
Defines functions file.path .sanitizeUserPath .lookup .nonempty .isEmpty setff

Documented in setff

#' Manages folder functions
#' If you find yourself working on multiple different projects in R, you'll want
#' a series of folders pointing to raw data, processed data, plot results,
#' intermediate table outputs, etc. This package makes it easier to do that by
#' providing a quick and easy way to create and use functions for project-level
#' directories.
#' @docType package
#' @name folderfun
#' @author Nathan C. Sheffield
#' @references \url{http://github.com/databio/folderfun}

# Global setting identifying options set by this package

#' Creator of function to reference project path.
#' Creates a folder function for easy access to the directory, named 
#' by prepending a prefix specific to this package to the given \code{name}.
#' If neither an explicit \code{path} not a \code{pathVar} holding the value 
#' to set is provided, then the given \code{name} will be treated as an option 
#' or environment variable name, and those locations will be searched for the 
#' value to be returned when the function created here is called.
#' @param name An immutable key given to identify the current folder, and used as a
#'     string to create the new folder function
#' @param path An absolute path to a folder that will be prepended when the
#'     specified folder function is called
#' @param pathVar Name of the currently set variable whose value should 
#'    be bound to \code{name}. First \code{getOption} is used, and then 
#'    \code{Sys.getenv}.
#' @param postpend Value(s) with which to make subpath relative to main \code{path} 
#'    or value fetched from option or environment variable.
#' @param loadEnvir    An environment. Into which environment would you like to
#'     load the function? Defaults to \code{\link[base]{globalenv}}. You can
#'     replace this with  \code{\link[base]{parent.frame}} to restrict the scope
#'     of created functions.
#' @param failFunction   A function to call upon failure. Defaults to
#'     \code{stop}, but you could instead pass \code{warning} if you are OK with
#'     failures.
#' @return A function named \code{ff<name>} that when executed without 
#'    arguments points to the \code{path} and appends the provided argument to it
#'    if any were provided.
#' @export
#' @seealso See \href{http://code.databio.org/folderfun/articles/intro.html}{this vignette} for more
#'  detailed explanation of the concept
#' @examples
#' setff("PROC", "/path/to/directory")
setff = function(name, path = NULL, pathVar = NULL, postpend = NULL,
    loadEnvir=globalenv(), failFunction=stop) {
    if (.isEmpty(path)) {
    path = if (.isEmpty(pathVar)) .lookup(name) else optOrEnvVar(pathVar)
    if (.isEmpty(path)) failFunction("Attempted to set empty value for ", name)
  } else if (!.isEmpty(pathVar)) { warning("Explicit value provided; ignoring ", pathVar) }
  if (.nonempty(postpend)) {
    if (is.character(postpend)) { postpend = list(postpend) }
    if (is.list(postpend)) {
        path = file.path(path, do.call(file.path, postpend))
    else { failFunction(sprintf("Invalid argument to postpend: %s (%s)", postpend, class(postpend))) }
    # prevent returning paths with double slashes
    l = list(gsub("//","/", path))
    varName = paste0(.FFTAGOPT, name)
    names(l) = varName
    # Set the option
    funcName = paste0(.FFTAGFUNC, name)
    tempFunc = function(..., create=FALSE) {
      userPath = file.path(...)
      # First check if there's an R option with this name.
      parentFolder = getOption(varName)
      if (is.null(parentFolder)) {
        failFunction("No parent folder found for variable ", name)
      outputPath = if (.isEmpty(userPath)) parentFolder else file.path(parentFolder, userPath)
      if (create) {
        dir.create(outputPath, showWarnings=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
    assign(funcName, tempFunc, envir=loadEnvir)
    message("Created folder function ", funcName, "(): ", tempFunc())

.isEmpty = function(x) is.null(x) || identical(x, "") || length(x) == 0
.nonempty = function(x) !.isEmpty(x)

# Implement priority lookup of a name's value. For each name variant, first 
# attempt lookup as option, then as environment variable. First try the 
# name exactly as given, then as uppercase, finally as lowercase.
.lookup = function(name) {
  for (n in c(name, toupper(name), tolower(name))) {
    res = optOrEnvVar(n)
    if (.nonempty(res)) return(res)

# paste0() if given no values returns character(0); this doesn't play
# nicely with file.path, which returns bad value if any of the values are
# bad, instead of ignoring them. This function changes the default output to an
# empty string so it can be passed to file.path without problems.
.sanitizeUserPath = function(...) {
  userPath = paste0(...)
  if (identical(userPath, character(0))) {
    # for a blank function call; that's allowed, give parent dir.
    userPath = ""

file.path = function(...) {
    sep = .Platform$file.sep
    l = list(...)
    if (length(l) < 1) {
    checkForBads = sapply(list(...), identical, character(0))
    if (length(checkForBads) > 0) {
      l[checkForBads] = ""
    fp = do.call(base::file.path, l)
    result = gsub(paste0(sep,"{2,}"), sep, fp, fixed=FALSE, perl=TRUE)

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folderfun documentation built on July 18, 2020, 9:06 a.m.