
growth.intervals <-
function (x, y, zeroSlope = 0.01) 
    l <- paste("0", paste(as.integer(diff(y) > 0), collapse = ""), 
        "0", sep = "")
    index.growth.from <- gregexpr("01", l)[[1]]
    if (index.growth.from[1] == -1) 
    index.growth.to <- gregexpr("10", l)[[1]]
    slope <- (180/pi) * atan((y[index.growth.to] - y[index.growth.from])/(x[index.growth.to] - 
    l <- slope > zeroSlope
    if (any(l)) 
        return(cbind(index.growth.from[l], index.growth.to[l]))
    else return()

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fptdApprox documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:07 p.m.