plot_fperf: Plot modelled and predicted performances resulting from...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also

View source: R/plot_fclust.R


The function plots observed, modelled and predicted performances resulting from functional clustering


plot_fperf(fres, nbcl = 0, main = "Title", opt.perf = NULL )



an object generated by the function fclust.


an integer. The integer indicates the number of component clusters to take into account. It can be lower than or equals to the optimum number fres$nbOpt of component clusters.


a string, that is used as the first, reference part of the title of each graph.


a list, that can include opt.perf = list("stats_I", "stats_II", "cal", "prd", "missing", "pub", "calprd", "seq", "ass", "aov", pvalue, "all"). This option list manages the plot of observed, modelled and predicted performances of assemblages, and associated statistics. It also allows to plot performances of some given, identified assemblages. The item order in list is any.

  • "stats_I", "stats_II": plot the statistics associated to fit of primary tree that best accounts for observed performances ("stats_I"), and of secondary tree that best predicts observed performances of assemblages ("stats_II"). Four graphs are plotted: 1. coefficient of determination R2 and efficiency E of models of component clustering (on y-axis) versus the number of component clusters (on x-axis); 2. the ratio of assemblage perfomances that cannot be predicted by cross-validation ("predicting ratio"); 3. and 4. the Akaike Information Criterion, corrected AICc or not AIC for small datasets. The green solid line indicates the first minimum of AIC that corresponds to the optimum number nbOpt of component clusters to consider.

  • "cal", "prd": plot modelled performances versus observed performances ("cal", or modelled and predicted by cross-validation performances versus observed performances ("prd", for a number of component clusters increasing from 1 until the number of component clusters where efficiency E is maximum. Different symbols correspond to different assembly motifs. The prediction error induced by cross-validation is indicated by a short vertical line.

    The blue dashed lines are mean performances. The red solid line is 1:1 bissector line. The number of component clusters is indicated on graph left top. Predicting ratio and coefficient of determination R2 of the clustering are indicated on graph right bottom. If "prd" is checked, efficiency E and E/R2 ratio are added. If "aov" is checked, groups significantly different (at a p-value < pvalue) are indicated by differents letters on the right of graph.

  • "missing": the option "prd" plot modelled and predicted by cross-validation performances versus observed performances, using different symbols for different assembly motifs. The option "missing" plot the same data, but in using different symbols according to the clustering model used for predicting the performances of assemblages. This option allows to identify assemblages of which the performance cannot be predicted using the clustering model of the current level. The assemblages are plotted and named using the symbol corresponding to the level of the used clustering model.

    The blue dashed lines are mean performances. The red solid line is 1:1 bissector line. The number of component clusters is indicated on graph left top. Predicting ratio and coefficient of determination of the clustering are indicated on graph right bottom. If "aov" is checked, groups significantly different (at a p-value < pvalue) are indicated by differents letters on the right of graph.

  • "pub": the option "prd" plot modelled and predicted by cross-validation performances versus observed performances, using different symbols for different assembly motifs. The option "pub" plot the same data, but in using only one symbol. This option is useful for publication.

    The blue dashed lines are mean performances. The red solid line is 1:1 bissector line. The number of component clusters is indicated on graph left top. Predicting ratio and coefficient of determination of the clustering are indicated on graph right bottom. If "aov" is checked, groups significantly different (at a p-value < pvalue) are indicated by differents letters on the right of graph.

  • "calprd": plot performances predicted by cross-validation versus performances predicted by clustering model ("modelled performances"). This option is useful to identify which assembly motifs become difficult to predict by cross-validation.

    The blue dashed lines are mean performances. The red solid line is 1:1 bissector line. The number of component clusters is indicated on graph left top. Predicting ratio and coefficient of determination of the clustering are indicated on graph right bottom. If "aov" is checked, groups significantly different (at a p-value < pvalue) are indicated by differents letters on the right of graph. The letters are located at mean(Fprd[motif == label]).

  • "seq": plot performances of assembly motifs, from 1 to nbMax number of component clusters. Remember that number m of assembly motifs increases with the number nbcl of component clusters (m = 2^nbcl - 1). When the optimal number of component clusters is large, this option is useful to determine a number of component clusters lower than the optimal number of component clusters. Assembly motifs are named as the combinations of component clusters (see "opt.tree").

  • "ass" plot the name of each assemblage close to its performance. This option can be used with the options "cal", "prd", "pub" and "calprd". It must be used only if the number of assemblages is small. If the number of assemblages is large, the following option "opt.ass" is more convenient.

  • "aov": does a variance analysis of assemblage performances by assembly motifs, and plot the result on the right of graphs. Different letters correspond to groups significantly different at a p-value < pvalue. If "aov" is checked, pvalue must be informed. If not, pvalue = 0.001.

  • pvalue: a probability used as threshold in the variance analysis. Then pvalue must be higher than 0 and lower than 1. pvalue must be informed when "aov" is checked. Groups significantly different (at a p-value < pvalue) are then indicated by differents letters on the right of boxplots.

  • "all": plot all possible graphs. This option is equivalent to opt.pref = list("cal", "prd", "pub", "calprd", "aov", pvalue = 0.001).




Nothing. It is a procedure.

See Also

plot_ftrees plot primary and secondary trees resulting from functional clustering
plot_fperf plot observed, modelled and predicted performances resulting from functional clustering
plot_fass plot performances of some given assemblages
plot_fmotif plot as boxplot mean performances of assemblages sorted by assembly motifs
plot_fcomp plot as boxplot mean performances of assemblages containing a given component
fclust_plot plot all possible outputs of functional clustering

functClust documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 5:06 p.m.