
# Measuring Functional Rarity Dimensions
# Common Objects ---------------------------------------------------------------
given_traits = data.frame(tr1     = 1:3,
                          tr2     = c(1, 1, 0),
                          tr3     = c(0, 0, 1))

trait_names = colnames(given_traits)

rownames(given_traits) = letters[1:3]

pres_mat = matrix(rep(NA, 9), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
pres_mat[lower.tri(pres_mat, TRUE)] = 1
pres_mat = apply(pres_mat, 2, rev)
pres_mat[3, 3] = 1

dimnames(pres_mat) = list(sites = paste0("s", 1:3), species = letters[1:3])

sparse_mat = as(pres_mat, "dgCMatrix")

# Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("'uniqueness_dimensions()' outputs good objects", {
  ui_dim = uniqueness_dimensions(pres_mat, given_traits,
                                 metric = "euclidean")

  expect_s3_class(ui_dim, "data.frame")
  expect_named(ui_dim, c("species", paste0("Ui_", trait_names), "Ui_all"))
  expect_equal(dim(ui_dim), c(3, 5))

test_that("'distinctiveness_dimensions()' outputs good objects", {
  di_dim = distinctiveness_dimensions(pres_mat, given_traits,
                                      metric = "euclidean")

  # General check
  expect_type(di_dim, "list")
  expect_named(di_dim, c(paste0("di_", trait_names), "di_all"))

  # Check that all elements are matrices
  lapply(di_dim, function(x) {
    expect_true(inherits(x, "matrix"))

  # Check that all elements have good dimension
  all_dim = lapply(di_dim, dim) # Get dimensions of each element
  expect_true(# Is it the same as input matrix?
                    lapply(all_dim, function(x) all.equal(x, dim(pres_mat))
              )  # Is it the case for all elements?

  ## Check that all elements are well named
  # Column Names
  all_colnames = lapply(di_dim, colnames) # Get dimensions of each element
  expect_true(# Is it the same as input matrix?
        lapply(all_colnames, function(x) all.equal(x, colnames(pres_mat))

  # Row Names
  all_rownames = lapply(di_dim, rownames)
  expect_true(# Is it the same as input matrix?
        lapply(all_rownames, function(x) all.equal(x, rownames(pres_mat))

test_that("'uniqueness_dimensions()' works with sparse matrices", {
    uniqueness_dimensions(sparse_mat, given_traits),
    "Only numeric traits provided, consider using euclidean distance.",
    fixed = TRUE

  sparse_ui_dim = uniqueness_dimensions(sparse_mat, given_traits,
                                        metric = "euclidean")

  expect_s3_class(sparse_ui_dim, "data.frame")
  expect_named(sparse_ui_dim, c("species", paste0("Ui_", trait_names),
  expect_equal(dim(sparse_ui_dim), c(3, 5))

test_that("'distinctiveness_dimensions()' works with sparse matrices", {
  sparse_di_dim = distinctiveness_dimensions(sparse_mat, given_traits,
                                             metric = "euclidean")

  # General checks
  expect_type(sparse_di_dim, "list")
  expect_named(sparse_di_dim, c(paste0("di_", trait_names), "di_all"))

  # Check that all elements are matrices
  expect_true(all(vapply(sparse_di_dim, class, "char") == "dgeMatrix"))

  # Check that all elements have good dimension
  sp_all_dim = lapply(sparse_di_dim, dim) # Get dimensions of each element
  expect_true(# Is it the same as input matrix?
        lapply(sp_all_dim, function(x) all.equal(x, dim(pres_mat))

  # Check that all elements are well named
  sp_all_colnames = lapply(sparse_di_dim, colnames) # Get dimensions of elements
  expect_true(# Is it the same as input matrix?
        lapply(sp_all_colnames, function(x) all.equal(x, colnames(pres_mat))
  sp_all_rownames = lapply(sparse_di_dim, row.names)
  expect_true(# Is it the same as input matrix?
        lapply(sp_all_rownames, function(x) all.equal(x, row.names(pres_mat))

test_that("'*_dimensions()' functions outputs the right computations", {
  simple_mat = matrix(rep(1, 4), ncol = 2)

  simple_trait = data.frame(tr1 = c(0, 1))
  rownames(simple_trait) = c("a", "b")

  dimnames(simple_mat) = list(sites = c("s1", "s2"), species = c("a", "b"))

  simple_ui_dim = uniqueness_dimensions(simple_mat, simple_trait,
                                        metric = "euclidean")
  simple_di_dim = distinctiveness_dimensions(simple_mat, simple_trait,
                                             metric = "euclidean")

  expected_ui = data.frame(species = c("a", "b"),
                           Ui_tr1  = c(1, 1),
                           Ui_all  = c(1, 1))

  expected_single_di = matrix(1, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
  dimnames(expected_single_di) = dimnames(simple_mat)
  expected_di = list(di_tr1 = expected_single_di, di_all = expected_single_di)

  expect_identical(simple_ui_dim, expected_ui)
  expect_identical(simple_di_dim, expected_di)

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