
Defines functions forward_sgwt

Documented in forward_sgwt

#' Compute Forward Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform
#' \code{forward_sgwt} computes the forward Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform (SGWT) for a given graph signal \eqn{f}{f}.
#' @export forward_sgwt
#' @param f Numeric vector representing the graph signal to analyze.
#' @param evalues Numeric vector of eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix.
#' @param evectors Matrix of eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix.
#' @param b Numeric scalar that controls the number of scales in the SGWT. It must be greater than 1.
#' @param filter_func Function used to compute the filter values. By default, it uses the \code{\link{zetav}} function but other frame filters can be pass.
#' @param filter_params List of additional parameters required by \code{filter_func}. Default is an empty list.
#' @return \code{wc} A concatenated vector of wavelet coefficients.
#' @seealso \code{\link{inverse_sgwt}}, \code{\link{tight_frame}}
#' @details
#' The transform is constructed based on the frame defined by the \code{\link{tight_frame}} function, without the need for its explicit calculation. Other filters can be passed as parameters. The SGWT provides a multi-scale analysis of graph signals.
#' Given a graph signal \eqn{f}{f} of length \eqn{N}{N}, \code{forward_sgwt} computes the wavelet coefficients using SGWT.
#' The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian, are denoted as \eqn{\Lambda}{Lambda} and \eqn{U}{U} respectively. The parameter \eqn{b}{b} controls the number of scales, and \eqn{\lambda_{\text{max}}}{lambda_max} is the largest eigenvalue.
#' For each scale \eqn{j = 0, \ldots, J}{j = 0, ..., J}, where
#' \deqn{J = \left\lfloor \frac{\log(\lambda_{\text{max}})}{\log(b)} \right\rfloor + 2}{J = floor(log(lambda_max)/log(b)) + 2} the wavelet coefficients are computed as:
#' \deqn{
#' \mathbf{w}_j = U \left( g_j \odot (U^T f) \right)
#' }{\mathbf{w}_j = U (g_j * (U^T f))}
#' where \deqn{g_j(\lambda) = \sqrt{\psi_j(\lambda)}}{g_j(lambda) = sqrt(psi_j(lambda))} and \eqn{\odot}{*} denotes element-wise multiplication.
#' The final result is a concatenated vector of these coefficients for all scales.
#' @note
#' \code{forward_sgwt} can be adapted for other filters by passing a different filter function to the \code{filter_func} parameter.
#' The computation of \eqn{k_{\text{max}}}{k_max} using \eqn{\lambda_{\text{max}}}{lambda_max} and \eqn{b}{b} applies primarily to the default \code{zetav} filter. It can be overridden by providing it in the \code{filter_params} list for other filters.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract the adjacency matrix from the grid1 and compute the Laplacian
#' L <- laplacian_mat(grid1$sA)
#' # Compute the spectral decomposition of L
#' decomp <- eigensort(L)
#' # Create a sample graph signal
#' f <- rnorm(nrow(L))
#' # Compute the forward Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform
#' wc <- forward_sgwt(f, decomp$evalues, decomp$evectors)
#' }
#' @references
#' Göbel, F., Blanchard, G., von Luxburg, U. (2018). Construction of tight frames on graphs and application to denoising. In Handbook of Big Data Analytics (pp. 503-522). Springer, Cham.
#' Hammond, D. K., Vandergheynst, P., & Gribonval, R. (2011). Wavelets on graphs via spectral graph theory. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 30(2), 129-150.
#' de Loynes, B., Navarro, F., Olivier, B. (2021). Data-driven thresholding in denoising with Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 389.

forward_sgwt <- function(f, evalues, evectors, b = 2,
                         filter_func = zetav,
                         filter_params = list()) {
  lmax <- max(evalues)
  kmax <- floor(log(lmax)/log(b)) + 2
  if ("kmax" %in% names(filter_params)) {
    kmax <- filter_params$kmax
    filter_params$kmax <- NULL
  N <- length(evalues)
  wc <- matrix(0, nrow = N*(kmax+1), ncol = 1)
  for (k in 0:kmax) {
    #G <- sqrt(zetav(evalues, k, b))
    G <- sqrt(do.call(filter_func,
                      c(list(evalues, k, b),
    wc[(k*N+1):((k+1)*N)] <- evectors%*%(G*(t(evectors)%*%f))

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