#' @importFrom officer fp_text fp_par fp_border
#' @title Transform a 'xtable' object into a flextable
#' @description Get a `flextable` object from
#' a `xtable` object.
#' @param x `xtable` object
#' @param default text formatting properties
#' @param format.args List of arguments for the formatC function.
#' See argument `format.args` of `print.xtable`. Not yet
#' implemented.
#' @param rowname_col colname used for row names column
#' @param hline.after see `?print.xtable`.
#' @param NA.string see `?print.xtable`.
#' @param include.rownames see `?print.xtable`.
#' @param rotate.colnames see `?print.xtable`.
#' @param ... unused arguments
#' @examples
#' library(officer)
#' if( require("xtable") ){
#' data(tli)
#' tli.table <- xtable(tli[1:10, ])
#' align(tli.table) <- rep("r", 6)
#' align(tli.table) <- "|r|r|clr|r|"
#' ft_1 <- as_flextable(
#' tli.table,
#' rotate.colnames = TRUE,
#' include.rownames = FALSE)
#' ft_1 <- height(ft_1, i = 1, part = "header", height = 1)
#' ft_1
#' \donttest{
#' Grade3 <- c("A","B","B","A","B","C","C","D","A","B",
#' "C","C","C","D","B","B","D","C","C","D")
#' Grade6 <- c("A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","C","C",
#' "A","C","C","C","D","D","D","D","D","D")
#' Cohort <- table(Grade3, Grade6)
#' ft_2 <- as_flextable(xtable(Cohort))
#' ft_2 <- set_header_labels(ft_2, rowname = "Grade 3")
#' ft_2 <- autofit(ft_2)
#' ft_2 <- add_header(ft_2, A = "Grade 6")
#' ft_2 <- merge_at(ft_2, i = 1, j = seq_len( ncol(Cohort) ) + 1,
#' part = "header" )
#' ft_2 <- bold(ft_2, j = 1, bold = TRUE, part = "body")
#' ft_2 <- height_all(ft_2, part = "header", height = .4)
#' ft_2
#' temp.ts <- ts(cumsum(1 + round(rnorm(100), 0)),
#' start = c(1954, 7), frequency = 12)
#' ft_3 <- as_flextable(x = xtable(temp.ts, digits = 0),
#' NA.string = "-")
#' ft_3
#' }
#' detach("package:xtable", unload = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
#' @family as_flextable methods
as_flextable.xtable <- function(
x, = fp_text_default(),
format.args = getOption("xtable.format.args", NULL),
rowname_col = "rowname",
hline.after = getOption("xtable.hline.after", c(-1, 0, nrow(x))),
NA.string = getOption("xtable.NA.string", ""),
include.rownames = TRUE,
rotate.colnames = getOption("xtable.rotate.colnames", FALSE),
...) {
padding.left <- 4
padding.right <- 4
stopifnot(inherits(x, "xtable"))
if (!is.null(hline.after)) {
if (any(hline.after < -1) | any(hline.after > nrow(x))) {
stop("'hline.after' must be inside [-1, nrow(x)]")
if (!include.rownames) {
data <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
col_labels <- names(x)
.col_id <- make.names(col_labels)
} else {
rn_x <- row.names(x)
data <- cbind(
structure(list(rn_x), .Names = rowname_col, row.names = seq_along(rn_x), class = "data.frame"),, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
col_labels <- c("", names(x))
.col_id <- make.names(col_labels)
.col_id[1] <- rowname_col
names(data) <- .col_id
nrow_ <- nrow(data)
ncol_ <- ncol(data)
ina <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = ncol(data))
for (j in seq_along(.col_id)) {
if (is.factor(data[[j]])) {
data[[j]] <- as.character(data[[j]])
if (is.list(data[[j]])) {
data[[j]] <- sapply(data[[j]], unlist)
ina[, j] <-[[j]])
if (is.null(format.args)) {
format.args <- list()
if (is.null(format.args$decimal.mark)) {
format.args$decimal.mark <- options()$OutDec
digits_val <- attr(x, "digits", exact = TRUE)
display_val <- attr(x, "display", exact = TRUE)
align <- attr(x, "align")
if (!include.rownames) {
digits_val <- digits_val[-1]
display_val <- display_val[-1]
which_grep <- grep("^[a-zA-Z]", align)[1]
align <- align[-seq_len(which_grep)]
if (!is.matrix(digits_val)) {
digits_val <- rep(digits_val, each = nrow_)
display_val <- ifelse(
digits_val < 0, "E",
rep(display_val, each = nrow_)
col_names_ <- rep(.col_id, each = nrow_)
rows_index <- rep(seq_len(nrow_), ncol_)
ft <- flextable(data)
ft <- set_header_df(ft, mapping = data.frame(col_keys = .col_id, label = col_labels, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
for (iter in seq_along(rows_index)) {
# val <- sprintf("value ~ formatC_with_na(%s, digits = %.0f, format = '%s', na_string = '%s')", col_names_[iter], digits_val[iter], display_val[iter], NA.string )
ft <- compose(
j = col_names_[iter], i = rows_index[iter],
value = as_paragraph(as_chunk(get(col_names_[iter]), formatter = format_fun))
ft <- border(x = ft, border = fp_border(width = 0), part = "all")
ft <- style(x = ft, pr_t =, part = "all")
ft <- bg(x = ft, bg = "transparent", part = "all")
ft <- bold(x = ft, bold = TRUE, part = "header")
if (include.rownames) {
ft <- bold(x = ft, j = 1, bold = TRUE, part = "body")
parProp <- fp_par(padding.left = padding.left, padding.right = padding.right)
if (any(align == "|")) {
new_align <- character(0)
border_right_pos <- integer(0)
do_left_table <- FALSE
do_right_table <- FALSE
for (i in seq_along(align)) {
if (i == 1 && align[i] == "|") {
do_left_table <- TRUE
} else if (align[i] == "|" && i < length(align)) {
border_right_pos <- append(border_right_pos, length(new_align))
} else if (align[i] == "|" && i == length(align)) {
do_right_table <- TRUE
} else {
new_align <- append(new_align, align[i])
align <- new_align
if (do_left_table) {
ft <- border(ft, j = 1, border.left = fp_border(), part = "all")
if (length(border_right_pos) > 0) {
ft <- border(ft, j = border_right_pos, border.right = fp_border(), part = "all")
if (do_right_table) {
ft <- border(ft, j = length(align), border.right = fp_border(), part = "all")
if (rotate.colnames) {
ft <- rotate(x = ft, rotation = "btlr", part = "header")
header_dims <- dim_pretty(ft, part = "header")
body_dims <- dim_pretty(ft, part = "body")
footer_dims <- dim_pretty(ft, part = "footer")
widths_header <- rep(header_dims$heights, each = length(ft$col_keys))
widths_header <- matrix(widths_header, ncol = length(ft$col_keys))
widths_header <- as.numeric(apply(widths_header, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE))
heights_header <- rep(max(header_dims$widths), nrow_part(ft, "header"))
header_dims$widths <- widths_header
header_dims$heights <- heights_header
widths_ <-, list(header_dims$widths, body_dims$widths, footer_dims$widths))
widths_ <- as.numeric(apply(widths_, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE))
heights_ <-, list(header_dims$heights, body_dims$heights, footer_dims$heights))
ft <- width(ft, width = widths_)
ft <- height(ft, height = header_dims$heights, part = "header")
ft <- height(ft, height = body_dims$heights, part = "body")
ft <- height(ft, height = footer_dims$heights, part = "footer")
ft <- align(ft, align = "left", part = "header")
} else {
ft <- autofit(ft)
widths <- get_xtable_widths(align)
align[!] <- "j"
if (!all( {
j <- which(!
width <- widths[j]
ft <- width(ft, j = j, width = width)
ft <- align(ft, j = align %in% "r", part = "all", align = "right")
ft <- align(ft, j = align %in% "l", part = "all", align = "left")
ft <- align(ft, j = align %in% "c", part = "all", align = "center")
ft <- align(ft, j = align %in% "j", part = "all", align = "justify")
if (!is.null(hline.after)) {
if (-1 %in% hline.after) {
hline.after <- setdiff(hline.after, -1)
ft <- border(ft, i = 1, = fp_border(), part = "header")
if (0 %in% hline.after) {
hline.after <- setdiff(hline.after, 0)
ft <- border(ft, border.bottom = fp_border(), part = "header")
if (length(hline.after) > 0) {
ft <- border(ft, i = hline.after, border.bottom = fp_border(), part = "body")
get_xtable_widths <- function(align, default_width = .3) {
rex <- "^(p\\{)([0-9\\.]+)(cm|in|px)(\\}$)"
width <- rep(default_width, length(align))
w_matches <- grepl(rex, align)
newwidths <- gsub(rex, "\\2", align)
newwidths[!w_matches] <- ""
newwidths <- as.numeric(newwidths)
units <- gsub(rex, "\\3", align)
units[!w_matches] <- "in"
if (any(!units %in% c("in", "cm", "px"))) {
stop("unknown unit, supported units for column width are in, cm and px")
newwidths[units %in% "cm"] <- newwidths[units %in% "cm"] / 2.54
newwidths[units %in% "px"] <- newwidths[units %in% "cm"] / 72
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