
##' Short summary of the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate model
##' This function returns the estimate of the coefficient, the hazard ratios (HR) and their
##' confidence intervals for the fixed treatment effects. Also, an estimate of the
##' surrogacy evaluation criteria (Kendall's \eqn{\tau}, \if{latex}{\eqn{R^2_{trial}}}
#'    \if{html}{\code{R}\out{<sup>2</sup><sub>trial</sub>}} and STE)
##' @aliases summary.jointSurroPenal
##' @usage \method{summary}{jointSurroPenal}(object, d = 4, len = 3, nb.gh = 32, ...)
##' @param object An object inheriting from \code{jointSurroPenal} class.
##' @param d The desired number of digits after the decimal point for parameters.
##' The maximum of 4 digits is required for the estimates. Default of 3 digits is used.
##' @param len The desired number of digits after the decimal point for p-value and convergence
##' criteria. Default of 4 digits is used.
##' @param  nb.gh Number of nodes for the Gaussian-Hermite quadrature.  The default is \code{32}
##' \code{1} for Gaussian-Hermite quadrature.
##' @param \dots other unused arguments.
##' @return For the fixed treatment effects, it also prints HR and its confidence
##' intervals for each covariate. For the surrogacy evaluation criteria, its prints the estimated
##' Kendall's \eqn{\tau} with its 95\% Confidence interval obtained by the parametric bootstrap
##'  or Delta-method,
##' the estimated \if{latex}{\eqn{R^2_{trial}}}
#'    \if{html}{\code{R}\out{<sup>2</sup><sub>trial</sub>}}(R2trial) with standard error and the 95\% Confidence interval
##' obtained by Delta-method (Dowd \emph{et al.}, 2014), \if{latex}{\eqn{R^2_{trial}}}
#'    \if{html}{\code{R}\out{<sup>2</sup><sub>trial</sub>}}(R2.boot) and its 95\%
##' Confidence interval obtained by the parametric bootstrap.
##' We notice that, using bootstrap,
##' the standard error of the point estimate is not available. We propose a classification of \if{latex}{\eqn{R^2_{trial}}}
#'    \if{html}{\code{R}\out{<sup>2</sup><sub>trial</sub>}} according to
##' the suggestion of the Institute of Quality and Efficiency in Health Care
##' (Prasad \emph{et al.}, 2015).
##' We also display the surrogate threshold effect (\code{\link[=ste]{ste}}) with the associated hazard risk.
##' @seealso \code{\link{jointSurroPenal}, \link{jointSurroCopPenal}, \link{jointSurroTKendall}, \link{print.jointSurroPenal}}
##' @author Casimir Ledoux Sofeu \email{casimir.sofeu@u-bordeaux.fr}, \email{scl.ledoux@gmail.com} and
##' Virginie Rondeau \email{virginie.rondeau@inserm.fr}
##' @keywords methods
##' @references
##' Dowd BE, Greene WH, Norton EC (2014). "Computation of Standard Errors." Health Services
##' Research, 49(2), 731-750.
##' Prasad V, Kim C, Burotto M, Vandross A (2015). "The strength of association between
##' surrogate end points and survival in oncology: A systematic review of trial-level meta-
##' alyses." JAMA Internal Medicine, 175(8), 1389-1398.
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats sd
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ###---Data generation---###
##' data.sim <-jointSurrSimul(n.obs=400, n.trial = 20,cens.adm=549,
##'           alpha = 1.5, theta = 3.5, gamma = 2.5, zeta = 1,
##'           sigma.s = 0.7, sigma.t = 0.7, cor = 0.8, betas = -1.25,
##'           betat = -1.25, full.data = 0, random.generator = 1,
##'           seed = 0, nb.reject.data = 0)
##' ###---Estimation---###
##' joint.surrogate <- jointSurroPenal(data = data.sim, nb.mc = 300,
##'                    nb.gh = 20, indicator.alpha = 1, n.knots = 6)
##' summary(joint.surrogate)
##' }
  function(object, d = 4, len = 3, nb.gh = 32, ...){
    x <- object
    int.method.kt = 0
    if (!inherits(x, "jointSurroPenal"))
      stop("Object must be of class 'jointSurroPenal'")
      cat("Results of a joint surrogate model using a penalized likelihood\non the baseline hazard functions.\n")
      cat(" ", "\n")
    coef <- data.frame(x$Coefficients)

    beta <- coef[(1 : (nrow(coef)-2)),1:2]
    names(beta)[2] <- "SE"
    beta$"z" <- round(beta$Estimate/beta$SE,len)
    beta$P <- signif(1 - pchisq((beta$Estimate/beta$SE)^2, 1), 5)
    beta$" " <- ifelse(beta$P < 0.001,"***",ifelse(beta$P < 0.01,"**",
                      ifelse(beta$P < 0.05,"*",ifelse(beta$P < 0.1,"."," "))))
    beta$P <- formatC(beta$P, d, format = "g")
    beta$Estimate <- round(beta$Estimate,min(4,len))
    names(beta)[2] <-"Std Error"

    # travail des P
    p <- NULL
    p <- ifelse(as.numeric(beta$P) < 10^-10, "< e-10", beta$P)
    beta$P <- p

    # cat("Estimates for variances parameters of the random effects", "\n")
    rownames(beta)[(nrow(beta) - 4)] <- "sigma2_S"
    rownames(beta)[(nrow(beta) - 3)] <- "sigma2_T"
    rownames(beta)[(nrow(beta) - 2)] <- "sigma_ST"
    # print(beta[1:(nrow(beta) - 2),])

    beta2 <- beta[((nrow(beta) - 1) : nrow(beta)),]
    beta2$Estimate <- round(beta2$Estimate,min(4,len))

    # cat(" ", "\n")
    cat("Estimates for the fixed treatment effects", "\n")

    cat("Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1")

    cat(" ", "\n")
    cat(" ","\n")

    cat("hazard ratios (HR) and confidence intervals for the fixed treatment effects", "\n")
    HR <- round(exp(coef[((nrow(coef) - 3) : (nrow(coef)-2)),-2]), len)
    names(HR)[1] <- c("exp(coef)")

    # 95%CI of R2 using Delta-method
    coef <- rbind(coef,coef[nrow(coef)-1,])
    coef[nrow(coef),c(3,4)] <- object$R2.boot[-1]
    coef[nrow(coef),1] <- object$R2.boot[1]
    coef[nrow(coef),2] <- NA
    rownames(coef)[nrow(coef)] <- "R2.boot"

    validation <- coef[c(nrow(coef) - 1, nrow(coef) - 2,nrow(coef)),]
    validation[,2] <- as.character(validation[,2])
    if(x$type.joint == 1) {
      validation[1,2] <- "--"
      validation[1,2] <- as.character(round(as.numeric(validation[1,2]), len))
    validation[3,2] <- "--"
    validation[,1] <- round(validation[,1], len)
    validation[,3] <- round(validation[,3], len)
    validation[,4] <- round(validation[,4], len)
    validation[2,2] <- as.character(round(as.numeric(validation[2,2]), len))
    if(int.method.kt == 1){
      validation[1,1] <- jointSurroTKendall(object = object, int.method = 1)
      # validation[1,1] <- jointSurroTKendall(theta = object$Coefficients["theta",1],
      #                                       gamma = ifelse(is.na(object$Coefficients["gamma",1]), 0, object$Coefficients["gamma",1]),
      #                                       alpha = ifelse(is.na(object$Coefficients["alpha",1]), 1, object$Coefficients["alpha",1]),
      #                                       zeta = ifelse(is.na(object$Coefficients["zeta",1]), 1, object$Coefficients["zeta",1]),
      #                                       nb.gh = nb.gh, ui = ifelse(is.na(object$Coefficients["gamma",1]), 0, 1), int.method = 1)

    names(validation)[2] <- "Std Error"

    # More precision on the surrogacy evaluation
    validation2 <- data.frame(matrix(rep(NA,18), nrow = 3, ncol = 6))
    names(validation2) <- c("Level", names(validation), "Strength")
    rownames(validation2) <- rownames(validation)
    validation2[,1] <- c("Individual", "Trial", "Trial")
    validation2[,2:5] <- validation
    validation2[2,6] <- ifelse(validation2[2,4] <= 0.49,"Low",ifelse(validation2[2,4]<0.72,
    validation2[3,6] <- ifelse(validation2[3,4] <= 0.49,"Low",ifelse(validation2[2,4]<0.72,
    validation2[1,6] <- " "

    cat(" ", "\n")
    cat("Surrogacy evaluation criterion", "\n")
    cat("Correlation strength: <= 0.49 'Low'; ]0.49 - 0.72[ 'Medium'; >= 0.72 'High' ","\n")

    STE = ste(object)
    if(length(STE) == 0){
      cat(c("Surrogate threshold effect (STE) : --"),"\n")

    if(length(STE) == 1){
      cat(c("Surrogate threshold effect (STE) :",round(STE,len),"(HR =",round(exp(STE),len),")"),"\n")

    if(length(STE) == 2){
      cat(c("Surrogate threshold effect (STE) : (",round(STE[1],len), ",", round(STE[2],len),"); HR = (",round(exp(STE[1]),len), ",", round(exp(STE[2]),len),")"),"\n")

    # cat(" ", "\n")
    # cat("Convergence parameters", "\n")
    # cat(c("Penalized marginal log-likelihood = ", round(object$loglikPenal, len)), "\n")
    # cat(c("Number of iterations = ", object$n.iter),"\n")
    # cat(c("Smoothing parameters = ", object$kappa),"\n")
    # cat(c("Number of spline nodes = ", object$parameter["n.knots"]),"\n")
    # cat("LCV = the approximate likelihood cross-validation criterion", "\n")
    # cat(c("      in the semi parametrical case     = ", round(object$LCV, len)),"\n")
    # cat("Convergence criteria:", "\n")
    # EPS <- formatC(object$EPS, d, format = "g")
    # cat(c("  parameters = ",EPS[1], "likelihood = ", EPS[2], "gradient = ", EPS[3]), "\n")

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