlines <- function(properties_df) {

  x <- fortify_latex_borders(properties_df)

  # init computed latex instructions
  x[, c(
    "vborder_left", "vborder_right",
    "hborder_bottom", "hborder_top",
    "hborder_bottom_pre_vline", "hborder_bottom_post_vline"
  ) :=
      "", "",
      "~", "~",
      "", ""
  x[has_border(x, "left"), c("vborder_left") :=
      vline_token(w = .SD$border.width.left, cols = .SD$border.color.left)
  x[has_border(x, "right"), c("vborder_right") :=
        (as.integer(.SD$.col_id) + .SD$rowspan) == (nlevels(.SD$.col_id) + 1L),
        vline_token(w = .SD$border.width.right, cols = .SD$border.color.right),
        default = ""
  vlines <- x[, .SD, .SDcols = c(".part", ".col_id", ".row_id", "vborder_left", "vborder_right")]

  is_transparent <- !has_background(x)

  if (is_transparent) {
    fun_hborder <- cline_token
  } else {
    fun_hborder <- hline_token

  # generate hborder_top only for the first row
    x$.row_id %in% 1 & as.integer(x$.part) == min(as.integer(x$.part)),
    c("hborder_top") := list(fun_hborder(w = .SD$border.width.top, cols = .SD$border.color.top))
  # generate hborder_bottom for those that have bottom borders
    has_border(x, "bottom"),
    c("hborder_bottom") := list(fun_hborder(w = .SD$border.width.bottom, cols = .SD$border.color.bottom))
  if (is_transparent) {
    x[!x$draw_hline, c("hborder_bottom") := list({
      rep("ascline{0pt}{FFFFFF}", nrow(.SD))
    }), by = c(".part", ".col_id", "vspan_id")]

    x[x$hborder_top %in% "~", c("hborder_top") := list("ascline{0pt}{FFFFFF}")]
    hlines <- x[, list(
      hlines_b_strings = cline_intruction(.SD$hborder_bottom),
      hlines_t_strings = cline_intruction(.SD$hborder_top)
    by = c(".part", ".row_id")
  } else {
    # set hborder_bottom_pre_vline to '|' for the first column where there are bottom and left borders
      has_border(x, "bottom") & has_border(x, "left") & x$.col_id %in% head(levels(x$.col_id), 1),
      c("hborder_bottom_pre_vline") := list("|")
    # set hborder_bottom_post_vline to '|' where there are bottom and right borders
    x[, c("has_bdr_right") := list(
      shift(.SD[["border.width.left"]], type = "lead") > 0 &
        colalpha(shift(.SD[["border.color.left"]], type = "lead")) > 0
    ), by = c(".part", ".row_id")]
      c("hborder_bottom_post_vline") := list("|")
    # if cells are vertically merged, dont draw bottom borders nor their vertical columns/joins
    x[, c("hborder_bottom", "hborder_bottom_post_vline") :=
        data.table::fifelse(c(.SD$colspan[-1], 1) < 1, fun_hborder(w = .SD$border.width.bottom, cols = .SD$border.color.bottom), .SD$hborder_bottom),
        data.table::fifelse(c(.SD$colspan[-1], 1) < 1, "", .SD$hborder_bottom_post_vline)
      ), by = c(".part", ".col_id")]

    # reinit color and line size before drawing new h borders
    x_rulecolor_start <- x[x$.col_id %in% head(levels(x$.col_id), 1), ]
    x_rulecolor_start <- sprintf(
      "\\noalign{\\global\\arrayrulewidth %spt}\\arrayrulecolor[HTML]{%s}\n\n",
      format_double(x_rulecolor_start$border.width.left, 2),

    hlines <- x[, list(
      hlines_b_strings = hhline_instruction(.SD$hborder_bottom,
        pre_str = .SD$hborder_bottom_pre_vline,
        post_str = .SD$hborder_bottom_post_vline
      hlines_t_strings = hhline_instruction(.SD$hborder_top)
    ), by = c(".part", ".row_id")]
    hlines$hlines_b_strings <- paste0(x_rulecolor_start, hlines$hlines_b_strings)

  list(hlines = hlines, vlines = vlines)

# utils ----
## cline command for hline when no background
cline_cmd <- paste0(
  "\\noalign{\\global\\arrayrulewidth #1}",

has_border <- function(x, side = c("left", "right", "top", "bottom")) {
  side_ <- match.arg(side, several.ok = FALSE)
  size_name <- paste0("border.width.", side_)
  col_name <- paste0("border.color.", side_)
  x[[size_name]] > 0 & colalpha(x[[col_name]]) > 0
has_background <- function(x) {
  any(colalpha(x$background.color) > 0)
vline_token <- function(w, cols, digits = 2) {
  size <- format_double(w, digits = digits)
  cols <- colcode0(cols)
  z <- sprintf("!{\\color[HTML]{%s}\\vrule width %spt}", cols, size)

cline_token <- function(w, cols, digits = 2) {
  size <- format_double(w, digits = digits)
  colchar <- colcode0(cols)
  z <- sprintf("ascline{%spt}{%s}", w, colchar)
  z[w < .001 | colalpha(cols) < 1] <- "ascline{0pt}{FFFFFF}"
hline_token <- function(w, cols, digits = 2) {
  size <- format_double(w, digits = digits)
  cols <- colcode0(cols)
  z <- sprintf(
    cols, size, "-"

cline_intruction <- function(token) {
  rle_ <- rle(token)

  lengths <- rle_$lengths
  values <- rle_$values
  end_at <- cumsum(lengths)
  start_at <- end_at - (lengths - 1)

  keep <- !values %in% c("ascline{0pt}{FFFFFF}", "~")
  if (sum(keep) < 1) {

  values <- values[keep]
  start_at <- start_at[keep]
  end_at <- end_at[keep]

  paste(sprintf("\\%s{%.0f-%.0f}", values, start_at, end_at), collapse = "")

hhline_instruction <- function(x, pre_str = character(length(x)), post_str = character(length(x))) {
  if (all(x %in% c("~", "|"))) {
  z <- paste0(pre_str, x, post_str)

  paste0("\\hhline{", paste0(z, collapse = ""), "}")

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flextable documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:37 a.m.