# fst - R package for ultra fast storage and retrieval of datasets
# Copyright (C) 2017-present, Mark AJ Klik
# This file is part of the fst R package.
# The fst R package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# The fst R package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with the fst R package. If not, see <>.
# You can contact the author at:
# - fst R package source repository :
#' Read and write fst files.
#' Read and write data frames from and to a fast-storage (`fst`) file.
#' Allows for compression and (file level) random access of stored data, even for compressed datasets.
#' Multiple threads are used to obtain high (de-)serialization speeds but all background threads are
#' re-joined before `write_fst` and `read_fst` return (reads and writes are stable).
#' When using a `data.table` object for `x`, the key (if any) is preserved,
#' allowing storage of sorted data.
#' Methods `read_fst` and `write_fst` are equivalent to `read.fst` and `write.fst` (but the
#' former syntax is preferred).
#' @param x a data frame to write to disk
#' @param path path to fst file
#' @param compress value in the range 0 to 100, indicating the amount of compression to use.
#' Lower values mean larger file sizes. The default compression is set to 50.
#' @param uniform_encoding If `TRUE`, all character vectors will be assumed to have elements with equal encoding.
#' The encoding (latin1, UTF8 or native) of the first non-NA element will used as encoding for the whole column.
#' This will be a correct assumption for most use cases.
#' If `uniform.encoding` is set to `FALSE`, no such assumption will be made and all elements will be converted
#' to the same encoding. The latter is a relatively expensive operation and will reduce write performance for
#' character columns.
#' @return `read_fst` returns a data frame with the selected columns and rows. `write_fst`
#' writes `x` to a `fst` file and invisibly returns `x` (so you can use this function in a pipeline).
#' @examples
#' # Sample dataset
#' x <- data.frame(A = 1:10000, B = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 10000, replace = TRUE))
#' # Default compression
#' fst_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".fst")
#' write_fst(x, fst_file) # filesize: 17 KB
#' y <- read_fst(fst_file) # read fst file
#' # Maximum compression
#' write_fst(x, fst_file, 100) # fileSize: 4 KB
#' y <- read_fst(fst_file) # read fst file
#' # Random access
#' y <- read_fst(fst_file, "B") # read selection of columns
#' y <- read_fst(fst_file, "A", 100, 200) # read selection of columns and rows
#' @export
write_fst <- function(x, path, compress = 50, uniform_encoding = TRUE) {
if (!is.character(path)) stop("Please specify a correct path.")
if (! stop("Please make sure 'x' is a data frame.")
dt <- fststore(normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE), x, as.integer(compress), uniform_encoding)
if (inherits(dt, "fst_error")) {
#' Read metadata from a fst file
#' Method for checking basic properties of the dataset stored in \code{path}.
#' @param path path to fst file
#' @param old_format must be FALSE, the old fst file format is deprecated and can only be read and
#' converted with fst package versions 0.8.0 to 0.8.10.
#' @return Returns a list with meta information on the stored dataset in \code{path}.
#' Has class \code{fstmetadata}.
#' @examples
#' # Sample dataset
#' x <- data.frame(
#' First = 1:10,
#' Second = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 10, replace = TRUE),
#' Last = sample(LETTERS, 10))
#' # Write to fst file
#' fst_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".fst")
#' write_fst(x, fst_file)
#' # Display meta information
#' metadata_fst(fst_file)
#' @export
metadata_fst <- function(path, old_format = FALSE) {
if (old_format != FALSE) {
stop("Parameter old_format is depricated, fst files written with fst package version",
" lower than 0.8.0 should be read (and rewritten) using fst package versions <= 0.8.10.")
full_path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE)
metadata <- fstmetadata(full_path)
if (inherits(metadata, "fst_error")) {
col_info <- list(path = full_path, nrOfRows = metadata$nrOfRows,
keys = metadata$keyNames, columnNames = metadata$colNames,
columnBaseTypes = metadata$colBaseType, keyColIndex = metadata$keyColIndex,
columnTypes = metadata$colType)
class(col_info) <- "fstmetadata"
#' @export
print.fstmetadata <- function(x, ...) {
cat("<fst file>\n")
cat(x$nrOfRows, " rows, ", length(x$columnNames), " columns (", basename(x$path),
")\n\n", sep = "")
types <- c("unknown", "character", "factor", "ordered factor", "integer", "POSIXct", "difftime",
"IDate", "ITime", "double", "Date", "POSIXct", "difftime", "ITime", "logical", "integer64",
"nanotime", "raw")
# table has no key columns
if (is.null(x$keys)) {
column_names <- format(encodeString(x$columnNames, quote = "'"))
cat(paste0("* ", column_names, ": ", types[x$columnTypes], "\n"), sep = "")
# table has key columns
keys <- data.frame(
k = x$keys,
count = seq_along(x$keys),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
col_info <- data.frame(
k = x$columnNames,
o = seq_along(x$columnNames),
t = types[x$columnTypes],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# merge keys to correct column
col_info <- merge(col_info, keys, "k", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
col_info$k <- format(encodeString(col_info$k, quote = "'"))
col_info$l <- paste0(" (key ", col_info$count, ")")
col_info[$count), "l"] <- ""
col_info <- col_info[order(col_info$count, col_info$o), ] # key columns at the top
cat(paste0("* ", col_info$k, ": ", col_info$t, col_info$l, "\n"), sep = "")
#' @rdname write_fst
#' @export
write.fst <- function(x, path, compress = 50, uniform_encoding = TRUE) {
write_fst(x, path, compress, uniform_encoding)
#' @rdname write_fst
#' @param columns Column names to read. The default is to read all columns.
#' @param from Read data starting from this row number.
#' @param to Read data up until this row number. The default is to read to the last row of the stored dataset.
#' @param If TRUE, the result will be returned as a \code{data.table} object. Any keys set on
#' dataset \code{x} before writing will be retained. This allows for storage of sorted datasets. This option
#' requires \code{data.table} package to be installed.
#' @param old_format must be FALSE, the old fst file format is deprecated and can only be read and
#' converted with fst package versions 0.8.0 to 0.8.10.
#' @export
read_fst <- function(path, columns = NULL, from = 1, to = NULL, = FALSE, old_format = FALSE) { # nolint
file_name <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE)
if (!is.null(columns)) {
if (!is.character(columns)) {
stop("Parameter 'columns' should be a character vector of column names.")
if (!is.numeric(from) || from < 1 || length(from) != 1) {
stop("Parameter 'from' should have a numerical value equal or larger than 1.")
from <- as.integer(from)
if (!is.null(to)) {
if (!is.numeric(to) || length(to) != 1) {
stop("Parameter 'to' should have a numerical value larger than 1 (or NULL).")
to <- as.integer(to)
if (old_format != FALSE) {
stop("Parameter old_format is depricated, fst files written with fst package version",
" lower than 0.8.0 should be read (and rewritten) using fst package versions <= 0.8.10.")
res <- fstretrieve(file_name, columns, from, to)
if (inherits(res, "fst_error")) {
nr_of_rows <- 0
if (length(res$resTable) > 0) { # check for NULL tables's
nr_of_rows <- length(res$resTable[[1]])
# long vectors are not supported yet with data.table, tibble's or data.frame,
# so return a list instead
if (nr_of_rows >= 2 ^ 31) {
if ( {
if (!requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Please install package data.table when using = TRUE")
key_names <- res$keyNames
res <- data.table::setDT(res$resTable) # nolint
if (length(key_names) > 0) data.table::setattr(res, "sorted", key_names)
res_table <- res$resTable
# use setters from data.table to improve performance
if (requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)) {
data.table::setattr(res_table, "class", "data.frame")
data.table::setattr(res_table, "row.names", base::.set_row_names(nr_of_rows))
} else {
class(res_table) <- "data.frame"
attr(res_table, "row.names") <- base::.set_row_names(nr_of_rows)
#' @rdname write_fst
#' @export
read.fst <- function(path, columns = NULL, from = 1, to = NULL, = FALSE, old_format = FALSE) { # nolint
read_fst(path, columns, from, to,, old_format)
#' @rdname metadata_fst
#' @export
fst.metadata <- function(path, old_format = FALSE) { # nolint
metadata_fst(path, old_format)
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