
Defines functions print.gensphere.distribution plot.gensphere.contour print.gensphere.contour RotateInNDimensions NearbyPointsOnSphere RefineSphericalTessellation gs.pdf2d.plot gs.cone gs.proj.normal gs.elliptical gs.gen.lp.norm gs.lp.norm gs.vfunc.eval rgensphere dgensphere cfunc.finish cfunc.add.term cfunc.new gensphere cfunc.eval

Documented in cfunc.add.term cfunc.eval cfunc.finish cfunc.new dgensphere gensphere gs.cone gs.elliptical gs.gen.lp.norm gs.lp.norm gs.pdf2d.plot gs.proj.normal gs.vfunc.eval NearbyPointsOnSphere plot.gensphere.contour print.gensphere.contour print.gensphere.distribution RefineSphericalTessellation rgensphere RotateInNDimensions

# R package for generalized spherical distributions
# These are multivariate distributions that generalize spherical
# distributions in that they have level curves that are all scaled
# versions of a common contour.
#         John Nolan, jpnolan@american.edu, March 2013 original version
#          - modified October-November, 2015 to allow simulation from a tessellation 
#            of the contour, turn into a proper R package for CRAN, etc.
cfunc.eval <- function( cfunc, x ) {
#  evaluate r[i] := c( x[,i] ), i=1,...,n, where
#  c(.) is a contour function described in the cfunc object
#  x is a (d x n) matrix, with x[,i] of points in R^d
#  This function computes c(x) by combining terms of the
#  following types:
# type/name      number of parameters    function in terms of parameters
#    constant          1                c(x) = k[1]
#    elliptical        1+d^2            c(x) = k[1] * sqrt(x^T A x), k[2:(1+d^2)] = A matrix
#    proj.normal       d+2              c(x) = k[1] * g(x,k[2:(d+1)],k[d+2]), where
#                                               g=projected.istropic.normal( )
#    lp.norm           2                c(x) = k[1] * ||x||_p, where p=k[2]
#    gen.lp.norm       2+j*d            c(x) = k[1] * || A x ||_p, where p=k[2] and k[3:(2+j*d)] = A, A a j by d matrix
#    cone              d+2              c(x) = k[1] * (height of a cone with peak 1 at mu=(k[2],k[3],...,k[d+1]))
#                                                and base r=k[d+2]

d <- cfunc$d
if( is.vector(x) ) { x <- matrix( x, nrow=length(x), ncol=1 ) }
stopifnot( nrow(x) == d )
n <- ncol(x)
r <- rep(0.0,n)
rstar <- r
num.star <- 0
for (j in 1:cfunc$m) {
  # evaluate the j-th term in cfunc
  newtype <- charmatch( cfunc$term[[j]]$type, c("constant","elliptical","proj.normal",
  if (is.na( newtype )) warning("Ignoring unrecognized term in cfunc.eval( )")
  k <- cfunc$term[[j]]$k
  rnew <- switch( newtype,
      gs.elliptical( x, matrix(k[-1],d,d,byrow=TRUE) ),
      gs.proj.normal( x,k[2:(d+1)],k[d+2] ),
      gs.lp.norm(x, k[2]),
      gs.gen.lp.norm( x, k[2], matrix( k[-c(1,2)],ncol=d,byrow=TRUE ) ),
      gs.cone( x, matrix( k[2:(d+1)], nrow=d ), k[d+2] )    

  if (cfunc$term[[j]]$invert) {
    rstar <- rstar + k[1]*rnew
    num.star <- num.star + 1
  } else  { r <- r + k[1]*rnew }

if (min(rstar) > 0) {
  r <- r + 1/rstar
} else {
  if (num.star > 0) {
    warning("Error in cfunc.eval: some terms have 0 in denominator; 0/0 undefined")
    r <- rep(NaN,length(r))
return(r) }
gensphere <- function( cfunc, dradial, rradial, g0 ) {
# define a new generalized spherical distribution
#   cfunc is a contour function defined with cfunc.new, cfunc.add.term, cfunc.finish
#   dradial is a function to simulate from the radial distribution
#   rradial is a function to compute the density of the radial distribution
#   g0 is the value  lim_{r -> 0+} r^(1-d)*dradial(r); if unknown, approximate numerically.
stopifnot( class(cfunc)=="gensphere.contour", is.function(dradial), is.function(rradial), g0 >= 0 )

dist <- list( cfunc=cfunc, dradial=dradial, rradial=rradial, g0=g0 )
class(dist) <- "gensphere.distribution"
return( dist ) }

cfunc.new <- function( d ) {
# utility function to define a new contour function in dimension d

d <- as.integer( d )
stopifnot( d > 1 )
cfunc <- list( d=d, m=0L, norm.const=NaN, term=vector("list",0) )
return( cfunc ) }

cfunc.add.term <- function( cfunc, type, k) {
# utility function to add a new term to a cfunc list
#  type must be one of the types defined at top
#  k is a vector of doubles used as the parameters to this type of cfunc 

# check that it is a legitimate type and the length of k is correct
d <- cfunc$d
m <- cfunc$m + 1
k <- as.double( k )
invert <- NULL

if (type=="constant") { 
  stopifnot( length(k) == 1 )
  invert <- FALSE
if (type=="elliptical") { 
  stopifnot( length(k) == (1+d^2) )
  invert <- TRUE
if (type=="proj.normal") { 
  stopifnot( length(k) == (d+2) )
  invert <- FALSE
if (type=="lp.norm") { 
  stopifnot( length(k) == 2 )
  invert <- TRUE
if (type=="gen.lp.norm") { 
  stopifnot( (length(k)- 2) %% d   == 0 )
  invert <- TRUE
if (type=="cone") { 
  stopifnot( length(k) == d+2 )
  invert <- FALSE

if (is.null(invert)) stop( "Undefined type in gs.add.cfunc.term" )

cfunc$term[[m]] <- list( type=type,  invert=invert, k=k )
cfunc$m <- m
return(cfunc) }

cfunc.finish <- function( cfunc, nsubdiv=2, maxEvals=100000, norm.const.method="integrate", ... ) {
# utility function to finish the definition of a contour function

# compute tessellation of contour; start with a sphere
d <- cfunc$d
sphere <- UnitSphere( n=d, k=nsubdiv )

# loop through terms, accumulating new points/vertices to add to the grid
newV <- matrix( 0, nrow=0, ncol=d )
for (i in 1:cfunc$m) {
  cur.type <- (cfunc$term[[i]])$type
  if(  cur.type == "proj.normal" | cur.type == "cone" ) {
    center <- (cfunc$term[[i]])$k[2:(d+1)]
    epsilon <- (cfunc$term[[i]])$k[d+2] * c(0.1,.5,1,1.5,2,2.5)
    a <- NearbyPointsOnSphere( center, epsilon )
    newV <- rbind(newV,center,a)

# add new vertices to the sphere
if( nrow(newV) > 0 ){
  tess1 <- RefineSphericalTessellation( sphere$V, newV )
} else {
  tess1 <- sphere

# compute norming constant, possibly refine the tessellation, and get weights
# by computing the surface area of the contour
if( norm.const.method == "integrate" ) {
  f1 <- function( x ) { cfunc.eval( cfunc,  x )^cfunc$d }
  S1 <- aperm(tess1$S,c(2,1,3))
  a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f1, n=d, S1, partitionInfo=TRUE, maxEvals=maxEvals, ... )
  if (a$returnCode > 1) { # used to be if(a$returnCode==0); changed 1/11/2021 to allow ==1 also
    stop(paste("Error return from adaptIntegrateSphereTri: returnCode=",a$returnCode," ",
        a$message, ".  Consider using norm.const.method='simplex.area'.", sep=""))
  cfunc$norm.const <- 1.0/a$integral
  cfunc$tessellation.weights <- a$subsimplicesIntegral
  cfunc$functionEvaluations <- a$functionEvaluations
} else {
  if (norm.const.method=="simplex.area") {
    # just compute area of simplices
    n.tess1 <- dim(tess1$S)[3]
    cfunc$tessellation.weights <- double( n.tess1 )
    for (i in 1:n.tess1) {
      cfunc$tessellation.weights[i] <- SimplicialCubature::SimplexSurfaceArea(tess1$S[,,i])
    cfunc$functionEvaluations <- 0    
    cfunc$norm.const <- 1/sum(cfunc$tessellation.weights)
    a <- list(subsimplices=tess1$S)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown value of norm.const.method: ",norm.const.method )

# construct a new mvmesh object using the partition info
tess2 <- mvmeshFromSimplices( aperm(a$subsimplices, c(2,1,3) ) )

# construct the  mvmesh for the contour by scaling points in tess2
V <- tess2$V
scale <- cfunc.eval( cfunc, t(V) )
for (i in 1:nrow(V)) {  
  V[i,] <- scale[i]*V[i,]
cfunc$tessellation <- mvmeshFromSVI( V, tess2$SVI, d-1 )

# add counts of the number of simplices at the three stages
cfunc$simplex.count <- c( ncol(sphere$SVI), ncol(tess1$SVI), ncol(tess2$SVI) )

class(cfunc) <- "gensphere.contour"
return(cfunc) }

dgensphere <- function( x, gs.dist ){
# evaluate the generalized spherical function specified by gsfunc

stopifnot( class(gs.dist)=="gensphere.distribution" )
if( is.vector(x) ) { x <- matrix(x,ncol=1) }

v <- gs.vfunc.eval( gs.dist$cfunc, x )
p <- 1 - (gs.dist$cfunc)$d
z <- (gs.dist$cfunc)$norm.const * v^p * gs.dist$dradial( v )
j <- which(v==0)
if(length(j)>0) z[j] <- gs.dist$g0
return(z) }

rgensphere <- function( n, gs.dist) {
# simulate n rarndom vectors from the generalized spherical
# two steps:
#  1. simulate from the contour/shell
#  2. scale each value from step 1 by a random amount given by the radial distribution

stopifnot( class(gs.dist)=="gensphere.distribution" )
x <- t( rmvmesh( n, (gs.dist$cfunc)$tessellation, (gs.dist$cfunc)$tessellation.weights ))
r <- gs.dist$rradial(n)
for (i in 1:n) {
  x[,i] <- r[i]*x[,i]

gs.vfunc.eval <- function( cfunc, x ) {
#  evaluate v( x ) = |x| / c(x/|x|),  for x in {x[,i],i=1,...,ncol(x)},
#  where c(.)=cfunc.eval(cfunc,.) is a contour function described by cfunc

xnorm <- gs.lp.norm(x,p=2)
e1 <- double(nrow(x)); e1[1] <- 1.0  # first standard unit vector
u <- matrix(0.0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=ncol(x))
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {  # normalized each column of x[.,,]
  if (xnorm[i] > 0) { u[,i] <- x[,i]/xnorm[i] }
  else { u[,i] <- e1 }
cval <- cfunc.eval( cfunc, u )
return( xnorm/cval ) }

gs.lp.norm <- function( x, p){
# compute the  l^p norm of the column vectors of x
y <- ( colSums( abs(x)^p ) )^(1.0/p)
return(y) }

gs.gen.lp.norm <- function( x, p, A){
# compute the generalzed l^p norm of the column vectors of x, which
# is defined as gs.lp.norm( A %*% x, p), where
#    A is a (m x d) matrix
#    x is a (d x n) matrix, with columns being points in

# A is a (m x n) matrix, each column of A %*% x is an m vector
y <- gs.lp.norm( A %*% x, p ) 
return(y) }

gs.elliptical <- function( x, B ) {
# compute sqrt(x^T B x) for each column of x
stopifnot( nrow(x)==nrow(B),nrow(B)==ncol(B) )
n <- ncol(x)
r <- double(n)
for (i in 1:n)  { 
  r[i] <- x[,i] %*% B %*% x[,i];
  #if(r[i] <0) cat(i,x[,i],"    ",r[i],"\n") 

gs.proj.normal <- function( x, mu, sigma ){
# computes a vector y, with
#         y[i] = |x[,i]| * exp( -z[i]/(2*sigma^2) )  or 0 depending on the 
# orientation of x[,i] and mu.  See details below.
#    x is a (d x n) matrix with columns x[,i] giving a point in R^d
#    mu is the "mean" vector, a point on the unit sphere in R^d
#    sigma > 0 is a scale, approximately the scale of the normal distribution.
#          using a small number approximates a point mass at mu;
#          using a large number approximates an indicator of the hemisphere
#              centered at mu.
#    z[i] = square of the distance between of mu and projection of
#          x[,i]/|x[,i]| onto the plane tangent to unit sphere at mu.
#    Notes
#    (1) Even when restricted to the unit sphere, this is not a normal
#        density because there is no norming constant, and it is not
#        easy to compute that constant due to the projection.
#    (2) This works in any dimension d > 1.
#    (3) The value is 0.0 if x[,i] is on the side of the plane
#        through the origin and perpendicular to mu that is opposite mu.
#    (4) 0 <= y[i] <= |x[,i]|.

k <- -1.0/(2.0*sigma*sigma)
mu.mu <- sum(mu^2)
m <- ncol(x)
y <- rep(0.0,m)
xnorm <- gs.lp.norm(x,p=2)
for (i in 1:m) {
  if (xnorm[i] > 0) {
    xx <- x[,i]/xnorm[i]  # unit vector in the direction of x[,i]
    a <- sum( xx*mu )
    if (a > 0) {  # return y[i]=0.0 if a <= 0
      xstar <- xx*mu.mu/a
      z <- sum( (xstar-mu)^2 )
      y[i] <- exp( k*z )

gs.cone <- function( x, mu, theta0 ){
# computes a vector y, with
#         y[i] = height of cone with peak 1 at center mu and height 0 r units
#                away from 0, where distance r from center is measured in radians
#                along the sphere.
#    x is a (d x m) matrix with columns x[,i] giving a unit vector in R^d
#    mu is the "mean" vector, a point on the unit sphere in R^d
#    0 < theta0 < pi/2 determines the location of the base of the cone:
#         all points whose angle = theta0
#    Notes
#    (1) This works in any dimension d > 1.
#    (2) The value is 0.0 if x[,i] is on the side of the plane
#        through the origin and perpendicular to mu that is opposite mu.
#    (3) 0 <= y[i] <= 1.

tmp <- min(pi/2,abs(theta0))
if (tmp != theta0) {
  warning(paste("theat0 changed to ",tmp," in function gs.cone"))
  theta0 <- tmp
m <- ncol(x)
y <- double(m)
for (i in 1:m) {
  x.mu <- sum( x[,i]*mu )
  if( x.mu > 0 ) {
    if (x.mu > 1) { x.mu <-1 }  # roundoff can make x.mu = 1+epsilon, 
                                # which causes acos(x.mu) to be NaN
    theta <- acos(x.mu)
    ht <- 1.0 - theta/theta0
    if (ht > 0) { y[i] <- ht }
gs.pdf2d.plot <- function( gs.dist, xy.grid=seq(-10,10,.1) ){
# compute and plot the density surface z=dgensphere(x,y) on a grid

outer.f <- function( x, y, gs.dist ) { dgensphere( rbind(x,y), gs.dist) }
z <- outer( xy.grid, xy.grid, outer.f, gs.dist=gs.dist )

rgl.viewpoint( theta=15,phi=45 )

invisible(z) }

RefineSphericalTessellation <- function( V1, V2 ){
# define a new tessellation of the unit sphere in n-dimensions, using the
# tessellation obtained by merging the points in V1 and V2
# WARNING: it is assumed that one of V1 or V2 (or both) include
# the great circle of the sphere intersect {x[1]=1}.  This is true
# by construction if one of V1 or V2 is a UnitSphere object from
# the mvmesh package.

V <- rbind(V1,V2)
nV <- nrow(V)
n <- ncol(V1)

# separate into right and left hemispheres
# first treat the "right hemisphere"
which1 <- which( V[,1] >= 0 )

# project onto (n-1) dim. space
cur1 <- V[which1,2:n,drop=FALSE ]
tess1 <- delaunayn( cur1 )
# restore indices to original vertices
for (i in 1:nrow(tess1)) {
  for (j in 1:ncol(tess1)) {
    tess1[i,j] <- which1[tess1[i,j]]

# repeat with the "left hemisphere", note this will include the
# great circle where x[1]=0 in both right and left hemisphere
which2 <- which( V[,1] <= 0 )
cur2<- V[which2,2:n,drop=FALSE ]
tess2 <- delaunayn( cur2 )   # shift to get position in V
for (i in 1:nrow(tess2)) {
  for (j in 1:ncol(tess2)) {
    tess2[i,j] <- which2[tess2[i,j]]

# project both right and left parts onto sphere - don't need to
# do anything, just use original vertices in V and order in tess1 and tess2
SVI <- t( rbind( tess1, tess2 ) )

a <- mvmeshFromSVI( V, SVI, n-1 )
a$type <- "RefineSphericalTessellation"
return(a) }

NearbyPointsOnSphere <- function( x, epsilon ){
# add n=length(x) points approximately epsilon units away from x and equally
# spaced on the unit sphere.   New version allows epsilon to be a vector.
# it is assumed that x is a unit vector

stopifnot( is.vector(x), all(epsilon > 0), is.vector(x), length(x) > 1 )

n <- length(x)
# shift the unit simplex to be centered at (0,0,...,)
W1 <- diag( rep(1.0-1.0/n,n) )

# rotate to point in the direction x and shift to be centered at x
R <- RotateInNDimensions( rep(1/sqrt(n),n), x )

W2 <- matrix( 0.0, nrow=n*length(epsilon), ncol=n )
count <- 0
for (j in 1:length(epsilon)) {
  for (i in 1:n) {
    count <- count + 1
    W2[count, ] <- x + epsilon[j]*R %*% W1[i, ]
# project onto unit sphere
for (i in 1:count) {
  norm <- sqrt( sum( W2[i, ]^2 ) )
  W2[i,] <- W2[i, ]/norm
return( W2 )}

RotateInNDimensions <- function( x, y ) {
# find an n x n matrix A that rotates vector x to the *direction* of the vector y
# if |x|=|y|, then A %*% x = y (up to numerical round-off)
# R implementation of the answer by Stephen Montgomery-Smith on the webpage
#    http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/598750/finding-the-rotation-matrix-in-n-dimensions

stopifnot( is.vector(x), is.vector(y), length(x)==length(y) )

norm.x <- sqrt(sum(x*x))
norm.y <- sqrt(sum(y*y))
u <- x/norm.x
v1 <- y - sum(u*y)*u
if ( sqrt(sum(v1^2) < 1.0e-14)) return( diag( rep(1.0,length(x) ) ) )
v <- v1/(sqrt(sum(v1*v1)))
cost <- sum(x*y)/(norm.x*norm.y)
sint <- sqrt( 1-cost^2)
Rt <- matrix( c(cost,sint,-sint,cost), 2, 2 )
uv <- cbind(u,v)
u <- matrix(u,nrow=length(u),ncol=1)
v <- matrix(v,nrow=length(v),ncol=1)
A <- diag( rep(1.0,length(u)) ) - (u %*% t(u)) - (v %*% t(v)) + uv %*% Rt %*% t(uv)

#  printing and graphing functions for objects of class mvmesh
print.gensphere.contour <- function( x, ... ) {
# quick method to print out contents of gensphere.contour x

if( class(x) != "gensphere.contour") warning( "x is not a gensphere.contour object" )

print(str(x),...) }

plot.gensphere.contour <- function( x, multiplier=1, ... ) {
# quick method to plot a gensphere.contour x; the optional argument multiplier
# scales the contour by a factor of multiplier

if( class(x) != "gensphere.contour") warning( "x is not a gensphere.contour object" )

mesh <- x$tessellation
mesh$V <- multiplier*mesh$V
mesh$S <- multiplier*mesh$S
plot( mesh, ... ) }

print.gensphere.distribution <- function( x, ... ) {
# quick method to print out contents of gensphere.distribution x

if( class(x) != "gensphere.distribution") warning( "x is not a gensphere.distribution object" )

print(str(x),...) }

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gensphere documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:30 p.m.