
Defines functions distDataLargeP blockGaussian blockLargeP getBlockCov indGaussian indLargeP getChi2Weights getCov weightedChi2P blockPermute distDataPermute cacheBlockPermute2 cacheBlockPermute1 cachePermute buildReverse buildForward naiveBlockPermute2 naiveBlockPermute1 getRealVStat getBinVStat getLpDistance getHammingDistance

Documented in blockGaussian blockLargeP blockPermute buildForward buildReverse cacheBlockPermute1 cacheBlockPermute2 cachePermute distDataLargeP distDataPermute getBinVStat getBlockCov getChi2Weights getCov getHammingDistance getLpDistance getRealVStat indGaussian indLargeP naiveBlockPermute1 naiveBlockPermute2 weightedChi2P

#registerDoParallel(cores = 2)


#' A Hamming Distance Vector Calculator
#' Computes all pairwise Hamming distances for a binary matrix \eqn{\mathbf{X}}.
#' Dependencies: hamming_bitwise from fast_dist_calc.cpp
#' @param X The \eqn{N \times P} binary matrix
#' @return A length \eqn{{N \choose 2}} vector of pairwise Hamming distances
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 10, rbinom(50, 1, 0.5))
#' getHammingDistance(X)
getHammingDistance <- function(X) {
  # Check that each entry of X is 0 or 1
  if (!all(X == 1 | X == 0)) {
    stop("X is non-binary. Check that all entries of X are 0 or 1.")

  # The number of columns of X is 1 (edge case)
  if (is.null(dim(X))) {
    return(as.vector(dist(X, "manhattan")))
  # The number of columns of X is >1 and X is high-dim
  if (dim(X)[1] > 100 & dim(X)[2] > 64) {
  # X is not too large
  return(as.vector(dist(X, "manhattan")))

#' A \eqn{l_p^p} Distance Vector Calculator
#' Computes all pairwise \eqn{l_p^p} distances for a real matrix \eqn{\mathbf{X}},
#' for a specified choice of Minkowski norm exponent \eqn{p}.
#' Dependencies: lp_distance from fast_dist_calc.cpp
#' @param X The \eqn{N \times P} real matrix
#' @param p The power p of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return A length \eqn{{N \choose 2}} vector of pairwise \eqn{l_p^p} distances
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 10, rnorm(50))
#' getLpDistance(X, p = 2)
getLpDistance <- function(X, p) {
  # The number of columns of X is 1 (edge case)
  if (is.null(dim(X))) {
                          method = "minkowski", 
                          p = p)^p)) # [!] 5/30/22 - returns Euclidean distance unless Minkowski is specified
  # The number of columns of X is >1 and X is high-dim
  if (dim(X)[1] > 100 & dim(X)[2] > 64) {
    return(lp_distance(t(X), p))
  # X is not too large
                        method = "minkowski", 
                        p = p)^p)) # [!] 5/30/22 - returns Euclidean distance unless Minkowski is specified
  #Rfast::Dist(X, method = "euclidean", vector = TRUE)

#' V Statistic for Binary Matrices
#' Computes \eqn{V} statistic for a binary matrix \eqn{\mathbf{X}}, as defined in
#' Aw, Spence and Song (2023).
#' Dependencies: getHammingDistance
#' @param X The \eqn{N \times P} binary matrix
#' @return \eqn{V(\mathbf{X})}, the variance of the pairwise Hamming distance between samples
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 10, rbinom(50, 1, 0.5))
#' getBinVStat(X)
getBinVStat <- function(X) {
  # The number of columns of X is 1 (edge case)
  if (is.null(dim(X))) {
  # V is constant when X has only two rows (edge case)
  if (dim(X)[1] == 2) {
  # All other cases
  return(var(getHammingDistance(X)) / dim(X)[2])

#' V Statistic for Real Matrices
#' Computes \eqn{V} statistic for a real matrix \eqn{\mathbf{X}},
#' where \eqn{V(\mathbf{X})} = scaled variance of \eqn{l_p^p} distances between the
#' row samples of \eqn{\mathbf{X}}.
#' Dependencies: getLpDistance
#' @param X The \eqn{N \times P} real matrix
#' @param p The power \eqn{p} of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return \eqn{V(\mathbf{X})}, the variance of the pairwise \eqn{l_p^p} distance between samples
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 10, rnorm(50))
#' getRealVStat(X, p = 2)
getRealVStat <- function(X, p) {
  # The number of columns of X is 1 (edge case)
  if (is.null(dim(X))) {
    return(var(getLpDistance(X, p)))
  # V is constant when X has only two rows (edge case)
  if (dim(X)[1] == 2) {
  # All other cases
  return(var(getLpDistance(X, p)) / dim(X)[2])

#' Resampling V Statistic (Version 1)
#' Generates a new array \eqn{\mathbf{X}'} under the permutation null and then
#' returns the \eqn{V} statistic computed for \eqn{\mathbf{X}'}.
#' This is Version 1, which takes in the block labels. It is suitable in
#' the most general setting, where the features are grouped by labels.
#' Given original \eqn{\mathbf{X}} and a list denoting labels of each feature,
#' independently permutes the rows within each block of \eqn{\mathbf{X}} and returns resulting \eqn{V}.
#' If block labels are not specified, then features are assumed independent, which
#' is to say that block_labels is set to 1:ncol(\eqn{\mathbf{X}}).
#' Dependencies: getBinVStat, getRealVStat
#' @param X The \eqn{N \times P} binary or real matrix
#' @param block_labels A vector of length \eqn{P}, whose \eqn{p}th component indicates the block membership of feature \eqn{p}
#' @param p The power \eqn{p} of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return \eqn{V(\mathbf{X}')}, where \eqn{\mathbf{X}'} is a resampled by permutation of entries blockwise
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 10, rnorm(50)) # real matrix example
#' naiveBlockPermute1(X, block_labels = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5), p = 2) # use Euclidean distance
#' X <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 10, rbinom(50, 1, 0.5)) # binary matrix example
#' naiveBlockPermute1(X, block_labels = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5))
naiveBlockPermute1 <- function(X,
                               p) {
  # Check block labels (done in the downstream function)
  # Count number of independent blocks
  num_blocks <- max(block_labels)

  # Generate permutations for each block
  perms <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:num_blocks, function(x) sample(1:dim(X)[1], dim(X)[1])))

  # For each feature apply the permutation from that feature's block
  X_permute <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:dim(X)[2], function(i) X[perms[, block_labels[i]], i]))

  # Compute the test statistic V for permuted data
  if (all(X == 1 | X == 0)) {
    to_return <- getBinVStat(X_permute)
  } else {
    to_return <- getRealVStat(X_permute, p = p)

  # Return

#' Resampling V Statistic (Version 2)
#' Generates a new array \eqn{\mathbf{X}'} under the permutation null and then
#' returns the \eqn{V} statistic computed for \eqn{\mathbf{X}'}.
#' This is Version 2, which takes in the block boundaries. It is suitable
#' for use when the features are already arranged such that the block
#' memberships are determined by index delimiters. Given original \eqn{\mathbf{X}} and
#' a list denoting labels of each feature, independently permutes the rows
#' within each block of \eqn{\mathbf{X}} and returns resulting \eqn{V}. If block labels are not specified,
#' then features are assumed independent, which is to say that block_labels is set to 1:ncol(\eqn{\mathbf{X}}).
#' Dependencies: getBinVStat, getRealVStat
#' @param X The \eqn{N \times P} binary or real matrix
#' @param block_boundaries A vector of length at most P, whose entries indicate positions at which to demarcate blocks
#' @param p The power p of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return \eqn{V(\mathbf{X}')}, where \eqn{\mathbf{X}'} is a resampled by permutation of entries blockwise
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 10, rnorm(50)) # real matrix example
#' naiveBlockPermute2(X, block_boundaries = c(4,7,9), p = 2) # use Euclidean distance
#' X <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 10, rbinom(50, 1, 0.5)) # binary matrix example
#' naiveBlockPermute2(X, block_boundaries = c(4,7,9))
naiveBlockPermute2 <- function(X,
                               p) {
  # Save the number of blocks
  num_blocks <- length(block_boundaries)
  # Pemuted version of X to be returned
  X_permute <- matrix(0,nrow = dim(X)[1], ncol = dim(X)[2])
  counter <- 1
  # Permute within each block
  while (counter < num_blocks) {
    X_permute[,block_boundaries[counter]:(block_boundaries[counter + 1] - 1)] <-
      as.matrix(X[sample(nrow(X)),block_boundaries[counter]:(block_boundaries[counter + 1] - 1)])
    counter <- counter + 1
  X_permute[,block_boundaries[num_blocks]:dim(X)[2]] <-

  # Compute and return the test statistic V for permuted data
  if (all(X == 1 | X == 0)) {
    to_return <- getBinVStat(X_permute)
  } else {
    to_return <- getRealVStat(X_permute, p = p)

  # Return

#' Map from Indices to Label Pairs
#' Builds a map from indexes to pairs of labels. This is
#' for caching distances, to avoid recomputing Hamming distances
#' especially when dealing with high-dimensional (large \eqn{P}) matrices.
#' Dependencies: None
#' @param N Sample size, i.e., nrow(\eqn{\mathbf{X}})
#' @return \eqn{N \times N} matrix whose entries record the index
#' corresponding  to the pair of labels (indexed by the matrix dims)
buildForward <- function(N) {
  forward <- matrix(0, ncol = N, nrow = N)
  idx <- 1
  for (i in 1:(N-1)) {
    for (j in (i+1):N) {
      forward[i,j] <- idx
      forward[j,i] <- idx
      idx <- idx + 1

#' Map from Label Pairs to Indices
#' Builds a map from pairs of labels to indexes. This is
#' for caching distances, to avoid recomputing Hamming distances
#' especially when dealing with high-dimensional (large \eqn{P}) matrices.
#' Dependencies: None
#' @param N Sample size, i.e., nrow(\eqn{\mathbf{X}})
#' @return \eqn{N \times N} matrix whose entries record the index
#' corresponding  to the pair of labels (indexed by the matrix dims)
buildReverse <- function(N) {
  reverse <- matrix(0,ncol = 2, nrow = choose(N,2))
  idx <- 1
  for (i in 1:(N-1)) {
    for (j in (i+1):N) {
      reverse[idx,1] <- i
      reverse[idx,2] <- j
      idx <- idx + 1

#' Permutation by Caching Distances
#' What do you do when you have to compute pairwise distances many times, and those
#' damn distances take a long time to compute? Answer: You cache the distances and
#' permute the underlying sample labels!
#' This function permutes the distances (Hamming, \eqn{l_p^p}, etc.) within blocks.
#' Permutations respect the fact that we are actually permuting the
#' underlying labels. Arguments forward and reverse should be
#' precomputed using buildForward and buildReverse.
#' Dependencies: buildForward, buildReverse
#' @param dists \eqn{{N \choose 2}} by \eqn{B} matrix, with each column
#' containing the distances (ex: Hamming, \eqn{l_p^p}) for the block
#' @param forward \eqn{N \times N} matrix mapping the pairs of sample labels
#' to index of the \eqn{{N \choose 2}}-length vector
#' @param reverse \eqn{{N \choose 2}\times 2} matrix mapping the index to
#' pairs of sample labels
#' @return A matrix with same dimensions as dists containing
#' the block-permuted pairwise distances
cachePermute <- function(dists, forward, reverse) {
  # Permuted version of dists to be returned
  new_dists <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(dists)[1], ncol = dim(dists)[2])
  # Iterate over blocks
  for (i in 1:dim(dists)[2]) {
    # Generate a permutation of the N labels
    perm <- sample(dim(forward)[1])
    for (j in 1:dim(dists)[1]) {
      # Get labels for this index
      n1 <- reverse[j,1]; n2 <- reverse[j,2]
      # Assign the permuted labels to them
      n1 <- perm[n1]; n2 <- perm[n2]
      # Find index for permuted pair of labels
      new_j <- forward[n1,n2]
      # Assign the value to output
      new_dists[j,i] <- dists[new_j,i]

#' Resampling Many V Statistics (Version 1)
#' Generates a block permutation distribution of \eqn{V} statistic.
#' Precomputes distances and some indexing arrays to quickly
#' generate samples from the block permutation distribution of the \eqn{V}
#' statistic of \eqn{\mathbf{X}}.
#' This version is with block labels specified.
#' Dependencies: buildForward, buildReverse, cachePermute, getHammingDistance, getLpDistance
#' @param X The binary or real matrix on which to perform
#' permutation resampling
#' @param block_labels Length \eqn{P} vector recording the block label of each feature
#' @param p The power \eqn{p} of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @param nruns The resampling number (use at least 1000)
#' @return A vector of resampled values of the \eqn{V} statistic
cacheBlockPermute1 <- function(X,
                               p) {
  # The number of blocks is B
  B <- max(block_labels)

  # Create the {N choose 2} x B matrix of Hamming distances
  dists <- matrix(0, nrow = choose(dim(X)[1],2), ncol = B)
  if (all(X == 1 | X == 0)) {
    # compute Hamming distance because X is binary
    for (b in 1:B) {
      dists[,b] <- getHammingDistance(X[,which(block_labels == b)])
  } else {
    # else compute l_p^p distance because X is non-binary
    for (b in 1:B) {
      dists[,b] <- getLpDistance(X[,which(block_labels == b)], p)

  # Cache indexing arrays
  forward <- buildForward(dim(X)[1])
  reverse <- buildReverse(dim(X)[1])

  # Write a local function for computing V_vec from permuting
  newVLocal <- function(dists,forward,reverse) {
    partials <- cachePermute(dists, forward, reverse)
    return(var(rowSums(partials)) / dim(X)[2])

  # Compute vector of V statistics
  to_return <- foreach(i=1:nruns, .combine = c) %dopar% newVLocal(dists, forward, reverse)
  # to_return <- c()
  # for (r in 1:nruns) {
  #     partials <- cachePermuteHamming(ham_dists, forward, reverse)
  #     to_return <- c(to_return,
  #         var(rowSums(partials)) / dim(X)[2])
  # }

#' Resampling Many V Statistics (Version 2)
#' Generates a block permutation distribution of \eqn{V} statistic.
#' Precomputes distances and some indexing arrays to quickly
#' generate samples from the block permutation distribution of the \eqn{V}
#' statistic of \eqn{\mathbf{X}}.
#' This version is with block boundaries specified.
#' Dependencies: buildForward, buildReverse, cachePermute, getHammingDistance, getLpDistance
#' @param X The binary or real matrix on which to perform
#' permutation resampling
#' @param block_boundaries Vector denoting the positions where a new
#' block of non-independent features starts
#' @param p The power p of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @param nruns The resampling number (use at least 1000)
#' @return A vector of resampled values of the \eqn{V} statistic
cacheBlockPermute2 <- function(X,
                               p) {
  # The number of blocks is B
  B <- length(block_boundaries)

  # Create the {N choose 2} x B matrix of Hamming distances
  dists <- matrix(0, nrow = choose(dim(X)[1],2), ncol = B)
  if (all(X == 1 | X == 0)) {
    # compute Hamming distance because X is binary
    for (b in 1:(B-1)) {
      dists[,b] <- getHammingDistance(X[,block_boundaries[b]:(block_boundaries[b+1]-1)])
    dists[,B] <- getHammingDistance(X[,block_boundaries[B]:dim(X)[2]])

  } else {
    # else compute l_p^p distance because X is non-binary
    for (b in 1:(B-1)) {
      dists[,b] <- getLpDistance(X[,block_boundaries[b]:(block_boundaries[b+1]-1)], p)
    dists[,B] <- getLpDistance(X[,block_boundaries[B]:dim(X)[2]], p)

  # Cache indexing arrays
  forward <- buildForward(dim(X)[1])
  reverse <- buildReverse(dim(X)[1])

  # Write a local function for computing V_vec from permuting
  newVLocal <- function(dists, forward, reverse) {
    partials <- cachePermute(dists, forward, reverse)
    return(var(rowSums(partials)) / dim(X)[2])

  # Compute vector of V statistics
  to_return <- foreach(i=1:nruns, .combine = c) %dopar% newVLocal(dists, forward, reverse)
  # to_return <- c()
  # for (r in 1:nruns) {
  #     partials <- cachePermuteHamming(ham_dists, forward, reverse)
  #     to_return <- c(to_return,
  #         var(rowSums(partials)) / dim(X)[2])
  # }

#' p-value Computation for Test of Exchangeability Using Distance Data
#' Generates a block permutation p-value.
#' Generates a block permutation distribution of \eqn{V} statistic by storing
#' the provided list of distance data as an \eqn{{N\choose2} \times B} array,
#' and then permuting the underlying indices of each individual to generate 
#' resampled \eqn{{N\choose2} \times B} arrays. The observed \eqn{V} statistic is 
#' also computed from the distance data.   
#' Each element of dist_list should be a \eqn{N\times N} distance matrix.
#' Dependencies: buildForward, buildReverse, cachePermute
#' @param dist_list The list (length \eqn{B}) of pairwise distance data. 
#' Each element in list should be either a distance matrix or a table recording
#' pairwise distances. 
#' @param nruns The resampling number (use at least 1000)
#' @param type Either an unbiased estimate ('unbiased'), or exact ('valid') p-value (see Hemerik and Goeman, 2018), or both ('both'). 
#' @return The p-value obtained from comparing the empirical tail cdf of the observed 
#' \eqn{V} statistic computed from distance data. 
distDataPermute <- function(dist_list,
                            type) {
  # Get number of samples
  N <- unique(sapply(dist_list, function(x) dim(x)[1]))
  # Get length of distance list
  B <- length(dist_list)
  # Construct a (N choose 2) x B array of independent distances
  all_dist_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = choose(N,2), ncol = B)
  # Obtain all pairwise distances for each feature
  for (b in 1:B) { # fill entries of all_dist_matrix
    all_dist_matrix[,b] <- dist_list[[b]][t(combn(colnames(dist_list[[b]]), 2))] # combing trick
  # Compute observed V statistic from distance data
  V_obs <- var(rowSums(all_dist_matrix)) / B
  ##if (B < 50 & largeP) {
  #  message(date(), ": No. independent features whose distances are provided is too few for asymptotic test to be reliable.")
  ## In all other cases, largeP is false, so permutation test is performed.
  #message(date(), ": Performing approximately exact resampling test with ", nruns, "permutations.")
  # Cache indexing arrays
  forward <- buildForward(N)
  reverse <- buildReverse(N)
  # Write a local function for computing V_vec from permuting
  newVLocal <- function(dists, forward, reverse) {
    partials <- cachePermute(dists, forward, reverse)
    return(var(rowSums(partials)) / B)
  # Compute vector of V statistics
  V_vec <- foreach(i=1:nruns, .combine = c) %dopar% newVLocal(all_dist_matrix, forward, reverse)
  # Return
  if (type == "valid") {
    return(mean(c(V_vec,as.numeric(V_obs)) >= as.numeric(V_obs))) # Hemerik and Goeman (2018)
  } else if (type == "unbiased") {
    return(mean(V_vec > as.numeric(V_obs))) # strictly greater than for conservativeness
  } else {
    unbiased <- mean(V_vec > as.numeric(V_obs))
    valid <- mean(c(V_vec,as.numeric(V_obs)) >= as.numeric(V_obs))
    to_return <- c(unbiased,valid)
    names(to_return) <- c("unbiased","valid")

#' p-value Computation for Test of Exchangeability with Block Dependencies
#' Generates a block permutation p-value. Uses a heuristic to
#' decide whether to use distance caching or simple block permutations.
#' Dependencies: buildForward, buildReverse, cachePermute,
#' cacheBlockPermute1, cacheBlockPermute2, getHammingDistance,
#' getLpDistance, naiveBlockPermute1, naiveBlockPermute2
#' @param X The binary or real matrix on which to perform
#' permutation resampling
#' @param block_boundaries Vector denoting the positions where a new
#' block of non-independent features starts. Default is NULL.
#' @param block_labels Length \eqn{P} vector recording the block label of each feature.
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param type Either an unbiased estimate ('unbiased'), or exact ('valid') p-value (see Hemerik and Goeman, 2018), or both ('both').
#' @param p The power p of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @param nruns The resampling number (use at least 1000)
#' @return The block permutation p-value
blockPermute <- function(X,
                         block_boundaries = NULL,
                         block_labels = NULL,
                         p) {
  # Check that exactly one of block_labels or block_boundaries is NULL
  if (!is.null(block_labels) & !is.null(block_boundaries)) {
    stop("Both block labels and block boundaries were specified. Exactly one of these should be specified.")
  if (is.null(block_labels) & is.null(block_boundaries)) {
    stop("Neither block labels nor block boundaries was specified. Exactly one of these should be specified.")

  # Observed value of V statistic from data array
  if (all(X == 1 | X == 0)) {
    token <- "binary"
    V_obs <- getBinVStat(X)
  } else {
    V_obs <- getRealVStat(X, p)

  # Estimate speedup from caching (= B/P ratio)
  if (!is.null(block_labels)) {
    speedup_ratio <- max(block_labels) / dim(X)[2]
  } else {
    speedup_ratio <- length(block_boundaries) / dim(X)[2]

  # If speedup is minimal, perform simple block permutations
  if (speedup_ratio > 0.01) {
    #V_vec <- sapply(1:nruns, function(x) {naiveBlockPermute(X, block_boundaries)})
    if (!is.null(block_labels)) {
      V_vec <- foreach(i=1:nruns, .combine = c) %dopar% naiveBlockPermute1(X, block_labels, p)
    } else {
      V_vec <- foreach(i=1:nruns, .combine = c) %dopar% naiveBlockPermute2(X, block_boundaries, p)
  } else {
    # Else speedup is worth the overhead in caching
    if (!is.null(block_labels)) {
      V_vec <- cacheBlockPermute1(X, block_labels, nruns, p)
    } else {
      V_vec <- cacheBlockPermute2(X, block_boundaries, nruns, p)
  # Return
  if (type == "valid") {
    return(mean(c(V_vec,as.numeric(V_obs)) >= as.numeric(V_obs))) # Hemerik and Goeman (2018)
  } else if (type == "unbiased") {
    return(mean(V_vec > as.numeric(V_obs))) # strictly greater than for conservativeness
  } else {
    unbiased <- mean(V_vec > as.numeric(V_obs))
    valid <- mean(c(V_vec,as.numeric(V_obs)) >= as.numeric(V_obs))
    to_return <- c(unbiased,valid)
    names(to_return) <- c("unbiased","valid")

#' Tail Probability for Chi Square Convolution Random Variable
#' Computes \eqn{P(X > val)} where \eqn{X = w_1 Y + w_2 Z}, where
#' \eqn{Y} is chi square distributed with \eqn{d_1} degrees of freedom,
#' \eqn{Z} is chi square distributed with \eqn{d_2} degrees of freedom,
#' and \eqn{w_1} and \eqn{w_2} are weights with \eqn{w_2} assumed positive.
#' The probability is computed using numerical integration of the
#' densities of the two chi square distributions. (Method: trapezoidal rule)
#' This is used in the large \eqn{P} asymptotics of the permutation test.
#' Dependencies: None
#' @param val observed statistic
#' @param w1 weight of first chi square rv
#' @param w2 weight of second chi square rv, assumed positive
#' @param d1 degrees of freedom of first chi square rv
#' @param d2 degrees of freedom of second chi square rv
#' @return 1 - CDF = P(X > val)
weightedChi2P <- function(val, w1, w2, d1, d2){
  # Setup grid with uniform mesh size 1/10000
  grid <- seq(0, c(val), length.out=10000)
  probs <- pchisq((c(val) - grid)/w1, df=d1, lower.tail=FALSE) * dchisq(grid/w2, df = d2) / w2
  # (f(x_k) + f(x_{k-1}))/2
  probs <- (probs[-1] + probs[-length(probs)]) * 0.5
  # diff(grid) = Delta(x_k) = mesh size
  return(sum(diff(grid)*probs) + pchisq(c(val)/w2, df=d2, lower.tail=FALSE))

#' Covariance Computations Between Pairs of Distances (Independent Case)
#' Computes covariance matrix entries and associated alpha, beta
#' and gamma quantities defined in Aw, Spence and Song (2023),
#' assuming the \eqn{P} features of the dataset \eqn{\mathbf{X}} are independent.
#' This is used in the large \eqn{P} asymptotics of the permutation test.
#' Dependencies: buildReverse, getLpDistance
#' @param X The binary or real matrix
#' @param p The power \eqn{p} of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return The three distinct entries of covariance matrix, \eqn{(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)}
getCov <- function(X,
                   p = 2) {
  # Count number of features and samples
  N <- dim(X)[1]
  P <- dim(X)[2]

  # Compute for BINARY MATRIX
  if (all(X == 0 | X == 1)) {
    # Count column sums
    col_sums <- colSums(X)
    # Compute alpha, beta and gamma analytically
    alpha <- sum(sapply(col_sums, function(x) { x * (N-x) / choose(N,2) * (1 - x * (N-x) / choose(N,2))})) / P
    beta <- sum(sapply(col_sums, function(x) { x * (N-x) / (N*(N-1)) - (x * (N-x) / choose(N,2))^2 })) / P
    gamma <- sum(sapply(col_sums,
                        function(x) { 4 * x * (N-x) * (x-1) * (N-x-1) / (N*(N-1)*(N-2)*(N-3)) - (x * (N-x) / choose(N,2))^2 })) / P
  } else {
    # Compute for REAL MATRIX
    # Create the {N choose 2} x P matrix of distances
    dists <- matrix(0, nrow = choose(N,2), ncol = P)
    for (b in 1:P) {
      dists[,b] <- getLpDistance(X[,b], p)
    # Compute average distance per block
    dist_ave <- colSums(dists) / choose(N,2)

    # Compute variance of d(X_1,X_2)
    alpha_vec <- colSums(dists^2) / choose(N,2) - dist_ave^2 # get alpha for each block
    alpha <- mean(alpha_vec) # average across all B blocks

    # Create an array for easy computation of other covariances
    dist_mat <- array(0, dim = c(N,N,P))
    reverse <- buildReverse(N) # build reverse map
    for (b in 1:P) {
      for (i in 1:choose(N,2)) {
        idx_pair <- reverse[i,]
        dist_mat[idx_pair[1],idx_pair[2],b] <- dists[i,b]
        dist_mat[idx_pair[2],idx_pair[1],b] <- dists[i,b]

    # Compute E[d(X_1,X_2) * d(X_1,X_3)]
    beta_vec <- c()
    for (b in 1:P) {
      beta_vec <- c(beta_vec, sum((rowSums(dist_mat[,,b]) - dist_mat[,,b]) * dist_mat[,,b]) / N / (N-1) / (N-2))
    # Compute covariance of d(X_1,X_2) and d(X_1,X_3)
    beta_vec <- beta_vec - dist_ave^2
    beta <- mean(beta_vec)

    # Compute E[d(X_1,X_2) * d(X_3,X_4)]
    gamma_vec <- c()
    for (b in 1:P) {
      # Some arithmetic reasoning needed here: note R uses column-major filling in of entries
      nu <- matrix(dist_ave[b] * N * (N-1), nrow = N, ncol = N) # compute sum_i sum_j d(X_i,X_j)
      nu_row <- matrix(2 * rowSums(dist_mat[,,b]), nrow = N, ncol = N)
      nu_col <- t(matrix(2 * colSums(dist_mat[,,b]), nrow = N, ncol = N))
      gamma <- sum((nu - nu_row - nu_col + 2 * dist_mat[,,b]) * dist_mat[,,b]) / (N * (N-1) * (N-2) * (N-3))
      gamma_vec <- c(gamma_vec, gamma)
    # Compute covariance of d(X_1,X_2) and d(X_3,X_4)
    gamma_vec <- gamma_vec -  dist_ave^2
    gamma <- mean(gamma_vec)

  # Create and annotate the output vector to be returned
  to_return <- c(alpha, beta, gamma)
  names(to_return) <- c("alpha", "beta", "gamma")

#' Get Chi Square Weights
#' Computes weights for the asymptotic random variable
#' from the \eqn{\alpha, \beta} and \eqn{\gamma} computed of data array \eqn{\mathbf{X}}.
#' This is used in the large \eqn{P} asymptotics of the permutation test.
#' Dependencies: None
#' @param alpha covariance matrix entry computed from getCov
#' @param beta covariance matrix entry computed from getCov
#' @param gamma covariance matrix entry computed from getCov
#' @param N The sample size, i.e., nrow(X) where X is the original dataset
#' @return The weights \eqn{(w_1, w_2)}
getChi2Weights <- function(alpha, beta, gamma, N) {
  # Compute the weights
  w1 <- (alpha + (N-4) * beta - (N-3)*gamma) / choose(N,2)
  w2 <- (alpha - 2*beta + gamma) / choose(N,2)
  # Create and annotate the output vector to be returned
  to_return <- c(w1,w2)
  names(to_return) <- c("w1","w2")

#' Approximate p-value for Test of Exchangeability (Assuming Large P)
#' Computes the large \eqn{P} asymptotic p-value for dataset \eqn{\mathbf{X}},
#' assuming its \eqn{P} features are independent.
#' This is the large \eqn{P} asymptotics of the permutation test.
#' Dependencies: getBinVStat, getRealVStat, getChi2Weights, weightedChi2P, getCov
#' @param X The binary or real matrix on which to perform test of exchangeability
#' @param p The power p of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return The asymptotic p-value
indLargeP <- function(X,
                      p = 2) {
  N <- dim(X)[1]
  greeks <- getCov(X, p)
  weights <- getChi2Weights(greeks[1],greeks[2],greeks[3],N)
  d1 <- N - 1
  d2 <- choose(N-1,2) - 1
  if (all(X == 0 | X == 1)) {
    V_obs <- getBinVStat(X)
  } else {
    V_obs <- getRealVStat(X, p)
  to_return <- as.numeric(weightedChi2P(V_obs,weights[1],weights[2],d1,d2))

#' Approximate p-value for Test of Exchangeability (Assuming Large N and P)
#' Computes the large \eqn{(N,P)} asymptotic p-value for dataset \eqn{\mathbf{X}},
#' assuming its \eqn{P} features are independent
#' This is the large \eqn{N} and large \eqn{P} asymptotics of the permutation test.
#' Dependencies: getBinVStat, getRealVStat, getCov, getChi2Weights
#' @param X The binary or real matrix on which to perform test of exchangeability
#' @param p The power p of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return The asymptotic p-value
indGaussian <- function(X,
                        p = 2) {
  N <- dim(X)[1]
  greeks <- getCov(X, p)
  weights <- getChi2Weights(greeks[1],greeks[2],greeks[3],N)
  d1 <- N - 1
  d2 <- choose(N-1,2) - 1
  if (all(X == 0 | X == 1)) {
    V_obs <- getBinVStat(X)
  } else {
    V_obs <- getRealVStat(X, p)
  to_return <- 1 - pnorm(V_obs,
                         mean = weights[1]*d1 + weights[2]*d2,
                         sd = sqrt(weights[1]^2 * 2 * d1 + weights[2]^2 * 2 * d2))

#' Covariance Computations Between Pairs of Distances (Block Dependencies Case)
#' Computes covariance matrix entries and associated alpha, beta
#' and gamma quantities defined in Aw, Spence and Song (2023),
#' for partitionable features that are grouped into blocks. Uses
#' precomputation to compute the unique entries of the asymptotic
#' covariance matrix of the pairwise Hamming distances in \eqn{O(N^2)} time.
#' This is used in the large \eqn{P} asymptotics of the permutation test.
#' Dependencies: buildReverse, getHammingDistance, getLpDistance
#' @param X The binary or real matrix
#' @param block_boundaries Vector denoting the positions where a new
#' block of non-independent features starts.
#' @param block_labels Length \eqn{P} vector recording the block label of each feature.
#' @param p The power \eqn{p} of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return The three distinct entries of covariance matrix, \eqn{(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)}
getBlockCov <- function(X,
                        p) {
  # Dimensions of the problem
  N <- dim(X)[1]
  P <- dim(X)[2]
  if (!is.null(block_boundaries)) {
    B <- length(block_boundaries)
  } else {
    B <- max(block_labels)

  # Create the {N choose 2} x B matrix of distances
  dists <- matrix(0, nrow = choose(N,2), ncol = B)

  # If BINARY MATRIX, fill with Hamming distances
  if (all(X == 0 | X == 1)) {
    if (!is.null(block_boundaries)) {
      for (b in 1:(B-1)) {
        dists[,b] <- getHammingDistance(X[,block_boundaries[b]:(block_boundaries[b+1]-1)])
      dists[,B] <- getHammingDistance(X[,block_boundaries[B]:dim(X)[2]])
    } else {
      for (b in 1:B) {
        dists[,b] <- getHammingDistance(X[,which(block_labels == b)])
  } else {
    # Or else, fill with Lp distances
    if (!is.null(block_boundaries)) {
      for (b in 1:(B-1)) {
        dists[,b] <- getLpDistance(X[,block_boundaries[b]:(block_boundaries[b+1]-1)], p)
      dists[,B] <- getLpDistance(X[,block_boundaries[B]:dim(X)[2]], p)
    } else {
      for (b in 1:B) {
        dists[,b] <- getLpDistance(X[,which(block_labels == b)], p)

  # Compute average distance per block
  dist_ave <- colSums(dists) / choose(N,2)

  # Compute variance of d(X_1,X_2)
  alpha_vec <- colSums(dists^2) / choose(N,2) - dist_ave^2 # get alpha for each block
  alpha <- mean(alpha_vec) # average across all B blocks

  # Create an array for easy computation of other covariances
  dist_mat <- array(0, dim = c(N,N,B))
  reverse <- buildReverse(N) # build reverse map
  for (b in 1:B) {
    for (i in 1:choose(N,2)) {
      idx_pair <- reverse[i,]
      dist_mat[idx_pair[1],idx_pair[2],b] <- dists[i,b]
      dist_mat[idx_pair[2],idx_pair[1],b] <- dists[i,b]

  # Compute E[d(X_1,X_2) * d(X_1,X_3)]
  beta_vec <- c()
  for (b in 1:B) {
    beta_vec <- c(beta_vec, sum((rowSums(dist_mat[,,b]) - dist_mat[,,b]) * dist_mat[,,b]) / N / (N-1) / (N-2))
  # Compute covariance of d(X_1,X_2) and d(X_1,X_3)
  beta_vec <- beta_vec - dist_ave^2
  beta <- mean(beta_vec)

  # Compute E[d(X_1,X_2) * d(X_3,X_4)]
  gamma_vec <- c()
  for (b in 1:B) {
    # Some arithmetic reasoning needed here: note R uses column-major filling in of entries
    nu <- matrix(dist_ave[b] * N * (N-1), nrow = N, ncol = N) # compute sum_i sum_j d(X_i,X_j)
    nu_row <- matrix(2 * rowSums(dist_mat[,,b]), nrow = N, ncol = N)
    nu_col <- t(matrix(2 * colSums(dist_mat[,,b]), nrow = N, ncol = N))
    gamma <- sum((nu - nu_row - nu_col + 2 * dist_mat[,,b]) * dist_mat[,,b]) / (N * (N-1) * (N-2) * (N-3))
    gamma_vec <- c(gamma_vec, gamma)
  # Compute covariance of d(X_1,X_2) and d(X_3,X_4)
  gamma_vec <- gamma_vec -  dist_ave^2
  gamma <- mean(gamma_vec)
  # Create and annotate the output vector to be returned
  to_return <- c(alpha,beta,gamma) * B / P
  names(to_return) <- c("alpha","beta","gamma")

#' Approximate p-value for Test of Exchangeability (Assuming Large P with Block Dependencies)
#' Computes the large \eqn{P} asymptotic p-value for dataset \eqn{\mathbf{X}},
#' assuming its \eqn{P} features are independent within specified blocks.
#' This is the large \eqn{P} asymptotics of the permutation test.
#' Dependencies: getBinVStat, getRealVStat, getChi2Weights, weightedChi2P, getBlockCov
#' @param X The binary or real matrix on which to perform test of exchangeability
#' @param block_boundaries Vector denoting the positions where a new
#' block of non-independent features starts.
#' @param block_labels Length \eqn{P} vector recording the block label of each feature.
#' @param p The power \eqn{p} of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return The asymptotic p-value
blockLargeP <- function(X,
                        p) {
  N <- dim(X)[1]
  greeks <- getBlockCov(X,
  weights <- getChi2Weights(greeks[1],greeks[2],greeks[3],N)
  d1 <- N - 1
  d2 <- choose(N-1,2) - 1
  if (all(X == 0 | X == 1)) {
    V_obs <- getBinVStat(X)
  } else {
    V_obs <- getRealVStat(X, p)
  to_return <- as.numeric(weightedChi2P(V_obs,weights[1],weights[2],d1,d2))

#' Approximate p-value for Test of Exchangeability (Assuming Large N and P with Block Dependencies)
#' Computes the large \eqn{(N,P)} asymptotic p-value for dataset \eqn{\mathbf{X}},
#' assuming its \eqn{P} features are independent within specified blocks.
#' This is the large \eqn{N} and large \eqn{P} asymptotics of the permutation test.
#' Dependencies: getBinVStat, getRealVStat, getBlockCov, getChi2Weights
#' @param X The binary or real matrix on which to perform test of exchangeability
#' @param block_boundaries Vector denoting the positions where a new
#' block of non-independent features starts.
#' @param block_labels Length \eqn{P} vector recording the block label of each feature.
#' @param p The power \eqn{p} of \eqn{l_p^p}, i.e., \eqn{||x||_p^p = (x_1^p+...x_n^p)}
#' @return The asymptotic p-value
blockGaussian <- function(X,
                          p) {
  N <- dim(X)[1]
  greeks <- getBlockCov(X, block_boundaries, block_labels, p)
  weights <- getChi2Weights(greeks[1],greeks[2],greeks[3],N)
  d1 <- N - 1
  d2 <- choose(N-1,2) - 1
  if (all(X == 0 | X == 1)) {
    V_obs <- getBinVStat(X)
  } else {
    V_obs <- getRealVStat(X, p)
  to_return <- 1 - pnorm(V_obs,
                         mean = weights[1]*d1 + weights[2]*d2,
                         sd = sqrt(weights[1]^2 * 2 * d1 + weights[2]^2 * 2 * d2))

#' Asymptotic p-value of Exchangeability Using Distance Data
#' Generates an asymptotic p-value.
#' Generates a weighted convolution of chi-squares distribution of \eqn{V} statistic 
#' by storing the provided list of distance data as an \eqn{{N\choose2} \times B} array,
#' and then using large-\eqn{P} theory to generate the asymptotic null distribution 
#' against which the p-value of observed \eqn{V} statistic is computed. 
#' Each element of dist_list should be a \eqn{N\times N} distance matrix.
#' Dependencies: buildReverse, getChi2Weights, weightedChi2P
#' @param dist_list The list (length \eqn{B}) of pairwise distance data. 
#' Each element in list should be either a distance matrix or a table recording
#' pairwise distances. 
#' @return The asymptotic p-value obtained from the weighted convolution of chi-squares
#' distribution.
distDataLargeP <- function(dist_list) {
  # Check that all matrices have the same dimension 
  assertthat::assert_that(var(sapply(dist_list, function(x) dim(x)[1])) == 0,
                          msg = "Not all matrices have the same dimension. Check distance matrices provided.")
  # Get number of samples
  N <- unique(sapply(dist_list, function(x) dim(x)[1]))
  # Get length of distance list
  B <- length(dist_list)
  # Construct a (N choose 2) x B array of independent distances
  all_dist_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = choose(N,2), ncol = B)
  # Obtain all pairwise distances for each feature
  for (b in 1:B) { # fill entries of all_dist_matrix
    all_dist_matrix[,b] <- dist_list[[b]][t(combn(colnames(dist_list[[b]]), 2))] # combing trick
  # Compute observed V statistic from distance data
  V_obs <- var(rowSums(all_dist_matrix)) / B
  # Compute average distance per block
  dist_ave <- colSums(all_dist_matrix) / choose(N,2)
  # Compute variance of d(X_1,X_2)
  alpha_vec <- colSums(all_dist_matrix^2) / choose(N,2) - dist_ave^2 # get alpha for each block
  alpha <- mean(alpha_vec) # average across all B blocks
  # Create a tensor for easy computation of other covariances
  dist_tensor <- array(0, dim = c(N,N,B))
  reverse <- buildReverse(N) # build reverse map
  for (b in 1:B) {
    for (i in 1:choose(N,2)) {
      idx_pair <- reverse[i,]
      dist_tensor[idx_pair[1], idx_pair[2],b] <- all_dist_matrix[i,b]
      dist_tensor[idx_pair[2], idx_pair[1],b] <- all_dist_matrix[i,b]
  # Compute E[d(X_1,X_2) * d(X_1,X_3)]
  beta_vec <- c()
  for (b in 1:B) {
    beta_vec <- c(beta_vec, sum((rowSums(dist_tensor[,,b]) - dist_tensor[,,b]) * dist_tensor[,,b]) / N / (N-1) / (N-2))
  # Compute covariance of d(X_1,X_2) and d(X_1,X_3)
  beta_vec <- beta_vec - dist_ave^2
  beta <- mean(beta_vec)
  # Compute E[d(X_1,X_2) * d(X_3,X_4)]
  gamma_vec <- c()
  for (b in 1:B) {
    # Some arithmetic reasoning needed here: note R uses column-major filling in of entries
    nu <- matrix(dist_ave[b] * N * (N-1), nrow = N, ncol = N) # compute sum_i sum_j d(X_i,X_j)
    nu_row <- matrix(2 * rowSums(dist_tensor[,,b]), nrow = N, ncol = N)
    nu_col <- t(matrix(2 * colSums(dist_tensor[,,b]), nrow = N, ncol = N))
    gamma <- sum((nu - nu_row - nu_col + 2 * dist_tensor[,,b]) * dist_tensor[,,b]) / (N * (N-1) * (N-2) * (N-3))
    gamma_vec <- c(gamma_vec, gamma)
  # Compute covariance of d(X_1,X_2) and d(X_3,X_4)
  gamma_vec <- gamma_vec -  dist_ave^2
  gamma <- mean(gamma_vec)
  # Get weights for chi-square distribution
  weights <- getChi2Weights(alpha, beta, gamma, N)
  # Compute degrees of freedom
  d1 <- N - 1
  d2 <- choose(N-1,2) - 1
  to_return <- as.numeric(weightedChi2P(V_obs, weights[1], weights[2], d1, d2))
  # Return

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