
getfam <- function(family){
    family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame(2))  
    family <- family()
  }else if(inherits(family, "family")){
  }else if(is.list(family)){
    if(length(match(names(family), c("LinkFun", "VarFun", "InvLink", "InvLinkDeriv"))) == 4){
      famname <- "custom"
      LinkFun <- family$LinkFun
      InvLink <- family$InvLink
      VarFun <- family$VarFun
      InvLinkDeriv <- family$InvLinkDeriv
      famname <- "custom"
      LinkFun <- family[[1]]
      VarFun <- family[[2]]
      InvLink <- family[[3]]
      InvLinkDeriv <- family[[4]]
    FunList <- list("family"= famname, "LinkFun" = LinkFun, "VarFun" = VarFun, "InvLink" = InvLink, "InvLinkDeriv" = InvLinkDeriv) 
    stop("problem with family argument: should be string, family object, or list of functions")

### Get a block diagonal matrix. Each block has dimension corresponding to
### each cluster size.  By default, each block is just a matrix filled with ones.
getBlockDiag <- function(len, xvec=NULL){
  K <- length(len)
    xvec <- rep.int(1, sum(len^2))
  row.vec <- col.vec <- vector("numeric", sum(len^2))
  add.vec <- cumsum(len) - len
  if(K == 1){
    index <- c(0, sum(len^2))
    index <- c(0, (cumsum(len^2) -len^2)[2:K], sum(len^2)) 
  for(i in 1:K){
    row.vec[(index[i] + 1):(index[i+1])] <- rep.int( (1:len[i]) + add.vec[i], len[i])
    col.vec[(index[i] + 1):(index[i+1])] <- rep( (1:len[i]) + add.vec[i], each=len[i])
  BlockDiag <- sparseMatrix(i = row.vec, j = col.vec, x = xvec)
    testsymm <- abs(sum(skewpart(BlockDiag)))
    if(testsymm != 0) {
      warning("Correlation matrix is not computed to be exactly symmetric. Taking only the symmetric part.")
  return(list(BDiag = symmpart(BlockDiag), row.vec =row.vec, col.vec=col.vec))

### Check some conditions on the FIXED correlation structure.
checkFixedMat <- function(corr.mat, len){
    stop("corr.mat must be specified if using fixed correlation structure")
  if(dim(corr.mat)[1] < max(len)){
    stop("Dimensions of corr.mat must be at least as large as largest cluster")
    stop("corr.mat must be symmetric")
  if(determinant(corr.mat, logarithm=T)$modulus == -Inf){
    stop("supplied correlation matrix is not invertible.")
  return(corr.mat[1:max(len), 1:max(len)])	

### fitted function for geem object
fitted.geem <- function(object, ...){
  #InvLink <- object$FunList$InvLink
  InvLink <- object$FunList[[if(object$FunList$family == "custom") "InvLink" else "linkinv"]]

predict.geem <- function(object, newdata = NULL,...){
  coefs <- object$beta
    return(as.vector(object$X %*% object$beta))
    if(dim(newdata)[2] != length(coefs)){warning("New observations must have the same number of rows as coefficients in the model")}
    return(as.vector(newdata %*% object$beta))

coef.geem <- function(object, ...){
  coefs <- object$beta
  names(coefs) <- object$coefnames

family.geem <- function(object,...){

dummyrows <- function(formula, dat, incomp, maxwave, wavespl, idspl){
  missing <- missid <- misswave <- rep(0, sum(maxwave))
  index <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(wavespl)){
      wa <- wavespl[[i]]
        index <- index+1
        for(j in 2:length(wa)){
          wdiff <- wa[j] - wa[j-1] -1
          if(wdiff > 0){
            missing[index:(index+wdiff-1)] <- (wa[j-1]+1):(wa[j]-1)
            missid[index:(index+wdiff-1)] <- idspl[[i]][1]
          index <- index+wdiff+1
        index <- index+length(wa)
  dat2 <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=sum(maxwave), ncol=dim(dat)[2]))
  colnames(dat2) <- colnames(dat)
  dat2[missing==0,] <- dat
  dat2$id[missing > 0] <- missid[missing>0]
  dat2$weights[missing > 0] <- 0
  dat2$waves[missing > 0] <- missing[missing > 0]
  NAcols <- which(!is.element(names(dat2), c("id", "waves", "weights")))
  for(i in NAcols){
    dat2[missing>0, i] <- median(dat2[,i], na.rm=TRUE)
  retdat <- model.frame(formula, dat2, na.action=na.pass)
  retdat$id <- dat2$id
  retdat$weights <- dat2$weights
  retdat$waves <- dat2$waves

fillMatList <- function(real.sizes){

model.matrix.geem <- function(object, ...){
  return(model.matrix(object$formula, data=model.frame(object)))

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geeM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:13 p.m.