
Defines functions createsitepair

Documented in createsitepair

#' @title Create Site-Pair Table
#' @description Creates a site-pair table from the lower half of a site-by-site distance
#' (dissimilarity) matrix. This function is called from the
#'  \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}} function and not needed by the user.
#' @usage createsitepair(dist, spdata, envInfo, dXCol, dYCol, siteCol, weightsType,
#' custWeights)
#' @param dist The lower half of a site-by-site distance (dissimilarity) matrix,
#' provided by the \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}} function.
#' @param spdata Input species data, the same as the bioData input to the
#' \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}} function.
#' @param envInfo Input environmental data. Only accepts data tables as input.
#' If the environmental data for \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}} are rasters, the
#' data would have been extracted into table format within
#'  \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}}.
#' @param dXCol Input x coordinate, the same as the XColumn input to the
#' \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}} function.
#' @param dYCol Input y coordinate, the same as the YColumn input to the
#' \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}} function.
#' @param siteCol Site column, taken from either the species or environmental
#' tables.
#' @param weightsType The method of determining the site-pair weights used in
#' model fitting.
#' @param custWeights Custom weights, as a vector, if given by the user.
#' @return A site-pair table with appropriate distance (dissimilarity) and
#' weight columns used for fitting GDM.
#' @note This function is called from the \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}} function
#' and not needed by the user.
#' @seealso \code{\link[gdm]{formatsitepair}}
#' @keywords gdm internal
createsitepair <- function(dist, spdata, envInfo, dXCol, dYCol, siteCol,
                           weightsType, custWeights){
  ##lines used to quickly test function
  #dist = distData
  #spdata = bioData
  #envInfo = predData
  #dXCol = XColumn
  #dYCol = YColumn
  #siteCol = siteColumn
  #weightsType = weightType
  #custWeights = custWeights

  weightsType <- as.character(weightsType)
  distance <- as.vector(dist)
  ##calculates total richness = the sum of the two most diverse sites
    sppOnly <- spdata[, -c(1,2,3)]
    sppSums <- rowSums(sppOnly)
    sppSiteSums <- cbind(spdata[1], sppSums)
    orderedSums <- sppSiteSums[order(-sppSiteSums[,2]),]
    richTotal <- orderedSums[1,2]+orderedSums[2,2]

  ##Builds index needed for site-pair table format
  s1.xCoord <- s1.yCoord <- s2.xCoord <- s2.yCoord <- NULL
  s1 <- s2 <- NULL

  if((siteCol %in% colnames(envInfo))==T){
    count <- seq(length(unique(envInfo[,siteCol]))-1,1,-1)
    count <- seq(length(unique(envInfo[,"griddedSiteID"]))-1,1,-1)
  s1 <- unlist(sapply(seq(length(count),1), function(y){c(s1, rep((max(count)-y)+1, times=y))}))
  s2 <- unlist(sapply(seq(length(count),1), function(y){c(s2, (max(count)-y+2):(max(count)+1))}))

    stop("The length of distance values is not the same as the expected number of rows in the site-pair table, unable to proceed.")

    #print("Site weighting type: Equal")
    weights <- rep(1, times=length(distance))
  }else if(weightsType[1]=="custom"){
    #print("Site weighting type: Custom")
    weights <- (custWeights[s1, "weights"] + custWeights[s2, "weights"]) / 2
    #print("Site weighting type: Richness")
    weights <- (sppSiteSums[s1, "sppSums"] + sppSiteSums[s2, "sppSums"]) / richTotal

  gdmTable <- cbind(distance, weights)

  ##from environmental or species table, copy coordinates for site-pair table
  if((dXCol %in% colnames(envInfo))==T){
    if((siteCol %in% colnames(envInfo))==T){
      checkTab <- table(envInfo[siteCol])
      checkTab <- table(envInfo[, "griddedSiteID"])

      stop("The function failed because at least one site has more than one set
           of coordinates associated with it. In other words, sites with the same
           name occur in different locations.")
    s1.xCoord <- envInfo[s1, dXCol]
    s2.xCoord <- envInfo[s2, dXCol]
    s1.yCoord <- envInfo[s1, dYCol]
    s2.yCoord <- envInfo[s2, dYCol]
  }else if((dXCol %in% colnames(spdata))==T){
    s1.xCoord <- spdata[s1, dXCol]
    s2.xCoord <- spdata[s2, dXCol]
    s1.yCoord <- spdata[s1, dYCol]
    s2.yCoord <- spdata[s2, dYCol]
    stop("The function failed because multiple sites have the same coordinates. In other
    words, sites with different names occur in the same location.")

  ##sets up output table
  gdmForm <- cbind(gdmTable, s1.xCoord, s1.yCoord, s2.xCoord, s2.yCoord)
  xhold <- which(names(envInfo)==dXCol)
  yhold <- which(names(envInfo)==dYCol)
  sitehold <- which(names(envInfo)==siteCol)
  sitehold2 <- which(names(envInfo)=="griddedSiteID")
  envInfo <- envInfo[-c(xhold, yhold, sitehold, sitehold2)]

  ##fills output table
    gdmTableFill <- cbind(gdmForm, envInfo[s1,1:ncol(envInfo)], envInfo[s2,1:ncol(envInfo)])
    names.s1 <- paste("s1.",names(envInfo[1:ncol(envInfo)]), sep="")
    names.s2 <- paste("s2.",names(envInfo[1:ncol(envInfo)]), sep="")
    colnames(gdmTableFill) <- c(colnames(gdmTableFill)[1:6], names.s1, names.s2)
    gdmTableFill <- gdmForm

  ##returns results

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gdm documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 1:06 a.m.