
geoscalePlot<-function (ages, data, units = c("Age", "Epoch", "Period"), tick.scale = "myr", 
          boxes = "Age", abbrev, cex.age = 0.3, cex.ts = 0.4, cex.pt = 1, age.lim = NULL, 
          data.lim = NULL, user.scale, ts.col = TRUE, ts.width = 0.3, label,vers="ICS2015",no.axis=FALSE,
          direction="horizontal", erotate,arotate,urotate,...) 

timescales <- NULL

   if(tick.scale == "User" & missing(user.scale)){
 	cat("user.scale is missing, tick.scale set to 'myr'")
  	 tick.scale <- "myr"

  if(all(direction != c("horizontal","vertical"))){
      return(cat("direction must be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical', here set to 'horizonal'."))
      direction <- "horizontal"

units <- tolower(units)
units <- paste(toupper(substring(units,1,1)),substring(units,2),sep="")

  convert[,1] <- c("Eonothem","Erathem","System","Series","Stage")
  convert[,2] <- c("Eon","Era","Period","Epoch","Age")

  for(c in 1:length(units)){
    if (is.na(convert[match(units[c],convert[,1]),2]) == FALSE){
     units[c] <- convert[match(units[c],convert[,1]),2]

  if(missing(label) | no.axis==TRUE){
  	label <- ""

 abbrev <- tolower(abbrev)
  abbrev <- paste(toupper(substring(abbrev,1,1)),substring(abbrev,2),sep="")
   abbrev[abbrev == "User"] <- NA

 if(any(abbrev == "All")){
 	abbrev <- c("Eon","Era","Period","Epoch","Age")

 abbrev <- paste(toupper(substring(abbrev,1,1)),substring(abbrev,2),sep="")

  for(c in 1:length(abbrev)){
    if (is.na(convert[match(abbrev[c],convert[,1]),2]) == FALSE){
     abbrev[c] <- convert[match(abbrev[c],convert[,1]),2]

 levels(timescale[,"Name"]) <- c(levels(timescale[,"Name"]),as.character(timescale[,"Abbrev"]))
  for(a in 1:length(abbrev)){
  	timescale[timescale[,"Type"] == abbrev[a],"Name"] <- as.character(timescale[timescale[,"Type"] == abbrev[a],"Abbrev"])

  if (any(units == "User") && missing(user.scale) == TRUE) {
    print("You need to specify a file for the argument user.scale, option for 'User' is removed")
    units <- subset(units, units != "User")
  tscale_data <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 6)
   colnames(tscale_data) <- c("srt", "Depth", "size")
   rownames(tscale_data) <- c("Eon", "Era", "Period", "Epoch","Age", "User")
    if(direction == "vertical"){
     tscale_data[, "srt"] <- c(90, 90, 90, 0, 0, 0)    	
    } else{
      tscale_data[, "srt"] <- c(0, 0, 0, 90, 90, 90)	
    tscale_data[, "Depth"] <- c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 1)
    tscale_data[, "size"] <- c(1, 1, 1, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5)
     tscale <- timescale[order(timescale[, 1], decreasing = T),]
      units <- rownames(tscale_data)[sort(match(units, rownames(tscale_data)),decreasing = T)]
  if(!missing(erotate) && !is.numeric(erotate)){
    return(cat("\n value for protate must be numeric."))
  if(!missing(arotate) && !is.numeric(arotate)){
    return(cat("\n value for arotate must be numeric."))
  if(!missing(urotate) && !is.numeric(urotate)){
    return(cat("\n value for urotate must be numeric."))
    tscale_data["Epoch","srt"] <- erotate
    tscale_data["Age","srt"] <- arotate
    tscale_data["User","srt"] <- urotate
  	if(tick.scale == "n"){
	 tick.scale <- "no"
  if(tick.scale != "no"){
  	if(tick.scale == "myr"){
  	 scale.ticks <- 1
  	 scale.ages <- 10
  	  ticks <- seq(0, 4600, scale.ticks)
  	  time <- seq(0, 4600, scale.ages)
  	   	tick.width <- c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,0.5)
  	   	tick.col <- c("black", "grey", "grey", "grey", "grey")
  	} else if(any(tick.scale == c("User","Eon","Era","Period","Epoch","Age"))){
  		if(tick.scale == "User"){
  			time <- user.scale
  		} else time <- subset(timescale,timescale[,"Type"] == tick.scale)
  			time <- unique(c(time[,1],time[,2]))
  			 ticks <- time
  			  tick.width <- 1
  			  tick.col <- "black"
  	} else if(is.numeric(tick.scale)){
  		ticks <- seq(0,4600,tick.scale)
  		time <- seq(0,4600,tick.scale)
  		 tick.width <- 1
  		 tick.col <- "black"

  # Plotting horizontally

 if(direction == "horizontal"){  
  par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, (ts.width)))
  par(mar = c(1, 4, 0, 2))
  plot(ages, data, type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = age.lim)
    timescale.names <- timescale
      timescale.names <- timescale.names[timescale.names[,"End"] < max(c(par()$usr[1],par()$usr[2])) & timescale.names[,"Start"] > min(c(par()$usr[1],par()$usr[2])),]
      timescale.names[timescale.names[,"End"] < min(c(par()$usr[1],par()$usr[2])),"End"] <- min(c(par()$usr[1],par()$usr[2]))
      timescale.names[timescale.names[,"Start"] > max(c(par()$usr[1],par()$usr[2])),"Start"] <- max(c(par()$usr[1],par()$usr[2]))

        timescale.names[,"Midpoint"] <- (timescale.names[,"Start"] + timescale.names[,"End"]) /2     
        timescale.names[,"Range"] <- timescale.names[,"Start"] - timescale.names[,"End"]     
          for(t in 1:length(timescale.names[,1])){
            if(timescale.names[t,"Range"] < timescale[rownames(timescale.names)[t],"Range"]*0.3){
              timescale.names[t,"Name"] <- NA 

  unit.depths <- tscale_data[units, "Depth"]
  unit.depths <- c(unit.depths, 0.8)
  unit.depths <- cumsum(unit.depths/sum(unit.depths))
  unit.depths <- c(par()$usr[4], par()$usr[4] - (unit.depths * (par()$usr[4] - 
  val <- unit.depths[length(unit.depths) - 1] - unit.depths[length(unit.depths)]
  if (tick.scale != "n") {
    text(time, (unit.depths[length(unit.depths)] + val * 0.3), time, cex = cex.age, 
         srt = 90)
    segments(ticks, (unit.depths[length(unit.depths) - 1]), ticks, (unit.depths[length(unit.depths)] + 
                                                        val * 0.75), lwd = tick.width)
  for (t in 1:length(units)) {
    if (units[t] == "User") {
      tscale_n <- user.scale
    } else {
    	tscale_n <- subset(tscale, tscale[, "Type"] == units[t])}
    if (ts.col == TRUE & units[t] != "User") {
      rect(tscale_n[, "Start"], unit.depths[t], tscale_n[, "End"], 
       unit.depths[t + 1], col = rgb(tscale_n[, "Col_R"], tscale_n[,"Col_G"], tscale_n[, "Col_B"], maxColorValue = 255))
      rect(tscale_n[, "Start"], unit.depths[t], tscale_n[, "End"],unit.depths[t + 1], col = "white")
       if(units[t] == "User"){
       	text(tscale_n[, "Midpoint"], (unit.depths[t] + unit.depths[t + 1])/2, 
         tscale_n[, "Name"], cex = cex.ts * tscale_data[match(units[t],rownames(tscale_data)), "size"], srt = tscale_data[match(units[t],rownames(tscale_data)), "srt"])
       } else{
       	 text(timescale.names[timescale.names["Type"] == units[t], "Midpoint"], (unit.depths[t] + unit.depths[t + 1])/2, 
         timescale.names[timescale.names["Type"] == units[t], "Name"], cex = cex.ts * tscale_data[match(units[t],rownames(tscale_data)), "size"], srt = tscale_data[match(units[t],rownames(tscale_data)), "srt"])
  par(fig = c(0, 1, (ts.width), 1), new = T)
  par(mar = c(0, 4, 1, 2))
	 plot(ages, data, type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ann = T,bty = "n", ylab = label, ylim = data.lim, xlim = age.lim)				

  if (!missing(boxes)) {
    if (boxes == "User") {
      tscale_x <- user.scale
    else tscale_x <- subset(tscale, tscale[, "Type"] == boxes)
    rect(tscale_x[, "Start"], par()$usr[3], tscale_x[, "End"], 
         par()$usr[4], col = c("grey90", "white"), border = NA)
  points(ages, data, ylab = "Length (mm)", cex = cex.pt, ...)
  if(no.axis == FALSE){
  #### Plotting vertically
  } else if(direction == "vertical"){
  	age.lim <- rev(range(ages))
  par(fig = c(0, (ts.width), 0, 1))
  par(mar = c(4, 0, 2, 0))
   plot(data,ages, type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n",ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = data.lim,ylim=age.lim)
    timescale.names <- timescale
      timescale.names <- timescale.names[timescale.names[,"End"] < max(c(par()$usr[3],par()$usr[4])) & timescale.names[,"Start"] > min(c(par()$usr[3],par()$usr[4])),]
      timescale.names[timescale.names[,"End"] < min(c(par()$usr[3],par()$usr[4])),"End"] <- min(c(par()$usr[3],par()$usr[4]))
      timescale.names[timescale.names[,"Start"] > max(c(par()$usr[3],par()$usr[4])),"Start"] <- max(c(par()$usr[3],par()$usr[4]))

        timescale.names[,"Midpoint"] <- (timescale.names[,"Start"] + timescale.names[,"End"]) /2     
        timescale.names[,"Range"] <- timescale.names[,"Start"] - timescale.names[,"End"]     
          for(t in 1:length(timescale.names[,1])){
            if(timescale.names[t,"Range"] < timescale[rownames(timescale.names)[t],"Range"]*0.3){
              timescale.names[t,"Name"] <- NA 

  unit.depths <- tscale_data[units, "Depth"]
  unit.depths <- c(unit.depths, 0.8)
  unit.depths <- cumsum(unit.depths/sum(unit.depths))
  unit.depths <- c(par()$usr[2], par()$usr[2] - (unit.depths * (par()$usr[2] - par()$usr[1])))
  val <- unit.depths[length(unit.depths) - 1] - unit.depths[length(unit.depths)]
  if (tick.scale != "n") {
    text((unit.depths[length(unit.depths)] + val * 0.3),time, time, cex = cex.age,srt = 0)
    segments((unit.depths[length(unit.depths) - 1]), ticks, (unit.depths[length(unit.depths)] + val * 0.75), ticks, lwd = tick.width)
  for (t in 1:length(units)) {
    if (units[t] == "User") {
      tscale_n <- user.scale
    } else {
    	tscale_n <- subset(tscale, tscale[, "Type"] == units[t])}
    if (ts.col == TRUE & units[t] != "User") {
      rect(unit.depths[t], tscale_n[, "End"], unit.depths[t + 1], tscale_n[, "Start"], 
        col = rgb(tscale_n[, "Col_R"], tscale_n[,"Col_G"], tscale_n[, "Col_B"], maxColorValue = 255))
      rect(unit.depths[t],tscale_n[, "Start"], unit.depths[t + 1], tscale_n[, "End"], col = "white")
       if(units[t] == "User"){
       	text(tscale_n[, "Midpoint"], (unit.depths[t] + unit.depths[t + 1])/2, 
         tscale_n[, "Name"], cex = cex.ts * tscale_data[match(units[t],rownames(tscale_data)), "size"], srt = tscale_data[match(units[t],rownames(tscale_data)), "srt"])
       } else{
       	 text((unit.depths[t] + unit.depths[t + 1])/2,timescale.names[timescale.names["Type"] == units[t], "Midpoint"],  
         timescale.names[timescale.names["Type"] == units[t], "Name"], cex = cex.ts * tscale_data[match(units[t],rownames(tscale_data)), "size"], srt = tscale_data[match(units[t],rownames(tscale_data)), "srt"])
  par(fig = c((ts.width), 1, 0, 1), new = T)
  par(mar = c(4, 0, 2, 1))
	 plot(data, ages, type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ann = T,bty = "n", xlab = label, ylim = age.lim, xlim = data.lim)				

  if (!missing(boxes)) {
    if (boxes == "User") {
      tscale_x <- user.scale
    else tscale_x <- subset(tscale, tscale[, "Type"] == boxes)
     rect(par()$usr[1], tscale_x[, "Start"], par()$usr[2], tscale_x[, "End"],  col = c("grey90", "white"), border = NA)
  points(data, ages, ylab = "Length (mm)", cex = cex.pt, ...)
  if(no.axis == FALSE){

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geoscale documentation built on June 24, 2022, 5:05 p.m.