
Defines functions suffix prefix scientific accounting.character accounting.default accounting currency.character get_currency_symbol currency.default currency comma.character comma.default comma digits percent.character percent.default percent accounting_postproc percent_postproc percent_preproc

Documented in accounting accounting.character accounting.default comma comma.character comma.default currency currency.character currency.default digits percent percent.character percent.default prefix scientific suffix

percent_preproc <- function(x) x * 100
percent_postproc <- function(str, x)
  paste0(str, ifelse(is.finite(x), "%", ""))
accounting_postproc <- function(str, x)
  sprintf(ifelse(is.na(x) | x >= 0, "%s", "(%s)"),
    gsub("-", "", str, fixed = TRUE))

#' Numeric vector with percentage representation
#' @param x a numeric vector.
#' @param digits an integer to indicate the number of digits of the percentage string.
#' @param format format type passed to \code{\link{formatC}}.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to \code{formattable}.
#' @export
percent <- function(x, digits, format = "f", ...)

#' @rdname percent
#' @export
#' @examples
#' percent(rnorm(10, 0, 0.1))
#' percent(rnorm(10, 0, 0.1), digits = 0)
percent.default <- function(x, digits = 2L, format = "f", ...) {
  formattable(as_numeric(x), format = format, digits = digits, ...,
    preproc = "percent_preproc", postproc = "percent_postproc")

#' @rdname percent
#' @export
#' @examples
#' percent("0.5%")
#' percent(c("15.5%", "25.12%", "73.5"))
percent.character <- function(x, digits = NA, format = "f", ...) {
  valid <- grepl("^(.+)\\s*%$", x)
  pct <- gsub("^(.+)\\s*%$", "\\1", x)
  if (is.na(digits)) digits <- max(get_digits(x) - ifelse(valid, 0, 2))
  copy_dim(x, percent.default(as.numeric(pct) / ifelse(valid, 100, 1),
    digits = digits, format = "f"))

#' Numeric vector showing pre-specific digits
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param digits an integer to indicate the number of digits to show.
#' @param format format type passed to \code{\link{formatC}}.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to \code{formattable}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' digits(pi, 2)
#' digits(123.45678, 3)
digits <- function(x, digits, format = "f", ...) {
  formattable(as.numeric(x), format = format, digits = digits, ...)

#' Numeric vector with thousands separators
#' @inheritParams percent
#' @param big.mark thousands separator
#' @export
comma <- function(x, digits, format = "f", big.mark = ",", ...)

#' @rdname comma
#' @export
#' @examples
#' comma(1000000)
#' comma(c(1250000, 225000))
#' comma(c(1250000, 225000), format = "d")
comma.default <- function(x, digits = 2L, format = "f", big.mark = ",", ...) {
  formattable(as_numeric(x), format = format, big.mark = big.mark, digits = digits, ...)

#' @rdname comma
#' @export
#' @examples
#' comma("123,345.123")
comma.character <- function(x,
  digits = max(get_digits(x)), format = "f", big.mark = ",", ...) {
  copy_dim(x, comma.default(as.numeric(gsub(big.mark, "", x, fixed = TRUE)),
    digits = digits, format = format, big.mark = big.mark, ...))

#' Numeric vector with currency format
#' @inheritParams comma
#' @param symbol currency symbol
#' @param sep separator between symbol and value
#' @export
currency <- function(x, symbol, digits,
  format = "f", big.mark = ",", ...)

#' @rdname currency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' currency(200000)
#' currency(200000, "\U20AC")
#' currency(1200000, "USD", sep = " ")
#' currency(1200000, "USD", format = "d", sep = " ")
currency.default <- function(x, symbol = "$",
  digits = 2L, format = "f", big.mark = ",", ..., sep = "") {
  x <- as_numeric(x)
  formattable(x, format = format, big.mark = big.mark, digits = digits, ...,
    postproc = function(str, x) sprintf("%s%s%s",
      ifelse(is.na(x), "", symbol), sep, str))

get_currency_symbol <- function(x) {
  sym <- unique(gsub("\\d|\\s|\\,|\\.", "", x))
  if (length(sym) > 1L) warning("Cannot find a unique symbol", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname currency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' currency("$ 120,250.50")
#' currency("HK$ 120,250.50", symbol = "HK$")
#' currency("HK$ 120, 250.50")
currency.character <- function(x, symbol = get_currency_symbol(x),
  digits = max(get_digits(x)), format = "f", big.mark = ",", ...) {
  if (any(invalid <- !grepl("\\d", x)))
    warning("Invalid input in 'x': ", paste(x[invalid], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
  num <- gsub("[^0-9\\.]", "", gsub(big.mark, "", x, fixed = TRUE))
  copy_dim(x, currency.default(as.numeric(num), symbol = symbol, digits = digits,
    format = format, big.mark = big.mark, ...))

#' Numeric vector with accounting format
#' @inheritParams comma
#' @export
accounting <- function(x, digits = 2L, format = "f", big.mark = ",", ...)

#' @rdname accounting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' accounting(15320)
#' accounting(-12500)
#' accounting(c(1200, -3500, 2600), format = "d")
accounting.default <- function(x, digits = 2L, format = "f", big.mark = ",", ...) {
  formattable(as_numeric(x), format = format, big.mark = big.mark, digits = digits, ...,
    postproc = "accounting_postproc")

#' @rdname accounting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' accounting(c("123,23.50", "(123.243)"))
accounting.character <- function(x, digits = max(get_digits(x)),
  format = "f", big.mark = ",", ...) {
  sgn <- ifelse(grepl("\\(.+\\)", x), -1, 1)
  num <- gsub("\\((.+)\\)", "\\1", gsub(big.mark, "", x, fixed = TRUE))
  copy_dim(x, accounting.default(sgn * as.numeric(num), digits = digits,
    format = format, big.mark = big.mark, ...))

#' Numeric vector with scientific format
#' @param x a numeric vector.
#' @param format format type passed to \code{\link{formatC}}.
#' @param ... additional parameter passed to \code{formattable}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scientific(1250000)
#' scientific(1253421, digits = 8)
#' scientific(1253421, digits = 8, format = "E")
scientific <- function(x, format = c("e", "E"), ...) {
  formattable(as_numeric(x), format = match.arg(format), ...)

#' Formattable object with prefix
#' @param x an object
#' @param prefix a character vector put in front of each non-missing
#' value in \code{x} as being formatted.
#' @param sep separator
#' @param ... additional parameter passed to \code{formattable}.
#' @param na.text text for missing values in \code{x}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' prefix(1:10, "A")
#' prefix(1:10, "Choice", sep = " ")
#' prefix(c(1:10, NA), prefix = "A", na.text = "(missing)")
#' prefix(rnorm(10, 10), "*", format = "d")
#' prefix(percent(c(0.1,0.25)), ">")
prefix <- function(x, prefix = "", sep = "", ..., na.text = NULL) {
  formattable(x, ...,
    postproc = list(function(str, x)
      paste0(ifelse(xna <- is.na(x), "", paste0(prefix, sep)),
        if (is.null(na.text)) str else ifelse(xna, na.text, str))))

#' Formattable object with suffix
#' @param x an object
#' @param suffix a character vector put behind each non-missing
#' value in \code{x} as being formatted.
#' @param sep separator
#' @param ... additional parameter passed to \code{formattable}.
#' @param na.text text for missing values in \code{x}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' suffix(1:10, "px")
#' suffix(1:10, ifelse(1:10 >= 2, "units", "unit"), sep = " ")
#' suffix(c(1:10, NA), "km/h", na.text = "(missing)")
#' suffix(percent(c(0.1, 0.25)), "*")
suffix <- function(x, suffix = "", sep = "", ..., na.text = NULL) {
  formattable(x, ...,
    postproc = list(function(str, x) {
      xna <- is.na(x)
      paste0(if (is.null(na.text)) str else ifelse(xna, na.text, str),
        ifelse(xna, "", paste0(sep, suffix)))

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formattable documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 7:17 a.m.