
v = cube_view(srs = "EPSG:4326", extent = list(left = 5, right = 10, bottom = 48, top = 53, 
                                               t0 = "2021-01-01", t1 = "2021-12-31"), dt = "P1D", 
              dx = 0.05, dy = 0.05)

# built-in reducer
gdalcubes:::.raster_cube_dummy(v, 3, 1.0) |>
  reduce_space(c("sum(band1)", "median(band2)", "mean(band3)", "min(band1)","max(band2)", "var(band3)")) |>
  as_array() -> x

expect_true(all(x[1,,,] == 100*100))
expect_true(all(x[2,,,] == 1))
expect_true(all(x[3,,,] == 1))
expect_true(all(x[4,,,] == 1))
expect_true(all(x[5,,,] == 1))
expect_true(all(x[6,,,] == 0))

gdalcubes:::.raster_cube_empty(v, 3) |>
  reduce_space(c("sum(band1)", "median(band2)", "mean(band3)", "min(band1)","max(band2)", "var(band3)")) |>
  as_array() -> x

gdalcubes:::.raster_cube_dummy(v, 3, 1.0) |>
  reduce_space(c("sum(band1)", "median(band2)"), names=c("A","B")) -> x
expect_true(all(names(x) == c("A","B")))

gdalcubes:::.raster_cube_dummy(v, 1, 1.0) |>
  apply_pixel("it", names = "t") |> 
  reduce_space("median(t)") |>
  as_array() -> x
expect_equal(as.vector(x), 0:364)

# udf
gdalcubes:::.raster_cube_dummy(v, 2, 1.0) |>
  reduce_time(names=c("A", "B"), FUN  = function(x) {
    a = max(x["band1",] + 1:length(x["band1",]))
    b = max(x["band2",] + runif(length(x["band2",])))
    return(c(a, b))
  }) |>
  as_array() -> x

expect_true(all(x[1,,,] == 366))
expect_true(all(x[2,,,] >= 1 & x[2,,,] <= 2))

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gdalcubes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:11 a.m.