
"budget.gpp" <- function(models, new.data, set.back = NULL, time.unit = "extract", adjust = FALSE, correct = list(thresh = "get", cvrm = TRUE, wndw = 12, intvl = 0.95), PAR.correct = 100, return.models = FALSE){
	cl <- match.call()
	# when a set.back matrix is given to set fluxes at times back to certain values
	# (incorporating cuts or smooth starts and endings)
		# define set.back function (makes artifiical models)
		sb <- function(timestamp, GPP, models){
			if(GPP <= (-999)){
				modsel <- which.min(abs(sapply(models, function(x) julian(x$ts)) - as.numeric(julian(timestamp))))
				out <- models[[modsel]]
				out$ts <- timestamp
				GPP <- rep(GPP, 30)
				PAR <- seq(0, 2000, length.out=30)
				#mod <- vector("list", 1)
				mod <- lm(GPP ~ PAR)
				#names(mod) <- "linear"
				out <- list(ts = timestamp, mod = list(linear = mod, data = list(offset = 0)))
		# make them models
		set.back.models <- lapply(c(1:nrow(set.back)), function(x) sb(set.back[x,1], set.back[x,2], models))
		nms <- rep("cut", nrow(set.back))
		nms[set.back[,2] == (-999)] <- "start"
		nms[set.back[,2] == (-9999)] <- "end"
		names(set.back.models) <- nms
		# put them together with original models
		models <- c(models, set.back.models)
		# order them according to timestamp
		timeline <- sapply(models, function(x) julian(x$ts))
		keep <- (timeline >= timeline[names(timeline)=="start"]) & (timeline <= timeline[names(timeline)=="end"])
		timeline <- timeline[keep]
		models <- models[keep]
		models <- models[order(timeline)]
	cut.models <- models[names(models)=="cut"]
	models <- models[names(models)!="cut"]
	# predict the whole time series in new.data with all models (quite bold when resources are critical)
	mmh <- lapply(models, function(x) predict(x$mod[[1]], newdata=new.data) + x$mod$data$offset)
	# function to correct modeled GPP values > 0
	cure <- function(x){
		x[x>0] <- 0
	mmh <- lapply(mmh, cure)
	# get standard errors of the models
	seom <- lapply(models, function(x) summary(x$mod[[1]])$sigma)
	# correct
		cormod <- function(x){
			preds <- predict(x)
			meas <- x$model$GPP
		cors <- lapply(models, function(x) cormod(x$mod[[1]]))
		mmh <- lapply(seq(length(mmh)), function(x) mmh[[x]] / cors[[x]])
	# get timestamps of the models
	times <- lapply(models, function(x) x$ts)
	times1 <- times[-length(times)]
	times2 <- times[-1]
	# extract modeled values for time spans between models (take the ones valid for 1st model in span)
	mmh1 <- lapply(c(1:length(times1)), function(x) mmh[[x]][(new.data$timestamp >= times1[[x]]) & (new.data$timestamp <= times2[[x]])])
	# extract modeled values for time spans between models (take the ones valid for 2nd model in span)
	mmh2 <- lapply(c(1:length(times1)), function(x) mmh[[x+1]][(new.data$timestamp >= times1[[x]]) & (new.data$timestamp <= times2[[x]])])
	# get standard errors of the models for time spans between models (the ones valid for 1st model in span)
	seom1 <- lapply(c(1:length(times1)), function(x) rep(seom[[x]], sum((new.data$timestamp >= times1[[x]]) & (new.data$timestamp <= times2[[x]]))))
	# get standard errors of the models for time spans between models (the ones valid for 2nd model in span)
	seom2 <- lapply(c(1:length(times1)), function(x) rep(seom[[x+1]], sum((new.data$timestamp >= times1[[x]]) & (new.data$timestamp <= times2[[x]]))))
	# same for weights
	weights2 <- lapply(mmh1, function(x) c(1:length(x)))
	weights1 <- lapply(mmh2, function(x) c(length(x):1))
	# do weighted means
	gpp.fluxes <- lapply(c(1:length(mmh1)), function(x) apply(cbind(mmh1[[x]], mmh2[[x]], weights1[[x]], weights2[[x]]), 1, function(y) weighted.mean(y[1:2], y[3:4])))
	seoms <- lapply(c(1:length(seom1)), function(x) apply(cbind(seom1[[x]], seom2[[x]], weights1[[x]], weights2[[x]]), 1, function(y) weighted.mean(y[1:2], y[3:4])))
	ids <- lapply(c(1:length(seoms)), function(x) rep(x, length(seoms[[x]])))
	# prepare to cut to length of whole period (from first timestamp in models to last one)
	times.spanned <- (new.data$timestamp >= times[[1]]) & (new.data$timestamp <= times[[length(times)]])
	# cut and correct time unit
	gpp.fluxes <- unlist(gpp.fluxes)[c(1:sum(times.spanned))]
	ses <- unlist(seoms)[c(1:sum(times.spanned))]
	ids <- unlist(ids)[c(1:sum(times.spanned))]
	# compile results
	out <- data.frame(timestamp = new.data$timestamp[times.spanned], gpp.flux = gpp.fluxes, gpp.se = ses, gpp.id = ids)
	# final outlier tests (correct modelled values that are way off limits)
		# get simple threshold above which fluxes should be omitted
			thresh <- ceiling(max(unlist(lapply(models, function(x) x$mod[[1]]$model$R))))
		# if not default ("get") function expects a number which is a maximum flux allowed
		sel <- out$reco.flux < thresh
		# check for more correction
			cv <- unlist(apply(embed(out$reco.flux, correct$wndw), 1, function(x) sd(x)/mean(x)))
			sel2 <- cv < quantile(cv, correct$intvl)
			sel2[1:correct$wndw] <- TRUE
			sel <- (sel + c(sel2, rep(TRUE, correct$wndw-1))) == 2
		out <- out[sel,]
		# cure holes
		if(time.unit == "extract"){
			tu <- new.data$timestamp[-1] - new.data$timestamp[-length(new.data$timestamp)]
			t.unit <- attributes(tu)$units
			time.units <- summary(factor(tu))
			time.unit <- as.numeric(names(time.units)[which.max(time.units)])
			time.unit <- switch(t.unit, "secs" = time.unit, "mins" = time.unit*60, "hours" = time.unit*60*60, "days" = time.unit*60*60*24)
		tmp <- lips(out$timestamp, out$reco.flux, time.unit)
		names(tmp) <- c("timestamp", "reco.flux")
		tmp$gpp.se <- lips(out$timestamp, out$gpp.se, time.unit)[,2]
		tmp$gpp.id <- lips(out$timestamp, as.factor(out$gpp.id), time.unit)[,2]
		out <- tmp

	# insert cutting dates
		out$flux.weights <- 1 
		out$cut.weights <- 0
		out$cut.flux <- 0
		for(i in c(1:length(cut.models))){
			cut.start <- cut.models[[i]]$ts
			dist.times <- sapply(times, function(x) julian(cut.start) - julian(x))
			cut.end <- times[dist.times < 0][[which.max(dist.times[dist.times < 0])]]
			sel <- (out$timestamp >= cut.start) & (out$timestamp <= cut.end)
			out$flux.weights[sel] <- 0:(sum(sel)-1)
			out$cut.weights[sel] <- (sum(sel)-1):0
			out$cut.flux[sel] <- as.numeric(coef(cut.models[[i]]$mod$linear)[1])
		out$gpp.flux <- sapply(seq(nrow(out)), function(x) weighted.mean(c(out[x,2], out[x,7]), c(out[x,5], out[x,6])))
		out <- out[,1:4]
	# set GPP to 0 if PAR is below given threshold
	out$ts <- as.character(out$timestamp)
	new.data$ts <- as.character(new.data$timestamp)
	out <- merge(out[,-1], new.data, by.x="ts", by.y="ts", all.x=TRUE)[,-1]
	out$gpp.flux[out$PAR < PAR.correct] <- 0
	out$gpp.se[out$PAR < PAR.correct] <- 0	
	# return models if wanted
		models <- c(models, cut.models)
		timeline <- sapply(models, function(x) julian(x$ts))
		models <- models[order(timeline)]
		class(models) <- "bgpp"
		out <- list(tbl = out, models = models, call=cl)

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