########################################## Cost_By_Laplace ####################################################################
#' Cost_By_Laplace
#' @details : function that returns the criterion COST by approximating the valeur in a point of the grid by
#' the linear interpolation (approximate solution of Laplace's equation. For more details see help of function
#' Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary, Transition_Zone_Far_Boundary or Extreme_Zone)
#' @param map object returned by function genMap
#' @param Z : an example of zoning (a list of zones)
#' @param numZ : number of the zone in which the cost will be computed
#' @param Estimation : value of linear interpolation by solving Laplace's equation
#' @return cost computed by replacing values in zone by linear interpolation
#' @importFrom rgeos readWKT
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # cf. Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary() help page
Cost_By_Laplace = function (map, Z, numZ, Estimation)
# this function is in the script "calCost.R"
# compute the contours (spatialLines) and their corresponding quantile value
# krigData
tab = map$krigData
# reassign points to zones in Z
listZpt = zoneAssign(tab, Z)
if (length(listZpt)<numZ)
print("error in assigning points to zones")
Value = tab@data$var1.pred[listZpt[[numZ]]]
Surface = map$krigSurfVoronoi[listZpt[[numZ]]]
cost_Laplace= sum((Value - Estimation) ^ 2 * Surface) / sum(Surface)
return(list(cost_Laplace = cost_Laplace, Surf = sum(Surface)))
########################################## Cost_By_Mean ###########################################################################
#' Cost_By_Mean
#' @details : function that returns the criterion COST by approximating the value at a point of the grid by
#' the mean value of the zone.
#' @param map object returned by function genMap
#' @param Z : an example of zoning (a list of zones)
#' @param numZ : number of the zone in which the cost will be computed
#' @return the cost value as described
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # cf. Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary() help page
Cost_By_Mean = function(map, Z, numZ)
# this function is in the script "calCost.R"
# krigData
tab = map$krigData
# reassign points to zones in Z
listZpt = zoneAssign(tab, Z)
if (length(listZpt)<numZ)
print("error in assigning points to zones")
Value = tab@data$var1.pred[listZpt[[numZ]]]
Surface = map$krigSurfVoronoi[listZpt[[numZ]]]
Mean = sum((Value * Surface)) / sum(Surface)
cost_Mean = sum((Value - Mean) ^ 2 * Surface) / sum(Surface)
return(list(cost_Mean=cost_Mean, Surf = sum(Surface)))
########################################## Points_Near_Boundary ###############################################################
#' Points_Near_Boundary
#' @details function that returns a list of points in a zone that are near boundary of the map
#' @param map object returned by function genMap
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' map = mapTest
#' geozoning:::Points_Near_Boundary(map = map)
Points_Near_Boundary = function(map){
# this function is in the script "calCost.R"
X = map$boundary$x
Y = map$boundary$y
l = cbind(X,Y)
L= Line(l) # create object of class Line
Ls = Lines(list(L), ID = "1") # create object of class Lines
boundaryLine = SpatialLines(list(Ls)) # create object of class SpatialLines
result = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(map$krigData@coords)){
x = map$krigData@coords[i,1]
y = map$krigData@coords[i,2]
point = readWKT(paste("POINT(",x,y,")"))
d = gDistance(point,boundaryLine)
if(d <= map$step+10^-6){ # we can set the threshold equal to map$step
result = c(result, i)
########################################## new_krigGrid_for_visualisation ####################################################
#' new_krigGrid_for_visualisation
#' @details Elementary function that create a new krigGrid by replacing the real values by the approximation of the function
#' "Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary","Transition_Zone_Far_Boundary" or "Extreme_Zone" in order to have a look at the new iso contour
#' @param map object returned by function genMap
#' @param Z list of zones.
#' @param numZ number of the zone whose values will be approximated.
#' @param solution the result of function "Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary" or "Transition_Zone_Far_Boundary" or "Extreme_Zone"
#' @return new krigGrid and new data
#' importFrom sp plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' seed=2
#' map=genMap(DataObj=NULL,seed=seed,krig=2,typeMod="Gau")
#' ZK=initialZoning(qProb=c(0.55,0.85),map)
#' Z=ZK$resZ$zonePolygone # list of zones
#' lab = ZK$resZ$lab # label of zones
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = FALSE)
#' numZ = 6
#' Estimation = Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ)
#' result = new_krigGrid_for_visualisation(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ, solution = Estimation)
#' new_krigGrid = result$new_krigGrid
#' new_data = result$new_data
#' quant1 = quantile(map$krigData@data$var1.pred,probs = 0.55)
#' quant2 = quantile(map$krigData@data$var1.pred,probs = 0.85)
#' # plot initial isocontours
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = TRUE)
#' listContours = contourBetween(map = map, krigGrid = map$krigGrid, q1 = quant1, q2 = quant2)
#' for (i in 1:length(listContours)){
#' sp::plot(listContours[[i]]$contour,add=TRUE,col = "red")
#' }
#' # plot modified isocontours
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = TRUE)
#' listContours = contourBetween(map = map, krigGrid = new_krigGrid, q1 = quant1, q2 = quant2)
#' for (i in 1:length(listContours)){
#' sp::plot(listContours[[i]]$contour,add=TRUE,col = "red")
#' }
#' }
new_krigGrid_for_visualisation = function(map, Z, numZ, solution){
# this function is in the script "calCost.R"
tab = map$krigData
listZpt = zoneAssign(tab = tab, Z = Z)
if (length(listZpt)<numZ)
print("error in assigning points to zones")
new_krigGrid = map$krigGrid
new_data = map$krigData@data$var1.pred
for( i in 1:length(listZpt[[numZ]]) ){
numPoint = listZpt[[numZ]] [i]
new_data[numPoint] = solution[i]
# find location of point on the grid
count = 1
X = nrow(new_krigGrid)
Y = ncol(new_krigGrid)
x = 1
y = 1
count = count+1
x = x+1
count = count+1
x = 1
y = y+1
new_krigGrid[x,y] = solution[i]
return(list(new_krigGrid=new_krigGrid, new_data=new_data))
############################################# Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary ##################################################
#' Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary
#' @details funtion that approximates the value in a transition zone (which has commun boundary with the map)
#' by the solution of the Laplace's equation. The numerical resolution of the Laplace's equation will be based on the discretisation
#' of the data on the grid (map$krigGrid). The domaine of study is a transition zone which have a commun border with the map.
#' @param map object returned by function genMap
#' @param Z list of zones.
#' @param numZ number of the zone whose values will be approximated.
#' @return approximated values of the zone (numZ) given as parameter.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seed=21
#' map=genMap(DataObj=NULL,seed=seed,krig=2,typeMod="Exp",nPointsK=800)
#' ZK=initialZoning(qProb=c(0.55,0.85),map)
#' Z=ZK$resZ$zonePolygone # list of zones
#' lab = ZK$resZ$lab # label of zones
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = FALSE)
#' # zone 3 is a transition zone that has commun boundary with the map
#' numZ = 3
#' Estimation = Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ)
#' # compute the cost
#' cL = Cost_By_Laplace(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ, Estimation = Estimation)
#' cM = Cost_By_Mean(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ)
#' print(cL$cost_Laplace)
#' print(cM$cost_Mean)
#' # zone 3 is a zone with gradient
Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary = function(map, Z, numZ){
# this function is in the script "calCost.R"
# for each zone, identify its neighbours.
listNei = list()
for (i in 1:length(Z)){
nei = c()
for (j in 1:length(Z)){
if(gDistance(Z[[i]],Z[[j]]) < 0.001){ # if the distance between 2 zones is small, they are neighbours
nei = c(nei, j)
listNei[[i]] = nei
# reassign points to zones
tab = map$krigData
listZpt = zoneAssign(tab = tab, Z = Z)
if (length(listZpt)<numZ)
print("error in assigning points to zones")
# find all points in zone "numZ" that are near boundary of the map
pointNearBoundary = Points_Near_Boundary(map = map)
pointNearBoundary_inZone = intersect(pointNearBoundary, listZpt[[numZ]])
# for each point in pointNearBoundary_inZone, find the closest points that is in neighbour zones and is in the list pointNearBoundary
# in this case, there are 2 neighbour zones, so each point in pointNearBoundary_inZone will has 2 points described as above
listPointNei = list() # each element of the list is a couple de points, each point is in a neighbour zone
k = 1 # counter
for(i in pointNearBoundary_inZone){
pointNei = c()
# coordinates of point i
xi = map$krigData@coords[i,1]
yi = map$krigData@coords[i,2]
for (zoneNei in listNei[[numZ]]){
dist = c()
pointInZoneNei = c()
for(j in pointNearBoundary){
if(j %in% listZpt[[zoneNei]]){ # check if point j is in the neighbour zone
pointInZoneNei = c(pointInZoneNei, j)
# coordinates of point j
xj = map$krigData@coords[j,1]
yj = map$krigData@coords[j,2]
d = sqrt((xi-xj)^2+(yi-yj)^2) # compute the distance between 2 points
dist = c(dist, d)
index = which.min(dist) # find index of the smallest distance
pointNei = c(pointNei, pointInZoneNei[index])
listPointNei[[k]] = pointNei
k = k+1
# now, for each point in "pointNearBoundary_inZone", interpolate linearly the value of the point by the 2 points in "listPointNei"
# this approximation will be use for resolution of Laplace's equation
Values_Interpolated = c()
for(i in 1:length(listPointNei)){
# point and coordinates
p = pointNearBoundary_inZone[i]
x = map$krigData@coords[p,1]
y = map$krigData@coords[p,2]
p1 = listPointNei[[i]][1]
x1 = map$krigData@coords[p1,1]
y1 = map$krigData@coords[p1,2]
p2 = listPointNei[[i]][2]
x2 = map$krigData@coords[p2,1]
y2 = map$krigData@coords[p2,2]
# compute distance between p and p1, p and p2
d1 = sqrt((x-x1)^2+(y-y1)^2)
d2 = sqrt((x-x2)^2+(y-y2)^2)
# values of p1 and p2
v1 = map$krigData@data$var1.pred[p1]
v2 = map$krigData@data$var1.pred[p2]
# interpolate "linearly"
d = d1+d2
val_interpolated = v1*d2/d + v2*d1/d
Values_Interpolated = c(Values_Interpolated, val_interpolated)
# resolution of Laplace's equation : modeling the equation by using the grid of map, we obtain a linear form AX = B
N = length(listZpt[[numZ]])
A = matrix(rep(0,N*N), nrow = N)
B = rep(0,N)
# the diagonal of A is equal to -4
for (i in 1:N){
A[i,i] = -4
# fill the matrix A and the vector B
coord = coordinates(tab)
X = coord[,1]
Y = coord[,2]
#step of discretisation
step = map$step
for(i in 1:length(listZpt[[numZ]])){
# coordinates of point i in zone "numZ"
x = X[listZpt[[numZ]][i]]
y = Y[listZpt[[numZ]][i]]
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the West
xw = x - step
yw = y
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the Nord
xn = x
yn = y + step
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the Est
xe = x + step
ye = y
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the South
xs = x
ys = y - step
jw = intersect(which(abs(Y-yw)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xw)<10^-6)) # in stead of finding equality, we use a threshold to detect the point
if(length(jw)!=0){ # if neighbour point exists
j = which(listZpt[[numZ]]==jw)
if(length(j)!=0){ # if neighbour point is in zone "numZ"
A[i,j] = 1
}else{ # if neighbour point is not in zone "numZ"
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[jw,1]
}else{ # if neighbour point doesn't exist (neighbour point in boundary)
B[i] = B[i] + Values_Interpolated [which(pointNearBoundary_inZone == listZpt[[numZ]][i])]
jn = intersect(which(abs(Y-yn)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xn)<10^-6)) # in stead of finding equality, we use a threshold to detect the point
j = which(listZpt[[numZ]]==jn)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[jn,1]
B[i] = B[i] + Values_Interpolated [which(pointNearBoundary_inZone == listZpt[[numZ]][i])]
je = intersect(which(abs(Y-ye)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xe)<10^-6)) # in stead of finding equality, we use a threshold to detect the point
j = which(listZpt[[numZ]]==je)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[je,1]
B[i] = B[i] + Values_Interpolated [which(pointNearBoundary_inZone == listZpt[[numZ]][i])]
js = intersect(which(abs(Y-ys)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xs)<10^-6)) # in stead of finding equality, we use a threshold to detect the point
j = which(listZpt[[numZ]]==js)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[js, 1]
B[i] = B[i] + Values_Interpolated [which(pointNearBoundary_inZone == listZpt[[numZ]][i])]
# resolution
solution = -B%*% (solve(A))
############################################# Transition_Zone_Far_Boundary #######################################################
#' Transition_Zone_Far_Boundary
#' @details funtion that approximates the value in a transition zone (which doesn't have commun boundary with the map)
#' by the solution of the Laplace's equation. The numerical resolution of the Laplace's equation will be based on the discretisation
#' of the data on the grid (map$krigGrid).
#' @usage Transition_Zone_Far_Boundary(map, Z, numZ)
#' @param map object returned by function genMap
#' @param Z list of zones.
#' @param numZ number of the zone whose values will be approximated.
#' @return approximated values of the zone (numZ) given as parameter.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' seed=35
#' map=genMap(DataObj=NULL,seed=seed,krig=2,typeMod="Exp",nPoints=500)
#' ZK=initialZoning(qProb=c(0.65,0.8),map)
#' Z=ZK$resZ$zonePolygone # list of zones
#' lab = ZK$resZ$lab # label of zones
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = FALSE)
#' # zone 5 is a transition zone that is far from map boundary
#' numZ = 5
#' Estimation = Transition_Zone_Far_Boundary(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ)
#' # compute the cost
#' cL = Cost_By_Laplace(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ, Estimation = Estimation)
#' cM = Cost_By_Mean(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ)
#' print(cL$cost_Laplace)
#' print(cM$cost_Mean)
#' # zone 5 is a zone with gradient
#' }
Transition_Zone_Far_Boundary = function(map, Z, numZ){
# reassign points to zones
tab = map$krigData
listZpt = zoneAssign(tab = tab, Z = Z)
if (length(listZpt)<numZ)
print("error in assigning points to zones")
# resolution of Laplace's equation : modeling the equation by using the grid of map, we obtain a linear form AX = B
N = length(listZpt[[numZ]])
A = matrix(rep(0,N*N), nrow = N)
B = rep(0,N)
# the diagonal of A is equal to -4
for (i in 1:N){
A[i,i] = -4
# fill the matrix A and the vector B
coord = coordinates(tab)
X = coord[,1]
Y = coord[,2]
#step of discretisation
step = map$step
for(i in 1:length(listZpt[[numZ]])){
# coordinates of point i in zone "numZ"
x = X[listZpt[[numZ]][i]]
y = Y[listZpt[[numZ]][i]]
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the West
xw = x - step
yw = y
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the North
xn = x
yn = y + step
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the East
xe = x + step
ye = y
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the South
xs = x
ys = y - step
jw = intersect(which(abs(Y-yw)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xw)<10^-6)) # instead of finding equality, we use a threshold to detect the point
j = which(listZpt[[numZ]]==jw)
if(length(j)!=0){ # if neighbour point is in zone "numZ"
A[i,j] = 1
}else{ # if neighbour point is not in zone "numZ"
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[jw,1]
jn = intersect(which(abs(Y-yn)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xn)<10^-6)) # instead of finding equality, we use a threshold to detect the point
j = which(listZpt[[numZ]]==jn)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[jn,1]
je = intersect(which(abs(Y-ye)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xe)<10^-6)) # instead of finding equality, we use a threshold to detect the point
j = which(listZpt[[numZ]]==je)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[je,1]
js = intersect(which(abs(Y-ys)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xs)<10^-6)) # insstead of finding equality, we use a threshold to detect the point
j = which(listZpt[[numZ]]==js)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[js,1]
# resolution
solution = -B%*% (solve(A))
############################################# Extreme_Zone ####################################################################
#' Extreme_Zone
#' @details funtion that approximates the value in a extreme zone (zone with label maximum or minimum, zones which have only one neighbour)
#' by the solution of the Laplace's equation. The iso contours plotted on the approximate data will take the form of concentric circles as we
#' supposed the extreme value of the zone is at the zone center (furthest point from the zone boundary.)
#' @param map object returned by function genMap
#' @param Z list of zones.
#' @param numZ number of the zone whose values will be approximated.
#' @param boolean value that is TRUE if the label of the zone is minimum and FALSE if the label is maximum
#' @return approximated values of the values in zone (numZ).
#' @importFrom rgeos readWKT
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' seed=35
#' map=genMap(DataObj=NULL,seed=seed,krig=2,typeMod="Exp",nPointsK=500)
#' ZK=initialZoning(qProb=c(0.8),map)
#' Z=ZK$resZ$zonePolygone # list of zones
#' lab = ZK$resZ$lab # label of zones
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = FALSE)
#' # zone 2 is a zone with maximum label
#' numZ = 2
#' Estimation = Extreme_Zone(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ, = FALSE)
#' # compute the cost
#' cL = Cost_By_Laplace(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ, Estimation = Estimation)
#' cM = Cost_By_Mean(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ)
#' print(cL$cost_Laplace)
#' print(cM$cost_Mean)
#' # zone 2 is homogeneous
#' }
Extreme_Zone = function(map, Z, numZ, = TRUE){
# reassign points to zones
tab = map$krigData
listZpt = zoneAssign(tab = tab, Z = Z)
if (length(listZpt)<numZ)
print("error in assigning points to zones")
# find the farthest point from the boundary of the zone "numZ", then we will interpolate its value by the extreme value of the zone
boundaryZone = gBoundary(Z[[numZ]])
dist = c()
for(i in listZpt[[numZ]]){
# récupérer les coords du point
x = map$krigData@coords[i,1]
y = map$krigData@coords[i,2]
p = readWKT(paste("POINT(",x,y,")"))
dist = c(dist, gDistance(p, boundaryZone))
#text(x,y,labels = i)
index = which.max(dist)
indexP = listZpt[[numZ]] [[index]] # index of the point
listPt = listZpt[[numZ]] [ listZpt[[numZ]] != listZpt[[numZ]] [index] ] # list contains all points of zone except the furthest from zone's boundary
# find the extreme value of the zone
Val = 0
if( == TRUE){
Val = min(map$krigData@data$var1.pred[listZpt[[numZ]]])
Val = max(map$krigData@data$var1.pred[listZpt[[numZ]]])
# find the other extreme value of the zone
# in case that zone has commun border with the boundary of the map, we will interolate the points in boundary of the map that are close
# to the zone by this value
Val2 = 0
if( == TRUE){
Val2 = max(map$krigData@data$var1.pred[listZpt[[numZ]]])
Val2 = min(map$krigData@data$var1.pred[listZpt[[numZ]]])
# resolution of Laplace's equation : modeling the equation by using the grid of map, we obtain a linear form AX = B
N = length(listPt)
A = matrix(rep(0,N*N), nrow = N)
B = rep(0,N)
# the diagonal of A is equal to -4
for (i in 1:N){
A[i,i] = -4
# fill the matrix A and the vector B
coord = coordinates(tab)
X = coord[,1]
Y = coord[,2]
#step of discretisation
step = map$step
for(i in 1:length(listPt)){
# coordinates of point i
x = X[listPt[i]]
y = Y[listPt[i]]
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the West
xw = x - step
yw = y
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the North
xn = x
yn = y + step
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the Est
xe = x + step
ye = y
# coordinates of the neighbour point in the South
xs = x
ys = y - step
jw = intersect(which(abs(Y-yw)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xw)<10^-6))
if(jw == indexP){
B[i] = B[i] + Val
j = which(listPt==jw)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[jw,1]
B[i] = B[i] + Val2
jn = intersect(which(abs(Y-yn)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xn)<10^-6))
if(jn == indexP){
B[i] = B[i] + Val
j = which(listPt==jn)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[jn,1]
B[i] = B[i] + Val2
je = intersect(which(abs(Y-ye)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xe)<10^-6))
if(je == indexP){
B[i] = B[i] + Val
j = which(listPt==je)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[je,1]
B[i] = B[i] + Val2
js = intersect(which(abs(Y-ys)<10^-6),which(abs(X-xs)<10^-6))
if(js == indexP){
B[i] = B[i] + Val
j = which(listPt==js)
A[i,j] = 1
B[i] = B[i] + tab@data[js,1]
B[i] = B[i] + Val2
# resolution
solution = -B%*% (solve(A))
solution = append(solution, Val, after = index-1)
############################################# list_Zone_2_Neighbours #################################################################
#' list_Zone_2_Neighbours
#' @details Returns the numbers of zones that have exactly 2 neighbours with different labels. These zone are susceptible to be
#' transitions zones
#' @param Z list of Zones
#' @param lab vector labels of zones
#' @return a vector containing zone numbers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' seed=20
#' map=genMap(DataObj=NULL,seed=seed,krig=2,typeMod="Exp")
#' ZK=initialZoning(qProb=c(0.67,0.8),map)
#' Z=ZK$resZ$zonePolygone # list of zones
#' lab = ZK$resZ$lab # label of zones
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = FALSE)
#' # zone 5 and 11 are transition zones and have exactly 2 neighbours with different labels.
#' list_Zone_2_Neighbours(Z = Z, lab = lab)
#' }
list_Zone_2_Neighbours = function(Z, lab){
# find the neighbours of each zone
listNei = list()
for (i in 1:length(Z)){
nei = c()
for (j in 1:length(Z)){
if(gDistance(Z[[i]],Z[[j]]) < 0.001){ # if the distance between 2 zones is small, they are neighbours
nei = c(nei, j)
listNei[[i]] = nei
# find zones which have exactly 2 neighbours with differents labels
zone_transition = c()
for (i in 1:length(Z)){
if(lab[listNei[[i]][1] ] != lab[ listNei[[i]][2] ] ){
zone_transition = c(zone_transition, i)
############################################# contourBetween #############################################
#' contourBetween
#' @details : For the given krigGrid, this funtion returns the contourLines of the map following
#' the 2 quantiles that defined at the beginning.
#' @param map : object map defined in package geozoning
#' @param krigGrid : object that can
#' @param q1,q2 : 2 quantiles that defined zone
#' @param nbContourBetween : the number of discretisation between q1 and q2
#' @return listContours : List of Spatial Lines and the value of quantile that represent the contours generated
#' @importFrom sp plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' map=geozoning::mapTest
#' ZK=initialZoning(qProb=c(0.55,0.85),map)
#' Z=ZK$resZ$zonePolygone # list of zones
#' lab = ZK$resZ$lab # label of zones
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = FALSE)
#' numZ = 7
#' Estimation = Transition_Zone_Near_Boundary(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ)
#' result = new_krigGrid_for_visualisation(map = map, Z = Z, numZ = numZ, solution = Estimation)
#' new_krigGrid = result$new_krigGrid
#' new_data = result$new_data
#' quant1 = quantile(map$krigData@data$var1.pred,probs = 0.55)
#' quant2 = quantile(map$krigData@data$var1.pred,probs = 0.85)
#' # plot modified isocontours
#' plotM(map = map,Z = Z,lab = lab, byLab = TRUE)
#' listContours = contourBetween(map = map, krigGrid = new_krigGrid, q1 = quant1, q2 = quant2)
#' for (i in 1:length(listContours)){
#' sp::plot(listContours[[i]]$contour,add=TRUE,col = "red")
#' }
#' }
contourBetween = function(map,krigGrid, q1, q2, nbContourBetween = 5)
step = map$step
xsize = map$xsize
ysize = map$ysize
ctL = contourLines(seq(step, xsize-step, by=step), seq(step, ysize-step, by=step), krigGrid, levels = seq(q1,q2,(q2-q1)/(nbContourBetween+1)))
listContours = list()
for (i in 1:length(ctL)){
quantile = ctL[[i]]$level
x = ctL[[i]]$x
y = ctL[[i]]$y
l =cbind(x,y) # coordinates of a line
L= Line(l) # create object of class Line
Ls = Lines(list(L), ID = "1") # create object of class Lines
SLs = SpatialLines(list(Ls)) # create object of class SpatialLines
listContours[[i]] = list(quantile = quantile, contour = SLs)
return(listContours = listContours)
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