
print.summary.fptl <-
function (x, ...) 
    if (!is.summary.fptl(x)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("x"), "is not of class", shQuote("summary.fptl")))
    Args <- formals(summary.fptl)
    labelCols = c("t[i]", "t[i]*", "tmax[i]^-", "tmax[i]", "tmax[i]^+")
    label <- format(c("Maximum slope required between two points to consider that a growing function is constant", 
        "Ratio of the global increase of the FPTL function in the growth subinterval [t[i], tmax[i]]", 
        "that should be reached to consider that it begins to increase significantly", 
        "Maximum allowable distance between tmax[i] and tmax[i]^+"))
    cutoff <- options()$deparse.cutoff
    options(deparse.cutoff = 175)
    Call <- attr(x, "Call")
    FPTLCall <- attr(x, "FPTLCall")
    X0 <- paste("x0 =", format(sapply(FPTLCall, "[[", "x0"), 
    A <- Call[[1]][-1]
    Args[names(A)] <- A
    logic <- is.name(A$object)
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        cat("\n\n    Interesting time instants:\n\n")
        y <- x[[i]]$instants
        dimnames(y) <- list(rep("    ", nrow(y)), labelCols)
        print(y, ...)
        cat("\n    Call:")
        cat("\n    ")
        if (logic) {
            cat("\n    attr(", A$object, ", ", shQuote("Call"), 
                "):", sep = "")
            cat("\n    ")
    label <- paste(label, c(as.character(Args$zeroSlope), paste("10^(-", 
        Args$p0.tol, ")", sep = ""), "", paste(Args$k, "*(tmax[i] - t[i]*)(1-FPTL(tmax[i]))", 
        sep = "")), sep = "   ")
    cat(label, sep = "\n")
    dp <- FPTLCall[[1]][["dp"]]
    if (is.name(dp)) 
        cat("\n", dp, ":", sep = "")
    else cat("\ndp:")
    print(attr(x, "dp"))
    v <- attr(x, "vars")
    if (!is.null(v)) {
        if (logic) 
            cat("Values of names which occur in attr(", A$object, 
                ", ", shQuote("Call"), "):\n", sep = "")
        else cat("Values of names which occur in Call:\n")
    options(deparse.cutoff = cutoff)

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fptdApprox documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:07 p.m.