#### Prep data
dt <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_data.csv", package = "forestploter"))
# indent the subgroup if there is a number in the placebo column
dt$Subgroup <- ifelse($Placebo),
paste0(" ", dt$Subgroup))
# NA to blank
dt$Treatment <- ifelse($Treatment), "", dt$Treatment)
dt$Placebo <- ifelse($Placebo), "", dt$Placebo)
dt$se <- (log(dt$hi) - log(dt$est))/1.96
# Add blank column for the forest plot to display CI
dt$` ` <- paste(rep(" ", 20), collapse = " ")
# Create confidence interval column to display
dt$`HR (95% CI)` <- ifelse($se), "",
sprintf("%.2f (%.2f to %.2f)",
dt$est, dt$low, dt$hi))
dt$` ` <- paste(rep(" ", 10), collapse = " ")
test_that("Simple forestplot", {
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
sizes = dt$se,
ci_column = 4,
ticks_digits = 1,
ref_line = 1,
arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"))
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("Simple forest plot", p)
test_that("CI outside forestplot", {
expect_message(p <- forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
sizes = dt$se,
ci_column = 4,
ticks_digits = 1L,
xlim = c(1.7, 5)),
"The confidence interval of row")
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("CI outside plot", p)
test_that("Apply theme", {
tm <- forest_theme(base_size = 10,
refline_col = "red",
ci_lty = 1,
ci_lwd = 1,
ci_Theight = 0.2,
footnote_col = "blue")
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
sizes = dt$se,
ci_column = 4,
ref_line = 1,
arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
xlim = c(0, 4),
ticks_at = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
ticks_digits = 1L,
footnote = "This is only a demo",
theme = tm)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("Simple forest plot with theme", p)
# Edit plot
# Edit text in row 3
g <- edit_plot(p, row = 3, gp = gpar(col = "red", fontface = "italic"))
# Edit CI
g <- edit_plot(g, row = 3, col = 4, which = "ci",
gp = gpar(col = "red"))
# Bold grouping text
g <- edit_plot(g,
row = c(2, 5, 10, 13, 17, 20),
gp = gpar(fontface = "bold"))
# Insert text at top
g <- insert_text(g,
text = "Treatment group",
col = 2:3,
part = "header",
gp = gpar(fontface = "bold"))
# Add underline at the bottom of the header
g <- add_border(g, part = "header", row = 1, where = "top")
g <- add_border(g, part = "header", row = 2, col = 2:3,
where = "top",
gp = gpar(lwd = 1, col = "red"))
g <- add_border(g, part = "header", row = 2, where = "bottom")
# Edit background of row 5
g <- edit_plot(g, row = 5, which = "background",
gp = gpar(fill = "darkolivegreen1"))
# Insert text
g <- insert_text(g,
text = "This is a long text. Age and gender summarised above.\nBMI is next",
row = 10,
just = "left",
gp = gpar(cex = 0.6, col = "green", fontface = "italic"))
g <- add_text(g,
text = "This is a long text. Age and gender summarised above.\nBMI is next",
row = 12,
col = 2:4,
just = "left",
gp = gpar(cex = 1, col = "red", fontface = "italic"))
g <- add_border(g, row = 10, col = 1:3, where = "top")
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("Edit plot with theme", g)
## Insert multiple rows
# Insert text at top
g <- insert_text(p,
text = c("Demographic", "Baseline"),
# col = 2:3,
row = c(2, 17),
just = "left",
gp = gpar(fontface = "bold"))
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("Insert text vector", g)
test_that("Multiple column", {
tm <- forest_theme(base_size = 10,
refline_col = "green",
ci_lty = c(1, 3),
ci_lwd = 1.5,
ci_Theight = 0.2,
footnote_col = "blue",
legend_name = "GP",
legend_value = c("Trt 1", "Trt 2"))
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:2, 20, 3, 22)],
est = list(dt$est_gp1,
lower = list(dt$low_gp1,
upper = list(dt$hi_gp1,
ci_column = c(3, 5),
ref_line = 1,
arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
nudge_y = 0.2,
xlim = c(0, 4),
ticks_digits = 1,
theme = tm)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("Multiple columns", p)
test_that("Multiple column and Multi parameters", {
tm <- forest_theme(base_size = 10,
refline_col = "green",
ci_lty = c(1, 3),
ci_lwd = 1.5,
ci_Theight = 0.2,
footnote_col = "blue",
legend_name = "GP",
legend_value = c("Trt 1", "Trt 2"))
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:2, 20, 3, 22)],
est = list(dt$est_gp1,
lower = list(dt$low_gp1,
upper = list(dt$hi_gp1,
ci_column = c(3, 5),
ref_line = c(1, 0),
vert_line = list(c(0.3, 1.4), c(0.6, 2)),
x_trans = c("log", "none"),
arrow_lab = list(c("L1", "R1"), c("L2", "R2")),
xlim = list(c(0, 3), c(-1, 3)),
ticks_at = list(c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2.5), c(-1.0, 0, 1.5, 2.0)),
ticks_digits = list(1, 1L),
xlab = c("OR", "Beta"),
nudge_y = 0.2,
theme = tm)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("Multiple columns and multi parameters", p)
test_that("Summary CI", {
dt_tmp <- rbind(dt[-1, ], dt[1, ])
dt_tmp[nrow(dt_tmp), 1] <- "Overall"
tm <- forest_theme(base_size = 10,
# Confidence interval point shape, line type/color/width
ci_pch = 16,
ci_col = "#762a83",
ci_lty = 1,
ci_lwd = 1.5,
ci_Theight = 0.2, # Set an T end at the end of CI
# Reference line width/type/color
refline_lwd = 1,
refline_lty = "dashed",
refline_col = "grey20",
# Vertical line width/type/color
vertline_lwd = 1,
vertline_lty = "dashed",
vertline_col = "grey20",
# Change summary color for filling and borders
summary_fill = "#4575b4",
summary_col = "#4575b4",
# Footnote font size/face/color
footnote_cex = 0.6,
footnote_fontface = "italic",
footnote_col = "blue",
# Title
title_just = "center",
title_col = "red")
p <- forest(dt_tmp[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt_tmp$est,
lower = dt_tmp$low,
upper = dt_tmp$hi,
sizes = dt_tmp$se,
is_summary = c(rep(FALSE, nrow(dt_tmp)-1), TRUE),
ci_column = 4,
ref_line = 1,
arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
xlim = c(0, 4),
ticks_at = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
ticks_digits = 1L,
title = "This is a title",
footnote = "This is the demo data. Please feel free to change\nanything you want.",
theme = tm)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("Summary CI", p)
# Check error for log trans
test_that("forestplot check ERRORS", {
dt$low[3] <- -dt$low[3]
expect_error(forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
sizes = dt$se,
ref_line = 1,
x_trans = "log",
ci_column = 4),
"est, lower, upper, ref_line, vert_line and xlim should be larger than 0")
dt$se_n <- - dt$se
expect_error(forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
sizes = dt$se_n,
ci_column = 4),
"Sizes must be larger than 0")
# Check arrow
test_that("check arrow", {
dt <- dt[1:10, ]
tm <- forest_theme(arrow_cex = .5,
arrow_label_just = "end",
xaxis_cex = .5,
arrow_length = 0.1,
arrow_type = "closed")
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
ci_column = 4,
ref_line = 1,
arrow_lab = c("This Placebo Better", " text Bet"),
ticks_digits = 2L,
theme = tm)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("arrow end", p)
tm <- forest_theme(arrow_cex = .5,
arrow_label_just = "start",
xaxis_cex = .5,
arrow_length = 0.1,
arrow_type = "closed")
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
ci_column = 4,
ref_line = 1,
arrow_lab = c("Worse", "Better"),
ticks_digits = 2L,
theme = tm)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("arrow start", p)
test_that("x-scale trans", {
dt <- dt[1:10, ]
dt$hi <- dt$hi * 3
dt$hi[9] <- 8
dt$hi[8] <- 6
dt$hi[7] <- 2
dt$low[9] <- 0.25
dt$low[8] <- 0.1
dt$`HR (95% CI)` <- ifelse($se), "",
sprintf("%.2f (%.2f to %.2f)",
dt$est, dt$low, dt$hi))
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
ci_column = 4,
vert_line = 6,
ticks_at = c(0.1, 0.25, 1, 2, 6, 8),
x_trans = "log2")
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("x-scale log2", p)
dt$hi[9] <- 20
dt$hi[8] <- 15
dt$hi[7] <- 5
dt$low[9] <- 0.5
dt$low[8] <- 0.1
dt$`HR (95% CI)` <- ifelse($se), "",
sprintf("%.2f (%.2f to %.2f)",
dt$est, dt$low, dt$hi))
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:3, 20:21)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
ci_column = 4,
vert_line = 5,
ticks_at = c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 20),
ticks_minor = c(0.1, 0.3, 1, 2.5, 5, 10),
x_trans = "log10",
xlim = c(0.09, 24),
ticks_digits = 1L)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("x-scale log10", p)
test_that("x-scale trans", {
dt <- dt[1:10, 1:6]
dt$se <-, 2, length.out = length(dt$est))
dt$` ` <- paste(rep(" ", 20), collapse = " ")
dt$`HR (95% CI)` <- ifelse($se), "",
sprintf("%.2f (%.2f to %.2f)",
dt$est, dt$low, dt$hi))
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:3, 7, 8:9)],
est = dt$est,
lower = dt$low,
upper = dt$hi,
sizes = dt$se,
ci_column = 5,
ticks_digits = 2L)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("different-sizes", p)
test_that("Test multiple group", {
dt <- dt[1:6, ]
tm <- forest_theme(base_size = 10,
refline_lty = "solid",
ci_pch = c(15, 18, 16, 17, 19),
ci_col = c("#808080", "#00FF00", "royalblue3", "maroon3", "red"),
ci_lwd = 2,
footnote_col = "blue",
legend_name = "Model: ", legend_position = "bottom",
legend_value = c("Cox ", "Normal ", "Clayton ", "Frank", "Gumbel"),
vertline_lty = c("dashed", "dotdash"),
vertline_col = c("#d6604d", "#A52A2A"))
p <- forest(dt[,c(1:2, 20)],
est = list(dt$est,
lower = list(dt$low,
upper = list(dt$hi,
ci_column = 3,
ref_line = 1,
arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
nudge_y = 0.2,
xlim = c(0, 4),
theme = tm)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("multiple-groups", p)
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