#' A Mirai-based future task queue implementation
#' Set up the future parameters.
#' @inheritParams future::`Future-class`
#' @return An object of class `MiraiFuture`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom parallelly availableCores
#' @importFrom future getGlobalsAndPackages MultiprocessFuture
#' @importFrom mirai daemons
#' @export
MiraiFuture <- function(expr = NULL,
substitute = TRUE,
envir = parent.frame(),
globals = TRUE,
packages = NULL,
lazy = FALSE,
workers = availableCores(),
dispatcher = "auto",
if(isTRUE(substitute)) expr <- substitute(expr)
if (!identical(dispatcher, "auto")) {
stopifnot(is.logical(dispatcher), length(dispatcher) == 1L, !
## Record globals
if(!isTRUE(attr(globals, "already-done", exact = TRUE))) {
gp <- getGlobalsAndPackages(expr, envir = envir, persistent = FALSE, globals = globals)
globals <- gp[["globals"]]
packages <- c(packages, gp[["packages"]])
expr <- gp[["expr"]]
gp <- NULL
future <- MultiprocessFuture(
expr = expr, substitute = substitute,
envir = envir,
globals = globals,
packages = packages,
lazy = lazy,
if (is.function(workers)) workers <- workers()
if (!is.null(workers)) stop_if_not(length(workers) >= 1)
cluster <- NULL
if (is.numeric(workers)) {
stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1L, !, workers >= 1)
if (identical(dispatcher, "auto")) dispatcher <- FALSE
## Do we need to change the number of mirai workers?
nworkers <- mirai_daemons_nworkers()
if (is.infinite(workers) && nworkers < +Inf) {
daemons(n = 0L)
} else if (workers != nworkers) {
daemons(n = 0L) ## reset is required
daemons(n = workers, dispatcher = dispatcher)
} else if (!is.null(workers)) {
stop("Argument 'workers' should be a numeric scalar or NULL: ", mode(workers))
future <- structure(future, class = c("MiraiFuture", class(future)))
future$.cluster <- cluster
#' Check on the status of a future task.
#' @return boolean indicating the task is finished (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
#' @importFrom mirai unresolved
#' @importFrom future resolved
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
resolved.MiraiFuture <- function(x, ...) {
debug <- getOption("future.mirai.debug", FALSE)
if (debug) {
mdebugf("resolved() for %s ...", class(x)[1], debug = debug)
on.exit(mdebugf("resolved() for %s ... done", class(x)[1], debug = debug))
resolved <- NextMethod()
if(resolved) {
mdebug("- already resolved", debug = debug)
if(x[["state"]] == "finished") {
mdebug("- already resolved (state == finished)", debug = debug)
} else if(x[["state"]] == "created") { # Not yet submitted to queue (iff lazy)
mdebug("- just created; launching")
x <- run(x)
mirai <- x[["mirai"]]
mdebug("mirai::unresolved() ...", debug = debug)
res <- unresolved(mirai)
mstr(res, debug = debug)
mdebug("mirai::unresolved() ... done", debug = debug)
#' @importFrom mirai mirai
#' @importFrom future run getExpression
#' @export
run.MiraiFuture <- function(future, ...) {
if(isTRUE(future[["state"]] != "created")) return(invisible(future))
debug <- getOption("future.mirai.debug", FALSE)
if (debug) {
mdebugf("run() for %s ...", class(future)[1], debug = debug)
on.exit(mdebugf("run() for %s ... done", class(future)[1], debug = debug))
future[["state"]] <- "submitted"
expr <- getExpression(future)
globals <- future[["globals"]]
## Sanity check
not_allowed <- intersect(names(globals), names(formals(mirai::mirai)))
if (length(not_allowed) > 0) {
stop(FutureError(sprintf("Detected global variables that clash with argument names of mirai::mirai(): %s", paste(sQuote(not_allowed), collapse = ", "))))
args = list(.expr = expr)
if (length(globals) > 0) args <- c(args, globals)
mirai <-, args = args)
future[["mirai"]] <- mirai
future[["state"]] <- "running"
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
mirai_version <- local({
version <- NULL
function() {
if (is.null(version)) version <<- packageVersion("mirai")
#' @importFrom future result
#' @importFrom mirai call_mirai_
#' @export
result.MiraiFuture <- function(future, ...) {
if(isTRUE(future[["state"]] == "finished")) {
debug <- getOption("future.mirai.debug", FALSE)
if (debug) {
mdebugf("result() for %s ...", class(future)[1], debug = debug)
on.exit(mdebugf("result() for %s ... done", class(future)[1], debug = debug))
mirai <- future[["mirai"]]
result <- call_mirai_(mirai)$data
if (inherits(result, "errorValue")) {
label <- future$label
if (is.null(label)) label <- "<none>"
msg <- sprintf("Failed to retrieve results from %s (%s). The mirai framework reports on error value %s", class(future)[1], label, result)
future[["result"]] <- result
future[["state"]] <- "finished"
#' @importFrom future FutureError
#' @importFrom mirai daemons
mirai_daemons_nworkers <- function() {
workers <- get_mirai_daemons()
if ( return(nrow(workers))
if (length(workers) != 1L) {
msg <- sprintf("Length of mirai::status()$daemons is not one: %d", length(workers))
if (workers == 0L) return(Inf)
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