Defines functions .relChange .ttm .ttt .mtm .xtx .genLatentVals .reOrder .diagonalTensor .Xbar .recTensor .recError .TensorValdFunc .MulSumTensors .generateEquationString .generateEquationStringRightHandSide .generateEquationStringLeftHandSide .checkDimNames .MU .latentIdxs .visibleIdxs .initInitZ .initGCTF .checkRanks .checkthr .checkNumIteration .checkBeta .checkCommonName .checkSign .checkGCTF GCTF

Documented in GCTF

GCTF <- function(X, R, M=NULL, pseudocount=.Machine$double.eps, initZ=NULL, fix=NULL, Ranks, Beta=1,
    num.iter=30, thr=1E-10, verbose=FALSE){
    # Argument Check
    .checkGCTF(X, R, M, pseudocount, initZ, fix, Ranks, Beta, num.iter, thr, verbose)
    # Setting
    int <- .initGCTF(X, R, M, pseudocount, initZ, fix, Ranks, thr)
    X <- int$X
    M <- int$M
    pM <- int$pM
    M_NA <- int$M_NA
    Z <- int$Z
    fix <- int$fix
    visibleIdxs <- int$visibleIdxs
    latentIdxs <- int$latentIdxs
    RecError <- int$RecError
    TrainRecError <- int$TrainRecError
    TestRecError <- int$TestRecError
    RelChange <- int$RelChange
    X_bar <- int$X_bar
    # Iteration
    iter <- 1
    while((RelChange[iter] > thr) && (iter <= num.iter)){
      # Update each Factor Matrix
      for(Alpha in seq_len(ncol(R))){
        # Skip update if current Alpha is set fixed.
        if(fix[Alpha]) next
        # Update factor matrix
        Z[[Alpha]] <- .MU(Z, M, X, X_bar, R, Alpha, Beta, Ranks)
        # Reconstruct observational tensor
        X_bar <- .recTensor(X, Z, R, Ranks, latentIdxs)
      # After Update
      iter <- iter + 1
      RecError[iter] <- .recError(X, X_bar)
      TrainRecError[iter] <- .recError(X, X_bar, M_NA, M, "train")
      TestRecError[iter] <- .recError(X, X_bar, M_NA, M, "test")
      RelChange[iter] <- .relChange(iter, RecError)
      # Verbose
             cat(paste0(iter - 1, " / ", num.iter,
                " |Previous Error - Error| / Error = ",
                RelChange[iter], "\n"))
    # Output
    list(X=X, Z=Z, R=R, Ranks=Ranks, Beta=Beta,
        num.iter=num.iter, thr=thr,
        RecError=RecError, TrainRecError=TrainRecError,
        TestRecError=TestRecError, RelChange=RelChange)

# Argument Check Functions
.checkGCTF <- function(X, R, M, pseudocount, initZ, fix, Ranks, Beta, num.iter, thr, verbose){
    # Sign
    # Mask
        if(!identical(lapply(X, dim), lapply(M, dim))){
           stop("Dimension of Mask tensor M must be the same as that of X")
    # Common Name
    .checkCommonName(X, R, Ranks)
    # pseudocount
    # InitZ
    checkInitZ <- all(unlist(lapply(seq_along(initZ), function(x){
        stop("The size of initZ must be same as the way Ranks specified")
    # fix
    # Beta
    # Number of iteration
    # Threshold value
    # Ranks
    .checkRanks(X, R, Ranks)
    # verbose

.checkSign <- function(X){
    lapply(X, function(x){
        if(!all(x >= 0)){
            stop("Specify the input X as non-negative")

.checkCommonName <- function(X, R, Ranks){
    if(!all(rownames(R) %in% names(X))){
        stop("rownames(R) must be the same as names(X)")
    if(!all(colnames(R) %in% names(Ranks))){
        stop("rownames(R) must be the same as names(X)")
    namesX <- unique(unlist(lapply(X, function(x){names(dim(x))})))
    namesRanks <- unique(unlist(lapply(Ranks, names)))
    if(!all(namesX %in% namesRanks)){
        stop("rownames(R) must be the same as names(X)")

.checkBeta <- function(Beta){
    check1 <- is.numeric(Beta)
    check2 <- length(Beta) == 1
    if(!check1 || !check2){
        stop("Specify the Beta as single numerical value")

.checkNumIteration <- function(num.iter){
    if(num.iter <= 0){
        stop("Specify num.iter as positive integar (e.g. 100)")

.checkthr <- function(thr){
    if(thr <= 0){
        stop("Specify thr as positive real number (e.g. 1E-10)")

.checkRanks <- function(X, R, Ranks){
    Dims <- lapply(X, function(x){dim(x)})
    lapply(seq_len(ncol(R)), function(x){
        objects <- rownames(R)[which(R[,x] == 1)]
        if(min(unlist(Dims[objects])) < min(unlist(Ranks[x]))){
            stop(paste0("Specify the Ranks[", x, "] as smaller value"))

# Initialization
.initGCTF <- function(X, R, M, pseudocount, initZ, fix, Ranks, thr){
    # NA mask
    M_NA <- X
    for(i in seq_along(M_NA)){
        M_NA[[i]][] <- 1
        M_NA[[i]][which(is.na(X[[i]]))] <- 0
        M <- M_NA
    pM <- M
    # Pseudo count
    for(i in seq_along(X)){
        X[[i]][which(is.na(X[[i]]))] <- pseudocount
        X[[i]][which(X[[i]] == 0)] <- pseudocount
        pM[[i]][which(pM[[i]] == 0)] <- pseudocount
    # Initial Latent Indices
    Z <- .initInitZ(X, R, Ranks, initZ)
    # If fix is not set, all Z may be changed
        fix <- rep(FALSE, length(Z))
    # Visible Indices e.g. I, J, K, P, Q
    visibleIdxs <- .visibleIdxs(X)
    # Latent Indices e.g. p, q, r
    latentIdxs <- .latentIdxs(Ranks, Z, visibleIdxs)
    # Reconstruction Error
    RecError = c()
    # Reconstruction Error (Training Data)
    TrainRecError = c()
    # Reconstruction Error (Test Data)
    TestRecError = c()
    # Relative Change
    RelChange = c()
    # Reconstructed Tensor
    X_bar <- .recTensor(X, Z, R, Ranks, latentIdxs)
    # First iteration
    RecError[1] <- thr * 10
    TrainRecError[1] <- thr * 10
    TestRecError[1] <- thr * 10
    RelChange[1] <- thr * 10
    list(X=X, M=M, pM=pM, M_NA=M_NA, Z=Z, fix=fix, visibleIdxs=visibleIdxs, latentIdxs=latentIdxs,
        RecError=RecError, TrainRecError=TrainRecError, TestRecError=TestRecError, RelChange=RelChange, X_bar=X_bar)

# Initialization of Factor Matrices
.initInitZ <- function(X, R, Ranks, initZ){
        Z <- .genLatentVals(X, R, Ranks)
        Z <- initZ

# Visible Indices
.visibleIdxs <- function(X){
    vnames <- unique(unlist(lapply(X, function(x){
    vdims <- unlist(lapply(X, function(x){
    names(vdims) <- gsub(".*\\.", "", names(vdims))
    vdims <- vdims[vnames]

# Latent indices
.latentIdxs <- function(Ranks, Z, visibleIdxs){
    lnames <- unique(unlist(lapply(Ranks, function(x){
    lnames <- setdiff(lnames, names(visibleIdxs))
    ldims <- unlist(lapply(Z, function(x){
    names(ldims) <- gsub(".*\\.", "", names(ldims))
    ldims <- ldims[lnames]

# Multiplicate Update
.MU <- function(Z, M, X, X_bar, R, Alpha, Beta, Ranks){
    # Numerator
    numer <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(R)), function(v){
        R[v, Alpha] * .TensorValdFunc(M[[v]] *
            X_bar[[v]]^(-Beta) * X[[v]], Z, R, v, Alpha, Ranks)
        }, Z[[Alpha]])
    # Denominator
    denom <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(R)), function(v){
        R[v, Alpha] * .TensorValdFunc(M[[v]] *
            X_bar[[v]]^(1-Beta), Z, R, v, Alpha, Ranks)
        }, Z[[Alpha]])
    # Update rules for GCTF
    sumRange <- seq_len(length(dim(numer)) - 1)
    out <- Z[[Alpha]] * (apply(numer, sumRange, sum) /
        apply(denom, sumRange, sum))

.checkDimNames <- function(tensorList){
    for(tensor in tensorList){
        for(dimName in names(dim(tensor))){
            # check if length of dimName is 1
            stopifnot(nchar(dimName) == 1)

.generateEquationStringLeftHandSide <- function(tensorList){
    equation <- ""
    for(iTensor in seq_along(tensorList)){
        tensor <- tensorList[[iTensor]]
        for(dimName in names(dim(tensor))){
            equation <- paste0(equation, dimName)
        if(iTensor != length(tensorList)){
            equation <- paste0(equation, ",")

.generateEquationStringRightHandSide <- function(marginNames){
    equation <- ""
    for(dimName in marginNames){
        equation <- paste0(equation, dimName)

.generateEquationString <- function(tensorList, marginNames){
    lhs <- .generateEquationStringLeftHandSide(tensorList)
    rhs <- .generateEquationStringRightHandSide(marginNames)
    equation <- paste(lhs, rhs, sep="->")

.MulSumTensors <- function(tensorList, marginNames){
    equation <- .generateEquationString(tensorList, marginNames)
    resultTensor <- do.call("einsum", c(equation, tensorList))
    names(dim(resultTensor)) <- marginNames

# Tensor Valued Function
# Delta(Alpha,v) function is just computing a product of tensors
# and collapses this product over indices not appearing in Z_Alpha

# e.g.
# v = 1
# Q = M[[v]] * X_bar[[v]]^(-Beta) * X[[v]]
.TensorValdFunc <- function(Q, Z, R, v, Alpha, Ranks){
    if(R[v, Alpha] == 0){
        # Z[[Alpha]] for vapply
        out <- Z[[Alpha]]
        notAlphas <- intersect(setdiff(seq_len(ncol(R)), Alpha),
                               which(R[v, ] == 1))
        multiplied_tensor_list <-lapply(notAlphas, function(notAlpha){Z[[notAlpha]]})
        multiplied_tensor_list[[length(multiplied_tensor_list)+1]] <- Q
        out <- .MulSumTensors(multiplied_tensor_list,
    # Reordering
    out <- .reOrder(out, Z[[Alpha]])
    names(dim(out)) <- names(dim(Z[[Alpha]]))

# Reconstruction Error
.recError <- function(X, X_bar, M_NA=NULL, M=NULL,
    type=c("train", "test")){
        v <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(X)), function(x){
            X[[x]] - X_bar[[x]]
        if(type == "train"){
            v <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(X)), function(x){
                (1 - M_NA[[x]] + M[[x]]) * X[[x]] - (1 - M_NA[[x]] + M[[x]]) * X_bar[[x]]
        if(type == "test"){
            v <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(X)), function(x){
                (M_NA[[x]] - M[[x]]) * X[[x]] - (M_NA[[x]] - M[[x]]) * X_bar[[x]]
    sqrt(sum(v * v, na.rm=TRUE))

# Reconstructed Tensor
.recTensor <- function(X, Z, R, Ranks, latentIdxs){
    # Matrix object Position
    matObject <- lapply(Z, is.matrix)
    names(matObject) <- names(Z)
    # Reconstruction
    X_bar <- .Xbar(R, Z, matObject, latentIdxs)
    # Fix the order of X_bar as same as that of X
    .reOrder(X_bar, X)

# Reconstructed Tensor
.Xbar <- function(R, Z, matObject, latentIdxs){
    out <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(R)), function(x){
        # Related Factor matrix/tensor
        relFactor <- names(R[x, ][which(R[x, ] == 1)])
        # Tensor object position
        l <- which(!unlist(matObject[relFactor]))
        # if Tensor is contained in Z
        if(length(l) != 0){
            # If a tensor is seed
            seed <- Z[[names(l)]]
            relFactor <- setdiff(relFactor, names(l))
            # If a matrix is seed
            if(length(latentIdxs) == 1){
                seed <- .diagonalTensor(names(latentIdxs),
                latentIdxs, length(relFactor))
                firstPos <- relFactor[1]
                seed <- Z[firstPos][[1]]
                relFactor <- setdiff(relFactor, firstPos)
        for(i in relFactor){
            seed <- .xtx(seed, Z[i][[1]])
    names(out) <- rownames(R)

.diagonalTensor <- function(latentIdxs, len1, len2){
    out <- rTensor:::.superdiagonal_tensor(len2, len1)@data
    names(dim(out)) <- rep(latentIdxs, len2)

# Re order of X_bar by the dimensional order of X
.reOrder <- function(X_bar, X){
    X_barType <- is.array(X_bar)
    XType <- is.array(X)
    if(X_barType && XType){
        X_bar <- list(X_bar)
       X <- list(X)
    vapply(seq_along(X_bar), function(x){
        Xdimnames <- names(dim(X[[x]]))
        X_barorder <- unlist(lapply(Xdimnames, function(xx){
            which(xx == names(dim(X_bar[[x]])))
        X_bar[[x]] <<- aperm(X_bar[[x]], X_barorder)
    }, 0L)
    if(X_barType && XType){
        X_bar <- X_bar[[1]]

# Initial Latent Indices
.genLatentVals <- function(X, R, Ranks){
    out <- lapply(names(Ranks), function(x){
       tmp <- abs(rand_tensor(modes = unlist(Ranks[[x]]))@data)
        tmp <- tmp / norm(as.matrix(tmp), "F")
        names(dim(tmp)) <- names(Ranks[[x]])
    names(out) <- colnames(R)

# Matrix/Tensor times Matrix/Tensor
.xtx <- function(A, B){
    isTensorA <- length(dim(A)) > 2
    isTensorB <- length(dim(B)) > 2
    # A : Matrix, B : Matrix
    if(!isTensorA && !isTensorB){
       out <- .mtm(as.matrix(A), as.matrix(B))
    # A : Matrix, B : Tensor
    if(!isTensorA && isTensorB){
        out <- .ttm(B, as.matrix(A))
    # A : Tensor, B : Matrix
    if(isTensorA && !isTensorB){
       out <- .ttm(A, as.matrix(B))
    # A : Tensor, B : Tensor
    if(isTensorA && isTensorB){
        out <- .ttt(A, B)

# Matrix times Matrix
.mtm <- function(A, B){
    # common mode
    commonMode <- intersect(names(dim(A)), names(dim(B)))
    targetA <- vapply(commonMode, function(x){
        which(names(dim(A)) == x)[1]
    }, 0L)
    targetB <- vapply(commonMode, function(x){
        which(names(dim(B)) == x)[1]
    }, 0L)
    # not common mode
    ncModeA <- setdiff(seq_len(length(dim(A))), targetA)
    ncModeB <- setdiff(seq_len(length(dim(B))), targetB)
    if((targetA == 1) && (targetB == 1)){
        out <- t(A) %*% B
    if((targetA == 1) && (targetB == 2)){
        out <- t(A) %*% t(B)
    if((targetA == 2) && (targetB == 1)){
        out <- A %*% B
    if((targetA == 2) && (targetB == 2)){
        out <- A %*% t(B)
    names(dim(out))[1] <- names(dim(A))[ncModeA]
    names(dim(out))[2] <- names(dim(B))[ncModeB]

# Tensor times Tensor
.ttt <- function(A, B){
    # common mode
    commonMode <- intersect(names(dim(A)), names(dim(B)))
    targetA <- vapply(commonMode, function(x){
        which(names(dim(A)) == x)[1]
    }, 0L)
    targetB <- vapply(commonMode, function(x){
        which(names(dim(B)) == x)[1]
    }, 0L)
    # not common mode
    ncModeA <- setdiff(seq_len(length(dim(A))), targetA)
    ncModeB <- setdiff(seq_len(length(dim(B))), targetB)
    # Matricising
    mat_1 <- rTensor::unfold(as.tensor(A),
        row_idx = ncModeA, col_idx = targetA)@data
    mat_2 <- rTensor::unfold(as.tensor(B),
        row_idx = ncModeB, col_idx = targetB)@data
    # Matrix-times-matrix
    out <- mat_1 %*% t(mat_2)
    if(length(ncModeA) == 1){
        names(dim(out))[1] <- names(dim(A)[ncModeA])
    if(length(ncModeB) == 1){
        names(dim(out))[2] <- names(dim(B)[ncModeB])
    if(length(ncModeA) == 0 && length(ncModeB) > 0){
        # if ncModeA is empty
        names(ncModeB) <- names(dim(B))[ncModeB]
        out <- array(out, dim(B)[ncModeB])
    }else if(length(ncModeB) == 0 && length(ncModeA) > 0){
        # if ncModeB is empty
        names(ncModeA) <- names(dim(A))[ncModeA]
        out <- array(out, dim(A)[ncModeA])
    }else if(length(ncModeA) == 0 && length(ncModeB) == 0){
        # if both ncMode1 and ncMode2 are empty
        out <- out
    }else if(length(ncModeA) == 1 && length(ncModeB) == 1){
        # both ncMode1 and ncMode2 contains only one element
        names(dim(out)) <- c(names(dim(A))[ncModeA], names(dim(B))[ncModeB])
        # both ncMode1 and ncMode2 contains elements
        out <- rTensor::fold(
            out, row_idx=seq_along(ncModeA),
            modes=c(ncModeA, ncModeB))

.ttm <- function(A, B){
    # common mode
    commonMode <- intersect(names(dim(A)), names(dim(B)))
    targetA <- vapply(commonMode, function(x){
        which(names(dim(A)) == x)[1]
    }, 0L)
    targetB <- vapply(commonMode, function(x){
        which(names(dim(B)) == x)[1]
    }, 0L)
    notComModeA <- setdiff(seq_len(length(dim(A))), targetA)
    notComModeB <- setdiff(seq_len(length(dim(B))), targetB)
    A <- aperm(A, c(targetA, notComModeA))
    B <- aperm(B, c(targetB, notComModeB))
    # Tensor-times-matrix
    # need support for the case modes of A and B are same.
    out <- ttm(as.tensor(A), t(B), m=1)
    out <- out@data
    names(dim(out))[1] <- names(dim(B)[2])
    vapply(2:length(dim(out)), function(x){
        names(dim(out))[x] <<- names(dim(A)[x])
    }, "")

# Relative Change
.relChange <- function(iter, RecError){
    abs(RecError[iter-1] - RecError[iter]) / RecError[iter]

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