
Defines functions softThresholding FLSAOneDimExplicitSolution checkLambda2 flsaGetSolution flsa flsaTopDown is.connListObj connListTwoDimensions

Documented in flsa flsaGetSolution flsaTopDown is.connListObj

### The following function creates a connection list
### for the 2-dimensional Fused Lasso Signal Approximator

connListTwoDimensions = function(dimensions)
    dimensions=as.integer(dimensions) # need integer
    if(!is.vector(dimensions) || length(dimensions)>2 || (!is.numeric(dimensions) && !is.integer(dimensions)))
        stop("dimensions has to be a numeric vector of length 2")
    if(dimensions[1]<2 || dimensions[2]<2)
        stop("Each dimension has to have at least length 2")

    conn = .Call("conn2Dim", dimensions, PACKAGE="flsa")

    ### make the list
    nodeNumbers = matrix(0:(dimensions[1]*dimensions[2]-1), nrow=dimensions[1])
    class(conn) = "connListObj"

### checks an object if it conforms to the specifications of a connection List object

is.connListObj = function(obj)
    if(! isa(obj, "connListObj"))
        stop("Object does not have the right class")
    ### check that every element of the conn part is an integer vector or NULL
    for(i in 1:length(obj))
        if(!(is.null(obj[[i]]) || is.integer(obj[[i]])))
            stop("All elements of the conn part have to be null or integer vectors")
    ### check that all node numbers that occur in the conn part are eligible
    nodeNumbers = 0:(length(obj))
    for(i in 1:length(obj))
        if(sum(!is.element(obj[[i]], nodeNumbers))>0)
            stop(paste("Node",i,"has a connection to a non-existing node"))

### Flsa function that works top down

flsaTopDown <- function(y, lambda1=0, groups=1:length(y), lambda2=NULL) {
  ## check the input variables
  if(!is.vector(y) | !is.numeric(y)) {
    stop("y has to be a numeric vector")
  if(!is.double(y)) {
    y <- as.double(y)
  if(is.null(groups)) {
    groups = numeric(0)
  if(!is.vector(groups)) {
    stop("Groups has to be a vector")
  groups = as.integer(groups)
  if(length(groups)>0 && min(groups)<1) {
    warning("Number of groups should be >= 1")
  if(length(groups)>0 && max(groups)> length(y)) {
    warning("Number of groups should be <= length(y)")
  if(is.null(lambda2)) {
    lambda2 = numeric(0)
  if(!is.vector(lambda2)) {
    stop("lambda2 has to be a vector")
  lambda2 = as.numeric(lambda2)
  if(length(lambda2)>0 && min(lambda2) < 0) {
    warning("Lambda2 should be greater than 0")
  if(lambda1<0) {
    stop("Lambda1 has to be >=0")
  res = .Call("FLSATopDown", y, groups, lambda2, PACKAGE="flsa")
  if(lambda1 > 0) {
    res$Solution = softThresholding(res$Solution, lambda1)
  ## make a few small changes to the results
  res$Solution = t(res$Solution)
  rownames(res$Solution) = res$Lambdas

  ## remove duplicate values of lambda
  lambda.not.duplicated <- !duplicated(round(res$Lambdas, 12))
  res$Solution <- res$Solution[lambda.not.duplicated, , drop=FALSE]
  res$Lambdas <- res$Lambdas[lambda.not.duplicated]
  res$isBreakpoint <- res$isBreakpoint[lambda.not.duplicated]

### This is the main interface function for the FLSA
### it calls the right C++ function depending on whether it is a 2-dimensional
### or a 1-dimensional problem

flsa = function(y, lambda1=0, lambda2=NULL, connListObj = NULL, splitCheckSize=1e9, verbose=FALSE, thr=10e-10, maxGrpNum=4*length(y)) {
  if(is.null(connListObj)) { # call the appropriate method depending on dimension of y
    if(is.vector(y)) { ## call the basic FLSA
      if(!is.double(y)) { # y has to be REAL before passing it to C
        y <- as.double(y)
      solObj = .Call("FLSA",y, PACKAGE="flsa")
      if(!is.null(lambda2)) {
        resLambda1Is0 = FLSAOneDimExplicitSolution(solObj, lambda2)
        if(lambda1!=0) {
          res = softThresholding(resLambda1Is0, lambda1)
        else {
      else { # no lambda2 value, so just return solution object
    else if(is.matrix(y)) { ## call the 2-dimensional FLSA
      connListObj = connListTwoDimensions(dim(y))
      ## check that everything is ok with lambda2
      if(!is.null(lambda2)) {
        lambda2 = checkLambda2(lambda2)
        res=.Call("FLSAGeneralMain", connListObj, as.double(y), lambda2, splitCheckSize, verbose,
          thr, as.integer(maxGrpNum), PACKAGE="flsa")  
        ## format the result in 2 dimensions
        res= array(res, dim=c(length(lambda2), dim(y)))
        ## reset the names of the dimensions
        myDimNames = list(lambda2, 1:(dim(y)[1]), 1:(dim(y)[2]))
        dimnames(res) = myDimNames
        ## take lambda1 into account if necessary
        if(lambda1!=0) {
          res = softThresholding(res, lambda1)
      else {
        res=.Call("FLSAGeneralMain", connListObj, as.double(y), lambda2, splitCheckSize, verbose,thr, as.integer(maxGrpNum), PACKAGE="flsa")
  else {## call the general FLSA with the connection list
    if(!is.null(lambda2)) {
    if(length(connListObj)!=length(y)) {
      stop("y has to have the same number of nodes as connListObj")
    res=.Call("FLSAGeneralMain", connListObj, as.double(y), lambda2, splitCheckSize, verbose, thr, as.integer(maxGrpNum), PACKAGE="flsa")  
    ## take lambda1 into account if necessary
    if(!is.null(lambda2) && (lambda1!=0)) {
      res = softThresholding(res, lambda1)

### if an object with the solution tree was returned, this object can
### be used to generate explicit solutions

flsaGetSolution = function(solObj, lambda1=0, lambda2=NULL, dim=NULL)
    ### check that lambda2 is ok
    if(is.null(lambda2)) {
        stop("lambda2 has to be specified")
    lambda2 = checkLambda2(lambda2)

    if(isa(solObj, "FLSA"))
        res = FLSAOneDimExplicitSolution(solObj, lambda2)
            res = softThresholding(res, lambda1)
    else if(isa(solObj, "FLSAGeneral"))
        ### calculate the explicit solution
        nodes = as.integer(which(solObj$InitialNodeMap>=0)-1)
        res = .Call("FLSAGeneralExplicitSolution",solObj,nodes, lambda2, PACKAGE="flsa")
        ###  format in the right way if necessary
            ### check that the dimensions are the same as the number of nodes
                stop("Dimensions are not compatible with solObj")
            res = array(res, dim=c(length(lambda2),dim))
        ### take a look at lambda1
            res = softThresholding(res,lambda1)
        stop("solObj is not of class FLSA or FLSAGeneral")

### function that checks if lambda2 has the right format

checkLambda2 = function(lambda2)
    ### check that lambda2 is a numeric vector, increasing and only non-negative elements
        stop("lambda2 has to be a numeric vector")
    ### make sure that lambda2 is non-negative
        stop("lambda2 has to be non-negative")
    ### sort lambda2, make sure all are unique 
    lambda2 = sort(unique(lambda2))

### get an explicit solution from a FLSA solution object
### this is an internal function and will be hidden in the package

FLSAOneDimExplicitSolution = function(solObj, lambda2)
    lambda2 = checkLambda2(lambda2)
    return(.Call("FLSAexplicitSolution",solObj, lambda2, PACKAGE="flsa"))

### Given a matrix with the solutions for lambda2, give back a three-dimensional
### array with soltions for varying lambda1
### This is an internal function 

softThresholding = function(solMat, lambda1)
    ### check that lambda1 is a numeric vector, increasing and only non-negative elements
        stop("lambda1 has to be a numeric vector")
    ### make sure that lambda2 is non-negative
        stop("lambda1 has to be non-negative")
    ### sort lambda1, make sure all are unique 
    lambda1 = sort(unique(lambda1))

    ### generate the new data array and set dimension and names right
    oldDim = dim(solMat)
    newDim = c(length(lambda1), oldDim)
    oldDimNames = dimnames(solMat)
        oldDimNames = vector("list",2)
    newDimNames = c(list(lambda1), oldDimNames)
    res = array(dim=newDim, dimnames = newDimNames)
    ### fill in the soft-thresholded data
        for(i in 1:length(lambda1))
            foo = abs(solMat)-lambda1[i]
            res[i,,] = sign(solMat) * foo
    else if(length(oldDim)==3)
        for(i in 1:length(lambda1))
            foo = abs(solMat)-lambda1[i]
            res[i,,,] = sign(solMat) * foo
        stop("Wrong dimension of solMat; please inform the maintainer of this package")

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flsa documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 9:08 a.m.