
Defines functions clump_snps

Documented in clump_snps

#' Clumping procedure for SLOPE
#' Clumping procedure performed on SNPs, columns of matrix \code{X}, from
#' object of class \code{\link{screeningResult}},
#' which is an output of function \code{\link{screen_snps}}.
#' SNPs are clustered based on their correlations. For details see package vignette.
#' @export
#' @param screenResult object of class \code{\link{screeningResult}}.
#' @param rho numeric, minimal correlation between two SNPs to be assigned to one clump.
#' @param pValues numeric vector, p-values for SNPs computed outside geneSLOPE,
#' eg. with EMMAX.
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE (default) progress bar is shown.
#' @return object of class \code{\link{clumpingResult}}. 
#' See the class documentation for details. 
clump_snps <- function(screenResult, rho = 0.5, pValues=NULL, verbose = TRUE){

  if(rho >= 1 | rho <= 0)
    stop("Error: Rho has to be within range (0,1)")

  if(length(screenResult$y) != nrow(screenResult$X))
    stop("Error: Length of phenotype must match number of observations in matrix with snps")

  if(! "screeningResult" %in% class(screenResult))
    stop("Error: parameter screenResult has to be of class screeningResult")

    message("Clumping procedure has started. Depending on
            size of your data this may take several minutes.")
    total = sqrt(ncol(screenResult$X))
    # create progress bar
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)

  if(is.null(pValues) | (length(pValues) != ncol(screenResult$X))){
    suma <- sum((screenResult$y-mean(screenResult$y))^2)
    n <- length(screenResult$y) - 2
    pVals <- apply(screenResult$X, 2, function(x) pValComp(x, screenResult$y, n, suma))
  } else{
    pVals <- pValues

  a <- order(pVals, decreasing = FALSE)
  notClumped <- rep(TRUE, length(a))
  clumps <- list()
  representatives <- list()

  #clumping procedure
  i <- 1
    idx = a[i]
      clump <- abs(apply(screenResult$X[,notClumped, drop=FALSE], 2, cor, screenResult$X[,idx]))>rho
      clumps[[i]] <- which(notClumped)[clump]
      representatives[[i]] <- idx
      notClumped[ which(notClumped)[clump] ] <- FALSE
    i <- i+1
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, sqrt(i))
  if(verbose) close(pb)

  nullClumps <- sapply(representatives, is.null)
  representatives <- representatives[!nullClumps]
  clumps <- clumps[!nullClumps]

  result <- structure(
    list( X = screenResult$X[,unlist(representatives)],
          y = screenResult$y,
          SNPnumber = representatives,
          SNPclumps = clumps,
          X_info = screenResult$X_info,
          selectedSnpsNumbers = screenResult$selectedSnpsNumbers[unlist(representatives)],
          X_all = screenResult$X,
          numberOfSnps = screenResult$numberOfSnps,
          selectedSnpsNumbersScreening = screenResult$selectedSnpsNumbers,
          pVals = screenResult$pVals,
          pValMax = screenResult$pValMax),

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geneSLOPE documentation built on Aug. 16, 2023, 5:10 p.m.