
Defines functions boot_algo_fastnreliable

#' WRE13, WRE33, WRU13 and WRU33 bootstraps as in MNW (2022) "Fast and
#' reliable" and MacKinnon "Fast Cluster Bootstraps" 
#' (Econometrics & Statistics, 2021)
#' @param preprocessed_object A list: output of the preprocess2 function.
#' @param B number of bootstrap iterations
#' @param r Shifts the null hypothesis.
#' @param sign_level The significance level.
#' @param param name of the test parameter.
#' @param p_val_type type Type of p-value. By default "two-tailed".
#' Other options: "equal-tailed", ">", "<"
#' @param nthreads The number of threads. Can be: a) an integer lower than,
#'                 or equal to, the maximum number of threads; b) 0: meaning
#'                 all available threads will be used; c) a number strictly
#'                 between 0 and 1 which represents the fraction of all
#'                 threads to use. The default is to use 50\% of all
#'                 threads. You can set permanently the number of threads
#'                 used within this package using the function ...
#' @param type character or function. The character string specifies the
#'        type of boostrap to use: One of "rademacher", "mammen", "norm"
#'        and "webb". Alternatively, type can be a function(n) for drawing
#'        wild bootstrap factors. "rademacher" by default.
#' @param full_enumeration Is full enumeration employed? Full enum.
#' is used if N_G^2 < B for Mammen and Rademacher weights
#' @param small_sample_correction The small sample correction to be applied.
#' See ssc().
#' If FALSE, run wild cluster bootstrap.
#' @param object the regression object
#' @param impose_null logical scalar. Should the null be imposed on the
#' bootstrap dgp or not?
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom summclust vcov_CR3J
#' @return A list of bootstrap results. 
#' @noRd

boot_algo_fastnreliable <- function(
  r = 0,

  #here for debugging
  #preprocessed_object <- preprocess

  if(substr(bootstrap_type, 2, 2) == 1){
    crv_type <- "crv1"
  } else {
    crv_type <- "crv3"

  X <- preprocessed_object$X
  y <- preprocessed_object$Y
  R <- preprocessed_object$R0
  cluster_df <- preprocessed_object$clustid
  clustid <- names(cluster_df)
  fe <- preprocessed_object$fe
  cluster <- as.factor(cluster_df[,1])
  bootcluster <- preprocessed_object$bootcluster
  G <- N_G_bootcluster <- length(unique(bootcluster[[1]]))
  k <- length(R)

  bootstrap_type_x <- paste0(substr(bootstrap_type, 1, 1), "x")
    # WCR1x or WCR3x
    bootstrap_type <- paste0("WCR", bootstrap_type_x)
  } else {
    # WCU1x or WCU3x
    bootstrap_type <- paste0("WCU", bootstrap_type_x)

  v <- get_weights(
    type = type,
    full_enumeration = full_enumeration,
    N_G_bootcluster = N_G_bootcluster,
    boot_iter = B, 
    sampling = sampling

  # create X_g's, X1_g's, y_g's etc
  X_list <- matrix_split(X, cluster, "row")
  y_list <- split(y, cluster, drop = FALSE)
  # precompute a range of other objects
  tXgXg <- lapply(
    function(g) crossprod(X_list[[g]])

  tXgyg <- lapply(
    function(g) t(X_list[[g]]) %*% y_list[[g]]

  tXX <- Reduce("+", tXgXg) # crossprod(X)
  tXy <- Reduce("+", tXgyg) # t(X) %*% y
  tXXinv <- solve(tXX)
  RtXXinv <- R %*% tXXinv

  tXgX1g <- NULL
  beta_hat <- NULL
  beta_tilde <- NULL
  beta_g_hat <- NULL
  beta_1g_tilde <- NULL
  inv_tXX_tXgXg <- NULL

  if(bootstrap_type %in% c("WCR3x", "WCU3x")){
    # X1: X without parameter beta for which hypothesis beta = 0 is tested
    X1 <- X[, which(R == 0)]
    X1_list <- matrix_split(X1, cluster, "row")

    tX1gX1g <- lapply(
      function(g) crossprod(X1_list[[g]])

    tX1gyg <- lapply(
      function(g) t(X1_list[[g]]) %*% y_list[[g]]

    tXgX1g <- lapply(
      function(g) t(X_list[[g]]) %*% X1_list[[g]]

    tX1X1 <- Reduce("+", tX1gX1g) # crossprod(X1)
    tX1y <- Reduce("+", tX1gyg) #t(X1) %*% y
    tX1X1inv <- solve(tX1X1)


  if(bootstrap_type == "WCR1x"){

    beta_hat <- tXXinv %*% tXy
    beta_tilde <- beta_hat -
      tXXinv %*% R %*% solve(t(R) %*% tXXinv %*% R) %*% (R %*% beta_hat - 0)

  } else if (bootstrap_type == "WCU1x"){

    beta_hat <- tXXinv %*% tXy

  } else if (bootstrap_type == "WCR3x"){

    inv_tXX_tXgXg <- lapply(
      function(x) MASS::ginv(tXX - tXgXg[[x]])

    beta_1g_tilde <- lapply(
      function(g) MASS::ginv(tX1X1 - tX1gX1g[[g]]) %*% (tX1y - tX1gyg[[g]])

  } else if(bootstrap_type == "WCU3x"){

    beta_g_hat <- lapply(
      function(g) MASS::ginv(tXX - tXgXg[[g]]) %*% (tXy - tXgyg[[g]])


  if(crv_type == "crv1"){
      beta_hat <- tXXinv %*% tXy

  } else {
      inv_tXX_tXgXg <- lapply(
        function(x) MASS::ginv(tXX - tXgXg[[x]])

  # compute scores
  scores_list <- get_scores(
    bootstrap_type = bootstrap_type,
    G = G,
    tXgyg = tXgyg,
    tXgXg = tXgXg,
    tXgX1g = tXgX1g,
    beta_hat = beta_hat,
    beta_tilde = beta_tilde,
    beta_g_hat = beta_g_hat,
    beta_1g_tilde = beta_1g_tilde

  # pre-allocate space for bootstrap
  # start the bootstrap loop
  t_boot <- t_boot2 <- vector(mode = "numeric", B + 1)
  se <- se2 <- vector(mode = "numeric", B + 1)

  dim(R) <- c(1, k) # turn R into matrix
  Cg <- R %*% tXXinv %*%  Reduce("cbind", scores_list)
  numer <- Cg %*% v
  if(crv_type == "crv1"){
    H <- matrix(NA, G, G)
    for(g in 1:G){
      for(h in 1:G){
        H[g,h] <- R %*% tXXinv %*% tXgXg[[g]] %*% tXXinv %*% scores_list[[h]]
    denom <- boot_algo3_crv1_denom(
      B = B,
      G = G,
      ssc =  small_sample_correction,
      H = H,
      Cg = Cg,
      v = v,
      cores = nthreads

    t_boot <- c(numer / sqrt(c(denom)))
  } else if (crv_type == "crv3"){
    for(b in 1:(B + 1)){
      # Step 1: get bootstrapped scores
      scores_g_boot <- matrix(NA,G,k)
      v_ <- v[,b]
      for(g in 1:G){
        scores_g_boot[g,] <- scores_list[[g]] * v_[g] #* v[g, b]
      # numerator (both for WCR, WCU)
      scores_boot <- colSums(scores_g_boot)
      delta_b_star <- tXXinv %*% scores_boot
      delta_diff <- matrix(NA, G, k)
      for(g in 1:G){
        score_diff <- scores_boot - scores_g_boot[g,]
        delta_diff[g,] <-
            (inv_tXX_tXgXg[[g]] %*% score_diff) - delta_b_star
      se[b] <-
          ((G-1) / G) *
        )[which(R == 1)]
      t_boot[b] <- c(delta_b_star)[which(R == 1)] / se[b]

  # get original t-stat.

  if(crv_type == "crv1"){
    score_all <- lapply(
      1:G, function(g) 
          crossprod(X_list[[g]], y_list[[g]] - X_list[[g]] %*% beta_hat)
    meat <- Reduce("+", score_all)
    vcov <- tXXinv %*% meat %*% tXXinv

  } else if(crv_type == "crv3"){
    vcov3 <- quote(
        obj = object,
        cluster = clustid
    if(inherits(object, "fixest")){
      vcov3$absorb_cluster_fixef <- FALSE
    vcov <- eval(vcov3)

  se0 <- sqrt(small_sample_correction * R %*% vcov %*% t(R))
  se0 <- as.vector(se0)

  t_stat <- as.vector(
    coef(object)[which(R == 1)] / se0

  t_boot <- t_boot[-1]

  p_val <-
      p_val_type = p_val_type,
      t_stat = t_stat,
      t_boot = t_boot

  res <- list(
    p_val = p_val,
    t_stat = t_stat,
    t_boot = t_boot,
    B = B,
    R0 = R,
    param = param,
    clustid = clustid,
    invalid_t = NULL,
    ABCD = NULL,
    small_sample_correction = small_sample_correction

  class(res) <- "boot_algo3"



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