
Defines functions needleman

Documented in needleman

#' Needleman-Wunsch (needleman)
#' This function works based on Needleman-Wunsch algorithm which computes similarity score of two sequences.
#' @references https://gist.github.com/juliuskittler/ed53696ac1e590b413aac2dddf0457f6
#' @param seq1 (sequence1) is a string.
#' @param seq2 (sequence2) is a string.
#' @param gap The penalty for gaps in sequence alignment. Usually, it is a negative value.
#' @param mismatch The penalty for the mismatch in the sequence alignment. Usually, it is a negative value.
#' @param match A score for the match in sequence alignment. Usually, it is a positive value.
#' @return The function returns a number which indicates the similarity between sequence1 and sequence2.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simScore<-needleman(seq1="Hello",seq2="Hello",gap=-1,mismatch=-2,match=1)

needleman <- function(seq1, seq2, gap=-1, mismatch=-1, match=1){

  # Stop conditions
  stopifnot(gap <= 0) # check if penalty negative
  stopifnot(mismatch <= 0)  # check if penalty negative
  stopifnot(match >= 0)  # check if score positive

  # Initialize col and rownames for matrices
  len1 = nchar(seq1); len2 = nchar(seq2) # Save number of chars in each sequence
  seq1 = unlist(strsplit(seq1, split = "")) # convert seq to character vector
  seq2 = unlist(strsplit(seq2, split = "")) # convert seq to character vector

  # Initialize matrix M (for scores)
  M = matrix(0, nrow = len1 + 1, ncol = len2 + 1) # Initialize matrix
  rownames(M) = c("-", seq1) # assign seq chars to matrix names
  colnames(M) = c("-", seq2) # assign seq chars to matrix names
  M[1, ] = cumsum(c(0, rep(gap, len2))) # Fill 1st row with gap penalites
  M[, 1] = cumsum(c(0, rep(gap, len1))) # Fill 1st col with gap penalites

  # Initialize matrix D (for directions)
  D = matrix(0, nrow = len1 + 1, ncol = len2 + 1) # Initialize matrix
  rownames(D) = c("-", seq1) # assign seq chars to matrix names
  colnames(D) = c("-", seq2) # assign seq chars to matrix names
  D[1, ] = rep("hor") # Fill 1st row with "hor" for horizontal moves
  D[, 1] = rep("ver") # Fill 1st col with "ver" for vertical moves
  type = c("dia", "hor", "ver") # Lookup vector

  # Compute scores and save moves
  for (i in 2:(len1 + 1)){# for every (initially zero) row
    for (j in 2:(len2 + 1)){# for every (initially zero) col
      hor = M[i, j - 1] + gap # horizontal move = gap for seq1
      ver = M[i - 1, j] + gap # vertical move = gap for seq2
      dia = ifelse(rownames(M)[i] == colnames(M)[j], # diagonal = ifelse(chars equal, match, mismatch)
                   M[i - 1, j - 1] + match,
                   M[i - 1, j - 1] + mismatch)
      M[i, j] = max(dia, hor, ver) # Save current (best) score in M
      D[i, j] = type[which.max(c(dia, hor, ver))] # Save direction of move in D

  # Backtracing
 # align1 = c(); align2 = c() # Note: length of final alignments is unknown at this point

  # while(i > 1 && j > 1){
  #   if(D[i, j] == "dia") {
  #     align1 = c(rownames(M)[i], align1)
  #     align2 = c(colnames(M)[j], align2)
  #     j = j - 1; i = i - 1  # update indices
  #   } else if (D[i, j] == "ver") {
  #     align1 = c(rownames(M)[i], align1)
  #     align2 = c("-", align2) # vertical movement = gap for seq2
  #     i = i - 1 # update indices
  #   } else if (D[i, j] == "hor") {
  #     align1 = c("-", align1) # horizontal movement = gap for seq1
  #     align2 = c(colnames(M)[j], align2)
  #     j = j - 1 # update indices
  #   }


  # Prepare output
  #return(list(aligned_seqs = matrix(c(align1, align2), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2),
   #           score = M[nrow(M), ncol(M)], score_matrix = M, movement_matrix = D))
  return(M[nrow(M), ncol(M)])

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