

# clean testdata directory
if (!file.exists("testdata")) {
} else {
  file.remove(list.files("testdata", full.names = TRUE))

# generate sample data and store
df <- data.frame(X = 1:26, Y = LETTERS, Z = runif(26, 4, 7), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
test_file <- "testdata/fst_table.fst"
write_fst(df, test_file)
x <- fst(test_file)

# single column table
df2 <- df["X"]
test_file2 <- "testdata/fst_table2.fst"
write_fst(df2, test_file2)
y <- fst(test_file2)

# see issues #175 and #136
test_that("fst_table does throw normalizePath error on non-existing file", {

  expect_error(fst("testdata/non_existing.fst"), "Error opening fst file for reading")


test_that("fst_table returns a fst_table class object", {
  expect_equal(class(x), "fst_table")

  str_object <- unclass(x)
  expect_equal(names(str_object), c("meta", "col_selection", "row_selection", "old_format"))

test_that("fst_table has basic data.frame interface", {
  expect_equal(as.data.frame(x), as.data.frame(df))

  expect_equal(x[2], df[2])

  expect_equal(x[2.6], df[2.6])

  expect_equal(x[TRUE], df[TRUE])

  expect_equal(x[c(1.1, 2)], df[c(1.1, 2)])

  expect_equal(x[c(TRUE, FALSE)], df[c(TRUE, FALSE)])

  expect_equal(x[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)], df[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)])

  expect_equal(as.data.frame(x, row.names = LETTERS), as.data.frame(df, row.names = LETTERS))

  expect_equal(as.list(x), as.list(df))

  expect_equal(x[["Y"]], df[["Y"]])

  expect_equal(x[["S"]], df[["S"]])

  expect_equal(x$X, df$X)

  expect_equal(x$S, df$S)

  expect_equal(nrow(x), nrow(df))

  expect_equal(ncol(x), ncol(df))

  expect_equal(dim(x), dim(df))

  expect_equal(dimnames(x), dimnames(df))

  expect_equal(colnames(x), colnames(df))

  expect_equal(rownames(x), rownames(df))

  expect_equal(names(x), names(df))

  expect_equal(x[[1:2]], df[[1:2]])

  expect_equal(x[[c(2, 4)]], df[[c(2, 4)]])

  expect_equal(x[["G"]], df[["G"]])

test_that("fst_table [ generic", {

  # '[' generic with 2 arguments

  expect_equal(x[], df[])

  expect_equal(x[2], df[2])

  expect_equal(x[i = 2], df[2])

  expect_equal(x[j = 2], df[2])

  expect_equal(x[drop = FALSE], df[, ])

  # '[' generic with 3 arguments

  expect_equal(x[, ], df[, ])

  expect_equal(x[, 2:3], df[, 2:3])

  expect_equal(as.list(x[2, ]), as.list(df[2, ]))

  expect_equal(as.list(x[2:10, ]), as.list(df[2:10, ]))

  expect_equal(x[2, drop = FALSE], df[2])

  expect_equal(as.list(x[2, 1:3]), as.list(df[2, 1:3]))

  # '[' generic with 4 arguments

  expect_equal(x[, , drop = FALSE], df[])

  expect_equal(x[, , ], df[])

  expect_equal(x[j = 2, drop = FALSE], df[2])

test_that("fst_table allows for drop argument", {

  # fst drops dimensions in same cases as data.frame. Less warnings are given.

  # 3 arguments:

  expect_equal(df[, "X"], x[, "X"])
  expect_equal(df[2, "X"], x[2, "X"])
  expect_equal(df[2:4, "X"], x[2:4, "X"])

  # 4 arguments:

  expect_equal(df[, "X", drop = TRUE], x[, "X", drop = TRUE])
  expect_equal(df[, "X", ], x[, "X", ])
  expect_equal(df[2, "X", drop = TRUE], x[2, "X", drop = TRUE])
  expect_equal(df[2, "X", ], x[2, "X", ])
  expect_equal(df[2:4, "X", drop = TRUE], x[2:4, "X", drop = TRUE])
  expect_equal(df[2:4, "X", ], x[2:4, "X", ])
  expect_equal(df[2:4, 2, drop = TRUE], x[2:4, 2, drop = TRUE])
  expect_equal(df[2:4, 2, ], x[2:4, 2, ])

test_that("fst_table throws errors on incorrect use of interface", {
  expect_error(x[[c("X", 3)]], "Subscript out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[[c("X", 3)]], "Subscript out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[4], "Subscript out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[5.3], "Subscript out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[c(1, NA, 2)], "Subscript out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[c(1.1, NA, 2)], "Subscript out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[c(TRUE, NA)], "Subscript out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[[as.integer(NULL)]], "Please use a length one integer or")

  expect_error(x[[c(2, 0)]], "Second index out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[[c(3, 100)]], "Second index out of bounds")

  expect_error(x[[5]], "Invalid column index 5")

  expect_error(x[[-3]], "Invalid column index -3")

test_that("fst_table has correct printing for small single column table", {
  df <- data.frame(X = 1)
  write_fst(df, test_file)
  x <- fst(test_file)

  res <- capture_output(print(x))
  res <- crayon::strip_style(res)

  expect_equal(res, paste(
    "<fst file>",
    "1 rows, 1 columns (fst_table.fst)\n",
    "         X",
    "  <double>",
    "1        1",
    sep = "\n"))

test_that("fst_table has correct printing for big single column table", {
  df <- data.frame(X = 1:100)
  write_fst(df, test_file)
  x <- fst(test_file)

  res <- capture_output(print(x))
  res <- crayon::strip_style(res)

  expect_equal(res, paste(
    "<fst file>",
    "100 rows, 1 columns (fst_table.fst)\n",
    "            X",
    "    <integer>",
    "1           1",
    "2           2",
    "3           3",
    "4           4",
    "5           5",
    "--         --",
    "96         96",
    "97         97",
    "98         98",
    "99         99",
    "100       100",
    sep = "\n"))

test_that("fst_table has correct printing for big multi column table", {
  df <- data.frame(X = 1:104, Y = c(LETTERS, LETTERS, LETTERS, LETTERS), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  write_fst(df, test_file)
  x <- fst(test_file)

  res <- capture_output(print(x))
  res <- crayon::strip_style(res)

  expect_equal(res, paste(
    "<fst file>",
    "104 rows, 2 columns (fst_table.fst)\n",
    "            X        Y",
    "    <integer> <factor>",
    "1           1        A",
    "2           2        B",
    "3           3        C",
    "4           4        D",
    "5           5        E",
    "--         --       --",
    "100       100        V",
    "101       101        W",
    "102       102        X",
    "103       103        Y",
    "104       104        Z",
    sep = "\n"))

test_that("fst_table has correct printing for small multi column table", {
  df <- data.frame(X = 1:9, Y = LETTERS[10:18], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  write_fst(df, test_file)
  x <- fst(test_file)

  res <- capture_output(print(x))
  res <- crayon::strip_style(res)

  expect_equal(res, paste(
    "<fst file>",
    "9 rows, 2 columns (fst_table.fst)\n",
    "          X        Y",
    "  <integer> <factor>",
    "1         1        J",
    "2         2        K",
    "3         3        L",
    "4         4        M",
    "5         5        N",
    "6         6        O",
    "7         7        P",
    "8         8        Q",
    "9         9        R",
    sep = "\n"))

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fst documentation built on Feb. 8, 2022, 9:06 a.m.