
Defines functions fn_names get_tree as_protected_name compose_ fn_interp.NULL fn_interp.function fn_interp.list fn_interp.quosures lambda_named is_op_namespace is_subsetter is_literal fn_interp.quosure fn_interp.default fn_interp drop_null fn_tree `%>>>%` compose

Documented in compose

#' Compose Functions
#' @description
#' To compose functions,
#' * Use `compose()`:
#'   ```
#'     compose(f, g, h, ...)
#'   ```
#'   This makes the function that applies `f`, then `g`, then `h`, etc.
#'   It has the [formals][base::formals()] of the first function applied (namely
#'   `f`). For example, if
#'   ```
#'     fun <- compose(paste, toupper)
#'   ```
#'   then the function `fun()` has the same signature as `paste()`, and the call
#'   ```
#'     fun(letters, collapse = ",")
#'   ````
#'   is equivalent to the composite call
#'   ```
#'     toupper(paste(letters, collapse = ","))
#'   ```
#' * Use `` `%>>>%` ``:
#'   ```
#'     f %>>>% g %>>>% h %>>>% ...
#'   ```
#'   It comprehends both the semantics of the
#'   [\pkg{magrittr}](https://cran.r-project.org/package=magrittr) `` `%>%` ``
#'   operator and [quasiquotation][rlang::quasiquotation]. For example, if
#'   ```
#'     sep <- ""
#'     fun <- sample %>>>% paste(collapse = !!sep)
#'   ```
#'   then the function `fun()` has the same signature as `sample()`, and the
#'   call
#'   ```
#'     fun(x, size, replace, prob)
#'   ```
#'   is equivalent to the composite call
#'   ```
#'     paste(sample(x, size, replace, prob), collapse = "")
#'   ```
#' Use [as.list()] to recover the list of composite functions. For example, both
#' ```
#'   as.list(compose(paste, capitalize = toupper))
#'   as.list(paste %>>>% capitalize: toupper)
#' ```
#' return the (named) list of functions `list(paste, capitalize = toupper)`.
#' @param ... Functions or lists thereof to compose, in order of application.
#'   Lists of functions are automatically spliced in.
#'   [Unquoting][rlang::quasiquotation] of names, via `!!` on the left-hand side
#'   of `:=`, and [splicing][rlang::quasiquotation], via `!!!`, are supported.
#' @return Function of class `CompositeFunction`, whose
#'   [formals][base::formals()] are those of the first function applied (as a
#'   closure).
#' @section Semantics of the Composition Operator:
#'   The `` `%>>>%` `` operator adopts the semantics of the
#'   [\pkg{magrittr}](https://cran.r-project.org/package=magrittr) `` `%>%` ``
#'   operator:
#'   1. **Bare names are matched to functions**: For example, in a composition
#'      like
#'      ```
#'        ... %>>>% foo %>>>% ...
#'      ```
#'      the \sQuote{`foo`} is matched to the function of that name.
#'   2. **Function calls are interpreted as a unary function of a point (`.`)**:
#'      A _call_ is interpreted as a _function_ (of a point) in one of two ways:
#'      * If the point matches an argument value, the call is literally
#'        interpreted as the body of the function. For example, in the
#'        compositions
#'        ```
#'          ... %>>>% foo(x, .) %>>>% ...
#'          ... %>>>% foo(x, y = .) %>>>% ...
#'        ```
#'        the \sQuote{`foo(x, .)`}, resp. \sQuote{`foo(x, y = .)`}, is
#'        interpreted as the function `function(..., . = ..1) foo(x, .)`, resp.
#'        `function(..., . = ..1) foo(x, y = .)`.
#'      * Otherwise, the call is regarded as implicitly having the point as its
#'        first argument before being interpreted as the body of the function.
#'        For example, in the compositions
#'        ```
#'          ... %>>>% foo(x) %>>>% ...
#'          ... %>>>% foo(x, y(.)) %>>>% ...
#'        ```
#'        the \sQuote{`foo(x)`}, resp. \sQuote{`foo(x, y(.))`}, is interpreted
#'        as the function `function(..., . = ..1) foo(., x)`, resp.
#'        `function(..., . = ..1) foo(., x, y(.))`.
#'   3. **Expressions `{...}` are interpreted as a function of a point (`.`)**:
#'      For example, in a composition
#'      ```
#'        ... %>>>% {
#'          foo(.)
#'          bar(.)
#'        } %>>>% ...
#'      ```
#'      the \sQuote{`{foo(.); bar(.)}`} is interpreted as the function
#'      `function(..., . = ..1) {foo(.); bar(.)}`.
#'      Curly braces are useful when you need to circumvent `` `%>>>%` ``'s
#'      usual interpretation of function calls. For example, in a composition
#'      ```
#'        ... %>>>% {foo(x, y(.))} %>>>% ...
#'      ```
#'      the \sQuote{`{foo(x, y(.))}`} is interpreted as the function
#'      `function(..., . = ..1) foo(x, y(.))`. There is no point as first
#'      argument to `foo`.
#'   \subsection{Exceptions to the Interpretation of Calls as Functions}{
#'   As a matter of convenience, some exceptions are made to the above
#'   interpretation of calls as functions:
#'   - **Parenthesis** (`(`) applies grouping. (In R, `` `(` `` is indeed a
#'     function.) In particular, expressions within parentheses are literally
#'     interpreted.
#'   - **Colon** (`:`) applies _naming_, according to the syntax
#'     \sQuote{`<name>: <function>`}, where \sQuote{`<function>`} is interpreted
#'     according to the semantics of `` `%>>>%` ``. For example, in
#'     ```
#'       ... %>>>% aName: foo %>>>% ...
#'     ```
#'     the function `foo` is named `"aName"`.
#'   - **[fn()]**, namespace operators (`` `::`  ``,
#'     `` `:::` ``) and **[extractors][base::Extract]** (`` `$` ``, `` `[[` ``,
#'     `` `[` ``) are literally interpreted. This allows for list extractors to
#'     be applied to composite functions appearing in a `` `%>>>%` `` call (see
#'     'Operate on Composite Functions as List-Like Objects'). For example, the
#'     compositions
#'     ```
#'       paste %>>>% tolower
#'       paste %>>>% base::tolower
#'       (paste %>>>% toupper)[[1]] %>>>% tolower
#'     ```
#'     are equivalent functions.
#'   }
#' @section Quasiquotation:
#'   The `` `%>>>%` `` operator supports Tidyverse
#'   [unquoting][rlang::quasiquotation] (via `!!`). Use it to:
#'   - **Enforce immutability**: For example, by unquoting `res` in
#'     ```
#'       res <- "result"
#'       get_result <- identity %>>>% lapply(`[[`, !!res)
#'     ```
#'     you ensure that the function `get_result()` always extracts the component
#'     named `"result"`, even if the binding `res` changes its value or is
#'     removed altogether.
#'   - **Interpret the point (`.`) in the lexical scope**: Even though
#'     `` `%>>>%` `` interprets \sQuote{`.`} as a function argument, you can
#'     still reference an object of that name via unquoting. For example,
#'     ```
#'       . <- "point"
#'       is_point <- identity %>>>% {. == !!.}
#'     ```
#'     determines a function that checks for equality with the string `"point"`.
#'   - **Name composite functions, programmatically**: For example, unquoting
#'     `nm` in
#'     ```
#'       nm <- "aName"
#'       ... %>>>% !!nm: foo %>>>% ...
#'     ```
#'     names the \sQuote{`foo`}-component of the resulting composite function
#'     `"aName"`.
#'   - **Accelerate functions by fixing constant dependencies**: For example,
#'     presuming the value of the call `f()` is _constant_ and that `g` is a
#'     _pure_ function (meaning that its return value depends only on its
#'     input), both
#'     ```
#'       ... %>>>% g(f()) %>>>% ...
#'       ... %>>>% g(!!f()) %>>>% ...
#'     ```
#'     would be functions yielding the same values. But the first would compute
#'     `f()` anew with each call, whereas the second would simply depend on a
#'     fixed, pre-computed value of `f()`.
#' @section Operate on Composite Functions as List-Like Objects:
#'   You can think of a composite function as embodying the (possibly nested)
#'   structure of its list of constituent functions. In fact, you can apply
#'   familiar index and assignment operations to a composite function, as if it
#'   were this list, getting a function in return. This enables you to leverage
#'   composite functions as _structured computations_.
#'   \subsection{Indexing}{
#'   For instance, the \sQuote{`sum`} in the following composite function
#'   ```
#'     f <- abs %>>>% out: (log %>>>% agg: sum)
#'   ```
#'   can be [extracted][base::Extract] in the usual ways:
#'   ```
#'     f[[2]][[2]]
#'     f[[c(2, 2)]]
#'     f$out$agg
#'     f[["out"]][["agg"]]
#'     f[["out"]]$agg
#'     f$out[[2]]
#'     f[[list("out", 2)]]
#'   ```
#'   The last form of indexing with a mixed list is handy when you need to
#'   create an index programmatically.
#'   Additionally, you can excise sub-composite functions with
#'   [`[`][base::Extract], [head()], [tail()]. For example:
#'   * Both `f[1]` and `head(f, 1)` get the \sQuote{`abs`} as a composite
#'   function, namely `compose(abs)`
#'   * `f[2:1]` reverses the order of the top-level functions to yield
#'     ```
#'       out: (log %>>>% agg: sum) %>>>% abs
#'     ```
#'   * `f$out[c(FALSE, TRUE)]` gets the \sQuote{`sum`} as a (named) composite
#'   function
#'   }
#'   \subsection{Subset Assignment}{
#'   Similarily, subset assignment works as it does for lists. For instance, you
#'   can replace the \sQuote{`sum`} with the identity function:
#'   ```
#'     f[[2]][[2]] <- identity
#'     f$out$agg <- identity
#'     f[["out"]][["agg"]] <- identity
#'     f$out[[2]] <- identity
#'     f[[list("out", 2)]] <- identity
#'   ```
#'   Multiple constituent functions can be reassigned using
#'   [`[<-`][base::Extract]. For example
#'   ```
#'     f[2] <- list(log)
#'     f["out"] <- list(log)
#'     f[c(FALSE, TRUE)] <- list(log)
#'   ```
#'   all replace the second constituent function with `log`, so that `f` becomes
#'   `abs %>>>% log`.
#'   }
#'   \subsection{Other List Methods}{
#'   The generic methods [unlist()], [length()], [names()] also apply to
#'   composite functions. In conjunction with `compose()`, you can use
#'   `unlist()` to \dQuote{flatten} compositions. For example
#'   ```
#'     compose(unlist(f, use.names = FALSE))
#'   ```
#'   gives a function that is identical to
#'   ```
#'     abs %>>>% log %>>>% sum
#'   ```
#'   }
#' @section Composite Functions Balance Speed and Complexity:
#'   The speed of a composite function made by `compose()` or `` `%>>>%` ``
#'   (regardless of its nested depth) is on par with a manually constructed
#'   _serial_ composition. This is because `compose()` and `` `%>>>%` `` are
#'   **associative**, semantically and operationally. For instance, triple
#'   compositions,
#'   ```
#'     compose(f, g, h)
#'     f %>>>% g %>>>% h
#'     compose(f, compose(g, h))
#'     f %>>>% (g %>>>% h)
#'     compose(compose(f, g), h)
#'     (f %>>>% g) %>>>% h
#'   ```
#'   are all implemented as the _same function_. Lists of functions are
#'   automatically \dQuote{flattened} when composed.
#'   Nevertheless, the original nested structure of constituent functions is
#'   faithfully recovered by [as.list()]. In particular, `as.list()` and
#'   `compose()` are **mutually invertible**: `as.list(compose(fs))` is the same
#'   as `fs`, when `fs` is a (nested) list of functions. (But note that the
#'   names of the list of composite functions is always a character vector; it
#'   is never `NULL`.)
#' @seealso [constant()]; combined with `` `%>>>%` ``, this provides a lazy,
#'   structured alternative to the
#'   [\pkg{magrittr}](https://cran.r-project.org/package=magrittr) `` `%>%` ``
#'   operator.
#' @examples
#' # Functions are applied in the order in which they are listed
#' inv <- partial(`/`, 1)  # reciprocal
#' f0 <- compose(abs, log, inv)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(f0(-2), 1 / log(abs(-2))))
#' # Alternatively, compose using the `%>>>%` operator
#' f1 <- abs %>>>% log %>>>% {1 / .}
#' stopifnot(all.equal(f1(-2), f0(-2)))
#' \dontrun{
#' # Transform a function to a JSON function
#' library(jsonlite)
#' # By composing higher-order functions:
#' jsonify <- {fromJSON %>>>% .} %>>>% {. %>>>% toJSON}
#' # By directly composing with input/output transformers:
#' jsonify <- fn(f ~ fromJSON %>>>% f %>>>% toJSON)}
#' # Formals of initial function are preserved
#' add <- function(a, b = 0) a + b
#' stopifnot(identical(formals(compose(add, inv)), formals(add)))
#' # Compositions can be provided by lists, in several equivalent ways
#' f2 <- compose(list(abs, log, inv))
#' f3 <- compose(!!! list(abs, log, inv))
#' f4 <- compose(abs, list(log, inv))
#' f5 <- compose(abs, !!! list(log, inv))
#' stopifnot(
#'   all.equal(f2, f0), all.equal(f2(-2), f0(-2)),
#'   all.equal(f3, f0), all.equal(f3(-2), f0(-2)),
#'   all.equal(f4, f0), all.equal(f4(-2), f0(-2)),
#'   all.equal(f5, f0), all.equal(f5(-2), f0(-2))
#' )
#' # compose() and as.list() are mutally invertible
#' f6 <- compose(abs, as.list(compose(log, inv)))
#' stopifnot(
#'   all.equal(f6, f0), all.equal(f6(-2), f0(-2))
#' )
#' fs <- list(abs, log, inv)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(check.attributes = FALSE,
#'   as.list(compose(fs)), fs,
#' ))
#' # `%>>>%` supports names, magrittr `%>%` semantics, and quasiquotation
#' sep <- ""
#' scramble <- shuffle: sample %>>>% paste(collapse = !!sep)
#' nonsense <- scramble(letters)
#' stopifnot(
#'   nchar(nonsense) == 26L,
#'   identical(letters, sort(strsplit(nonsense, sep)[[1]])),
#'   identical(scramble$shuffle, sample)
#' )
#' @export
compose <- function(...) {
  fs <- fn_tree(...)
  if (is_empty(fs))
  cmp <- compose_(fs)
  class(cmp) <- c("CompositeFunction", "function")

#' @param fst,snd Functions. These may be optionally named using a colon (`:`),
#'   e.g., `f %>>>% nm: g` names the `g`-component `"nm"` (see
#'   \sQuote{Exceptions to the Interpretation of Calls as Functions}).
#'   [Quasiquotation][rlang::quasiquotation] and the
#'   [\pkg{magrittr}](https://cran.r-project.org/package=magrittr) `` `%>%` ``
#'   semantics are supported (see \sQuote{Semantics of the Composition
#'   Operator}, \sQuote{Quasiquotation} and \sQuote{Examples}).
#' @rdname compose
#' @export
`%>>>%` <- function(fst, snd) {
  compose(enquo(fst), enquo(snd))

fn_tree <- function(...) {
  fs <- lapply(list_tidy(...), fn_interp)
  fs <- drop_null(fs)
  unlist(fs, recursive = FALSE)

drop_null <- function(xs) {
  xs[vapply(xs, is.null, TRUE)] <- NULL
  names(xs) <- names_chr(xs)
  is_list <- vapply(xs, is.list, TRUE)
  xs[is_list] <- lapply(xs[is_list], drop_null)

fn_interp <- function(x) {

#' @export
fn_interp.default <- function(x) {

#' @export
fn_interp.quosure <- function(x) {
  expr <- quo_get_expr_(x)
  if (is_literal(expr))
  if (is_group(expr))
  if (is_named(expr))
    return(lambda_named(expr, quo_get_env(x)))
  if (is_lambda(expr))
    return(lambda(expr, quo_get_env(x)))
  lambda_partial(expr, quo_get_env(x))

is_literal <- function(expr) {
  !is.call(expr)        ||
    is_op_compose(expr) ||
    is_subsetter(expr)  ||
    is_fn(expr)         ||
    is_partial(expr)    ||

is_op_compose <- check_head("%>>>%")

is_subsetter <- function(expr) {
  is_dollar(expr) || is_sqr_sqr(expr) || is_sqr(expr)
is_dollar  <- check_head("$")
is_sqr_sqr <- check_head("[[")
is_sqr     <- check_head("[")

is_fn      <- check_head("fn")
is_partial <- check_head("partial")

is_op_namespace <- function(expr) {
  is_op_public(expr) || is_op_private(expr)
is_op_public  <- check_head("::")
is_op_private <- check_head(":::")

is_group <- check_head("(")

is_named <- check_head(":")

lambda_named <- function(expr, env) {
  expr[[1L]] <- quote(`:=`)
  rhs <- expr[[3L]]
  # quos() already nests, so subsequent grouping must be undone
  if (is.call(rhs) && is_group(rhs))
    expr[[3L]] <- rhs[[2L]]
  enquos <- as.call(c(quos, expr))
  fn_interp(eval(enquos, env))

is_lambda <- check_head("{")

lambda <- local({
  args <- as.pairlist(alist(... = ,  . = ..1))

  function(body, env) {
    new_fn(args, body, env)

lambda_partial <- local({
  point <- as.name(".")
  is_void <- function(call) {
    length(call) == 1L
  verify_conformance <- function(call, to) {
    match.call(args(to) %||% closure(to), call) %unless%
      sprintf("%s is an invalid call: %%s", expr_label(call))

  function(call, env) {
    caller <- match.fun(eval_tidy(call[[1L]], env = env))
    if (is_void(call))
    args <- as.list(call)[-1L]
    if (!any(vapply(args, identical, logical(1), point)))
      call <- as.call(c(call[[1L]], point, args))
    verify_conformance(call, to = caller)
    lambda(call, env)

#' @export
fn_interp.quosures <- function(x) {
  lapply(x, fn_interp.quosure)

#' @export
fn_interp.list <- function(x) {
  lapply(x, fn_interp)

#' @export
fn_interp.CompositeFunction <- getter("__fn_tree__")

#' @export
fn_interp.function <- function(x) x

#' @export
fn_interp.NULL <- function(x) NULL

compose_ <- function(fs) {
  pipeline <- unlist(fs, use.names = FALSE)
  fst <- pipeline[[1L]]
  pipe <- reduce_calls(length(pipeline))
  env <- envir(fst) %encloses% (pipeline %named% pipe$nms)
  assign("__cmp__", eval(pipe$expr, env), env)
  makeActiveBinding("__fn_tree__", get_tree(fs, env), env)
  new_fn(fml_args(fst), eval_cmp_call, env)

eval_cmp_call <- quote(eval(`[[<-`(sys.call(), 1L, `__cmp__`), parent.frame()))

as_protected_name <- function(i) sprintf("__%d__", i)

reduce_calls <- local({
  reduce_calls_ <- function(n) {
    nms <- as_protected_name(seq_len(n))
    expr <- as.call(c(as.name(nms[[1L]]), quote(...)))
    for (nm in nms[-1L])
      expr <- call(nm, expr)
    list(nms = nms, expr = call("function", as.pairlist(alist(... = )), expr))

  # A typical composition consists of fewer than 32 functions, presumably.
  chain <- lapply(seq_len(32L), reduce_calls_)

  # Frequently called for small integers; pre-compute those values.
  function(n) {
    if (n <= length(chain)) .subset2(chain, n) else reduce_calls_(n)

get_tree <- function(fs, env) {
  nms <- fn_names(fs)

  function() {
    mut_nodes(nms, get, envir = env, mode = "function", inherits = FALSE)

fn_names <- function(fs) {
  i <- 0L
  mut_nodes(fs, function(.) {
    i <<- i + 1L

#' @export
`$.CompositeFunction` <- function(x, i) {
  fs <- as.list.CompositeFunction(x)
  fs <- .subset2(fs, i)
  if (is.function(fs))

#' @export
`$<-.CompositeFunction` <- function(x, name, value) {
  fs <- as.list.CompositeFunction(x)
  fs[[name]] <- value

#' @export
`[[.CompositeFunction` <- function(x, i, ...) {
  fs <- as.list.CompositeFunction(x)
  fs <- pick(fs, i)
  if (is.function(fs))

#' @export
`[[<-.CompositeFunction` <- function(x, i, value) {
  fs <- as.list.CompositeFunction(x)
  pick(fs, i) <- value

#' @export
`[.CompositeFunction` <- function(x, i) {
  if (missing(i))
  fs <- as.list.CompositeFunction(x)
  i <- standardize(i, length(fs))
  compose(.subset(fs, i))

#' @export
`[<-.CompositeFunction` <- function(x, i, value) {
  fs <- as.list.CompositeFunction(x)
  fs <- replace_strictly(fs, i, value)

replace_strictly <- function(x, i, value) {
  len_value <- length(value)
  if (missing(i)) {
    len <- length(x)
  } else {
    i <- standardize(i, length(x))
    len <- if (is.logical(i)) sum(i) else length(i)
  (len_value == 1L || len_value == len) %because%
    sprintf("Replacement length (%d) must be 1 or %d", len_value, len)
  x[i] <- value

standardize <- function(i, len) {
  if (is.numeric(i))
    i <- i[abs(i) <= len]
  # Don't recycle predicate vectors
  if (is.logical(i) && (l <- length(i)) != len)
    halt("Predicate length (%d) must be %d", l, len)

#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
head.CompositeFunction <- function(x, n = 1L, ...) {
  compose(head(as.list.CompositeFunction(x), n, ...))

#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
tail.CompositeFunction <- function(x, n = 1L, ...) {
  compose(tail(as.list.CompositeFunction(x), n, ...))

#' @export
names.CompositeFunction <- function(x) {

#' @export
`names<-.CompositeFunction` <- function(x, value) {
  fs <- as.list.CompositeFunction(x)
  # From rlang::names2()
  if (is.null(value)) {
    value <- rep("", length(fs))
  } else {
    value <- value %|% ""
  names(fs) <- value

#' @export
length.CompositeFunction <- function(x) {

#' @export
as.list.CompositeFunction <- function(x, ...) {

#' @method unlist CompositeFunction
#' @export
unlist.CompositeFunction <- function(x, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE) {
         recursive = recursive, use.names = use.names)

#' @export
print.CompositeFunction <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("<Function Composition>\n")
  cat("In order of application:\n")
  fs <- as.list.CompositeFunction(x)
  nms <- index_names(fs)
  pipeline <- unlist(fs)
  for (i in seq_along(pipeline)) {
    out <- trim_capture(pipeline[[i]])
    cat("\n", nms[[i]], "\n", paste0("\ \ ", out, "\n"), sep = "")
  cat("\nRecover the list of functions with 'as.list()'.\n")

index_names <- function(x) {
  path_nms <- vapply(index_paths(x), paste, "", collapse = "]][[")
  sprintf("[[%s]]", path_nms)

index_paths <- function(x) {
  if (!is.list(x))
  idx_nms <- as_indices(names(x))
  paths <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    subpaths <- index_paths(x[[i]]) %??% list(NULL)
    lapply(subpaths, function(path) c(idx_nms[[i]], path))
  do.call(c, paths)

as_indices <- function(nms) {
  is_named <- nzchar(nms)
  nms[ is_named] <- sprintf('"%s"', nms[is_named])
  nms[!is_named] <- seq_along(nms)[!is_named]

#' @importFrom utils capture.output
trim_capture <- function(f) {
  out <- capture.output(print(f))
  if (inherits(f, "PartialFunction"))
    out <- out[-c(2L, length(out) - 1L, length(out))]

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