# nearest neighbor pooled linear dimension reduction according to
# Hastie and Tibshirani,
# IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 18 (1996), 607-616
ncoord <- function(xd, clvecd, nn=50, weighted=FALSE,
sphere="mcd", orderall=TRUE, countmode=1000, ...){
z <- x <- as.matrix(xd)
if (is.matrix(sphere)){
cv <- sphere
sphere <- "matrix"
if (sphere!="none"){
# require(MASS)
if (sphere=="matrix")
Sig <- cv
Sig <- cov.rob(x, method=sphere, nsamp=500)$cov
Tds <- tdecomp(Sig)
Y <- solve(Tds)
z <- x %*% Y
clvec <- as.integer(clvecd)
clf <- factor(clvec)
cll <- as.integer(levels(clf))
cln <- length(cll)
p <- ncol(z)
n <- nrow(z)
B <- matrix(0,ncol=p,nrow=p)
for (i in 1:n){
cat("Processing point ",i," of ",n,"\n")
Bi <- matrix(0,ncol=p,nrow=p)
za <- sweep(z,2,z[i,])
mds <- rowSums(za*za)
if (orderall)
omah <- order(mds)[1:nn]
omah <- c()
maxmds <- max(mds)
for (j in 1:nn){
argmin <- which.min(mds)
omah <- c(omah,argmin)
mds[argmin] <- maxmds+1
mi <- colMeans(z[omah,])
for (j in 1:cln){
nj <- sum(clvec[omah]==cll[j])
pij <- nj/nn
v <- if (pij==0) rep(0,p)
else colMeans(z[omah,][clvec[omah]==cll[j],,drop=FALSE])-mi
Bi <- Bi+ pij*(v %*% rbind(v))
if (weighted){
sb <- sum(diag(Bi))
if (sb>0)
Bi <- Bi/sb
B <- B+Bi
B <- B/n
em <- eigen(B, symmetric=TRUE)
units <- em$vectors
if (sphere!="none")
units <- Y %*% units
proj <- x %*% units
list(ev=em$values, units=units, proj=proj)
# asymmetric robust
# nearest neighbor pooled linear dimension reduction
ancoord <- function(xd, clvecd, clnum=1, nn=50, method="mcd",
countmode=1000, ...){
# require(MASS)
x <- as.matrix(xd)
p <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
clvec <- as.integer(clvecd)
dcl <- as.integer(clnum)
ci <- clvec==dcl
clxf <- x[ci,]
nc <- sum(ci)
quant <- min(floor(3*(nrow(clxf) + ncol(clxf) + 1)/4),nrow(clxf)-2)
cv <- cov.rob(clxf,quantile.used=quant,method=method,nsamp=500)
S1 <- cv$cov
cinv <- solvecov(S1)$inv
B <- matrix(0,ncol=p,nrow=p)
w <- 0
for (i in 1:nc){
cat("Processing point ",i," of ",nc,"\n")
Bi <- matrix(0,ncol=p,nrow=p)
mds <- mahalanobis(x,center=clxf[i,],cov=cinv,inverted=TRUE)
omah <- order(mds)[1:nn]
wi <- 1
mi <- colMeans(x[omah,])
ni <- sum(clvec[omah]==dcl)
nr <- nn-ni
wi <- ni*nr
if (wi>0){
vi <- colMeans(x[omah,][ci[omah],,drop=FALSE])-mi
vr <- colMeans(x[omah,][!ci[omah],,drop=FALSE])-mi
Bi <- Bi+ ni*(vi %*% rbind(vi))+ nr*(vr %*% rbind(vr))
sb <- sum(diag(Bi))
if (sb>0)
Bi <- Bi/(nn*sb)
B <- B+Bi
if (!identical(B,matrix(0,ncol=p,nrow=p)))
if (nn<nc+1)
nn <- nc+1
warning("Estimated between groups matrix is zero!")
Tm <- tdecomp(S1)
Tinv <- solve(Tm)
Z <- t(Tinv) %*% B %*% Tinv
dc <- eigen(Z, symmetric=TRUE)
units <- Tinv %*% dc$vectors
proj <- x %*% units
list(ev=dc$values, units=units, proj=proj, nn=nn)
# quadratic dimension reduction according to Young, Marco and Odell,
# Journal Stat. Plann. Inf. 17 (1986), 307-319; computation according to
# Roehl and Weihs, in Gaul & Locarek-Junge (1999), 253.
mvdcoord <- function(xd, clvecd, clnum=1, sphere="mcd", ...){
x <- as.matrix(xd)
if (is.matrix(sphere)){
cv <- sphere
# require(MASS)
if (sphere!="none"){
if (sphere=="matrix")
Sig <- cv
Sig <- cov.rob(x, method=sphere, nsamp=500)$cov
Tds <- tdecomp(Sig)
Y <- solve(Tds)
z <- x %*% Y
z <- x
clvec <- as.integer(clvecd)
clf <- factor(clvec)
cll <- as.integer(levels(clf))
clnum <- length(cll)
p <- ncol(z)
mx <- vx <- list()
for (i in 1:clnum){
mx[[i]] <- colMeans(z[clvecd==cll[i],])
vx[[i]] <- cov(z[clvecd==cll[i],])
meandiff <- vardiff <- c()
for (i in 2:clnum){
meandiff <- cbind(meandiff,mx[[i]]-mx[[1]])
vardiff <- cbind(vardiff,vx[[i]]-vx[[1]])
M <- cbind(meandiff,vardiff)
em <- eigen(M %*% t(M), symmetric=TRUE)
units <- em$vectors
if (sphere!="none")
units <- Y %*% units
proj <- x %*% units
list(ev=em$values, units=units, proj=proj)
# mahalanodisc=vector of mahalanobis distances from n1 points of x1
# to n-n1 points from x2
# modus: see mahal in robcoord
mahalanodisc <- function (x2, mg, covg, modus="square") {
covinv <- solvecov(covg)$inv
md <- switch(modus,
# dist:n-n1 Mahalanobis distances, mg: mean(x1), covg: Covariance(x1)
# weight function for robcoord
cweight <- function(x,ca){
out <- 1
if (x > ca)
out <- ca/x
adcoord <- function(xd, clvecd, clnum=1) {
x <- as.matrix(xd)
clvec <- as.integer(clvecd)
dcl <- as.integer(clnum)
ci <- clvec==dcl
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
cln <- sum(ci)
clx <- rep(0, times=p*cln)
clxc <- rep(0, times=p*(n-cln))
dim(clx) <- c(cln,p)
dim(clxc) <- c((n-cln),p)
for (j in 1:p){
clx[,j] <- x[,j][ci]
clxc[,j] <- x[,j][!ci]
S1 <- cov(clx)
S2 <- cov(clxc)
W1 <- (cln-1)*S1
S <- cov(x)
B <- (n*(n-1)*S - cln*W1 - (n-cln)*(n-cln-1)*S2)/(n-cln)
Tm <- tdecomp(S1)
Tinv <- solve(Tm)
Z <- t(Tinv) %*% B %*% Tinv
dc <- eigen(Z, symmetric=TRUE)
units <- Tinv %*% dc$vectors
proj <- x %*% units
list(ev=dc$values, units=units, proj=proj)
# "robustifizierte" 1-Cluster-Diskriminanzkoordinaten (durchschnittlicher
# Innerhalb-Abstand vs. Abstand nach ausserhalb, letzterer gewichtet
# mit c(Mahal gross)/Mahal(x_j-mean1).
# Projektionen, Eigenwerte
# x: Daten, clvec: Clusterindikatorvektor, clnum: Nummer des
# zu trennenden Clusters ,
# mahal="square": Squared Mahalanobis distance is used
# mahal="md": Mahalanobis distance is used
# subsample: size of subsample of cluster to use (0=all)
# countmode=output of current point number
awcoord <- function(xd, clvecd, clnum=1, mahal="square", method="classical",
clweight=switch(method,classical=FALSE,TRUE), alpha=0.99,
subsample=0, countmode=1000, ...) {
x <- as.matrix(xd)
# require(MASS)
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
dcl <- as.integer(clnum)
clfull <- as.integer(clvecd)
cln <- sum(clfull==dcl)
if (subsample==0){
clvec <- as.integer(clfull==dcl)
cn <- cln
subs <- NULL
clxf <- clx <- x[clvec==1,]
subs <- sample((1:n)[clfull==dcl],subsample)
clvec <- 2*(clfull==dcl)
clvec[subs] <- 1
clxf <- x[clvec==2,]
clx <- x[clvec==1,]
cn <- subsample
clxc <- x[clvec==0,]
clxa <- if (clweight) x else clxc
quant <- min(floor(3*(nrow(clxf) + ncol(clxf) + 1)/4),nrow(clxf)-2)
cv <- cov.rob(clxf, quantile.used=quant,method=method,nsamp=500)
S1 <- cv$cov
mg <- cv$center
mah <- mahalanodisc(clxa, mg, S1, modus=mahal)
wg <- switch(mahal,
if (clweight){
wg0 <- wg[clvec==0]
wg1 <- wg[clvec==1]
wsum0 <- sum(wg0)
wsum1 <- sum(wg1)
wg0 <- wg
wsum0 <- sum(wg)
d1 <- d2 <- rep(0,p)
D12 <- D22 <- matrix(0,ncol=p, nrow=p)
for(i in 1:cn){
if (clweight)
D12 <- D12 + wg1[i]*clx[i,] %*% t(clx[i,])
D12 <- D12 + clx[i,] %*% t(clx[i,])
if (clweight)
d1 <- d1+wg1[i]*clx[i,]
d1 <- d1+clx[i,]
for (j in 1:(n-cln)){
D22 <- D22 + wg0[j]*clxc[j,] %*% t(clxc[j,])
d2 <- d2+wg0[j]*clxc[j,]
D21 <- d1 %*% t(d2)
if (clweight)
B <- wsum0*D12-D21-t(D21)+wsum1*D22
B <- wsum0*D12-D21-t(D21)+cn*D22
if (clweight)
wsum <- sum(outer(wg0,wg1))
wsum <- wsum0*cn
B <- B/wsum
Tm <- tdecomp(S1)
Tinv <- solve(Tm)
Z <- t(Tinv) %*% B %*% Tinv
dc <- eigen(Z, symmetric=TRUE)
units <- Tinv %*% dc$vectors
proj <- x %*% units
list(ev=dc$values, units=units, proj=proj, wg=wg)
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